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<br />� . T.NE MORTGAGOR. . FURTHER WVENANTS AND :AGREES: • � r < < 1 � .
<br /> . � 1
<br /> � � � � � �. That the". Mortgagnr wdl � pay .the inde6tedness� as � hereinbe(orc . pravided, . , . � � .� � � � � � . � � .
<br /> . . � .Thnt �lhe Mortgngur is the 'tiwner � of suid property in 7ee� simryle nnd has Rood �right � and lawful � aulhorily fo- sell and � � � . �.
<br /> cunvey the safne u�d that Aho same�. i8 fre� snd plear o( �ny lien or r•,ncumbrancej. anH t1iaC. Modgagor' will' warrant nnd defi•nd the � , .
<br /> r titlr. lo said , premises against the c�aims of n11 -Persons whomsoever.
<br /> To pay iFnYnndiutely when'due anA payable a11 gpnernl taxes; speciaLtnxry, special as�essnunts, watrr cfrarges, scae� serv> ' '
<br /> � ice' c}�argrs, and�.�other�tases . and� cliarges ngainst �iaid �� property, nnd :dl InYcy levird un the �deht secured hereby, :�nd tu (urnish thn � � . . � ��
<br /> �. � � bforlgagec, upon-.requrst: .� p-i[M� the -original . or �luplic�tc+` recei�ils. theiefor. 'I'lie M�iitga6or agrces �lhut � lhr. re shull lie : added to '. . . . � .
<br /> � � ench � montfilY i;j�ymrnt � required . }�ireunder i�r uiidcr. tfie evidence �o[ � de6t s.dcured I�ereNy,an amuunt r.,timaled hy l6e . Al�irfgagec . . � � , � .
<br /> �;
<br /> �to - be aufficient�.�tu enable��the Morlgagec-to pay, as they brcome �iue. all tnxrs; assessmenls, rind �imilaech�rges u�xm� t6e . prrm• � � � � � .
<br /> � . � ' � ises � siibjeCE theieto: any �leficienc}• � bvcmise �ii[ Ihe� insntfioieniy iif �such �udditiimlil payments sltall� � Lc �� ti�rlhia�ith ' �leposi�ed � hy ��lh�: . . �
<br /> . Mti;lgngor �dith tlie . ;�tc>rtgngee � upun � ilemand Ly ih�� 1lortgagee Any default undcr Wis , paraKraph xhall b� drrmed � a dofnult � in . . . .
<br /> ; payineiil �o[ �lazes,, a>,evsments, - nr ' similar charg��s � reyuirud .hi�rewidcr. � � . � � � � � � � - - � � � � :. .
<br /> .. � . ;1'he � Afurfga�;oi � alSrees� �thal there �sl�alt also �be added. tr� �'acL munthly paymanL .uf princip�� and� inte.rest myuired.. herr. � . . . � � ..
<br /> " � . undnr nn amount estimated by ihe Morlgager. 1a bu sufiicient tn enuMc• the �Tortgngru lo pny. us- i� hi�cumrs duc, � � he insurunce � � � � .�
<br /> . � premium �w any. insurance policY dvlivered lo lhe Rlortgugee Anv deficieuic}� b�•causcr n( the insuflicienr.y uC suct� udditic,nal �iay- � . . �
<br /> � metits tihall '.tn (nrtliwith �deposllyd by tfie � MortgUgor with thc .hinrtgagee upon � demand by � lhc• Startgngir. Any drfuult 'undcr t'nis � �
<br /> paragruph shall lx� deemed �u defuult in ihe pa}•menl of insurance� premiiirns. Ifihi� �policy nrpoliri�K� �iepi�sited ai�• suclras Ix��nc:� � �� . . . . .
<br /> � ���wnen nr all riek }ndicies, nnd thc deposits are insu(ficient t�� pay ihr entire premium. the Murfgage�� may apply fhe de�»sit tn , � � .
<br /> pay premiums on. riske7r�{uired to �Me �insured by" thismorl�;age. . . . � . , . . � . . .
<br /> �
<br /> Yaymenlv wadc I�y lhe Atort�;agor wider tl��� above p:iragraphs may, al lhe uptian o( the ?�fortg.3�ee, be hcld � hy it and . . � � ..
<br /> _ commingied with �other siich futids� or iis own fundn Cor ihe ���ayment of snch � items, ami until so applird, such pflymnnts ure brreby � � � - � .
<br /> pledged as security (or the unpaid L;d�mce n[ the tno� t�oge iridebfedness. � . . . . ,
<br /> � To procure. delicer tn. :,nd m�intain fur ih�� L��nefit o( lhe �iurlgagec dnring Lhe li(e ot this mortgnge urigin;d poficic; and � � � .
<br /> renewals thercv�f; delivered at least ten d:q�s Ix�furethe .expiration o[ an}• such poltcie•�., in;uring against fire and uther insurahle � � .� .� . �
<br /> - :]II217KI9, fllSURIIlP9� UIl(� c�ntingencicg as the \forlKagec maY n�uire, in am m�ount �qunl to � thc � indebtednens Secured by this � ��
<br /> Alortgage. and in companies acceptaLle to I }�i• �torfgagve. willi loss payable clause in (avur o( and in (urm acceptahir to !he �tor�gu• . . .
<br /> gre. Li � lhe event nny policY is nut .teneu�rrl un t�r hefore� trn days uf ils expiration. [he A1origagi�e ntay. pr<xure insuranre on the ' . � � .
<br /> � improvemeiils, pny lhe premium theretnq :md such sum shall I;eenme immediatcly due and pnya6le •r�ith interest at � thi� rete set � . � �
<br /> [orth in said � nule until paid � and shali !K secured Ly (his . rnnrl�nge. I'ailure on die part of lhe D1urtgngor to fumish such renewals � � . . . .
<br /> _ as are herein reeiuired ur tailure to pay eu�y sunu arh•anced hereund�r sha11, at the nption n[ the hfortgagre, cunstitute a dr.[ault � � � � � � . �
<br /> ' �mder the. tcrnu of lhis mottFa�;e. 7'h�• drlivery of sucli P�.�lici�•s slrill , in the ���•ent o( dc(�ull . �•unslitute an assi�rvnent of the wi� � � .. � � � � .
<br /> _�
<br /> eern�Ki� premium. � . � . � . . . . .
<br /> �� Any � sums rrceired by � ihv !.�Iorlgagce by reason of luss or damnge insured . against m;�p be . retuined by. the �turtg�gee . � � � � �
<br /> ; nnd nppli�vl tuward the pnyment o[ U�c debt hereby srcured, or, at the option of the hiortgagee, sucli sums irither whoily ur in � . � �
<br /> pnrt may t>e pnid . over to Uie ,�fortga�;or. tu � useu to repair such Luildings or to 6uild ' new 6uildings in Iheir p1ar�� ur for any - � - �
<br /> � other purpose or objirt s:ilisfaciorp to the Rlortgngec �a•ithnut a(1'ecting the� lien on thr mnrtgnge (or the (ull Nmo�mC secured here� � . � . �. � � .
<br /> � by hefore such payment cver hwk pince. �� . . . � � � �
<br /> � _ Tu P���mplly rcpair, nstwe or rebuild any buildincs or improvemenfs now ur herra(ter on thc premises which may tx- � - � . � �
<br /> � come d+unnged or destroy��c1 : lu krep s:�id premises in „�wd cundition and repnir and (ree Gom any mr.chanic's lien or othrr lien nr ' . .
<br /> cluim af lien not exprcssiy xuiwrdinaied to the licn here�i>(: nof to sutier nr permit any unlawful usr of or any nuisance to ecist on � � . �
<br /> i. � . . s�id property nor lo permit waste un said prcmises, nur tn Ju any ufher act whereby the pruperly hereby cnnveycd shnll fxcome . . . . .
<br /> Icss valuable, nor lo diminish or impair its value by sry aM or amission tn art : !n rnmply «�ith all requirements O� I�W W1� Il resprct �. � � � . �
<br /> to the mortga}�ed premises and thr use lhereoL � � . �
<br /> . Thal shuuld the premise� or :my Purl therrnf In• takcu ur d�amaged by rrn�un of nrn• puhlic imprma•mrnt or condemnation . . � � .
<br /> :` � proce.eding. or under thc rigLt u[ ��minent d��main, ur in any ulher manner, the Alorigager shall be �•nliUed to all compensztions, � . � .
<br /> . � awards, and any other p�yment or relie( thrre(or, and ehal! be entitled, at ils option, to cnmmence. appenr in anrl prosecute in ils � . . � � �
<br /> � . own natne any ac[ion ur proceeding, ur lu make any compromise or sMtlement in connection �eitli such taking ur damage. All such � . � � � �
<br /> � compensation, uwards. damages. right o( -action and � proceeels are here6y assigned to ihe blorlgagee, w�ho may, after � deducting : , � . .
<br /> �- therefrom ull iLs ezpens¢s, release any moncyc so reccived by it or apply the same on any indebtedness >ecured h�reby. '1'he Storb � .
<br /> � gi�yor . ngrees . lu extK.v�e such furlher assignmenls o( r�ny oumpen�aGun. awnrds, Jam�agr^„ and rights of action and procei•da as the � � ,
<br /> � MorlgaKee � may require .
<br /> That in case o[ failure to perfurm any c�( the covenants herein, the Atortgagce muy do on the �tortg�gor's hehalf �verythinq �
<br /> � so covenanted; that the hiurtgagee may also du any act it may deem neces;ury tu prolecl the lirn thereo(; that the piorlKagor will "
<br /> repey upon demnnd any moneys pnid or disburscd by ihe I�1o�tgagrc (or any of the above purposes, nnd such moneys tngetfier wilt� '�
<br /> 8
<br /> ' interest thereon at the rr�te provided in suid note shnll become 'so much addilion�l indeb�edness hereby crcured nnd mny be in• �'
<br /> � cluded in any decree toreclosing this murlFage nnd be paid oul of Ihe rents or promeds ut sale uf said premises it nol othetu�ise �� � �
<br /> . pttid; that it shall not be obligalory upnn the rturtgagee to inquize into Ihe velidity ot nny liem, encumbrances, ur claim in ad- �
<br /> � � vancing moneys . as akwve eulhorized, but nolhing hercin cantnined shall be rnnstrued us r�quiring the AtortKugee lo ndvnnce nny �
<br /> ; moneys for any such puq�ose nor to do any nct hereunder; und that Dtortgagee shall nol incur xny pt•rsunal liability bviceuse of any
<br /> thing it muy do or omit. lo do hereunder. .
<br /> N:
<br /> � In the event uf the de(ault by Murtgugor in lhe puyment o( any inatallmtnt, ns reyuired by Ihr Nute secured hereby. or
<br /> - �� in the performnnce of the o61i�;alion in ihis mortgaKc or in tl�e nole setumrl thernby, lhe !�1orlgaRtE• ?h.�ll be entiUcd tn dreiare �he �
<br /> � �. debt secumd hereby duc und puynble �ri�hout notice, und the �4ortgngee shall be entitled at its upfion, withnul nolice, either by itself .
<br /> � or by n receiver !o be ap�winted by the court thereof, and without regard to lhe adcquacy o[ any security fur the indebtedness sr. -
<br /> cured hereby, to enter upon and take posSessiun' of the mortgaged premiees, and to coliccl und reirive the rents; issues and profits
<br /> �_ lherco[: and .apply the same, Jess costs o( operntion and rnllection, � upon tl�e indehtednesv securrd liy this mortgage; suid rrnts.
<br /> _ is+ues and profits being hereby��axwigned to lhe Mort¢agee as (urther security for lhe payment n( all indebtedness rxrvred .hernby.
<br /> �, Thr Morigngee shalt have the power to appoint nny agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of ropairing wid prem• ; � , .
<br /> isey: renting the same: co!!ecling the rents, revenues und income, und it muy pay nut uf said incume all �•xprmr. incurnYl in rnnt� . �' ' - � "�':� ' '
<br /> h .
<br /> ing and munaR�ng !he snme � and of cullectinq the rentals therr(rom: The balance remnining. i( uny, shall br :y�plied tou�nrd the . N ,,;�
<br /> � discharge. o! lhe mortgage indebledness. �This assiR�enl is In terminatr and becomr null and void upun relrHse of this mortgage. . }
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