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� <br /> r . . . . . t . [� . � . <br />�: � � �� : s.., <br />'[' � � . . � . � � � . . . . % ..�. �� � . . <br /> �.,..,�.,. . . � . . . . � � � � � . ... <br /> s�7 :: � . . . . . . . . . , . . <br />� :_�7� . !1 (1 (� ;1 r. . :. . . ._ : ; . - - ' <br /> C!.�t'lii • � tl... . _. . .. . . . . . . _ . . . . . .. . . . : . . . _ � . .._ .. _ ..... . : . . . _ _ . . . . <br /> THE :. MORTGAGOR FURTHER COVENAN'15 AND _AGRCE9 ; '. � 4 � ; j k <br /> . Thnt the-Mortgag�r wiil �iav'the inde6tedncss ne. hereinbefore: prwidecl. ; . , <br /> � � �. � That the ��'Murtgagur ���is tl+e • owncr of s:+id :�pro��erly �in fee simplc nnd has go�xl ri�;ht and . Inwful nulhority tn tinll nnd �;�' I <br /> � convcy the �nme.nnd that lhe gxme is free and cicar of any licn or rq�'umbren�a•; aiul thnt A4orlgngor a�ill w•srr:mf and tlrfend ihe <br /> 4 '; .. .� tille�.� to��. said :premiaes aguiayt', the"clnim§ ,of all persons .whomsoevec ��� � � � . . <br /> � �� - - � To pay��immecliately.�ivhen due.,and p�yable a11 genernl taxes,� spceiul lnxes:� sperial ns�•ssmrnls, water. chnrges, .ve�er serv• � � � <br /> ` ire� eiwr et und 'other tszes ;and clinr ��s s qinst .qid �r� x rty, nnd c�ll txxes levi�•d o�i thc deht senired herrb <br /> i S �. , 6 ' K . I f ` . . S, :»>�.�tc� (urnish��thr. " , � , . <br /> . � . : . Afortgng��, uryon� t�qur.'st;' }vith �tliu'oiigin�l.�o} ` �iiplicnte �rc�ciipts tliereC���. - 'Phe Murigagor s�;ierx � tha4�. thi�re �. shnll � he adde�3�� tu . . . . <br /> ' i � . � � vach monlhly pnymenL ree�uirai, liereundrr or . undcr Ihe ei�iAvnee oP Jebt sec•�trid �hereby an arnnunt eslim:ded -hy � ihe Alurlqagre � . <br /> r �� to ba su(licien2- to � eqnble tNe `T1oitFaqee to �. �u�y, � as lhcy 6ecnme � Juc. . all tax4�. Flvsi�ssmenls. nnd . similt�r: churG�s uponlhd� prem• � � . . <br /> � � � . . ises Aiibjir`t thrri�lo`, �iny�� deficicncy brcnuse � of �il�i� in�u(ticicncp i�[ . s�ich additiunnT pni�me.nLs shnll � ihr� frirtliu,�itli� de�ii�sited � by' the . . . . � � � : <br /> . S : � ��. lforfgat;�r. w�ith � lhe .. nlurtgagco- upun� denixnd � by the \ibrtgugoe. Anp � drhwlt widnr thi� . pan�praph shn1l Iw�. de.mnrd a default in . . . .. <br /> . � � . psymcnf� of Luzes� �a5x�t5mentti, or:� similar� rhurges royuired � hcn�undcc � : . � . . � . � �.� � � . . . : � - . � � - � . . <br /> _ j . .. . . . � . •. � . : � � . � . : . . . �. . . ; . . �. . . � � . . <br /> �' . . � � Tho nlorlgngor �� a6r¢es that �� therc. yh:+ll altio ..IM �added tu c;xch mu�riitly paYm��nLut principid. �and int��rest requircd � here- � � � � <br /> , ; ' . . urtder. �:in amomil oslirnnted� Ly the Morlqagee tn 6c . =ulPicienl tn en��bie thi• AtoriF:�6ee J�� pay, ��. ii bi�aimes dur. Uic �� iisiirasnce. .. � � <br /> �. pcemium on :my insurauce polier. delivemd lo Ihe \ie�rlgagee. :1n)' deficienr.y he•cnuse o( the insn(ticienc�� uf such additinnal . l�ny • � � � � . <br /> � menL+ `sliall � be forthwith d�•pusiled �.hy � the �� ;.turtgngur: with Ihe hl�vtguE�'c u�x�n dem:vid Isy� thr �tortgag�K�: .Any� rlefault �unde:r : his �. <br /> ' � �. parugn�ph Fhall Ix� d��e•med a d��fauit in tl�e ��ayment of insiirance � promiunis:� i[ 8ie pidi��y n� � �wlicies� drpocitrd � �iir�� suc}� m tnm��+� . � . <br /> � . <br /> . ,� . . �. owners or all �isk {wlicir.. artd Ihe de(xiyiU nre insulficirnt �o pay lhr rntirr prrmium, � tfu� �furtg�igee nuy :�pply the drpn:r'rt to � � � . . . . <br /> � pay premiums on risks required tu tx: insurai by this mnriFnRe � � <br /> i'+. � . Pnyn:enls mnde bS ifu• - Dtortg:igor midi�r� lhr ��bove p;�r:iSraphs may. al � iir �ipliun Sf � lhi• At�vq;��gt•c. be liel�I � Ly il and . . . . . . <br /> � cummingted �eith odier such � Iunds nr ils uwn funds (ur thr payment n( �urh iten'�s, :uvi until sn applieJ, sur.h pai•mrnts t�re h�reb>• � . � <br /> . � plexigrd us security Yai the L�i�laid ' 1>alimre o( thc tiiurtgaqe � indeMedne.:s, � � � � � � . . � <br /> i ',. . � . . . ', � <br />� '� . � � To pnK•Ure . deli��er !n. and m:+inlain far the lx�nrfil of the \lortgagee danng dm lifr af ihis mort�, ��,e ury:inal pr,Lcie; ;ind � . � � <br /> renewuls therevf. deliri�rrd �i i��e�st Yen d;tqs }x•fure � ttie rxPirniion o[ nn� �ucii P��hc�e,, in�urin� - apninai. urc anii u�iier incurai$e - <br /> ` � � hnz�rds, casunitics, und �untingenri�y ds Ilie 4iertk16ce t::i}• r�uire, in :m �mount tqua! to thc i.^.�,a.c6:edneri. st�ortd . b� Lhs � � � . <br /> . .t . . 9fortgtige. and in tnmpamec ae.cepf:�ble to lhe �loriF. � u �lh In„ papahic rinuse in fnvor o[ Nnd in (orm acce•plablr t<r th�� ;+torl �a- . <br /> i . gee. In the even� nnv Pulicy i:. not rrne����y! un or Ireture. !en d.�>'c of �L ezpir:+ti�m. !he ASartKngoc m:�y protvre insur�nce un tl�e . .. . . . . � <br /> : <br /> . ` . � imprm•emenis. Puy iLe p�a��iium tto-�..f�,r� :rd _.... . ..i _ .. ............ :.........t e,. y ;,�,d 3,� hl„ ..� ih ❑ ,.t. n .. �,.rl � . _ . <br /> .� .,,,. h ..,�.� ., 6. ......_ ....... . ..::i._ ! �i!!s. tya i _ i{ :� t tl�„ r:�e,. <br /> forth � in said nole unGl p�{hl and shnll b�� =rcun•d L.� ihis murlg�g�', l�ailuh+ on ihe part o( the \4„rtgagor to furnish ruch rrnewal� � � � � � . . <br /> . as are hr:ein nquired nr fnilure to p:iy t+np sums ndvanced hereunder ehnli. nl tLe optinn u[ the �torlgsgee, cntistihite . a default � . . . . <br /> under the lermx of this mortgage+, 1'hr d�dicery of >ueh p�,licies shall. in the i•eenl oF d��f:iult . ennstitule �+n a,siKnmont af thr un- . . .. <br /> � . rarn�d pn•mium. . � � . . <br /> , �. .� � , � Atty' sums recrivrd hr the \fo[tR:�;:ci• be rr:�aon o( luns or d:unaga insttn•d ra,;ainst mny hc mininc�d by thc \torlge�ee . :. <br /> ' �S . and applietl toµ'nnl . tl�e F��q�ment u[ Ihe d��bt hi�reLy ucurr�l. ur. at tLe nplion o: t6r \tortgnG�+�', s�ecL smns eithrr ..�h��lly ur in � � - . � . <br /> � , <br /> � pnrt iney be pnid oerr tu thc 1lnrtgngnr tu �� u�rd to rcpair such builJin{;s or lo huild ' ucw� buildin�s in Ihcir placr or �for any � . <br /> . otiier pur�wsr or object �tisfuctarp to tlie \l��rlg:agre with�iut ❑ITn•ting the lien nn l6e mnrtFage [or lhe� [uil amount srcured �lu•re. � . . . � . <br /> � by before such ��ayment ever t�wk pinrn. - � � . � . <br /> 1b promplly repair, reslore ur n•build nny 6uildingti or imprnrrmontc now� ur Lrmatt��r nn ihe pcemis�•s �+hic{� m.�y {x•� � � . � . � . <br /> � come damaged ur desiroytNl: lo I.eep s.+id premisos iu gcr,d coiedi � ion and repair and [rre trom any mrch:mic', livn or uthi•r tien or � . � � . . - <br /> 7� : claim o( lien nol expr��csly sulwrdinuted lo thi� lien herru(: nui to .ufier nr permit nn>- unl:i..�ful use uf or imy nuisana• to exist on � � � . . � � <br /> s:�id Propert)' nnr fn purmi[ .rusic on raid prrmisrs. n��r In dn ru�V n� {v�r acl wh��rrbp Ih�� prnp��rly h�•rr�iV cnnv�V�°t� s}in�� �n�Cutttv � <br /> � less valunhle, nnr to diminish or impair its vulur Ly an}� ncl ur omis,iun tu :aci : lu �•nmply �.iih all reqairrments of law w�ilh n��pect .. . . <br /> . '1 to th� morigaged premises und thc use lherruL � . <br /> .t � <br /> .. . i. . � � . . <br /> Thnt shuuld the premis��s or ivn• pnrt then���f lx lnAen nr d:una�;e<t try renson o( nm� public impro��rmcn� or eondemuation . . <br /> ryroce�ding. or under lhe righl of rminrnt dum�iin, ur in any olher manner. thr Uurtgn�ee shall b�� rnfiqed lo all compensutions, . . � . . . . . � . <br /> awncds, and any other paymenl or relicf then�[or. and shnll tx� entiAed. at its upliun. In cemmenre. n���!rar in .�nd � pra;ecuie in ils �� � . �. .. <br /> nwn n¢me wiy ncUon or pnx•eeding, ur lu m»ke any eumpromive or setitement in cunnectiun wilh such taking ur d�image. AU such � . � � . <br /> ���� i � compensstiun, awarcls,�g.s: right o( action nnd pnxv�ecle am hereby ��ssigned lu the Atortgagce, w�ho may, a[ter deductin� � � � � � <br /> there(rom nll its .ex�mnecs, �rclease- nny. moneys su r�reived by il nr apply the � samc un :my indcbtedness sccurtd hereby: l'hc Mwt• � <br /> gngor uqeees to oxecule. such � lurlher nssignments of any e���mpens+ition, tiwnrds, dumnFes, and ri�;hls uf netion un<I ��roceedn u .the � � . <br /> Afortgagee may mquire.� � . � . � . � <br /> ,,: !j . . � . . <br /> Z'hnt in case uE (ailure to perfurm any of the cuvcnants herein. Ihe 1lorlgngec may do un th.� \turt+:�xur's brh�if e���rything ...°- .. <br /> so wvenenled; thnt the �1ortgagee may also do :�uy act it may deem necessary tu prutect lhc lien tlirrcu(: t1�iLL the �\fortga�;ur ..�i❑ , _; . . . . <br /> re��ny upon demand eny moneys pnid or di.burseil by the Alnrtgngce for any o[ the above purpo,��s, and surh monrys to�elBrr with "+ <br /> '.' �i inlecest ihett�on nl the rale� provided in snid nn(e shall becnme so murh � additinnal indebledness � hereby secured �nnd moy be in- ti _ � <br /> cluded in nny decree [onrlosing this muNgnFe and Ix pnid out o( lhe renly or pnxeeds n( � s:ile of said � premises if� nol otherx•isr - � � � <br /> p¢id; thatrit shnll nut Fx obligutury upon lhe Dinrtgpgee to inquire into the vnlidity ot any Ilen, enCumbr,mcrs, ur cl��im in ad• "" . � <br /> vnncing moneys �. as nbove � aufhorized, but nothing herein cunlnined xhnll �e constru�d as n�c�uiring the 64ortFagee ��tu advance nny � � , <br /> moneye for nny uuch pur{wse nor to do any act hereunder; and that Morigagir shall not incur any pec.unal liability lircnuse uf any <br /> � thinq �it may� do or umit to du� hereunder. . . . � � � . � <br /> - ;��� � . Li tbe event o! thu defnult by. Morlgngor in ; the pnymeqt o[ sny installmcnt, us .required by the Note scwred }�erehy, or . � <br /> ' �- !' in �the pedormantt of lhe diligation in this mortgaga oc in lhe note� �ecur�d thereby, the :�fortgagee sh:ill bc rntillctl tn tIMI�fC �F1P � <br /> debt secured hereby duc and payable without nulice, mid the �forlgagee sliall be entitled nt its upliun, withuut notice, either by itvei! <br /> or by a ieeciver . lo bc uppoinl�rl by lhe Caurt thereuf, nnd without regard� to lhe nderyuaty of nny - security (or the indefitedne�.v se- � <br /> cured hercby.� to �enter' upon and luke postession� oT the mnrtgaged premises, and to collec/ and tCCY!IVC lI1C t!'f1I5, I6cUCY tltlfl �fP�1�9 � . . <br /> - therco[; and�� apply the� snme: .lesa cusls o( operetian nnd � mliection,. upon � the indebl�slness �:eCured liy� ihis mortgage: � said rents, � . . <br /> - isaues�and ryroGfe" being herebyaaciRned to lhe rtortgngee�as �furtber sirurity far the �pnymrn! of nil indebtrdnesa .crured hemby. . � ' � <br /> .,�,1 • . <br /> � � � 'The� htortgaqee shaU have lhe powcr to uppoini uny ngrnt or aR�'nls il may desire for the purper.ce of � repairing �wid prem• � ����'1' ' <br /> i � � ises; ' renttng lhe�. same; rnllirting. lhe � rents, .mvenuce and income, and it may puy oul of suid inceme� all expenses inciirmi im m�t, �� ��� L � <br /> in£ end mannging the 90Mp AR� o! coilicting .he rentals therefrom. The hslance mmainin�, it ar:y, sha!! br applicd �c•�:.:d ;.,� ¢ <br /> _ dixhnrge ot the modgage indebted�ess. This nssignment ix to terminate and becomc nult and void u�wn n.l��xse uf this mortgage. � � _ <br /> . . . . . . . : � � � �;a '. <br /> w � ..� . � .. . . . . . . . . . - . \ � .. .. . �, � � . <br /> Lp <br />� . . . . . . . . . � . . . . � . . , . . . . . . � . <br />'l� � � J <br />