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<br /> �,� 000588
<br /> Mo[�rcn�E
<br /> hNOWALLLtC•NBYTHFSEPRLSENTS:That EUg2D8 W. Zirrenerman and Monica C. Z71NIle1'Itidfl� 2dCh. lfl h15
<br /> I' and her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> � _______'_Mongagor_whethec one or more,in considecation of the sum of '
<br /> , ; Fifteen Thousand and No/100--------------- Do�Ln�s
<br /> ) loaned to said mortgagorby The Equita6fe Building and Luan Association of Grand[sland,Nebraska,�fortgagee,upon �5O- shama of stock of
<br /> �
<br /> ; said ASSOCIATION,Certiflcate �o.L 2P35�� ,do hereby gan[,contrey and mortgage un[o the said ASSOCIATlON the following
<br /> � described real estate,situated in Nall Count e raska:
<br /> FIUE (5) IN BLOCK EIG}IT (8) IN H. G.
<br /> together with all the tenements,liereditamentT anS appurtenances thereunto belonging,including attached Iloor cot•eringr,all window ureens, � �
<br /> w•indow siiades,blinds,s[o�m«7nduws,awnin¢s,heating,air conditioning,and plumbinc and a•acer equipment and acctuories thereto,pumps,stoves, � � �
<br /> �zL�Cszat�,�,:,r��i;�e;xturr ar:,'.:yc:pr,..;t:c::o:::a_�!!e•xt!�ehed tn�tt used in connection H'ith said real estate.
<br /> And whereas the s3id mortgagor hes a�eed and dots herehy agee tlut the murtgagor�shall and will pay all taxes and asusunenu le�ied or�
<br /> � anxssed upun said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured therebv be(urc the same shall become delinqutnt;to furni:h approved � -
<br /> insurance upon the buildings on said premi:es situated in the sum ot 5 �5����.�� Pxyable to said ASSOCIATfON and to deliver to said-� �
<br /> ASSOCIA'f10�the policies for stid insurance;and not m commit oe permit anq was�e on or about s�id premius
<br /> � In usr of detault in the performance oCany o(tlie ttrms and conditions of ttiis murtgage or the bond secuced hereby,the mongagee shall,- � � � �
<br /> � on demand,be entitled to immediate posseniun of the mongaged premises and the mongagor hereby assigns, ttansfers and sets over to the � .
<br /> mortgaeee all the rents,revenues and incnme to be deri�2d from the mortgaged premius during such time as the morl¢age indebudness shall remain
<br /> unpaid;�and the mortgagee shall have the power to appoint any agent or agents it may de:irc for the purpose of tepairing said premises and renting� ' . .. �
<br /> . the same and rnllec[ir.g the rents,re��enues and income,and it may pay out of said income all espenus�of repairing said premises and necessary� . � �, �� �
<br /> mmmission:and expenses inruc�ed in renting and managing the s3me and o(wUecting rentals therefrom;the balance remaining,if any,to be
<br /> applied toward the discha�ge o(said mort�ge indebtedness:these ri¢hts of the mongaeee may be exerciud at any time during the existentt oi such . .
<br /> . delaWt,irrespective of any temporery waiver o(the same. ' - � . �
<br /> � 'These Presents,hoµ•ever,are upon the Condition,That if the said lfongagor shall repay ssid loan un or befo:e the maturi[y oE said shares by � .
<br /> payment:pay monthiy to said pSSOC1,�T101 of tlie sum s�ciGed in the Bond secured hereby as intuest and principal oa said loan,on or hefore �. � �
<br /> . the T���entieth dsy of each and every month,until said laan is(ully paid;pay all taxes and assessments lnied aeainst said premisr.s and on this�tongage _ �
<br /> and the Bond xcured thereby,before delinquancy;furnish appro��ed insurance upon the buildings theceon in the sum of S �5+000•�� payablt .
<br /> ���� m said ASSOCtATION:repsy to said ASSOCIATION upon demand all muney by it paid(or such texes,assessments and insurance with interest at �
<br /> the maximum leFal rate thereon(rom date of papment all of tieiuch lfoneaeor hereby agrec:m pay;permit no waste on said premis:s;keep and comply . �
<br /> � with all lhe aereements and conditions of the Bond for 5�5����•�� this day given by the ssid 1lortgagor to said ASSOCIATIOV,and comply �
<br /> with all the cequirements of the Canstitution and ByLaws o[said ASSOC1AT10N;then tl�ese prestnts shall become null and void,othetwiu they � ._ - . � �
<br /> shall remain in full fo¢e and m3y be foreclosed at�he option uf the said ASSOCI:\TION after failure Cur three months to malce any of said � � .�
<br /> pa�•ments or be t}vice months in srreau in making said monthly payments,or[o keep xnd cumply with the agreements and conditions of said Bund; � � �
<br /> and Afortgagor aerces to heve a remiver appointed fonhwith in suc}t foreclosure proctedings. . � � � � � -
<br /> If ttiere is any chanee in ownership of the real estate mortgagad hemin,by sale or othenviu,then the entire remaining indebtedness hereby
<br /> � sr.cured shall,at the option of The Equitable Building and Loan Asmciaeion of Grand lsland,Tebraska,become itnmediately due and payable without . � � � �
<br /> further notice,xnd the amnunt«maining due under vid bond,and any other bond for any additional advances made thereunder,shall,Gom the � � �
<br /> date of exercise o(mid option,bear interest at the mvcimum tegal rate,and this mortgage may then bt ioredoud to satisfy the amoun[due on said
<br /> bond,and any other bond fm additional sd�ances,together with all sums paid by said The Equitabie Building and Loan Aswciation of Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraska ior insurance,taxes snd assessmrnts,and abstractine cxten:ion charges,with interest therron,from date of payment at the maximum � �.. � - �
<br /> - legal mtc. . � �.
<br /> As provided in the Bond securcd hereby,H�hile tttis morlgage rtmains in e(fect the mongagu may hereatter advance additionsl sums to the � � . _ � �
<br /> makers of said Dond,their assigns or successors in interest,which sums shall be within the secunty o(this mortgaee[he same as the Cunds ori�inally � �
<br /> y
<br /> secwed thereby,tht totai amount oi principal debt not to exceed zt any time the original amount oC this mortgaga � �
<br /> Daled tlus da oC A.D..19 .
<br /> /� 2nd Y February 77
<br /> /�v � r
<br /> �(Yi � ��7l.5'..L' �r ' J%''Y/!^+�:ryr..�.-�.--�' . -
<br /> tug e . im�rman t�lonica C. Zimmerman�,
<br /> // �
<br /> .n
<br /> STATEOFhEBRASKA. ss. Onthis 2nd dayof February 19�� ,beforeme,
<br /> e unde ed,a o a PubGc in aqd o said C unt rwnall ca •-#
<br /> Eugene W. Zimmerman and tdonica C. Ziirmerman, eac�i �n �i�i�`s an� ��r own rig�n� an�as�'�pous� o'�` �"" ,v�':
<br /> 20Ch OthBP w•ho are personally known to �+1 r;,�''.
<br /> me to be the idrntica!pc�sd6^ SL Ln;�o��.S dt'2 d({�xed to the above instrument as mortg�gor S and they ����y �. � '.
<br /> L •• ��]E il" a;
<br /> acknowledged the saic�instiumeni•tbb[,•' .�., eoluntary act and deed. ^ "�` ,���;
<br /> N7�^IESS fi�hand and�row�al'Beal the daee a[oresaid. //J'
<br /> �(4�) {� p //IJ,' //� / ���
<br /> . . Aj��o7lljni$�OI�GY{71LCi1�.i'�"S 'r '�O J ,(J�S((f// �./�Q/�l'!�(/J . '� �, . .
<br /> r.v�
<br /> '�t � Notary Public
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