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�s; . •,. ;: <br />�'�' 'x:.� <br />� t <br />� _ 1 �. ;��;: <br />� �� : ���. OU0584 _ � <br />� •MDRTGAGORS MAY MAKE PREPAYMENTS QF PRINCIPAL ON ANY INSTALLMENT DUE DATE. SUCH PREPAYMENT SHALL BE <br /> APPLIED70 InSiniiiuiEriis in5t �(i t3ECOME DUE U►1DER THIS MORTGAGE PROVIDE� THE uiruEnSiGt:�:, A::C `:^T :u ncce�n r <br /> AND ARE THEK 3HE OWNERS OF THE MORTGAGEU PROPERTY, UPON REQUEST OF THE UNDER5IGNED, UR EITHER OF THEM, <br /> PAYEE AGREE5 TO FURNISH TO THE UNDERSIGNE� 100%o OF SUCH ' PRINCIPAL PREPAYMENTS, UNLESS ADVANCEMENT I5 PRO- <br /> HIBITED BY THE REGULATIONS OF CHARTERING AND SUPERYISORY AUTHtlRIT1ES THEN IN EFFECT, ALL SUCH ADVANCEMENTS <br /> SHALL BE SECURED BY THIS MORTGAGE IN THE SAME MANNER AND EfFECT AS tE NO PREPAYMENTS HAD BEEN MADE. <br /> �, THE MORTGAGOR FURTHER COV�NANTS AND AGRF.ES : <br /> 1 ? <br /> . �. � ThuL �� liie � MortgaKor u�ill � pny ihe indehtedness �e5 hereinbrforn provided: . . . . . .. �. � . . . . <br /> .. 4 �� . , . � .. � � � � . � ; � � <br /> ; � . . .� . TBat 4he I�lortgngot is t}�� owner. of said proprrly in [eo si�nple nnd hus gocx( riglil nnrl I.�wlul au8mrity tu scll � and � � . � . <br /> A <br /> � " � ronveti � ���e sume and thnt t}i�. y��ne ii free and cleflr nt any lien or encumbranre: ;�nd that T.vlor�g:igor �sill K�arrunt nnd defend thc � . <br /> - .� title� to-. snid ; premisev ngainsl� lhe � claims � nf nll persons . whornsoevec . � . . . � <br /> % ; .. . � . 'Po �pay immediotely w�hvn dur; nnd pnynble all genernl Laxes. specinl iazes, special :�.sessmcnts, water charg�s, seH���r ;erv-� . : . . . . <br /> ice churge�, nnd . nlher tuzes� nnd charge:i . ngninst snid ��ruperiy. and a�l tases levi�Nl on lhe debt sr�cured �hereby, and fn furnish the . � � ' <br /> � 2rfortKngee. u�>o.n � requeet.� with Uu ori�,�nul or duplicatu recripts ihrrefur. 7�Le �lorfgagor agrees t)rat then• gl�ull be .��lldded to . � � �. . <br /> � - ench mhnthly� �pt�yment mc�uired �heroundrr� or vnder ihe evidencr ot debt arcure(I hereb}' un amonnt rstimaled by the� Afurtt;aSee . . � � � � � � . <br /> � . � to be� sufflcient � ln enxble lhe 3lortgagee to puv, � as lheY br.c�me due, Ull laxrs, :isses,men�s, tmd similar. chxrKfx �IHm lhe � pretn• � � - <br /> - � � ises subject thereto; miy deficicncy Ix�causr. of lhe . insu0iciencY of such �dditional puymrnts shell be (nrthw'ith depovited hy the . � � . <br /> �` � . � biort�;egor wilh lhe hlorlg:igee upon demnnd I�y thc 4fortgngee Any def�ult uncl�r this par��;rnph shall bc dcrmerl a defaiilf in � . <br /> `� �. � � payment of �. inxca, assessm��nts, nr � similiir chur�es rryuire�d hiarcunder. �� � � � � <br /> 'I'he> >lortgugor agrecs thal there shnll also be nddvd fo each monthly puymi•nt. u( principal and inlere5t required here- : . . � � <br /> . . � � under an amoant estimated � by thr Rtorlg�pee tu 6�� sutiicient to i� nable ihe �tort7;�igoe to p:n'. :u it b��cumrn due, the. insurance . � . <br /> � premium un miy insurancc policy delir�•red tn ihe Dlnrfgagce. Any de�ir.iene�• becnuse u( d�r insu(ficicncy of such udditional pay- . . . .. <br /> � menty sliall Ix (orthwllh dcposlled by Uir \tnriga;;nr with thc Afurlgagee upon drmand by ihe I�lortt;ugee. AnY default under lhis �� . � . . . <br /> .. � par�grt�ph shnll be deemed a defaul� in ihe payment uf insurmic�e premiums. I [ ihe pulicy ur palicics depn�ited are sucf� a4 hnme- . � . . . <br /> ownera or all risk Policies, aud thi+ dc�wsitx are insu�icient to pay the �mlin• promium, th�� �lorfgagre mey apply ihe de�h�sil to ; . � <br /> �, <br /> paV premiums on risks �rrquired tu L�� innured by this nmrt�age. � � � <br />� � I'�yments mtide by thc Alurtgagor under ihe aiiove purii;ruplix may. at the o�;tinn ��f ihe "1art;;¢hc;�, 6e he!u t>� i! s.^.d . � . . <br /> � cammLigled �rith olher such funds ur its ow�n funds for the payment nt Such itrms, nnd un�il su ifpplicd, such puyments ure h��rebY . � <br /> � pl��l�;rd ns security tor the unpaid balnnce o( thr mnrtgage mdebtednzss. � . . . <br /> � , r..__ �.. ..� .. .,;::ir. :a: .^^ b:ne..: . . . . <br /> i � �� ...: . . . � _.._-. '� .��I .�nt � .i,.c nn <br /> C. � ; � �1�0 j)I'OCil�l•r Ul'urc. .... :::. ........ u� :ui ui i �li' i�ii4l�ll�;CP (lll�lll{� IfIC Illt' Pi T�li> fnin �FuF� G::�...... �.....L., _ � ' . . . <br /> . renewuls 4hercwf, dcliverni nt Ieast len days bcdore LLe expiratinn o( any such policies. inauring against fire and othi�r invurable ' �� � � � <br /> i �: � hazanis, cnsunities, and rontingencir, ic tlie \iortgagee may mquire, in au mm�unt equnl tu the , indr•6t�dnese �ecured by lhis � � � � . � . <br /> .. �tortgage, and 'ut companies acceptable lu thr M1iotfgagee. with lo;s paynble clause in Cavnr of and in (orm accr.ptnble. to ihe ;�tnrtga- . . . . . . - . � . <br /> gee. In lhe event any policy is not rrnewrd un ur beforr ten days of ils expiralion. lhr A1ort�agce may procure i�isurancr on lhe � � � � . <br /> • , improvemenfs, pay the premium therefor, nnd such sum shnll become immedixtely due nnd p:+yable u�ith iNems[ at. ihe r:ite ;et � . � - � � - � � � . <br /> furtJi in aaid note unlil paid and shall be secumd by tt�is mortg:tge. Failure un the part of lhe :bforlgagor to (urnish such rrnewnls - . . � � � � � � <br /> as nre f�rrein mquimd or failure t�� pay any sums advunced hen•under shull, at the optinr. of the D1origager, cnnstitutc r3 defeult - � ' � � � <br /> under the terms o( ihis murtgage. "Che delivery of ;uch pulicies shall . in the t+vent o[ def�ult. r.onstilute �m a;signment n( thc un- .. . . . � . . <br /> enmcd pmmium. . . �� � � <br /> Any sums received by ihe �1urtgagce by mason of lusa nr damage incumd against map bc rctained hy the \lurtga�;ee �� . � � . . . <br /> . ' und applied tmvnrd the payment o( thc debt herebp s��c�red, ur. :at ihr option ot the A9ortgngee, such sums cither whnlly or in : � � � . . . . " <br /> ' pnrt muy he ���aid uvrr to the �fortga�;or tn bc u,ed tn mpair such Uu:ldings nr to huild neu• buildin;;s in thrir place ur fnr any � � . <br /> �;� other pur.pov- .�,: nLjecl 4uisfucfory tu ihe I�iortR;�g�•v withoul ulfectin� the lien on the mort�;age for ihe (ull arnouN srcur�•d hcre. . <br /> �� by hefure .,urh pnyment rver t�N�k plarc. . . . <br /> . �. 'Co promptly rrpair, rr�toru or n�build any buildin�s nr impru���•incmts nox• nr hrrcafter un tiie pmmises which may Ixr- � . � . <br /> come damnged ur destroyrd: tn krep said pn•misrs in �;cnd condilion �nd repair and free Irum any mrch�nic's lien or nthrr lien or � . <br /> � claim o( lien md expre+;ly su}wrJinated tn the lie�i hereo(: nnt to sutii�r nr prrmit miy unlaw(ul use cd or any nuisanec� tu ��xist nn � <br /> 4` � .aid pmperiy nor tu prrmit un said premis�es, nur tu dn any other act •a�here•hy the propi�rly hrreby cnnreyvd sLa(I becnmr � . . <br /> � Ica+ valuahle. nur lu diminisL ur impair ils valw� by �� ny act or uruis.inn to :ict : to �cmply �silh all rrquirrm�-nts nf law u�ith r.•spvct �. <br /> �, ; to the moriFngrd premises �md � he use N�ercuf. <br /> , Th.d xhuuld the premises or any part themof t�� L:ike» or damuKed hy reaaon nf �n>• puLlic irnpru��ement or rnndemnation � <br /> pnx•eirling. ur undcr th� right o( erninent dom:iin, ur iu anY other mannvr, the Vnrb:a�ee sh;ill be �•ntitled fu a�l compensntioas, . <br /> ! awiards. :md any other payment nr rrlii•[ therc(ur. and shall l�� entitlyd. :it itc uptiun. to �-u�orneucr. npp�•�tr in ruid pnnerWe in il.s <br /> ' n}m nnme any :ictinn or pnxee•ding, or �o mukc any comprumfsr or settlement in rvnnectinn v.�ith ;uch l;ikin;: or danw4e All such <br /> e;� � compencaiion, awards. damagcw. right nf ;�ction und proce�vls :�rn herrby n�,ikned tn � ho \iutt�a�;ee. �cho map. after deductinti . <br /> - ihem(rom ;ill iLc ex�>ensre. rrlease any muncy; eu nv�rired by it or apply � he �:nne on nny iiulehh•dnr. .s s��cured L�•roby. 'Phr \lort- <br /> . g¢gor ngre�s tn exrcutr� such [urthar alsi�nmentz uf �mv cumprn.ntinn. :nrards. damagrs. and rit�ht., uf artion and proc.•�•ds a= the <br /> �, ,Uorfga�ce mnV myuirr. <br /> � "1'fiat in cnse o( failure lu per(ortn uny ut thr crirenanls herein, lhe \lurlga�;ee m.iy cio on ihr J1or�ti�Ror's h��half re�Nrylhing <br /> ;o cuvennnted: thal the :�tortgagee rnay alsn d�� any nct il may dcem ni�c�•>:��ry tu prniccl the li��n thcreoC that the \tort�;a�;or w�ill <br /> - repay upon demand uuy mune��; psid nr di;bursed by ihr Vnrlr;itgre (or nny o( lhc� nhovr purp�n�•;. and such monrrys iogether w�ith . <br /> inlerest lhemon tit thc r;iir pr�roidrd in s;�id nol�� .hull becnmc =u much uddiliunn� inJ���i�t �vine�., herebv �ecured and mav bc• in- <br /> ;� . : cluded in nrn' decm�• (omelovfng iLis rnorlGage und be p,�id uut uf tU�� r�•nts or �ir�ia�rd. ut s,il�• uf ciid pn�im�i�s if nu! nthrru�icN � <br /> . paid: th:lt it shall nul hN u6li�;atory' upon ihr �iort ;;a�;cc tn inquir�• intn thr v:�lidih� uf :im� h�.�n. ��ncumF,ranc��,. � �r rl,�fm in nd� <br /> . vAncin� mnncy5 as aliovic euthorircd, but nothing hcmin cunl;iinrd shall Ix• c�mstrurd s� n.K�uirin�; ihc \fort ;;:r;rv�• in adc:nu•e :my. <br /> - moneyx fnr iiny nuch puqu�sr nor f�� du xm aed h�•rrunder. nnd thal �lortgnFe�• rhall nnt inrur eny� persunal linbilih• h��cuu�r �,f any- <br /> !hing it may do ur omit tn do hereundcr. <br /> - In thr event of tha dr(.mit b�� idorttiapor in lhe paymen [ nf an�� insfallmvnt . as rr•quirrd by� thr Kr,t�� .si•cured h��reln•. nr . <br /> � in the �dortnauce r.�( lhe obli¢atiun in this murtgaKe nr in thi� nute �•cured t6erehy. thr �turt�;acce vh:dl b�• �•ntiHed tn d�clare ihe . <br /> � debt secamd hereb}' duc xnd psyuhle withnut notictt. �md thu !13ortt;agee shall b�• �•nhUrd �+t. ils aplion, withnut. noha�. eilh�•r br it�cdl <br /> or hy a receiver to be upp�,inliYl b}• t.he court thrreuf. mid wilhuut m„urd lo ihe :idcK�u�cp vf :iny .:i�<�urit�� for thi� indebtedn�ws sr. , ` "' � � - - <br /> � eumrl hcreby. to enter u�x�n and takc puss��sinn of thc mort�;aged pn•mc:rs. nnd to cnllect ond n�n•ivt• ! hr n•nls is�ues and urufits � • �� N . <br /> � thereot. nnd apply the sttme. Ir7s ccnts ot o{�erntion and collecliun. upon ihe indr,bt�Klnr.r s�•runrd b�� thi. murtKa�;e. ��iid n�nic, . . � ; <br /> Li4,ue� nnd profiLs fa�ing hcmby ncsigned tn the .�tort�;iagee a+ further s�•curirv fur the pavm��nt o( nll indrbt�•dnr,. .�K urrd h��rrbp <br /> d <br /> . : '!'he 1�lortgaF�� shall 6ave� �he pow�er tu }�ppuint any ia�;ent i�r ngrnts it mnv dr�irr b �r tho purE,o>�• ul n�painnc s:ii�i prrm- n �..�1�` <br /> i�e.s: rentinF Ihe same: -cY�llectin� the renLs. revenuea :�nd incume. :+nd it mac p:ry uut of tiaiJ inc��nu�� :JI r� p�-u.r, incurri�l in n�nt� t� . '. - <br />;4. ��'� � ing �md monukin� lhr snme nnd uf cullectinF the rentals thrr�drurt:. Tho b;ilancc r�•mainin�. iC :mc. Jwll h�� :� pplird d ��. ard thr � <br />�' . <br /> dischnr�;e o( the mortgni:e indebterin��:. 7'hi4 a�:i�nment i�: tu trrminat�• end fr�enmr nnll and c� �id up� �n n�irn.�, � �( thi. m��rte:icr. - . <br /> n <br />^ . <br />` � � . .- ._ , � <br /> ; <br />