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�> <br />? . . . . . . . , . '.' y» <br />�7 . . . . . ��� � . <br /> 1wj � . . . . � � . . � '���I' � . <br />�. .. . . . . . . . . . � , . � . . . . . . . . . . � �. ' <br /> � .. . . . ��� . <br />� � %�'- 0005 '76 � <br />„ MOR7GA&ORS MAY MAKE PREPAYMENTS OF PRINCIPAL ON ANY INSTALLMENT DUE DATE. SUCH PREPAYIAENT SHALL BE <br />� � APPLIES :(0 INSTALIMENTS IAST TO BECOMEDI�E UNDER THIS M�RTGAGE. PROYIDED THE UNDERSIGNEU ARE NOT IN DEFAULT <br /> , ; _ _ _ _. ._. <br /> � ANp ARF THFN T4ic� ilwti�u� �nw� rt+c �l!nirrn���� eonn�wrv � iioniu oc�1IFC7 � pp 7HF UNI)FH$IIiNEU. Uff. � [IIItiGK' l7h IHtrvl. � � <br /> PAYEE AGREES TO FURNISk TO THE UNDERSIGNED 300�/, OF SUCH •PR�NCiPAC PREPAYMENTS, UNLESS ADVANCEMENT IS PRO- <br /> HIBITED BY THE REGUI.AT�ONS OF CHAFTERING AND SUPERYISORY pU7HORITIES 7HEN IN EFFECT. ALL SUCH AU4ANCEMENTS <br /> SHALL BE SECUnE� BY THIS MORTRAGE IN THE SAME MANNER AND EFFECT AS IF NO PREPAYMENTS HAD 6EEN MADE. <br /> ' TFiE MORTGAGOR FURTHER COVF.NANTS AND AGREFS: <br /> � <br /> r <br /> ; � � � That' the `Mortgagor +vill �pny the ��indebledness ns� hereinbe(ore provided. ' � � � � � <br /> ; . . .. . . .. � - . . � : � � . - . . <br /> That tl�e � Modgagnr . is � tLe � o�vner ot said pmperty in (ee nimple� �md hus Eo«I righl nnd lawful aulhori�y tn sn11 and . - <br /> c»nvey theicnme nnd that thc snme is $eo :md clear o[ nny lien or encumbrnncc: awd that b4ortgaknr will wurranY imd drfend the '- <br /> ' litle to eaid premises agaiast the clnims of al( persons whomsuever. <br /> rc- . :f � <br /> ' 'Cn puy� immedintely wben � due nnd � ��nyahle atl generxlduxes, . SPer,iul lnzes. speciui ns�rssments, w�;rter charges, sewer aen•- � <br /> � � ic�e. �hnrg�s; nnd other �taxes and � charges pgninsl xaid property, and nil taxes levird on tl�e debt xecured herehy, and to (urnisli the . � <br /> '` � . h'I�rtgnKcr, u�>mi� requesl, irilh �� tfie ,uriginal �ox � duj�licate receipls tlierefor. '1'he � . ptortgugor :igrer.s thet there . sh311 . bc uddi�d to . - � � . <br /> - euch � m�nthly : pnyment �required . hereun<ler. nr under Uu+ evidence. of� tlebt secured here6y nn amount eslimnted � by . Ihe � Motfgagee . � : � <br /> � � . . . � tn . l�e �suMcien. tn - enable � thc� �turtgngee �. to pay. . as lhey 6ecome due, all luxes, nsso.snments,�. a��J simil�lr clii3igea � u{xm Ihe .prem• � . <br /> : '. a � � isee .�subjecLt.henta; .an� deficiency because � o( the - insufTiciency of � such. � udditionul paymenfe shnll .lx� (nrfli�eith. deposilerl hy. the . <br /> _. - j � � ?�4ortgagor tvith the�. r-torlgagee- u��on d�mand � by the 19urf1:ngee. �Any de(tiult under diix pnrngruph shall be dcemed n � default., in � . <br /> . pnyment � bt taxes, tisvessments. or similur churges rrquicr.d hereunder. . . . . <br /> " 't � � 'Phe �MortK�;K��r ugreea . that there shnll :il:w he added to cach rnonthly p��yment o( principnl and in�vresl requited hem• � . <br /> � under an amount eslimated bp !he I�9ortgagee to he sullicicnt tu enable the Alurigagee to pay, as it becomes due, lhe insuranm � � � � � � <br /> . .� premium on cny insurancr, policy drlivrred fo lhe ntortgagee. Auy drficiency brenuse of lhr, irisu�Gcieney of such additionol pny-. � <br /> ments sFwtl be forthwith deposited 6y thr A]orlga�or wiih thr. lfortgager• upon by the Dfortgagee. AnY default under this <br /> piirngraph shftll Ix decme.d n defitult in the paymcu� nf insuranec premiums. It the polic�• ur pulicics deposited nre such us homo• , � � . � <br /> � . � ownen�. or aIl risk policia;, and the deposiLti are inautlicient to puy th�� entirr premium: fhe \lortgnger may apply the depnsi� to � - . � . <br /> � . pay premiums on risky required lo be insumd by t1�is morlguge: � �. � � <br /> � PnymenLv made hy the btortgagnr under thr. ubove paragraphs rnay. nl d�e op�ic;� nf the D1nrt{;agr'e. t�e helrl h�� i[ and � � . � . . <br /> � commingieri wii6 uther >ue�i :ands nr i�; tn.n fur.::: iu: tt:e ;�avn,ent. n( �ur.h itrms. and until rc� :�pVlied, such pnvmc�nts art� hereby . <br /> �. � � pit*clgrrl ns security tor the unpuid batnnce ot thi� mnrt�:nge indebtedness. . � <br />�' � � 'Pu prtxure, deliver to, und muint:iin fur the 6encfit u[ the ,�lorl�;agee during the lile. o[ ihiy moriK�Ee ori�:imd policies and �. � � �.� � . <br /> mnewals tliettroF, delivere�l td leF�st ten deys txdore. the expirntion of any such r�olicies. in,urin�; agninst [irr. nnd other insurahle � � <br /> � hazards, casuallies, and continge!ncies Atl the �fortgugee may require, in an omount cyual to the , indebtednese secured hy Ihis . . � <br /> � hfortgage, nnd in companies acceptable to the btortgngee, with losti payable claufie in [avor oF anJ in (orm accept�ble� fo lhe blortgx• . � � � <br /> gee. In ihe event uny policy ia nnt rcnewivi on or br(oree ten days of its expirutian. lhe htortgagee may procure ineuro-�nce on the � <br /> ' . improvemenls, pny �lhe prrmium thcre(or, rmd sueh sum s6all bernmr immediately duc and p:t}•;�ble wi� h. interest at . the rate set � - <br /> � (orth in suid. nMe until paid und sht�ll lur sewred bp tFis mnrtgaRe. Failure on thc pnrt of ihe nlortgagor tn turnish �uch renewHls � � � � ' � <br /> � ' as nre herein ns�uired or failure !n pay any swae advnnced horeunder vhnll, at the oplinn of the ;14orfg.agee, constitutr o drtnult , - � <br /> i�� � under thc terms oI this mnrtgag��. 'I�he drliven� o[ such policies vh:�ll. in the evrnt nf de(uuli. constifutr an a,siknmenl nt the un- -. ' � . <br /> . carn��l premium. ' � � . � � . . <br />� � � Any sums recoived by the ntorlgagee by reason o( lnss or damuFr insured u�;ninst may be retained by the hinrtgagce - ` - . <br /> and applird tuwxrd the pnyment ��C the debt hereby secumd, oq at the opfion of thc hlorlgngee, such sums either whally or in <br /> p1�rt may be pnid over to the binrtgagor to be used tu repair such buildings or in 6uild m•w buildings in their place or for any � � � � � � . � � � � �- <br /> , other or object satis(actory to �he Mort�;agre �•ithoul afTecting lhe lien on the mortqatie Inr the full amnunt s�•curcrl here• �. � . . . � <br /> , by before such payment ever lrwk place. . . . . . <br /> � � � i <br /> �� 'Co prnrnpfly rrpair, restore or rubuild any 6uildinFs nr improv�•ments nu�r ur hercatter on fhe Prem;ses ���hich may be- � . � � � <br /> come dumU�ed or destroyed: tn keep snid premisus i�i ga�d a�ndition and repair and frer from :iny mechanic's lien or other lien or : . ' . . <br /> ,;. � . � cluim of licvi nnt expressly sutwrdinated to the lien hereof; not ia vulier or p��nnit :uty unlawtul ure ui ur nny nuiyance lo rzist on - . - .. ' � �� <br /> � �� � v�id property nnr ta pemiit wnste on s;iid pn4nRrs. nnr tn dn nny other act wh��reb�� Uu� property hereby com•eyrd shull bccome � . . . � <br /> � vuluable, nur lo Jiminish or imPvir its v�ih�e bp nny iict ar omission to acc lo cnmpl}� with all n•quirements of In�r with rrspecl �. . . � . <br /> .. tn the morlFaged premises �ind lhe use tlirreuL � , - � � . . � . <br /> � 'Phnt shuuld the prrmises or �my prirt themo[ fx� L�ken ur dama�;ed by rcnson oi anY P��hlic impruvement or cnndemnation � � � � <br /> prceeedinF, or under the righf o( eminent do�nain, ur in any other manner, th� btorig.igec �hall bi• enfitli�l to all compcnsatimis, �. . - . � <br /> ❑wurcis, urai any other pnyment or relief lLerrfor. and shall be entitled. at iis uplion. to eummencc, nppenr in and prasee:ute in its � <br /> � own n<vne any aciiun br prottedin�;, or to make nny compromise ur srttlement in connection with such tnkinG or dumage• :VI such . - <br /> � compeasution. m�vards. dumaKes. right o( action ond proceeKls are hernby n�.sil:ned to the 1lortgrtaec. «�hu may. n(te� deducting � � . . <br /> . therefmm all iLti exper�ses. rrlimse any monel's so received by ii ur t�pply the Nnme un :inl' indebtedneas srcuresl here6y. 1'he �1ort- � � . <br /> gr�gor �ssgrees to execule such Furlher assiFnmenis n( any compericnlion. aw:�rds. dxma�;os. and rights nf i�rtion ��nd procr��ds as the � <br /> . � Dlortgagee ma,V mquire � � <br /> � � 7'hat in case o( (uilure lo perforni am� of ihe cuvenanLs heroin, the 1fod;:ugci• mery du on thr \lorlga;;or's behalf c�-erything � <br /> ,_ � ' �o cuvenanted: that the nlortK�K« �»ay al,o do nny act St map dcent necesury to protcct th� lirn thereoL' thnt the A1nrtFugor will � . � <br /> repny upon dcmund unY . moncys p��i<1 or di,Uursed by the \1arl�;ngee fur am of the abnec purpinr,. and such rnoneys tngethcr «�ith . . <br /> interest lhereon nt thi� r�te provided in suid nole shnll Ix•comu so mur.h a�lditiuoal indchtiviness hr.reby srcured r�nd may Im in- . . . . <br /> cluded in nny decree fureclosing this mnrig:ige and be puid out of thc renLi or procerds ut s:de of c:wid premisos if not uthenvise <br /> ��, pnid; tlml it shnll ni�t be obliKalory u{nn lhe A4ort�agee to inquire intn thu v;�lidity ni nn}• lirn, encumbrnncrs, ur clnim in ad• � , <br /> _ vancinq moncys as adx�ve authnrized, but nnlhing hrroin contnined shall ix• comtrued �is rcK�uiring the Dtort�;ngci• to advance nny <br /> � noneys for �ny such P���P��e nnr tn da nny art hereund��r; a�id ll�at P1ort�;n�ec sh;dl nni incur nny pereunal Iiability bec•nusr �f rany- <br /> thin� it mny do or omil tu dn hrretmdce � � <br /> In ihe e��ent nf lhe de[ault by \{�xtgagor in thr payment ot nny instnllmenl . as rrquired 6y the tiulc �rcur�•d h��rrby, or . <br /> in thc �wrfuromntt uf lhe obli�ation in lhis ,mortgngc or i�t thc nol�e aecured thcreb}•, the ,ltortg:lFL•C 6IIilII IlC• rntifled tu declare thc _ . <br /> debt u�cured hereby due und puVn6le withoul nufice, nnd lhe �turf�agee simll he enlitlrd at its option, wiU�out nntice, cither by it�l[ � <br /> or by n receiver to lx appoinlecl by the court then.n(, and without n•�ard to Ihe adiv7uacy u( tmy security [ur lhe inde6tivine!;s se• •r;, � :� y.- ; ' <br /> . cured hereby, to enler upon unJ tal:e pussession of the mortgaged premises. nnd tu rollect an�! receive thc rentti, issues and prufits ' a'�- � <br /> � thereo(, and apply the w�me. Icws custs �u[ operation nnd cnlle�ctiun. u{mn the indebtrdnesv secured hy this morlguge: suid rrn�v. ,'�. : �� N . <br /> � � iv.eues nnd profiLs lrinR hereby as�igned fo the Murlgagce as furthcr srcuri�p (nt �Vie pa}'menl �d nll indebtednrys nrcurcri hercb}•. . �y. ° ' <br /> � <br /> � 'Che� Mortgegee shall hnve the P��µ'er to appoint nny a�cut nr agentv it may de�irc (nr ihe purp��so of n•pairin�; u�id prem• � . h . f ' �. � <br /> isex; renting the same; rnllecting the renls, revenues nnd incom�, nnd it may- pay out ot said :my�me �dl ezpens��s incurrml in n•nb � ; <br /> ing. und mnn�Rin'g � the anme and of collecting the renlnls LhereRnm. 'I'he balance mmaimne;, if any, shnll br :q�pii��d tuw�rd thr - � <br /> � . diecharge o( the mortgnge indebtedness. '1'his uxsignment is In terminnte und lxcumr null and ��oid upuu u-Irnv� n( this morlG�Fe. . � <br />� � _,. � � <br />