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'� � 2' !. <br />,4Y � � . . . .. � . <br />� . . . . . . . � � � . . . • .....N� . � � . <br />� �',�.u.v .. . .. . .. .. . .. . ... ... .. . . .. .. . . . . .. r� . . ,. . . . . . . . . .� .. . <br /> � � �� �MORTGAGE--Savinge aud L.wn�Form--(Dtt�et Cndlt.Plmi) 255•1 (Spedd) � . � � � � �� . <br /> f .,`.,. �", f£ <br />� i� s� <br /> � 7�'.U O D 5 5 9 MORTGAGE <br /> : ' �� ...��...�. . .. � . . - . . . . Loan No �� � . . . � <br /> �(�� �: ..�rxIs IFroeNtqnE.maae��lh�•� i st���. a�,o� � Fehruarv .... . �. . ls��bp ana belwe.n -� � . <br /> - STEVEN D: ¢JARANS AND MARY B. NARANS, husband and �vifo, each in his and her own riaht <br /> � 3 spouse:of the other. ' <br /> ,i� . � o! � Ha�� � County,Nebraika,m moriqagor S and Home�Foderal Savtaga aad Loan Aasodatlon ol Gcand Island,.. <br /> ��a.eorpomtlon�orqanlzed.and edettng uader the�lawi�oI Nebrmka wtth fU prindpal oltiee and plaae ol.bueiaeea at Grand I:Imid�Nebmeka � �� <br /> �m marlgagae: �. . . . ... �� � . � <br /> '-?� � W[7NFSSETH: 7hat iaid-mortgagot 5 ior and In eomideratton ot Ihe sum of � . � <br /> ' i �L�THR_EE TF�(ISANp THREF HUP.D^ED AND fJ0/i�b--------------------�,oua�s (5 33 300100 �, <br /> � the�receipt�of�which 1n Larehp ueknowledgad do_�by thaee�preaent��mortgaga�aad wmrant unto aald moriqegee, Iti eucceaeon md�.� <br /> � ��aasiqna,lorever,atl the lollowf¢g dexrl6ed real entate,dluated{n the couaty o1 �ia�� <br /> � �--�8nd State-ol Hebiaeka:to-wU:. .. . .. .. . . . . �� . " - . . . � � _ . <br /> ,..; <br /> � <br /> �� LOT ONE (I) AND THE EAST[RLY TWELVE FEET (12') OF LOT T��'0 (2) IN <br /> ; ,£ <br /> + � BLOCK SEVEN (7) IN MORRIS FIFTH ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND S <br /> � $Jj( ISLAP�D, NEBRASKA. � <br /> h 1 <br /> � � <br /> i �. <br /> S� 7ogelher.with di heatinq. lightlag, and p1umbiaq aquipment aad flziurea,including a�oken aad humere,aaeens,awninge,atorm w3ndowa � , <br /> SS � and doon,and window ehades or 6ltndn,ueed o¢or tn conaMion wi�h edd proper�y,wheWer the wma ara now txated an aaid property . <br /> �� �or hecealler placed Ihereon. � . <br /> 3 i <br /> i? TO HAVE AND TO HOLD TFiE SAME,toqethcr wtth ail and sinqutur the tenemenb,horeditamen�n nnd appurienances tkereunto beloag• . � <br /> � ing,or in anywiae appertafdng,forever,and wa�:an!the lille lo the eame. Said mortgagor S here6y mvenan�with eaid mortqagce � ' .� � <br /> � <br /> �hat�ha�_ ��P al the deRvory hereol,the lawlu!owner�ot tho p�emieae above conveyed and dascrlbed,and �rA f$ <br /> Seeized ol a good.and indeleaaiblo estate ot inhacitence therein,treo and clear ot atl encumbtances,and that t�e�_w11I waR�t aad f . . <br /> j . delend lhe titla thereto lomver agaiaal the claime ond demands oi all pe�conn whomeoevec 1 <br /> I PAOVIDED ALWAYS, md th(s in��mment ia o:ecuted and detivered to eecwe tha payment o!tho aum o! { � -� <br /> : S <br /> # TH I RTY THREE THOUSAND THRFE HUIdDRFD AiJD Nn/100------------------t�ollace �s 3j 3no_00 �, F <br /> � wilh inle�oet thecoon,togolher wi�h euch chorgee and advancee as may be due and payahlo lo eaid mortqagee under the lerme aad <br /> i mnditiona ot the promissory nole ol evan date herewith and eecu:ed heraby,e:ecvled by said mortgagor 5 ro eaid mortqagce,payable . .. � <br /> . -s3 aa e:prennod in said note,and to eecuie tha performance o!all lha tormn and mnditlom wntaiaed thocein. The loima ol aaid note aie . � - <br /> t, hereby incorporated fierein by tbis celorence. . � <br /> S <br /> It Ie lhe Intenlioa and agceement of the parliea hereto thal thin montgage ehall also eocure any lutura advancee mado to eald . � � <br /> modgaqor 5 by edd moriqagee,aad any and all lndebtednane in additlon to lhe amount above elated whlch eald mo[tgagora,or any � - <br /> �;��j o!them,taay own to said mo[tgagee,however evldeacod whelher by nole,book accounl or o�herwiee. 7hV morigage ehall remafn fn luli . � <br /> lorce and ellect behvcen the pattles hereta and thcit heus, ye�wnal repieacntativea. euooesaou.and p!!I(JOl, U4hI all amouate 6BNTOd <br /> hereunder,includtnq lutwe advancea,aie pa3d In!ull with iatereaL � . � <br /> The mortgagorS_hetaby aWg¢-to eaid moriqagee all reat�and lnrnme artainq ot aay and ull times Irom aatd p[opeAy md� � � <br /> _ hereby authorize eald mortgagoe or Its agrnt, at Ita option, upon dofault,to tnke c6�qe ot said property and wUect all mnla and lnmme £ � - <br /> therel�om and apply the eame to the paymenl ol intoreat,pdncipal,fneurance preeiume,ta:e�,aaeoeeme¢�e,repal:s or improvemente noce�• � � . . � � <br /> aary lo keep eaid proparty in�tenanlubla tondiUou,or to other chacqes or payments provlded!ot hereln or In lho note hereby seeured. Thtt <br /> $�-. rent aanignmanl ahall tontinue in lorae un�il the unpald balance of sold nole la lully pdd The taking of poaaesa{oa hareuader ehall la ao � � <br /> ; manner prevent or rafacd.wid morignqee in the wlloctlon ot wid wme by foreale�uie or otherwiee. <br /> �' The lailure of the moriqagee�lo anezt any'o1 1v dghls heteuader at any tlme�hall not be mmlcuod a�a�aiver o!it�r(qht lo meeH <br /> $ttt�: tha.aame at any later Bme, IaaLLupoa.-aad edoreo�tdat rnmpllance with all the turm� aad.p:orialona of eaid note and of Ihla <br /> S� moAgaga � � <br /> � II said mortqagor�_ehall�ewie to bn paid lo�aSd mortqagee tho aotire amount duc U hereunder,and under the tarma and providooa � <br /> 1�� ol saldaote herebp eeeured inaludiag luture ad�aarne,md any ezteosion�or:enewals thereo!i¢-aecordance.�with !he lerms and p:oWi[ona <br /> }f� �hersol,:and it eaid morigaqo y.-.�hall comply with all th�provldoa�ot iald aote aad of Ihfs moctgaqe,then the�s pre�enb�hall be�o(d:. <br /> >t���olharwi�v lo remnin ln.tull Imce.and ollocb�md�d�moclgaqe�.ehall be entlUed to tho.poueulon ol all ot eaid property,and may,al Ila <br /> S . opUon.�declare 1he whole ol wid aote and all indebtedne��reprn�nled thereby to bs Immadlately due aad paya6le,aod may lorealose thb I <br /> ;�'., mrnlqaqe-or take aar olher legal aetlon to proloct lts�rlqht aad!mm the dats ol�ueh delaull all lleeu of indablednen�aecurad hereby� '^5�,9 JT+'� <br /> . ; �. ehall draw Intereat ak�pet amum. AppraL"ement wdred. £ ' : � '`�e'.' <br /> ?h4�mo�lqage s be bindtaq upoa aad�6all�aw�to th� b�aaltl o(the hslu,eaecuton,adminLtrator�,�uoce�wn aad aulqa�d } � <br /> I . � .. Ihe ra�pectivs pavUa hereta.-.- . . : . . . � . . ,.: . . . II - <br /> ` . w I�le���:�F..wld M�tqaqor S ��V'� .A�rounto ��l the i r hm�s ths day and qear 1(nl abore J h <br /> i 1 <br /> {_`� , i. . . . . . I� -. <br /> �n/���v� i. ,��Ji��-✓J_/ ' �� <br /> even ran "�ary . ara � , <br />� : � ' <br />��� �` � � <br />