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A. � <br /> 1' <br /> L� � . . . . � . � . . ' �� . . � . <br />;�� �:^:e, --� <br /> ' �1%- Ufl � �i4 'r <br /> ,:. - _ <br /> MpRTGAGORS MAY MAKE PREPAYMEIVTS -0F PRINCIPAL ON �"!Y INSTALILMEM7 DUE DATE. SUCH PREPAYMENT SHALL BE <br /> APPLIED T� INSTALLMENTS LAST TO BECOAAE �UE UNDER THIS MORiGAGE. PROYIOED THE UNDERSIGNED ARE tiOT IN DEFAULT <br /> � AND ARETFIEN THE OWNERS OF THE � MORTGAGED PROPERTY, UPON REQUEST OF THE UNDERSIGNED, OR EITHER OF THEM, _ - <br /> PAYEE AGREES TO FURNISH Sq TNE UNDERSIGNED IOOo/a OF SUCH PRINCIPAL PREPAYMENTS, UNLESS ADVANCEMEN7 �s rRv- <br /> HIBITED BY THE REGULATIONS OF CHARTERING AND SUPERVISORY AUTHORITlE5 THEN IN EFFECT. ALL SUCH ADVANCEMENTS <br /> SHALL BE SECUREO BY THIS MORTGAGE IN THE SAME MANNER AND EFPECT AS IF NO PREPAYMEN7S HAO BEEN R1ADE. <br /> f THE MURTGAGOR FURTHER COVENANTS AND AGREES: <br /> !. <br /> � Thet. the hlortgugorsriil pay � the� i»debteclnecv as he.rein�+fore provided: � � � � � . . . . � . . . . . . <br /> � Thet the Mor{gngor is ihe owner ot snid property in (oi+ �imple and has gn«7 ripht and lawful authority to .rlt and <br /> ,: ; � � � convey t}ie srune end thet the same is lree nnd cleer of eny lien or encumhrance: and that �tnrfgagor ��'iIl �carrant and defend the � . <br /> ''� ` � title tu . e•aid - premises: ageinst ihe claims,- uf ull persons . whomsoecee � - � � � � � � � � � � <br /> � . . . � 1'u � pay immedialely w�hen due and puyable nit general tases, speciaLlaxrs, special a�eameuis. a'ater chur6es. sew�er: serv- � . <br /> � � irn charges, nnd other laxea � and charges� agains[ sf�id propertq; and all tases I�•vied on the debt secured hereby, and to furnisk the . <br /> � MortRagee, . upon requect, with the. . originnl nr. duplicnfe recaiUts therefor. 'I'he I�tortF�For agr�es that ..ihere. shall Le .added tn <br /> each monthly Imyment required hereunder or under the evid'encc uf drht necumd hereby nn umount estimuted� by Ihe i4lortgngee � <br /> � , , - � to be sutfici�•nC lo enablc thr ?�tortgagee . tn pay, as they � Uernme . due, ull iaxes, a;s�°s5m�nf,, �nd �imilar chauges u4wn the prem- <br /> . �ises subject tliemta. � any�. deficii�ncy, bt>causc id ihe ii�.,utficiency o( such additionnl pa}'menl9 s!iall Le f��rthu�iW . depo<ited . by. lhe <br /> � � � biortgugar � with the Afortgugee upon demar.d br thc D4orignqee. Any de[eult under this par:igraph shall be dremed a delnult in . <br /> . � payment of faxes, assessments. nr similnr charg�s rrquired hcreundee : � � � . <br /> . Th�• A4orlgagur aKrees thnt there �hall also tx• ndded lo eE+ch mnnthly Puyment of pnn.:pal and intere�t rrquired here• � . � . <br /> under un amount estimaitvi bp the Alurtgngce tn IHe sufiicient tn ennble thr \tortgagee tn pap, a�+ it brcom�s due, the insurance <br /> � � premium on any insurance policg drlierred tn ihe lfortFagee Any deficiency becaustr o[ the muQiciency of such additional pay- . <br /> � ments shall lM forihx•ith deposited b}' the 1?ortga.ur H�ith the Atoripagee upon demand by fhe \lorfga�ee. Any detault under this - <br /> - paragraph sh��ll be dirmed a defnult in ihr payment nf insurunce premium5. ]f the �wliey nr policies depn:itc•d are such us homr.- . <br /> �� ; � ownere or all risk policies. and the de{x�si4+ iare insutGcient to p�y the ��ntire �immium, ihe \fort��gce ena>' apply the de{weit to � <br /> , � pay premiums nn risks requircd to b�• in;ur�vi by this morfgaRe: . � �. . <br /> 9�' �� . Puvmenis mnde bv the �tnrt�a�or under thr above par��rapns map, a[ the optiim nf ihc� AfurlgaRee, be held by it and � _ . �. . <br /> n�mmingled with other such funcLs or iis oan lunds tur the payment o[ such ifemx .�nd imiil sn applied, such paym�nis nre h�re6y , � . � <br /> p!csige�l as secu�i�y inr ihe unpaid bnlnnce uf the mortgage� indehtrdnr�:c . . �.. . . <br /> � i ']'n prvcure, deliver tu, and inaintuin for lhu henefit ot the ;�furt�;aKee during the li(e nf this rnort�age oripinal policics and , <br /> renewals Iher��[. delivereel ut lenst irn dacs }�[ure U�e e�piration o[ anv such polic�es. insurii�g :ag:�insc tire [md other ineuruble � . . <br /> � hazards, cusuulfies, and rontingenries as tlie 1lortgagee may tequire; iu an ar.,oa�t �:quai t.-, .t�e ; vr,d;.:�;i���y �riun•�i i�y iiiis � � - : . <br /> -� s � � hlortgt��e, and in compxnies acceptable to the !1lortga�ee, with loss payable clause in taror ot and in inrm nrceptable in the \lort�a- <br /> '' gee. In the event am• {rolicy is not reneweYl on ur bcdore ten days n[ iLs expiratinn, the �1ort�;agee mar prorum insurance on the , � � <br /> s <br /> ' -i �. imprwemenlc, pay the prnmium there[or, and such sum shall lx-c�me immediately due and paynble �� nh inlerest at the rate set <br /> � torth in snid note until puid and shall be secured by this mor(ga�e. Failure on the part of the 11ortgx;,or to (umi�L such rc•newais � . � <br /> ? � � � as are herein requimd or (ailurn lo pay stny sums adeanced hereunder shall. at the uption o( the \1oriFa�;e�•. cunstitute u detaull � - � <br /> under the terms o( this- morfrnge. 'I'he deli�'erv o( ;uch policii�s shall. in the cvent n[ dr.•(auli. ronsfilute nn fl,signment o( the um � . . <br /> � a c•tirncrl premium. � . " � <br /> j <br /> Anv sum� rec.,ived hy the ASorte:Lee by rcasun o( loss or dnmage insured nKainst may be. rrt:�ined by the \9ort„agee . . � . . . . . <br /> -+ nnd n}rpt;rd to:vard :he p3cmeat ot th� detl her!.by urun�l. or. ut thn o��tion of the Mortr,ag�K. �u�•h �ums ei±h�,r whollv or ir. . . . . . . <br /> p�irt may be paid o��er tn the ?�lurtKv�:<n tn Im usi�rl to repair such 6uildinRs or tu bvild nr�.• buil�lin�s m their place or !or any " . . <br /> nther pvrP�u' �>r ohject snti=factop• to Ihe 31nrt �ngee withnul �d(cK•tinK Ihe lirn nn the mnrt�a�;c iur lbi� (ull amowit s�°cured herr- .. <br /> . �� l�y befnre �uch yaym�•nt �•rer lai}: plec�. : . . . � i <br /> ' To promptly reP�iir. re�ture ur rchuild :�ny Fuildint;� or improeemrnb uow or h�•reafter nn the prrrnia�s which may Ix�� � <br /> cume dumaged or dectroy�ti, tn 6eep naid prrmises in K«xl eonditiun �nd repair and frr�� irom un}� mrci�anic': lien nr other lien nr . . <br /> . cl�im uf lien naf rapressly sulH>rdinatr. d Io the lien hereot: nut to nuHer or permit nny ur,lmvful use n( or �my nuisance tn ezi;t on � � . <br /> � , . s:uid Property n��r �o permrt •,easte on said, nur tn do :iny other act u'hrreby� tF�� property hereby c<ut��e)'ed shull fx��me . . � <br /> �, irsa �.�luahle. nor in diminisii or impair its vaiue b}• an}• acl „r omisaion to act: tu cnmply H ith al! rr7�uin•ments nf In�r Hi�h respect . <br /> _ to thP mwtgaFed prcmis!�.; and the uu thercroL . � � <br /> � 'I'hat should the prrmisis ur any part. themof Ix taken ur damugc�i by re.+,un o[ any public impro�•emrnt or crmdemne�tion � � � . � <br /> � . � � proceeding, vr under the riKhl of etninr.nt domain, or in any othcr m:�nner. d�c Dtnr��agee �halt be e+ntit[ed lo .all rompr.•nsatione, <br /> � awards, und any uEher p�yment or rrlief Ihere(or. and sfiall be entitlwl. at its option. tn commencr. apprar in and prwerute in i�v . . . <br /> � �iwn name any netiuu or pr�xredin�:, or to make any n�mprumi=_e ar setilement in connectiun with such taking or damage All such <br /> . � compcns�ition, awerus, dam���ew. right u[ aceion :md prtx�•ecix arv hereby as�i�ned to ihe 1lorty;ag�r, u'fro m:�}�. u(ter deductin� <br /> therefmm all ifs eal�'�i cs. relense stny muneys su received by il ur apply tha� t.imr on nnv indebt�•dne.: � �.cumd h��rt•Ly 'Phe \fort� . <br /> , �aCnr ugmes to ez�.vte such furlhrr xassiKnmen4s o! any com�x•n:ation, a�eard.. dama,es, :md riRhta o( actinn and prrr���i<ls ns thr . . . <br /> '�lort�a�:ee may require. � � <br /> � That �in wso uf tailure �o pedorm anp o[ lhe corcnunts hesein, the �fnrtgagee mti�• dn un � hr 41ort�;ni:or's ix•hnl( e�'errtiiing . <br /> ;.� . so mvennnted: that the Alortgagee m�iy also Jc� .my act it may deem m=n��ary �o prntrr.t ihc liim thi�riv�i: Il�at the lfiirt�;agur �'ill �. � <br /> � rnpay upon demand any moneys p�aid or di=bured by ihe \torlga;;rc iur .ny o( the nbo��e purp�nes, :me! such muneys togelher with <br /> �� intere.'�[ thereon �t the r:+te providrd in said noie vl�all becume so much addilional indehteiln+�> herehy s�•cumd and may tx• in- � <br /> cluded in unY decree forccic»in� tl�is murtgnge and he paid uut o ( thi� rents or prer..eed� uf >ale ef �aid prem��rti it nut ntherw�isr <br /> � paid: that it shutl not he obli�utar�• upon the �turfFagee tu inquirr intv lhe ��alidity nf anr lir. n, ��ncumf��rances, or clni�n in ad• <br /> ��ancing moneYs ns �txn•e authorirevl, but nothing herein cmitained �hall lx• cunstrurd iu rex�uiring ihe \1��rike�;re tu advancu ar.y <br /> moneys (oz t�ny svch pur�wse nor to do nny act hereunder, and d�at Aforlga�e�� shull not incur any� p�•nem+d liat±ilih• hxr;�u��� of am• . <br /> thing it rttay dn or umit to do herrunder. � <br /> ln the er��ent uf qie deL•+ult bp \Surtgugor in the paymi•nt o( nny installm��nt. as rcq�urvd b>' tho Nnte srcured he�refry, or <br /> in tlie �mdortnnnce u( thc uLli�;ation in lhis mort�:aP.�• ��r in lhr nute �crurrd thervh��. ihe \inr�ga�;ce xhali br entitl��d lu declarc thc <br /> debt secured hereby due and payahle withoul nolice, and the 1lurigagee �hul! Lc rntiUed at il� option. withuut notim. e�ther hy itKJf <br /> nr by a nreiver fo be nppuintecl by the cuurt theretd. nnd ��•ithout regeni lo thr adeqvacq of any =ecuri��� fur lhr .e- . ���� 't' � <br /> i <br /> . -. eurivl hemby, ln enter u{xm and fake pn::sevion of the mur4^.aK�d Premises, nnd tu collict. and receivr Ihr n•nts. i�cu�s and profits � � � . <br /> �tlienY�L and apply tl�e sune, 1���: rv�sts o[ o�xratinn tmd cnllc<dion. u{x�n Ihc indiMiYln�•sv �enirrd b� thia mnrttiatii. . said renu, <br /> L.. . ic�ues xnd profits tx•u�g hereby �usignMl fo lhe hiort�ngee u fucther serurit}� (or tlu. p++rmeM ot all indc ht� dnr ;. .r � unsl herebs. . W <br /> � � The �foHgegee shall hnve thc power to ap�wint. :iny a�;ent ur n4rnls it mny de=ire fur thc• purp«r uf rep�iirinp s�id prem- !�`� 'z ��. <br /> � iscs:. rereting thr sxme: rnllecling the mnts. tev. naes and incume. an�i d muy pay nut ul naid mi�+nnr ill �. q. rns�•. incurnrl in r��nt• }���y .. <br /> ing and manu�ing 1hc wime nnd of coll�rting inr «nt;ils therefrom. 'I'he balancr n•maimn�:. i! nr,p �hatl h�� .ipp�ird tnuard thr ' »+� <br /> . . �� dischnrt;e of thn mort�age indch(ednew:. This a.+�iticunrnt i; �n terrninntr ar:d iw�nrtn• null and v�.i�i u�x�n mira�� ��f ihi. m��rti:+icr.. . � . .. <br />� . <br />� � � -- � <br />�-xy <br /> I <br />