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<br /> The 211ortgaDor covenants and agreea:
<br /> (I) That tl�e hfortg¢gor widCpay the indebtedness as hereinbejore Provided.
<br /> ; � (2J That the Mortgagor ia the owner o/ s¢id gropert.y in /ee aimple and has qoad right and
<br /> tarujul. authority to aell and convey the same and that tl: rs s¢me is jree mnd clear of any lien or
<br /> e�nc�embr¢nce; and that biortgagor wiU warrant nnd defend the title to said . prem�isea agatinat the
<br /> � clainca oj all persons whomsoever.
<br /> (8J To �ay :immedi¢telv . when due. and payable aiLgeneral taxes, special taxes, special
<br /> a assessments, w¢ter ch¢rges, sewer service charpes, ¢nd other taxes ¢nd charges ag¢inst said �rop-
<br /> �� t erty, and q!l ` taxes levied on Ehe debt secured hereby, and to furnish t)ee 111ortpagee, upon re-
<br /> � queat, with the originai or duPiicate receipts t.lzerefor. The mortflapor ¢greea that there shall be
<br /> aGle�l to each nwnthly payneent required heresinder or under the evidence oj debt secured hereby
<br /> ; an amount eatimated by the diortgagee to be sufficient to enable the ��lortpagee to puy, ¢s theti
<br /> become due, all taxes; assessments, and similar charges lepon the premises subject thereto; any
<br /> ; deficiency because oj the insufficiency oj sucla additional . p¢yme�ets ah¢!l be jorthwith deposited
<br /> Ly the blortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand by the hlortg¢gee. Any default under this
<br /> � 7�arapraph shall 6e deenaed ¢ de/auit i�o pa�ment of taxes, assessments, or similar charqes re-
<br /> quired:hereuruler.
<br /> (k) To procure, deliver to, and m¢tintain f or the bene�if of the blortpagee durinp t)te life of
<br /> i tlais hiortpape originnl policies and renewals thereof, �elivered at leastl0 days bejore the exPirar
<br /> , " i tion of any suck policies, insasrinp against fire and other insttr¢ble hazards, casualtfea, ¢nd con�
<br /> tir.pencies as the biortpaDee �rzay require, in ¢mounta ¢nd in companies acceptable to lhe
<br /> DiortQ¢gee, avith ioss pa�able to the blortgapee. The coveruge. under s��ch poiicies shall be limited
<br /> to the improvements now or herea/Eer erected on t)ce aLuve deseri6ed Premises. In the even# any
<br /> policy ia not renewed on or before i0 days of its expiration, fhe ltfortpagee m¢y proc�rre insurance
<br /> ; on the inaprovemc�its, �ay the premium therefor, ar.d suck s2!n+ shall fiecome immedi¢Eely dite
<br /> ' ; aatd �a�able zvith interest at the rate o/__.__..--e]Eueti-------•---------••---•------------•p°r cent �unttl patid �
<br /> and shall be secured b� this blortDage. Failure on the part of tlee DfortpaU�r tc furnish st�ch re- �
<br /> newals as are herein required or failaire to pay any su�ns odvanced hercunder slcall, at the opt¢on
<br /> oj the dlortgapee, constif2�te tt deJault �iTeder the tetyns oj this afortDape. The delivery o( such
<br /> policies shall, in the event of dejault, consEitute an assignntent o% the uiie¢raed premium.
<br /> ' Any sums reeeived by the blortpayee b� reason of loss or damape insttred ayatinat m¢y be
<br /> retained by the blortgagee ¢nd applied totvard the 7�ayment oj the de6t hereby secured, oa•, at tlee
<br /> � ; option oj the blortgagee, such siims either wholly or in part �iia� 6e paid over to the lblortgagor
<br /> `� to 'oe use¢ to repaii� sueh buildinps or to bui!d new bui(dinps in their place or for ¢ny otlaer pur-
<br /> � pose or object s¢tisfaotor�/ to the liiort�agee xvithout ¢ffecting the lien on the lllortg¢pe. fnr the
<br /> f `:
<br /> Jull amount sec�ired laereby before sucia Payment ever toolc place.
<br /> � ' (uJ To promptly rep¢ir, restore or rebuild any bufldings or improvements now or here-
<br /> after on the �reniises zuhich ma� become damaped ar destro�ed; to l.•eep sati�L premises in 'pood „ �
<br /> ' condition and repair and free from any �neclaanids or otlter lie�z or clainn nf lien not expresslv �
<br /> subordin¢tde to the lien hereo/; not fo suffer or �ermit any aa:I¢wful use of or a�ay nuis¢r.ce to
<br /> � ' ezist on sa{d property nor to pennit auastc on said prem4ses, nor to do any othcr act ' whereby '
<br /> the property hereby conveyed shall become less valuaLle, nor to dtiminish or impair its 'va.lue bg
<br /> �' ¢nv act or omission to ¢ct; to comply aoith all reqitirem.ey�ts o� la2v with respect ta the neortg¢ped
<br /> ,;`, premises ¢nd tlae zcse thereof.
<br /> (6J That s)wuld tlte premises or an7/ p¢rt thercof Le taken or d¢maged b� reason of ¢ny
<br /> ; public improvement or condemnation procee�linp, or atnder ripht of encinent domain, or in any `
<br /> ,, other man�ter, the Dlortgapee shall be entitled to all eompensations, atvards ¢nd ¢ny other pay-
<br /> ment or reliej therefor, and shall be entitled ¢t its option to commencc, appe¢r in ¢nd prosecute
<br /> ` in its otvn n¢�ne any action or proceeding, or to ntake ¢ny compromise or settlement in connec-
<br /> tion with sucli takinr� or damane. AU such compensation, awards, damages, riDht of action and
<br /> proceeds are hereby asszpned to the Dlort�¢dee, who may a(tcr dcductinp therefrom all its expenses,
<br /> releasc any n�oteics so reccived by it or apply the sunae on any indebtedness sccured laereby. Tlae
<br /> �� Diortflagor ¢grees to ezecute s�cch further assignments of any compcn�sation, ¢w¢rds, damages, and
<br /> rights of action and proceeds as the bfortpagee niay rern�ire.
<br /> (7J That in case oj failure to per/orm any of the covenants herein, the hlortp¢gee may do
<br /> on the hiortgagor's Lehalf everything so covenanted; that the blortgagee Tnay also do ¢ny act it
<br /> m¢� dcem necessary to protect fhc lien 7eereof; that the hiortg¢por zuill repay upon dem¢nd any
<br /> moneys paid or disbursed by the bfortgapee for any of the above pttrposes, ¢nd such mioneys,
<br /> together auith interest therwn, at the rate provided in s¢id note slaall Gecome so much ¢dditional
<br /> i�tdebtedness hereby secured and �iaa� be incl2cded in any decree foreclosinp this �nort�ape
<br /> and be paid out of the ren!a or proceeds of sale of said 7�remises if �not otherioise paid; th¢t it sha16
<br /> not be oblipatory upon the bl�rtpaDee to inquire into the validity of an� lien, en,;u+nbr¢nces, or >�� .r . ' •.
<br /> ��r :� '
<br /> claim in advancing mone�s as aGove authorized, Lait nothing leerein cor..tai�ied shcld be coastrue,d � �,� .>_
<br /> as requirin� the DlortQagee to advance any mone�/s /or an� such �urpose nor to do any act here- �
<br /> L- under; and that Dlortpagee shall not inc�cr any Personal liabtlity because of an�thing iE may do
<br /> nr omit ta rlo hereunder. r��;`_�"``.
<br /> (Ja ) The mortgagor further agrees that it will not make any voluntary �
<br />�- inter vivos transfer , of: the prem'. ses or any part thereef without first obtaining -
<br />�- the written consent of the mortgagee . Any such transfer , if the mortgagee shall
<br />� not so consent , shall constitute a default under the terms of this instrument and
<br />" ' the mort�agor shall pay to the mortgagee , in addition to the whoie indebiedn�ss
<br /> V � � �
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