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i , . � . .t t'. <br />� � � <br />�` . . . . . w . . <br />� . � . . . �. . .. . . . . . . . . . . � . . . .. . . . . . � r�.���. . . <br />. � . � <br /> � � ' <br /> �' MORTGAGORS MpY MAKE PREPAYMENTS OF PR1�lCiPAL ON ANY INSTALLMENi �UE DA7E SUCH FREPAYMENT SHALL eE <br /> � � AFPCIED TO tNSTALLMEHTS lASi.TO BECQME 6UE �JN6ER THIS MQRTGAGF. PROYIDED THE UNDERSIGt1ED ARE K07 lN UEFAULT �� , � � � <br /> AHD ARE 'eHEH- THE OWNERS OF THE� JdOHT'GfS,EO PROPERTY, UPON � REQllEST � OF 7HE UNDERSIGNE�, OR EITHER OF THEM. � � . � <br /> PAYEEAC�REES TO FURNiSH TO THE UdDERSFGNED- 200% OF SUCH PRINCIPAI PREFAYMENTS, UMlES5 AQYRPtCEMEliT 1S PRQ• . � . . . � <br /> HiBITED BY THE REGULATtOiiS 6F CHARTERiNG AND SUPEFiY150RY AUTHORt71ES 7NEN IN EfFECT. Att SUCH ADVANCEMENTS <br /> SHALi. SE SECURED BY THB MORTGAGE IN THE SAME ht,iPif�tER AfiD EffECT AS :F NO PREPAYMEIiTS HAD Hf_Ett MADE <br /> T7iE 1fOR71GAGQR FUFtTHER COVE1'ANTS AIvD AGREES: <br /> , � <br /> . . � � � Thai � the Aiortga�e,r u�ilt pay the indebteK3ness� as lsereinbefore f,rrnrided. � � � � . � . <br /> � � � ' � fi6at the Afortgagnr is the rncner of�� uid prep-rrty in fe•e simpte and }� gc�rx9 riF�t ar;`i 9�w'ful ar [honq� tn se7l and � � <br /> � � 1� � � � ttmsey the same rmd that thc same is ;rne and dear of any lien or encumbranc-r: and that lfortgagor }r-i!1 �carrant. �nd de(end � ilie � � � � � <br /> � � tilJe to said premiscs � ugai2! the claims ot. all persons a�hom.we��er: . . . . . <br /> ; . . . � . � To pa�. immediaiet}� u�nzn due� and . psyable a�1 �enersl � i�es, speriai tszcs. �pc-cia3 aasFs.unenL, ti•at�r chares, �wwer sen•- . <br /> � � � sce charges. � and oiher iases and chargcs� ngeinst .xaEd prop.:rty. Und al! tszc, I�y�'ied on ihe dctu srcar�ri };Preb}-, and to iurnish the � . - <br /> x <br /> �� Afoit�gee; uEx3n reqvesi. u•ith the ori�.�nal ot duPlieaie rcrxiptc � thr•r.dor. 'I'hr \farfFagor agrc�r.� that ihere shttll be addeti � !n � � � . <br /> � each �-monthly� paymenf � requimd �he.r�under or under� fhe cw�id 'ence o( c3ub� �rcuted hr�reby an aniaunt c._.timatrd iry ihe hlnrtgaeee � , � � � � <br /> �to � be sufficient � to -rnahle the !.fort�agE-e io pay, :u t}sey becnme due, eii uxh, :��sc�;.srnenL, and ;imilUr ci�ar�es ut�n the � prem•�� � <br /> � isea su4�jcxt ihemtti; eny� deficimcv !x-c�use of� Jhe insuL'iciencr � of sucie � addiiional payments s}tal] be (oclhuith rie�miftce . b:o Ihe � . <br /> � � ..atiFagar �ith L'�e �Sortgagee u�>n dcmand ;s� t:c !dczi�acre An}� r`.efauli undrr v�is ��iaraKr�pl: s't:a:! Esc r'e.c. :d a 'e:�.,•:: in � � � � <br /> payment - �f tui>:,..�rsnmr-ntc. or sir„iiar tharges rFroireri hereonder. � � . . <br /> r <br /> 7'fir �1.ivrtgacur� aFrers ihat tnere �nall also be sdded tn r•ach mondtl}• {::a�meni <if principal and inierest rrquind hem- �. � . . . <br /> ' � unricr �n anwunt estimst�rl hp ti�r ?�1ort;-a�ee to be sufficc,nt b> ennble t%ie ?.1on�agee �u pa�•, a; ic ?��ecom��,: :lue. ihe in=_urance � . . � . <br /> � <br /> premiu:n nn any Snsurance }x�l.icp delivered tu ihc \{nr.�ngcr. :ln}�� i�erau.ce s�i the ir.�?�fvcienn• o( �ach adrlitional pay- � � � � � � � <br /> _ ments ��ha(1 i�e ivnhnith depn,itcxl hy the 14nrtgagor xith !he �torigagee u7x�n de:mu:d b.- t,�r: 41r,n�ag,�-. :irrv ��efnvlt under this � � <br /> � �� pxtasraph �hali 4c deemrd a detimk in the pacr.�ent of incurance prcmiums. If ine �r�iici� nr poli��es� �iryx�vied are such a> home- . . � . <br /> � ' =;,L, �;:;;;:;, :;;; �.�;� ;+F�..,qi, an. insuflicirnt tn uar thr rr.tirr t�remium. the 97urtpa;;zre ma}- 2pt>!p thr deposii to . � . <br /> c.»i:-n or �,.! , ,. . � <br /> pa}� prrmiums r,n ris)s required tn 3w inwrc�r3 hy thiti mo:t�a_e. � <br /> Pacmcnu made iip 1he 9iurtcagor under :hr alvne y2:aer'enns mar, at the n��tion of the \lori�aFee. 're• 'r.eld iav id and � � . : <br /> cnnutilnettd a�itn uL4er such funds or it own funds ior ihe pay�ment oc . ..�cn i;ems, ami ontii �:� �i�p!d�i. =uc?� narmrm� arr� herrim �. � - . � . <br /> picrl�ct''s ae sev.vrity iar tne unpaid ba;ance ef thn mortga�e in�iebterinecc_ � � . <br /> : . . �� � To pCtx'ure. iielit•er :u. 2.^.d L.Sii�inin fo; the t�nrtit of the ;�tnrt_e€ew during the idte oi iiii= rr,urt;:a�e c�ri�inal }'mlici -rs. enri . .' . . . <br /> � renexeLs lhereof, delivemd at lcast !en ciars }�i�re the cs{>ita�ion e( an9 such ;u�L•cies, m=ur�n� a_amsi fire aad oth:.�r in;urahle � -� � <br /> . . fusz�nls, ca�unitic:c and caMingencirs a> the hiory;agee may require, in an ::r�ouni E-qvul iu the , indebt.c.drtecs u-evred l�r ihis � . . � � - <br /> " \7on�e, end in cwmpanie_ ncce�fa.ble to Ih�: hSc�reea�ee, �5�iih I�sss papable ctau� in fsvor of and in turm actirpinoie tn tht '�lzrtga- � � . <br /> � gx. In fhe c�-eni anc pnlicy i> aot reaew-Hl nn or neiore i.�n ria��s of ii; azpiratiun, tnr '�tortgagrv_ may vnxvrr in-urar.ce. un thc � � - � , <br /> imprrn•ement� p�r t}r premi�m thereior, an�3 �urh sam sha!3 �*N-?me immetiiatcly due and � payable � u �th interr;t at the rate �et � � . � � <br /> a fortf� in sairi note until px�d and shall tx• scrured Fy Ln., rnoilca:r. Fxilure un thr pan of the 4Sort.FaFor in furnisi� svch ;tnewals � � . . � <br /> � as am herein riyuimd or tailure ro p�y any e¢ms advanud hr�reunder shall, at. t6e o,fion u+ ihr AlartcaGee c:snstitutr a �ietault . <br />� S under the lemv5 ot thi� mort�aer•. 'Chee deliren� sd �uch pnLcRa�; shail, in the +•cenc oi rlclault, r,.a=titulr an u_:..i�nv;rat c{ ihe un• - -� � <br /> rarned Premium. . . . . <br /> � :: � � '.:. . <br /> . . : Anv :szzs receiei-3 f:�� :nr �lur.gac��r io� :��3soa o: !o=, nr ci.ima.e �nsunKi aFau:.t ma: k.r re.aon�-d h�. eh« hlc:i��tt• � . .�. . . <br /> and ap�iicd tnw�ard the ��a�ment uf the debt ��;err-b}' >n-3reri. or. at ti�e npuor nf the AiorteaKee_ sucii svmc ��ither wholly or in � � � � , <br /> part maY � paid ocer v> taz 9Snrtex�vr to tKe uuvi (r, rrpair wr:^. �,uiieiir.z� or ;o ir�uild r,ew buildi^cs ia ehi�i* .dnce o: tor any . � . .. <br /> � r�iiier Purpo-<� or aui�•ct wtisfacion' tn li�r V�.ri:;ar:r. ,•-rr �. .i''. �s^:r.c :fie i�er •..^. t,. +� nrt�ae�• inr th� full smount s.rurrrl iirre- . . <br /> , hy Feforn sui•6 '{taytr.,er.t es�cr us�k pl.:ce. . - . `. <br /> > � <br /> . To prum;�tiv rr,nair. rrstere or reiiuiid a�)• bu:icitnC° •� r impn,.�e�mcrr.t� a:n�� o: i•cre:sicc�r or, the }uE•miv-i whidi tr.ay he- . � . . <br /> � camr darnaFcKi rv rie>tm>��r3 : to i::-rp ;ai�i ��remi.x� �r. c��;:1 roncit,un un�7 reps.: an;i ;:.�.- irom an�� mcrhanir< fien or othrr lie.^. nr . . . <br /> �- rlaim o[ linn eot es7,re�.ir >ui+�n3i:unteti tu th�• licn hrrroi: nnt tn sutler rsr �:>rmit any unla�a�tut u�r oi rrr an•: nuisance in ezi:t on � . �. <br /> � .vzid propeny nc�r tn sh-rmii u��te nn aid prcm[�rs. n„r : o dn ar,y othrr x: �.�:here!,�� ! nr pru�,urry h .rcb7 c�ncey�vi ?hall k�e-mme � , .. � . . <br /> � � � les: vafuablF. II:tt to fiim:m.h !�r :mnsir ir caler b�: vr} art i r . mesr.m: t.� ::r. : :o r;:mpip w itn a;l trqu:rrrr.enls of };��,�- w�it6 -.-;{Nct � . . . . <br /> �, to the mortea�.e�i p��m���s an!i :hr u�:r ti�er�ro{_ �- . � � � <br /> +� � � . 'fhet snould ! t:c pnanise•e vr any part 7hcrrof fk� t�Y.rn ur damaecYi by r.a��n o: an•: pubiie impro.em�r,t or condemnation � . � . . . - <br /> . � pr<x.t�c.3ing. cr under i}�f• ri��: of emi�ient iic.�nain, «r in am� oti�cr mxrmrr. tiu \for�eae:+r -hali }r- entittcv to xll mmExmarinrs. . � � � . <br /> - nwards, and a:n� uther papmenc or :e(iet il�rr•Cur. ssi:d �l:ali t»� i-rtic;e�!. st iu <:peion. to c�ommrrr.•e. a;>>xar in rad pmu�cvte in its � � . . <br /> �. ow�n namr anr aetion �r. pn�crc-efin;:. or to make :u�>� cvc:premuc <�,r .euirmeni in conm�:tinn u-itn such tai:ine or damaXe. Ail surh . . <br /> � ' c�:,mperi�tion, awards, {;amacr_. rie�:e nt act!on and F�nnYnNis are fiereby ns=icne;! +�� tre A7ort�aGrv. �a'ho msy, alier dr.iuctir� � � <br /> � tnerefm:n zll it� ezix•nk�<. :eli2se• arir monepc so r.tiY�:veri i�.� it �� r ap;::}� ine �ame ��n an� ind•-t,trdr.F�;a .etv:eYi hi�n-6v. Tne \fr,rt- . . <br /> � gaeor agme< t�e excrwe �:uch funher s=�iemnrmis of anc compen•aur n. ,!v.-.�rd•.. r,.,�, anri richfs uf action :ta�i =,r;+•r-ed; �s the . � . <br /> � \lurtga�er may mquim. � - . <br /> �.. � �� Tnat i� r.lse o: failum to FKd,rm ana� oi ihe coeenant: nrrein. t'r,e >fort �a�i�c rosy- do ,�n fhY Sforti�azor�s :��c•nslt ecrr'+�hin� . �� . <br /> .-o r.m�rnantecl: tl�a: the 91ar1ka�t-e m.+p a;u� do �ny ar. it m.�c d<�em ret'rrssan� :n pmtect ch.� lie:i t»rreoi: ! i:u t4c >Tcrt_scor aill . <br /> mpay. uEwn d..mnnd eny monin�s t:aid ur di.i�uncv' F.p th�- 1lottgx:ec G:r brs. of Yhr ah;r:r f�,�r;x�r;. an:i serr. n:r;u��v� tnc .rthr-r u-itki � <br /> �� inier!�i tl:ercron at thr rate n:rn�iricx! in ��aid nate �hali 'tw•cumr �o mcci� �<:diiicna! inde'vir.3nees hrre!p� s�-cen-�] ar.d ma� lr� in- - <br /> � �. c':uded in x�s decree forer7;nin� fhis mnrtga�:e and bz+ }�aid �m1 01 ihe rrntc cr yrncee�i> ni :aie n: ��3id prrm3u�s if n�x ::thrrn�iv , <br /> p¢id: t}�al. i: sbxll nui }r•;aton• ir�rna t7e �.nrc�a.t�: lo inyuirc i�no the �iiiriity a a::r !i�•n. �•arum=.rar.c.��. o: c!aiai in �ri- . <br /> . � t�znrinR monevs as abnce aat!�orized. k•ut nnit:ing h�reia cr,r.tainr�d .hs!1 }.• co;:�tn.r-d as rr�uirin�: [bN .',fortga�<r in a�i��anrr nny .. <br /> .. mo:ievx fnr any surh purFrx. e• nnr tn cin anr act hernar.der, an�i ihat '.SoncsRre �hnll ne� incvr am� Fx• rv,nel liabilit�• !r�cauev r.i an•:- � � <br /> � � � t6inG it mas do nr omif 10 cio hereunriec . <br /> � � � In �x rveni o( fn'r drlault i�n ".1urtF2co: in �h�, pe}�ncnt o! am� en;taiiracrt a� reyuirrti h.� 7he `:nir >esv:�•d 'n.errFy. nr <br /> � . in the jw_rtormnnce nf tha ohli�aeian in this mert�a�e or in t}�• �1ute re�cvrt�d i!;e:eb., ihr \!nr?�;agee• <ua:l h.�• rnu. leYl tn dr<.Ism tha . . . <br /> �. debt �cured hr wr dcr nn:i pncab!r without notic:;, a^ri tn �. '�iotttafee �hall fx• entiticsi at its �.pt�nn. �. �ti�out rn�i n•, eichrr hv it.�eit ..,.,� { ,T �; <br /> . � nr by a n-ettiver .� �+ app�untxK{ bc the clr�rt ihi rc�e� i. an•.1 u�ith,:ut ;erard to t::v ad�uacy- , . .,np -eruni•: fc,: i 't..� indcbtoslncs= se. �... x�-. ' -' <br /> , ^unsi bernby. io mter u�•n :md +2Ke pc,s�s;ion oi tiie monca�:rd prrmisrs. an9 ta ioi:ect and rra•i��r the rene�. �ssur, snii prefits � ��N �•*". �� . <br /> L thcre.�:. •r.nd apply :he <azne. lecs itKu oi o�Kra:ion and cvllr-i2ion uFnr. the indeh:�-dnr„ti r ur�YJ i� Lh i� m+irtra�r : :aid rents. . � � <br /> i=wvr_s xnd pmnts bein� nere6y ais4FnE*�1 to t!}r liortgaeee as !urther �<ruritc ;or thr {•a��mrnt or �li ir.drmi fer-:< <r��rec: her�•l:p. � <br /> � � 3'hr '.Sort !. � - ror � n�• ; , � t�' F � .' <br /> . y,agee shal! ha�e ibr {ioN�er to apyx,ini an}• aFent nr 5ge�r. it -vt �it�= i.r . . nr.�c�r ..i :��;��irir.,; :�,aid prem- . <br /> . . .iva: tenUnF !he svne:� mlieriin� iar renis. :evenu�� �n;i ixxo:ar. <u�, ,i a::, . �;ar r.;:: r! cz::i ir:•.•,�.� a .� ,� r..��,�.:..: � -�,� rr.�i v, r.nt- . } , �.��. <br /> . i;�g � and r�ansgiag t�e cmr and nf c:,ilirtinc ine renia:s t3irretrum. "I'hr lia?en�r z� ma;mr.�. +t :: �•; . . t .,I ,:. ar. J ,��d n.��aar;i ehr � , �, ` .. <br /> , di4rhnrce o( 1t;� mnrtcage indebtednes` ?`tiis . ac�igrunent i� tr, t ���mirat�• wad M:�,;:��• r�v �; :: nr . ,, n � , n r,���. a� _ . . . . � n„rtca¢c. � . � <br />�v.� : �. . . � �. - <br /> r,. <br /> F ' <br />� <br /> w . 1 <br />� � ' . ... ,. � <br /> i_ `ID� <br /> = , <br />. � <br />