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� <br />�: . , s; <br /> a� � .��,y�► <br />� � � <br />; ' ;-:. ,77 Q00525 � <br /> n�oRrcncE <br /> n+oK7c�cE�o�nno. L 22.506 <br /> ta'0\VALLMENBI'THESGPRESEN75:Tliat Betty J. Morris, a single person <br /> : r <br /> � ' Thirty Thousand and No/100------------------------"�°"��o�i���hecheroneormore,jpco�siderationofthesumoC <br /> DOLLARS <br /> loaned to said mortgagor hy The Equitable Buildin and Lwn Association of Cr3nd Island,Nebraska,Afongngee,upon 3Q0 shares of staa:of <br /> said P,SSOCIATION,Certificate No.L ZZ�5�6 ,Su hereby grant,convey s�id mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the YoUowing <br /> described rcal estate,�iluated in HaU Cuunty,tizbraska: <br /> LOT TWO (2) DICKEY FIFTH SUBDIVISiON, <br /> CITY OF GRAND ISLAN�, Hr1LL COUNTY, <br /> - i <br /> NEBRASKA. <br /> together��•ith alt ti�e tenements,hercditnmems 3nd appurtenanas thereunto belongir.g,including at[ached tloor covering:,all winduw screens, <br /> winJow shades,blinds,storm windows,awnings,i�eaNnS,xi�condilioning,and plumbing and wate�equipment and acassoria thereto,pumps,stoves, . � � - <br /> refrigerators,and othet Gxtutts and equipment now ur here�tter attached m or used in connrc�ion with s3id real estate. -� � � . . <br /> And whereas thc said mortgagur has agreed vnd dozs hereby agree that tht mort¢sgor shall snd will pay slt taaes snd assessments levied or - <br />�v,�: � ssseutd u�n said premisrs and upan this rortgage and tFe bond s:c:z:eil t!iere6y before the 5ame shalt become delinquent;W fornish appro��ed ��� � � <br /> insurana upon qm 6uildings on said premises situated in the sum of S 30 000.00 P�Yable tu saiJ ASSOCIATION and io deli�er to stid � � <br /> ASSOCIATION the policiee(or said insurance;snd nut m commit or permit anj•�easte on or about said premiser. � . <br /> tn cxse of dafault in the per(orroance of any u(tt�e�erms and cunditions of Uiis tnoReuge ur the bond secuted l�ereby,the mort¢agee shall, � <br /> iR_R' .� on demaud,be entitled to immediate posxssion of the mortgaged premises and �he mortgagor hereby assiens, transfers and uts ovar to dm � � . <br />� mongagee all the rents,re��rnues and inwme W be derivcd from the mortGagad prcmises during such timt as the mortgage indebtedness shall remsLi <br /> . . unpaid;and tne mongagee snali i�ave tlie puwrr lu appuinl uny agent or agents il may desire for the purpose oC repsiring said pmmixs and renting � � . - <br /> the same and coltecting the rcNs,revenues and incomr,and it may pa}•out of s3id inmme all expenses of repairing said premises and necessary . � � � ��� �. �� <br /> commissions and expenses intur�ed in renting�nd managing the same and of mllecting rentals therefmm;the bslance remaining,i(any,tu be <br /> t���:' ' applied toward the discharge of said mongsge indebtedneu:thrse rights u(ihe mortg�gre may be exerciud at am time during lhe existence of such � � . �. <br /> default,irrespcctire of any tempurary�rairer of the sama . <br /> Thcse Presents,hou•ever,are upon the Condition,That if the said ltongagor�I�all repay s�id loan on or b:fore the maturity oC said sha¢s by � � �. -. <br /> pa}'ment:pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION of the sum specified in thc Uond securcd hereby us intorest snd prineipal on mid loan,un m before � � � .� <br /> the Tu�cntieth d�y of exch and evep•mon�h,until said lu�n is lully p�id;pay all taxes and assessmrnts le�ied against said premius and on this hlortgage � <br /> � and the Bond secured thereby,befora delinquency;fumish appruved in:urance upon the 6uildings thereun in the sum o(S 30,��0.�0 payable � . �. � � � <br /> to said ASSOClAT10N:repay to s3id ASSOCIATIO\upon demand all monev by it paid I'ur sudi taxes,assessments end insurance with iNrrest at � . . . <br /> the maximum leg�l ra�e therrun(rom date uf payment all uC which�fmtcaeor fuee6y agrces to pay:permit nu wasteon said prcmises;keep and cumply �� . - � �. <br /> with all the agreamcnts and amJition:of tht Bond fur S 3O���0.OO��lis day gi�•en by Ihe said\fortgagor m said ASSOCIATION,and cumply <br /> with aU tha requircmenis uC thr Constitution snd ByLaws of said ASSOCI�\TION;then these presmts shall become nul!and void,othenvise they <br /> shall rem:iin in full furce and may br foreclosed�t Ihe option of ihe said ASSOCIATIO\ after (ailurc for:hrce months to make xny of said � � - � <br /> payments or be thrre months in arrears in making said monthly pxyments,oc tu keep and comply aith U�e agceemonts and conditions o�said E3ond; � � . <br /> and�to�tgagor agrecs�o havr a receiver appuinted fonhwith in such fm.eclusure proccedings. <br /> �,��, I(Ihem is any change in uwnership of[he real eslate mort�.aged herein,by sale or otherwise,then tht enlirc remaining inde6tedness hereby � � <br /> secured shall,at the opticn o('The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand lsland,Nebra:ka,bewme unmediately due and paya6fe without � <br /> � further nolice,and the amount remaining duc under said bond,and any other bond for any additional sd�ances maJe theceunder,sha0,from tl�c . � � <br /> date uf exercise of said uption,bear interest xt ihe muximum legal rate,and�his mortgage may then be Comcloud to satisfy the amount due un said <br /> bond,and any ot'�cr Uond for additional ad�ances,togecher aith all sums paid by ssid The Lquitsble BuildinF and Loan Aswciation of Grand(:lynd, � <br /> . NebrasAa for insurance,tases and assessments,:�nd abstracting extension charges,with interest thereon,from datt of payment a[the maximum <br /> F. <br /> legal rata � .. <br /> , As provided in the Bond secured hercby,«�hito thi:mortgage�emains in eC(ttt the mortgugee may hercafter ad�ance addifional sums to the � <br /> makers of s3id Bond,their assigns or succeswt:in intercst,which sums shall be within the securi[y o(this muttgage the same as the funds originally <br /> xcurcd thereby,the total amowu uC principal dabt not to ezceed at any timr the ori�insl amount of this mattgage. � <br /> ,<<a,i��s 25tn �,yo� January A.D..19�� <br /> ,L� ,� <br /> 1. '•rf;- ,�: ��1s-�.£�tc� <br /> Betty.J'. tdorri s <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, u On this 25th day o( Januar;r 19 �7 ,befora me, <br /> COUNi'Y OP FiALL� <br /> . � thr undorvgned,s Notsry Public in and fot said Counry,perwnally pme , j , <br /> Betty J. Morris, a single person ��c„ � ' <br /> � � ,��+� w�ho j 5 {+ecson�lly known to � <br /> L hte�d6f(� qcal person µ�hou�ame j 5 afti+eed to the above uisttument es mo�tgagor �nd 5 fl2 �(Vt%DGX � <br /> r acknDu�eUgp�th 'd instrunent to te her eotuntary ac[snd deed. 1�. �' ' <br /> ��; ESS my hand and Notarial Scal the date aforesaid. � ' � .. �g�y���j�� � <br /> :'�.Rl Comminion exp'va l •� �"1� � R+r� <br /> ro�. .��� .. . S � '}� ���G ',l� �,o j��: . <br /> j � .•• � �'�tary Public <br /> a.�sntat �». \ <br />�, � 4 .'.'rv �9 ,� <br />�^�� �v'�n:�,,�^�^^''�`•��f r <br /> �� � <br />