i. �� � �
<br /> t ,
<br /> i
<br />, ,.�
<br />� t ��: . 1�.�`^� U �U�049 � � ��� � � ' '. � � �
<br /> + ' . TI.R:, MORTGACSOR . EURTI�LR 'COVI.NANTS AND A'GRis'rS: , + : ; , `. : �� . .
<br />�, . , ; , . , .
<br />� 4
<br /> t Thnt rfha MoHgn�;nr wiil pny thr indehtednces nn 'hrrnirilw�fott: �rcrv�d�d;, '
<br />, , � . `
<br /> : ,. , . ' .� , , ,'.
<br /> f , , -
<br /> Tlmt thr Nlbrt�n�or is 4he tlwnrr n( �xi�i ��mp��rtr io ft �� vimpir und hae, go�wl riglil anA Inwtul nuthurit�� fn .�•N rmd
<br />� r . convey thr Nume;und that the�W�mi��lK'fir"a5uid t�luer �d nny licn nr ��nr.amUrnne��; m�d lhnt Mnrt�;n�:nr •vill wnrrnnl nnd dnlnnd thh :
<br />�. titln to vnid ;prerriixo+�m�niNst Rhe vtBiii�i's.�rf iif! `,pi,txohx 'u�Nnmw�� ver, �' � �
<br /> d , Tn pqy,1iMmrdiatoly, wlirn ill�r '�md 'pirvnlil� nll' C�nr'rnl tl�Yi.fl, xp�cihl `U�xc�, s{��r.inl 'nxwwsnii•n11, �.�pli�� rh�irre4, w,wrr :.nrr.
<br />„ �� � � ,in� �chnrg�. and'oLHcr •tnres�-hnil � �•linrgtw ng�inxt 'vru�l �prn�rrly, nnd till �uixra lc��ird �on 'ho ��l�•bl s��.�umi her��AY. an8 in �.,'urnish �hr . . . ;.. � � . .
<br /> y tJlnrt�;nf:cva, n�uin mqiirnmt; wilh tNr. ariginNl ' �w 'duplicMta r��ri►ife 'Hr��ri�t�lr. Th�, \qnrt�;���er ;i�;r�r. ` ihal ttvm ��Lnll hN- erldc�l te - " '
<br />�? . � � �r•nCh m�mtfity. �pnYmi•nt � roryuimd heratnil�•t or iinrii�r Ih��, ��•t•L1i•n�`� nf d��ht �eciimd . f�r•rr•b��. �i�u ean�mnt �wfiroii�rd hy� fhc Nlnrll;nRrv � �
<br />,•: to �t� au(Acicnl'0tn-[ nnbh �'llic �Nlnrlgni;ce to ��ny; �r+a III�.'1' Iv`I`nffle 1IUL•. /1II 3l�kP5. HhNI!yyffiPfdt. hfl(i >:IfflllAf Pfln((!<'9 ' U�1(1f1 tht•.�pn�rm .
<br />� . �. f.st�s 'p41�)rol 'tMcroln; nhy � 'rinficirn��� l+tv�niiNrof 'tfi�� ;muRioie�ni:� nf � siict��� �nddilinn2d pa�'mrtil�;� •,I�hll � f�i� Ytrrth«'itk � 'ill•p<rvith�I ��tM1: .. 'thr
<br /> . . � � TJtartfingor � x'ith .: lhe �fvtorl�;t��;or. �q,e�n d��mrmrl h.� i.ha VFcYt�:n�c+.. �l.�r,y. Jefnidl uridor �his (�Hrtn;rti�rL �•dniil lx� dri�med v �,IPli���H in � . . �:+�
<br />� . ' . .�ptrymnrif ��f 'U�z`w, � +iwrnxmnrits;'� nr �vi�nilHr rbiirKr•s� n•ryuir,vi � lu•rriindhr. . . .. . ' � � , .. . . . . . .
<br /> The � ?�4ort4'nK��r �nl:r�v„ thHt. fhem �h7dL fllsn twr. nridta9 ta� u��rh �rnonRh!S' I�:V•mm�t .of: �xincip��l �xnd inten�.�t Nv�utri�d .�Brrc:.: � . . . . . .
<br />� . �im�Mcr�ut nmunnl rhtiinpted b1' �Iha �1ortgngoe ii, br euflicirnt tn 1•nablir ihr Mortinu:rs tn ��o�y, un . il 'l�ort�m.ce �Jm�. tlir in9Vranrc �� � �
<br />:� ' .. . .. pretinium on nn>' inNnrnncn . pnlxi�� d<•liw•rr+l �Ib tMn ?viorigi��en. ;t�+� drticu n<��. H��rn�rre a�f � tht• iirndfiru•rn:�' �if 4ui�h � ��dditinnril �. �pkp� � . '.
<br />'? . mrn'tP'a6flil .tu��� trrthu,iih ��lbpovifei? Ny'i6e '`An'rl�!nAnr orilh t}rr `�d �`irtFatga• u(r,,n dotn:tr�� ��hr 'th� ?+lort�ugrv�. :1m• 'd��ittul{.. rm8cr t6is . . .
<br />` � .�patngrnph xhn11. �M �dnem�,:l� �e � �;{�,rxull in ttu• ��m}�rn�•nt �;;�in,,.�m.�ni•r prrrniam�:. �t ( '.'hc in�licv ,�.,r rxitirt����dt�prwitnil �:�rh. =ath �sn. tmmi,. � . . � � � � � .
<br />� � �nwncn; '«: t+lt tiNk � �xdiri�•e; rv!d the :lc�w�wiin urc ir��a(liciont tu pr.+' 1hr nntim ��-+rrmiurn, th�. A1o;tgt�eqr mH.� ap�dy� tlin � ,_��,rnvit tn � , �
<br />�"� � . pny � prrminrtt� rm � risk�: rrq�einvf m M � insurtvl � hy tbin rnnril;xl;�•, . . � � . . . . � � � �
<br />�
<br /> i" - � � � � ^pyrnedls mndti hy 1lie Af��rtt�nRr,r and��r th�, nbov�� {�arru[rnErh� �t�:.c. ;t tti�� nptinn n: thc Mr�rtFpµc�; t�r hi•l�; � hy it rmd �. � .
<br />� comrnin�;lta! x�ith �dhrr �•:uch !❑nds orita r�vi � Gmd� Yar th<.� 7��ra:mcnt � nf ��vr}r ;t�•ms: i.rtri iir,tii rw� ap�dibd; su�•h �isvmenb: ;�rrlirrrhy . �
<br /> x � � Plrtl�;rvi -ns�. ercurilp �(nr ihn �� i�p:�id . t�td��nco n[ tho rnnrtt;ante inrlrbti •ln:�.�.. . . � � . � .
<br />>
<br /> P , . � . . . . � . . . . . . . . .
<br /> . � � Tn �prmiirr, drlivri� tt;. � anil � m:nritniri �fn; th� bnrmfit -,f ihn ',4qnrtl,r•Rt�'� d�i :in�: �il:r li(c of thrv nioPtrt��;n o;u:inel .pnGcirs nnd . .
<br /> z' � � � rnnrwnls� �dirr�s.[.'d�divrr��d � »i len�;t trr. dm:s t�tdom d�+• ���tpir<� ho.: nt +vr: <uch 7•nficire. in.urin;;� iigainat Tire � anri otlirr irwurahlo. .
<br /> � . � hranr�s, �meu:dtiex, rmd �1v�ntir��ncies� �nF �thr �� Mnrtga��v� � rnnc � rrqaire. rn rm �nmonnt � eGiisl � � tn the�. indefitMlno+v e<rurccl . by thn . . � . ..
<br /> i � �?vtbrtKaFr tmrC: in 'MmpHninY ru�:•rptablt� 20 � he ;bfi,:t�,nSrr, �.�ith !i�=� (vmrhdr•. �•la�us�. in {,,r��c �rr( tinrj � 'rn lnrm :��r�optsht:• tn ;hn \�tori�;a• � �. ..
<br /> r . �ac �In . thF m•ent sml` P�lic�� �is� noi mnrwr�ct�� on �r,r brJore itm d����. -��t i4�. rzpirarinn. 'tht �Icn�rcnce�'ma�� pr�sirr �ir�surnrz��o 'nr, ihc� . . , -
<br /> t.
<br />; � �tmprr.vctni:nts.. ppy . thc lrrer.�ium ihrrrG-�r. rinri vi.u•}� ram �lr.�fl 1��:•;,mc !mm�,ditdrlv rSuc t�tid yr,:vnFilc �with intcr<w� at th.� rHtr � s.•l ��
<br />; � �� fortF Sn `�.ud nnln utitit prrid and sFudl br .a�ur��ri �li�� �tliic mr-tt,ri�;r=. I'�ufur.• r�n 'the (xar� iif :tfir Fdarcgr+gOr tn Lirnib�t: <uch r�,n,.wnls. �. .
<br /> � � ns are brr?in rntuited c�r (nilurc� lo �rinr :ir:}� �.iimt nd :nnch;i l�r,rr�m�ir�r �77u,l. i�l �:hi.� npticu r,i -� hi� \1crt{'ngia�, rt�n>ti� uto�: r tlrfeuN � . . .
<br /> o �
<br />� �. . � � undet .hw termz �oi 'Mis �rnortca�.p 'I'h�• dr �i� n. •; ,d ,.�.� n t���li�-:a•. ch�ll. tn Ihe �.v,+nt o( �!i�fnuif . .�,nstihiir :in nvlignmm�t trt. ihe un- _� �
<br />!� 'remal .pmmium. � � � � � � �
<br />.�
<br /> r ti � . . . . . . . . . . . . � � � . . �
<br /> . . . � � .Aity sums r�4•otvnrl t:�� � }��• V;�rtgnF'or hp rr;�soR ,. �i !u��� or �iatrr:a�;e in+�� nvi ag»in�l tnn�� h�� �rrininr�! �hp ibC �9oYtSaYM �. � .
<br /> r. . � �and � applird � tc�wnrd tht- pk}•mont :�". ;¢�. dt•n! horr6t' r:.eurari. nr, nt !he nption n( Ihr � �3t,rtt.v�;!�'., �.irch ���.ims +•ither u�t;nllp t�r in
<br />� � �part may �lir pxid cnvrr te Ihe �inricnpr�r tn tx• .rve�i ln n-p.� ir �v:h h:�ildine�. or in b�u1�t ' n��av ;�ulldinF:�. in T !u•ic ���I�tt� �ot �tor: �nnp. . . .
<br /> � . othnt pur�4e r�:.'nh��•�2 ��nlisir�c:orr to xbe Mi��rtci�co�. �„�ihout a1fM•rin�:�� hr, ;frm r�r; lh. ;nnrh;aec `r�r the fuH timounf :�.rrrrr�l hen•. .
<br /> � 4�v �1x•(.�rn vndh pnymrnt -�x�F•r iM� q�ExCC . . . . .
<br /> � � . T'n . pinmrytl}• repqit; rn.,ton�� vr :rhuild �r.> fn�d:iini.� �. r im��ro��t�mrnl�: now or tmcr•n;tnr �on lhr �i[emiw,N. •.ahich mat M. � � �
<br /> come � dmm�gr.ti �ot dt�stropa�l: tn k�rp �nirl p�rmi•�K in �;ncxl :nn<iiti��n nr.n r<? ru : :md trr:. .(rnm e�r,y miti�hxn�e'ti �ti�•n nr �othr� lie•n . or �
<br />�: . _ . ���. . . . eixim-nf :lien -noL �ezpresaiy sulwrdinettd In the licr:. herrnf�. rrut m sufl'rr n. permit. am� ymlxw[u! use :nf i�r � nnc nnivenrn . to erisl on . . , ' ,� ._ .
<br /> t wid � prn�rly nnr to Pr*mit ��avte nn .»�d premirfu, nnr ;i� dr, an}- nihr• ;i�! u�h�•rnc� Ihc pro.r.�^rt•; hrtrh)' inm�c�,'r�I �hn1l �FYv�om.f . �
<br /> In�:.� veluehle, �nnr tn dimini�h nr impsir zts i�nlue h�� an}• m�i or omi•sir�n tn -r.rL To �ompic •n•itfi :dt ;�quirrmnnis nf I��•v w;ih � rrs�m�l �
<br />� � to the mnNCA�rd premine�s and ihe �ise thamo(. � � � � � " .
<br /> i
<br /> Y . � � Thnt �hould thr prrr.:iv�s or anp pr�r� ihrnv�rt h: snken ��r damxr;�v{ {,y� .,,.i.,,n ��( r�r•: pnhlic imp:rn•em�•nt nr .nndrmnntion
<br />�., . . . prcrect�linC. ��,r undrr ihc righl �nf rminrnt domnin, ur � in nny othcr mxnnE�r, th�� \ton��r;er .:h�:fl tv ��ntitttrl to � �il campcnsetions.
<br /> awnrds, nn� eny-oEhcr pRyment nr �rrlirF 1h�vc•Inr. and ��bnll he �ntid�vi. n,t �ts optii�n. tn �rnmmence, nppt•rtr -in �and�� prixt�Kite�.'in Stc� � . . . .
<br /> . mm � name N7tC AMIOR or p:�vre<Tin�, n: to make � nm• cnmprnmise nr srttlrment in :nnni��tinn witA such teAinq. or Aama�e.� All sucA � � �
<br /> ' � � eom�nwlion. ..xwnnis: ��iamc+c�s. ��ri¢ht ' nf nction nnd . ptocwvlc icrc herehv �ncvic�n�d . to thN �Mori�a�,vr. .cha � ms�^; . aft�t 'dcYliuKinc . -
<br /> � . � �fFi�•rnitom -Hll itA er�ensos, rclesv+�.anp� moncys.so mriiTrl hy ii i.r aPPh� � he sAme on 9p)' 1MICIlIMItIPSS SIV'llifll h���rchy: Thr �Jtort• � � �
<br /> � � gngnr � n�;rc�� to r.•xmite�. +uck furth�r n+�si�;nm��nta nf �nm� cnmp�•n.ation. r.wardt, drmn�;�'s, �nd � �iti}i4s ni nction and ��?�n-crvvls as fhr - �.�� � �
<br /> � � � Mortgure . maY � rrqmre. : . - � . � . . . � .
<br /> . . . . . . . . . . �.�.,
<br />` ' � � � That �in -case ot feiturc tn �x•rtorm nny o( The rrnrnnnts hrrnm, th��. �1�rtqng�r �mny �do Ym � the � \4hrt�ngt�r's Y+ahelf �trvrmthinc �,;;; . � - � � " �
<br /> w, �rovenantal; thet the . ��ortgsgae msy nlsn do sny aM �it may drrm �icrusacy tn �mtr:ri thc licn � h�•rm;: thr.t th� A4ortFa�or �aili . .._. . � . � -
<br /> i ' � . . : r�pay tipnn tirmahd stny. .mone�•s�.pHid �nr �rlishurvrA hp thr `�SnrfF.Ac�'�' for�nm• �o( the ntknm purprnr�x. nnd �i�rh �moneys to�etficr with .� . . � � .� . �. �.
<br />� . � � �intemst thrmon �nt thr> rtttr n�m•idrrl in +nid nuto -shnil }wY•omr� so murh ndditionnl inr�c•htnln�s. tu�rhhy� �srcumd� nnd mn}• M in• � � �
<br /> � cludtei in �nny �dcrrre fr. �rlo.me; thiy marlRn�c and !wr peid ;mi n( Ihc rnni< .:r prM•rrvlc ef� rnle nf �nirl premi.o� if nnt mh��nvfcn �
<br /> � � � paid: ihet it shr.11 not M� �ohiif:ator}• �i�hn Iht� ?�:nricnr,rvm to in4�� ire inro tLr vnliriil�� nf am� tirn. �.nivmbnmcr�. ��r �•ISim in nA• . � � � .
<br /> � . .� vr�ncinR�maneys ��ns. abm•c -nuthorizcd.. buY nothing hex�in rnrstained� vhall t+� �concirn«l� ss ;ipuiring iha blrirti;ngrr to 'ad�•ana�c� �em� � . . � � - � �
<br /> �. � ��moncys #er�-.any �xuch purn,�se nor t�ilo xny..Act�hcreun�3er; �:�nd �thal �ulm�tka�;�r. SIIHII � fl(�L IfIC11f AR\' p('fv��llA1 IIAIIIIIL}' �IM'('Allt� i,( nnv- � � . � �
<br />� thing il may ilo nt. omit to do hereunder.
<br /> 4
<br /> In the e��ent �f the dethulL. tiy : �tort�;nKor in lhe pa}•mcnt n( xrtq inst�7tment, m 7rquir�vl h>� ih�• \ote� scrur�rl her��h}•, or - . � .
<br />; ��in ihe �perfm�nan+x oi fhe �nDli{;ation in (his me�tcaGe �+r �irt the note recured themtiy: Ihe \7ortcacec .hnil he entittrcl to dcr:lare thr : - � � � � �
<br /> de6twxum<i hemhy dae and �tixyablc wil6out nvtirn: nnd thc `vlortgagce shail be ��ntiUcd et its option. �vit}��ut miticr, ��ither tiy it»eli
<br />; oT �hy a tmrivcr to Mr .npp�?intttl �h}� ��the c»uii thcrm(: �and ka•ithonl mgnrd io tha xd(qnqc}• �nf � nny< sei��ntt� for 7hr in<Irbtrrincas cn- . � � � � .
<br /> � cumd� hereh}C _ to �entcr ri�+na an3 takr ��saession"o('fAr.� mnrtS.�Fed �'pmmin:s,� an<i tn �rlln�l'nnd rei.rivr the rcnts; is�u�•v snd '}�rnfils' � �� �
<br /> � " tlierrol. ��wid� apply thc �itime, lrss msfs �o[. �+rrntiorz -and 'i.+Ii���G�n. a�ti�n the � �indrl,tialrt�as �m�rcd hy �� 4his� mortgnFe: . said- trnls, � . .. . .
<br /> � - �imtca nnd ��mfita �hring�hemhy ��tasiltr.i�d� tn the \�Iort�acre n• :nrthersnvritt- �(er tho pnymrnt �o( alt incicbfodnrss si�.v�rri hcr�hy. � . � . � � �
<br /> F' .. . . . .. . �� � � . . : � � , . . .. . . . . �
<br /> � � � The -VSottcaFm shnll haen Ihe ��mvrr. to np�x�ini nny HxeN �or ngents it rnnp rlecim � fnr the �purpnce �i( rrpnirinr� �wid prem� , '"��y; a a��� �
<br /> . � . i.�eic: renlinR the. same; coDecting�_the: mntx, � re���naes and �n�rome, nnd it may pay �out of �nid inmme nll napenses .innirrttl ..im m�b � � � " � .y;� ' �
<br /> inK nnd managinF thr uame and ot collrctin� the matal� . ihereimm. I'he bxlnnm remAining: i2 eny, nhell fm nppiird towqrd3hr � r .
<br /> t3i.vchet7,r �t, the mntt�e..indehtetlncsn. Thia . a<ciqrtmrht is tn terminAtF and ircnme null And vni�l u�n rrleeco� ��t this mort,;n��. . �
<br />; L_ � .i
<br /> , , .
<br /> . ,
<br /> . __.��.__-- :
<br />� __ . - - --- _�..___.._�._
<br />. _... .:._. ._. _. ._ . . _ __ . . �
<br /> �„� -_ �
<br />