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� 77- i1Q � 4 ;3 � , � <br /> MORTGAGORS MAY MAKE PREPAYMEN75 OF PRINC�PAL ON AHY INSTALLMENT DUE DATE. SUCH PREPAYNEN7 SHAl1 BE , <br /> RPPLIED TO INSTALIJdENTS LA5LT0 BfCOME DUE UHDER THiS MORTGAGE PROVIDED THE UNDERSIGIQEO ARE N07 Itt DEFAULT <br /> fJiD ARE THEN THE OWNERS OF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY, UPON REQUEST OF THE UNDERSIGNE�, OR EITHER OF THEId. <br /> PATEE AGREE510 FURti1SN TO TNE UtIDERSIGNED 10�°/a OF SUCN PRINCIPAL PREPRYMENTS, UNLE55 A�YANCEMEtiT IS PR6� <br /> HI�ITEO QY THE REGULAT10N5 OF CHARTERING AND SUPERVISORY RUTHDRI'fiE5 THEIt IN EPFECT. ALL SUCH AOYANCEMENTS <br /> SHALL BE SECURED BY THI51dORTGAGE IN THE SAME M.ANNER AND EFFECT A5 iF NO PRFPAYMENTS HAD BEEH MADE <br />� ' � 'TfiE D10RTGAGOR FURTHER C:OVENAA'TS A;QD AGREES: <br /> . � 7'hat !hn :�lodgasor +.ill pay 1hr inde�bGdn��e as hereint�rfr�rr prcntidMl. � <br /> :;:' <br /> .� pA � � . . ' . � . . � . � . . <br /> I•I� �. Thet ihe .A7urlgagor is fhe . vw•ner oi Kaid proprrfc in icr umnle and� has KcKd riFht unrf lawiul autharit�• . t�� r.eii and , <br /> , � cvnvey the sumr and� 1htf2 !hr �same �s ftet md d4at t.f am lirn or .•ncumhrancr: � and thnf �trates�or e�i11 .��avant and drlrnd the ' � <br /> %� titlu w enid prcmises aRainst the durms of all prnans whum�o�-��rr. <br /> Ta pey immrdialdy when duc and papah7e oll �;enrral ls:es. aperial taxr;. s:praal nex-svn��nt�, a�at�•r chazgex ncwr.r nr.n�- <br />;' � i[r chsrges, and vther ta+xrs and cnar5� againet raid pro{xrrt��, and a0 tezec levird w� the drt�t i:erun� hen�hy, and w lurnish ilx <br /> , .� DSorigaFe+e. upun requrxt, �.ith t7ie' uriginal ar duplicstr mmipts ihrrrfor. '14�r D1oril�cor o�m+� lhat 1}�rrr �;hnll br addcd to <br />' ( � �.� cach� monihly . payment rrquitrd� hrrerundrr (rt . under .lhe +��7tli�rn�c uf df•M rircured . here6y an �amuunt e�iimata� �y. thr. 3fartFaFer Y� � <br /> to be. suEscient to ensble , the' Sloti�aF�'�' to pny: ac they Aecnme due, atl tnzex. iu:ex�cnrnts. and �imilat charFes u�nn iLr prer�• <br /> F ise.ti uubject theretu: any de5tienp• }�er�uee Uf 1he ins�rienc�� c�I Eve-h additianal pa�mrntr• •hatl br fnrthx�ith �ieym;i[rd: bv the� <br /> ' � � Aintifi-egor H�ith . Lhe : Alortgagre u;xin �dr.mand�. hy .� the 91nrt�a�er.. � Any defe�lt undnr ihu x+aracraPt� ���a11 tN� �f���m�l a de�nulf in � . <br /> - q . . . . . . � . . . , . <br /> � .. �. pn��tae.nt pf � taxes.� ux.srsemratF. � nr �� <imilar chsrFrs riY7nin•d hereunder. � . � . . . <br /> � # . . . � . . . . � <br /> � - �� � 1'hr �1orl�aFor aerrc:s � that there s1iu11 alu+ rw etddEvt to � rac� munihir . ��aymrnt of ;�nnciiu�l and ntin.n. nyu�rcd here- <br /> :� �nder an amw�t caiamated hr the 94ort�eger tu !x• sufSrn nt tu cnabli tn� 1ionFaFtr tn pay, nz it tntir�me due the �nsuruncx <br /> ; � pr�mium cm any �nsuranm•polin• drli.vrnd tn thr ASnrtgaFee. Tny defiarm•�' Frtcaux• !d thr inwf6nhnn� n( �uch addiGunnl pa�•- <br /> � ��� ments shall ix� torth»•ith de�io,itcd b�• thr� Alon�.ecor w�ith thr \lort�acee u��n drmuad in� thr AloricaR��. Any de[ault undrr � 7iris <br /> ,`� �. � Po�.rraph shall� br dcrmcvl & drtaul�� in thw pasment o! insurencr Ptrmium�. I! thr {x�licy nr (HiI1C1CF (If��)fTILlY� AI'f• Vt1f.h as hcune• ,� <br /> w'nen or all tiek yulSdt�s. and the depcnite: am � in?uflicieni !n pay� ihe rnti :r prrmcum. thr S1oNrsctr. ma+' aj�ply 1hr drjrn�i So <br /> :�' . pap pmmiums on ris�.s tequiml to tre inwred by this mortcuca� � � � � � � � '," <br /> r'� . . . � Ya»rnis mnde ,b}' the A1nriKaFor undea thr aFxnw 4�aragraphs ma}•. af Iho optinn i�t She 41�rtFaq�+•. 1oe held hr it � and � <br /> �� crxr.mtnFi� w'tth �ntfirr �ach funds rv itc <ru» funds fur 243e pe}•memt �,f �uch items. and until cw ap�>lirr3, vuch � pa}•mrnts arr hereb±• ��-�. • <br /> e.•, � � plydged as xPcurin� !or the unpaid � halanee i�f �ihe mnrt:�acr inde•krtr�Ine.�. � � � '� <br />;, � � To pmcum, dr3i+�rr to, and main4iin for the i»rnr5: o! tie �ir,n�ew durine tfih life of thi� martcxce �ori¢ina3 =�(icie> asui <br /> � ; � ��. renrwals th�sra(, deliven�d ai lexst ten dars hefom fhe � ezpiraunn nf uriy cuc�f �xsli�ie.. in*urinF� �ieainsi :im and .->thrr in=uraWe <br /> hazar3s, easualtics: and mntincrnc�es as the ?�longaeeie may rrquire, in �n smovnt equal to the , indehtcdnese urur.•d by thia � <br /> 1 :; ' �� �� �Afort�r, �aad ia�companies acce{.�taLlr t� the �fortFa�Fe, uilh 1u,s papable clau�e in fa�vr vf and in form � acrrptnMe to She '�4ortga- p �� ! ` <br /> . �� RH'- In � the ewent �any �mlicy i; nar rrnewed � on or [udorr. trn dsrs at ite e: pirauon. the �Soneac��e. may. pmcure insuraner nn the <br /> � � . �. .irlprnc�emeaLs, �poy fhc premiuci therefor, and suc•h �um thall tKr:�me�3ie�e•l�� dur �d I�.vyahle �u�ith inier�,.t � at ihe � rete set <br /> -� turi� in � said noie until pnid nnd �shall. 'r.r secvred br Lhis morttxer. Faifutr �m t.i�r part rf t!�e �!.luru;n'crz� to furaish cuch renruaia <br /> , . _ � �� as� are hrtein . rrquirrd nr failure to ��ay any wtns adrancwd }�errvndrr siinlL ai ii�a. .option nt :hr 17ortcstfx,� r,mFtitutF a �� tit4ault <br /> ig` under �the�ter.nx.of . this mortcace. Tbr dr-lii+n�� vf suci� rn�iicf�-s knall, in the ecr�m� o! drfxult, c:;nsti:au an ac.i�nment r.f thr -un- <br /> ramcd premiv�. <br />:`,� �� � Any. �ums �tic�•d br the �1orl�agre hy . rea.wn c�: ;osc or d•ema�e incurrd again�� . mxy� t�• rrtainw.3 M• � the \lotteaFtr <br /> �. �� and . appiirci � fmrarcl the �ia}•nent of ihr. d< tn }u�n•lq• �run�, vr, at tne vptior. of the '+foricaxer, sucb sums eithrr u�boity c,r in ' �� <br />�: i - � part. ma�� t�e paid m•rr ts> thr 4�ortgxeor tu tm u�i �tn re��air such L',uildincs or to � build nrw• buildines ir� tt�rir placr or for an} <br />'�� % � - otiter � puryi»r. ot objrct� sattsfecton•. to�. the � �lanra�er withoui siTcrtint �he. lirn nn 1he mortFage ior the .ful! amovnt secur�Ni hrre• � � ` � ' -� � '�' <br /> ...i � �: .. M•. Lmfurc. surh vayment r+Yt. 1a�L i�lace. . . .. . . � . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . " . . ..� . . .�- � ;;� . <br /> '� y . �. . . 7o pro:nptl;r mnair, re�torr ar ,-etuei&1 xny buildin:,s bf impm+�ement� r.�nc ,r 't>rrc:afikr �ro th�� pitmises � khith tna�� Lr- <br /> ' rnme damaced or dc5tm�•ecf: ui k�ti-p said premi�es in ec��d cr�ndiiinn and mpair and fn�e 1mm anp m�•enanir.'s lien or other � iien or ; <br />� � _ . � �clxim of lien noL -ezprr�;aly sutwtriiaated fo .he ]ien f�cra<+C not to FuHer w �x•r.nit .any ::nlauiul usr et ut an. nai.aance iarxist on . . j' <br /> i � � s.aid pnq!em� nor to p-r:mif w:�tr ��n taid vmmi�, n<�r tn dti aoy othrr aa wnr•rr.hp the pro{N�rt�• here}n• e,.m�ecr�d �hall tr.rcrme � � <br />' j . l�ss vu:uaWe. nnr :� diroiniu: nr impair its ralue by any act r.r i.�nis�cm to a.�tc tr� c��tr,pi.• w�ith sll ri•quirnments nf ]sw� uith rMq!v:x � <br /> ' � � � � fa tbe morlre�cni p:rmi� an:! Uhe nw ther�L . . . - <br /> : � � 7'hat. .�li�ld the premiws or any � pan. Lhcrent !w laken or damareri h�• rex��n of am� pub]ic im»mv��rnt nr cr�ndemnation . <br /> proceidiaF, ur nnder ihe right of erninent aomnin, ur in an}• uL�er manner. She '�1ortFa_er �halt Fw ent�tltri iu all cximpra�aticns. <br /> � aw�arcLc, and anp uttser pay:�ncmt or n3ief therelor, and shall t+e entiticvi at its option, tn cc+rsme�nce. sj��x2r. in and pmcecvie in iLc . <br /> � o»n name anp. aMioa ot procec•ding, � or to makt anp �:.ompromise �t cettlemrnc in caancctiun �.�th �uch L34:ine or ria:��e. _�71 >uch <br /> - �� canpensation. awanic, dama�s, richt af �sclion and pnm�td; arr hrtrt��• n�icned tn ihe �fortFaFer. �_ho �nay. alter rieductinF <br /> �. . � � themfr�m all it's expenceF, re3ea.Kr any mune�= co rece.i��eri b�• i! c�r apply thi•. �atnr t•n an�- ind[•hledncKs cwcurcK! ti�eteb�•. 7'4e `�4nrt• . <br /> gaevr a�cees to �ezfcute such �turther a�icnmentc of any ccm;N•a�a�ion. ax�an3s. cLimaces, anri ritiitF ot actnin and pnr.•ais r.,� tne � <br /> , i'� Siortgaece ��mey� rc�quire.; � . � . . . . . . � � . <br /> � � . . . . . � . � � . . � � ' . . ' . : <br /> . ; - . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . � <br /> ` � � � �T'hnt ia ra�e �uf failuro fo F�rlorm an�- of thr �+r�enan:s hemir.. t}:e ifnri�g_w� r.�.a�� do on the �io:t_aLc.i s tKhxit cti�en•thinR � <br /> : � � � .o cos�enan�ed; that the. '�lort�aKee may aieti do anp aci it mac +ferm nrev-�sary u. �rrntert tFsc tirn :here�a(: ihat Lhc• .�lorizx�or xill � <br /> , � � � repay v{x�n drrnand r+ny: mvnepv f�iid �or disbu�+vl hy the \ter2.�a�ec fnr any of c:ne at�.n�e j�ur4��sr.:, and such mane1a together with � � � <br /> :% � intertst Shennn at . the rate. pttnidt� in �:aid note �ha!I tx<vne so murn additionai� indc�te�in<�c }rereby wcur�d and. r.iay tw im , . <br /> . � .. dudcd in en}- dt<-rre fonK�;cwne this moriFaFe and be paid out o( the rents nr. pruceea� oi csle of caid premices if �ot othrrwise 1 � . � <br /> � � qaid; titat it sha11. ncr tre obticnten• uµ�n the Alnrt�aFee to inGvim intc� t5e. raiiditv of anp lien, i•�cumbrane��, er daim in ad- . i., <br /> � � � .•aneing mvncys as rs�w�e auinoriud bvt nnthinc herein cnns.ainev3 ��'�all� ly� rnn:trvcd as zrq�irin�: thr !,�vrt�acee tn aAcancr am- � <br /> , - � �moneys for any. such . Pu�.e nor ttr do any att hereunder: and t5ut �'Inri�a¢iY• �.hali ooi incvt am- ��or.u�nal �liabiiif�• Z�ccausc rf any-� ��� <br /> • � thiT� it may� do or nmit t/J OD }1PIFl101�FL � � <br /> ���� � . . . . ' . . . . . . � <br /> � � � � - � In. l:�e t��ent�. c�t�tir, defauli 6�- '�1ort�x�nr in . lhe j�apm�m: c�f an�• iastallment, aS � reGuired by the �ote urunb h<:�ei>y, nr � I <br />_, �� �� . in ihr Fmrformnnce t.f. the c,b:igation in this mnrtga�e or�in fhe notr <.xvrr:d Lhezchy,� the 3SorU;agc•e shal) he :�ntiil�v3 i� �i�clam. the � � <br /> : de2rt a,ruttd, hemby due xnd peyable M�itncwf nutice, and ihe bior:ra�ce shall tW eatitli�d at its �ption, without ���ticx. eit' hy icti1S . <br /> � ; -� nt }ry• s-. mcei�er. tn bc, apgnintcd by the cnurf �themf. .and wiihovt mga�� ia tht�� adeqaan• of an� cecvri2}• for Ihr :ndc•bliYinrss �. . �. <br /> t - <br /> � � cured. hereby,� to enfer vrmn end tat_e� pus.�csion of thr�.morlga�ed }�rezaic�<s. and tn rullect rnd :!•cei��e ihr mnt� z,:�vc5 xnd profit� � "'t2 � ?•"' .`, � �� <br /> :- thereoL �and� apQlr� the samr.� less c<ats ui � e,eratinn and c.nllrrtian. a;rm ihe� iadebu�a��� �ecurrd t��• this mort�gr: �aid . .mniF. ';:� N �;,�,� .,� <br /> ' � � iciur_s and profita beine hereTn• �assi�ned tv the \lorigac��e as fuY.her �ecurit.• (nr �lhe �Fny�mrnf cf aH ir�d�hle+dness vrurw.l hereh}•. . � :� .. � ��� : .. <br /> , ' l : :Tl�e hfort�ce s�ieU have L�e pcn:er to appoint .:np �acent or a:ents i: mar r.esim [w fhe �purpo�r of� se,airinr c3id yrem• � � ��"- " �. ( �, <br /> � � i�: .rentin� the sa�ne: ;coilccting�.�thr rer,t�.�- revenuea � and incame. and it ma�• Fra� oui of r.:cid inmmr nIl rx{.�t�n�:s incvrrc�3 in rent• . � . � � � 's" � � <br /> ` in and rnana 1� t , :,, . ' <br /> g Sinr :,the came � and��of rnUe.rting ihe rentais therefrvm. � The I�alance remaininF, if ang, rhail tr a{>plie+l tn•w�ard the <br /> i <br /> i ' � diseharee of the mcrt4a�e This. ss.dSnmenb is to � �terminatr end �romr nutl and +�oid vinn r.dra�r oi [i�ia r.,;�rl.carn � � �; . ' <br /> , . - <br /> . � �� „ � • � �:, .. � . <br /> � . . . . . . . ,� . . . .. . . . � �I I . <br />� . � . . . � . � I_ J <br />