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� - � <br /> � ����Q�2� <br /> TO li;►VE �Nq T0 IiOLU the gnme 'unto the Mortqageo, es herein �rovided. Mortgagor represents to, <br /> anc� covennnts w^iC�h, `the Mortgngco, that the Morlgagor hns good r�iqht 'to Fell xn8 `com�ey said rremises ; <br /> ' that 'they Ai•e 'free fi�om encumbi•nnce, oscept as hcreinother�siae recihed; that the MorCgngor ��111 «�ai��ant , ' <br /> � fi ahd �clefend lhc sAme against'tihe ln��•ful Claims ef xll peraons �s�homsoever. Mortgagor hereby t•elinquishes r -' <br />, } � a11 Yi��hts �of �tiomes•'tea�1,'AyI YtiA"ritn� righis,'cither 9n 7a�v�o'r tin �equity, and All other 'contingent interests of - � s <br /> �, th� Moitgagortn a�� "to the abo�i�e-8osc►'ibe� rretnises. - ' >` <br /> b <br /> "" , . "1'ROVmED �A'tit�4nYS;,And �.hcye presents-are �execnted u'nt1 �deli��e1•ecl upon th� 'follo�ring conditiens, �o �� s "�` <br /> fy( . R ` , . . . ' : ` . : . ' . � <br /> Z' n�4 � �. ' �.. . . . . . . . i. � . . . . . . . , , � f <br /> t (1� tV <br /> ' 'k Moi��gnKoi• R�ihes 'to raq to the Mortgnqeo, or order, 1;he afot�esaid rrincipnl s�m with9nterest '�rom da�c ' <br /> � atiherateof , eight percenti�m ( $ ;p�yo) »¢rn p Ont},epnpnidbAlAn e:unti1pAid. , ;'�� <br />, , '� , . i'1rs�n1'�.�deral 5evings and� Loan ` <br /> 'Phe'said rrinCipal and interest shall be ptiyab�e At 'the�oEf'ice 'of . „ ' � , ' ; <br /> , fi . A�so i:a o inc ]:n <br /> yn , Nebrasks , oratsuchoi;hernlacens �he ��ce�i•o�fi,�ienogemaydesignatein <br /> '� wrii;ittg•deyivered or 7nailed to the MArtign�,roi` in inonthly installments 'of One Hundred Seventy-nine onfl 78/1(?0 ' � ti Y , <br /> ' � a Doylars ($ 179 • 78 , ) , commencing on the first '�ay of fiebruary ; 1977 , and continning on '" ' <br /> ' �" 't�e fiist•day oi•each montii 'thercafter rintil said note �is fuliy pai8, except that, if not sooncr paid, th� final . � � <br />`+ � 'payment•o� ni7ncipal and interest shall be ciue nnd psyaUle on 9;he first clny of Janunry 2007 '; all ` ` '; ` ; <br /> � � accoi�ding to the terms bf a ccrtain promissmy ttote of e�•en date here���lh esecuted by� the said Moi't{ragor. t: <br /> ;! , �,;: <br /> ' � The Moitgagor fui•lher a�•ees : <br />� , ; , <br /> � :t 1. Iie �ti771 pay the indebtedness, xs hereinUefor� n�•o���a. r�;��i�q� ;s raser��ed ta prepay at Any <br /> � time, n•ithout premiuin or fee, t�he entire indebtecincss or xnp pai�t fhereof not Iess than Lhe amount of onc ` <br /> ` ' '= installment,`or �one hundred doilars (�yl'00.00), �yhichever is less.;Y'repayment in {uil shall be credited on . z ' , : <br /> ,,� , the 8ate receieedi Pai�i.ial prepayment, 'other Lhan on an installment due date, reed 'not Ue cmdited 'until , ' � ��` <br /> �� the ne��t following installmen't due date or thirty daqs after such prepayment, �vhichever is eazlier. , � ` <br /> �r . . <br /> � � � � <br />; , - , 2. Together xzth, and in addition to; the mont:hly payments �of pt�ncipal and interest pnyabte nnder <br /> the terms of the hote secureii hereti��, Moitgagor �rill paY to Moi�tgagee, as tru�tce, (anclei• the tei�ns of thrs ' �,,r <br /> trust as hereinafter stated) on the first day of cach month antil said hote is fully paid : - - , 4 '. <br />` ' ; ' (a) . A'sum eq�ral to tlm �round rents, if ariy�, ne�t due, plus the premiums .that ���ill n0x1. become due <br /> r Q ; ` and �ai�aUle on policies of fii�e and other hazard insurance co�•ering the moitgagecY propertyY . '. , � : <br /> lus taxes and assessments ne�-t due on the morbgagec� propei�,�•_(a]i asrstimated by the Mort- ` ' ` <br />, ' n ' y ` <br /> `�� . 'gageo, and of ��•hich the D3ortiga�oi is ttatified) less a11 simis already* paid 'thereEer 'divided bv '- rj �` <br /> + i:he number of months to elapse before one month prior to the date ��-hen such giroun� . rents, �` <br />� � ' � premiums, taxcs and assessments ��i11 Uecome delinquent, snch siims to be hetd 6y Mortgagee 1 ` <br />` '�� irt trust io pa�• said �•ouad rents, pi�emiums, ta�es and special nssessments. ' � <br /> � (b) The a�•egate of the amounts pa5�abte pin•suant' to suUpara�•aph (d) and those payable on the , A <br /> �� note secured hereUy, shall Ue paicl in a single pa�-ment eac�h month,:to be applied to fhe follo«�- - <br /> , � ; <br /> , ing items in the oider stated : ; <br /> , ..� . (t) girouttd rents, taxes, assessments, �re and other hazard instirance pi�emiuma; '; ' ` ' <br />" f , ' (ti) ;, interest on the hote secured IiereUy'; and ` ' <br /> t � (tTt) amoi•tizxtion of tlte principai o{ saidnote. � ' <br /> - � . . � . • • :.�; � �'. L �. <br /> any deficienc�• iu the amount of an,�� such aggregate moiithly payment shall, nnless made good ° <br /> , `, . � Uy the \ioitgagor prior to the diie date of the ne�t such pa�•ment, constitvte an e�•entbf�defaeit <br /> ; undei� this moitgage. At l!foi�tgagce's option, ,1Tortgagor 1�•iil pay a "late chai�e" not exceed- ' <br /> : � ing .fourUercentum (4rc � ofani� installnienta•henpaidmoretl�anfifteen ( 15) 'dapsafterthe • ` <br />: - j dite c�ate ihercof 'to corer the estra c�pense im•ol�•ed in l�andlingdeiinqnent pnyments, Uut such <br /> , ; "late cliai•ge" sl�all �iot be payable out of the pruceeds of ans� s:�Ye made to satisfy thc iiidebted- <br />' . ; � ness seciired hci•eby, ui�less such procce�4s are suflicieiit to discharge the entiir indebtedneQs an� � <br /> ` all pro��er costs and e�penses secured thereUti�. <br /> ; '3. If the total of the payznents made Up the .lioi-tgagor under (a) of paragraph 'L pY�eceding shall <br /> ' �; esceed the amount�of paSnnents actually made by the lsoitgtigee, as trustee, f0i• glround rents; iaxes and , <br /> assessments or itts�lrance premiums; as the case may be, such e+.-cess shaii Ue ci�edited t>,r the Mortgagre <br /> ; on subsequentpaS�ments to he made Uy� the Tioi�:gagor for suCh itcins or, at liottgagea's opiion, as trustee, <br /> ` � ' shaii:Ue refunded .to �'fortgagor, If, hon-e��er, such.raonthly pa��ments shall riot be sufficient te pav si�ch <br /> itema .a-hen: i;he same shaii 0ecome dite and paSable, then the �ioi�tg:�iror shall pa�• to ihe �tottgagee, as <br /> tivstee, �tu* amoun't necessaiy� to ma1;e ui� the c�eficienc�• wiihin thirty {30) daj-s after i�•iitten notice from <br /> � �; the Mortgxg�ee statinq. the amount :of the deficiencp, n•hich notice may Ge gieen bj' m:�iL it `at any �ime <br /> : £ the 1iori�agor shall tender. to the h2oit$agee, in accoirlance �i•ith i.he tx•ot•isions of tl►e n�i�e secured <br /> : hernb�, �'ult; payment of the entire indeUtedness reptrsenie� fihei�eb�•, the �im-tpatrce, as trd 's"tee, shall, <br /> `� : � in romputing the amount of such indebteciness, cirdit to the account of the \ioLtgagroi• any 'credit balance <br /> ; , accumnlated under the provisiona of (a.) of paragraph 2 hereof. Tf there shall be n defavit uhdc"r an,v <br /> ot the pro�isions of {liis mortgnge i�esulting in a public sate 'ot the pthmises co�•ercd hernUy�, or if the <br /> ; 1Sortgagee t�equu�es -tlie: ptropeity otltenvise after default, tite �ioii.gag�ee, as i,nistee; shail al�ply; at the <br />,< time b£:the commencement of such proceedings, or at the tiine the property is o�her�vise acquired; the <br />' , ; aniount then remaining to credit the ,liortgagur. _under (n) of paragraph `L preceding, 13 R CTh�lt Ott 1,I1B <br /> interest aecrued and :unpaid and ihe balance to the pi�ncipal fi,hen irmaining ttnpaid on said note. ' <br /> , , . . , . , ! ; <br /> � ; d.� 'Pl�e.lien nf this instziiment shail remnin in full fu'rce and effect diiiing ana• postponement or exten- �"�' '�r r � , <br /> � sidti of tfie`time bf }�aj�ment nf the inaeUtedness ur any paii; thereof secured he1�eU3�. .'� r =: � ,;�_ ,. <br /> .� , -, 6 He tti�i71 pay :�Tl �round i�ents, "t��xes; nssessmenis, ��•ater rates, and »ther p,n��ei7miental or muniei- ' � ~ �r� . ' <br /> , ; . paLehniges�$nea, br impositSor.s, te��ied upon said prnniises and, tl�at he ��•iil Uay- alt ta�es te�7ed upon this � ,,; } : <br /> ' �rio►tgage, br ti�e deUt secUre�i tlietrUy, togetlier ��•ith xihy other 'ta�-es or nsse§sments ��•hich iiiay be ]evied ;j � , r <br /> s ; utider.thela«s of 1eUiaskaagainstitie lioitgagee; or tlie legnl hblder ot said �irincipal note, on account nf �,? , <br /> � this ihiiebt�dness, esCept ��hen pa�mient for ali sueh itents has tiiel-etofore Ueen made w�der (a.) of ��ara- ;, ' <br /> :. ; graph 'L hei-eof, and tie .«•itl j>iromptl,v deli��er .the oflicial receipts titei�fur to the \Turtgnqee. ltt default <br /> ; thereof thc \idi-tgaAee may t�aq t,��me. � + <br /> � . . . . .,, . , .,. . , ,.,...-, . _ . , - � <br /> _ . , - � <br />