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.6� �.' <br /> 2� . <br /> ` �T• :�lE�0376 , <br /> �� � �� , , <br /> MORTGAGE' � , � ,' <br /> , �� F� � <br /> � MORTGAGL•LDANNO. L '22,500 '�fi a � , <br /> I' � ��ownu.M���reserR�s�rs:rr,u� Oa7e 'V. Breaker and t�argaret G: Breaker, each in h9s '1 t <br /> � <br />�A ' ; ., � . � � ,,. : � i i [5� 7: <br /> ti and her�own •ra�ght an� as spouse of each �nther, '� , , �`,, <br /> k ` I MongnEor,'who[horone ar more,imconald�irtion af�the eum oi,' � <br /> 3 �,� � , <br /> Th7rty four Ttiousand and No%1D0--=- ------ ------ ------- ------ ' --' Do��s � ` ` � <br />+� , 7onned Lo said mortgugar by TheTqmwble BWltling nnd Luan Asanciniion a[Grendlsland,Nabrusl.n,MartFugce,vpan 340 shnm ofswct:of � ��r <br /> t � sui�7.ASSOC1A770N;C1:rn�cuu,No.7. 22,50� .do lwicby grant,cortvrq and mortguge•unw she suid ASSOC1hT70I.ttu'fallnwlnR i, ` r i � , <br /> tic.vciibnd acn7 nntetc,situated:in Nnp'Counti�;Nobrnskn: ( ' , ,, ,. <br /> }, l�V <br /> r�� � � .. . ;�� 4 � .,t�r <br /> s � � ` <br /> )d � Y � <br /> V�" � � i �Y��' � <br />�4 ' �:� � � ,y'� <br /> �, r � t � . <br /> t ,, h <br />_�� � . � , + � . � <br /> F,�, 10T. iYlfWTY-SEVEW;(27) WESTERN HEIGNTS � ' , t$ <br /> '� THIRD SUBDIVISIflN, H�LL COUNTY, NE6RASKA. �" � } ,` fr�� `� i <br /> �� � � � ,� << <br /> ,. � � <br /> � <br />,..� � �� � � ��� � � , �, t r ,, <br /> , <br />,� , ,;� x <br />��% � } .i� a �,j <br /> � , � <br /> �� � � 4 � i �. <br /> , a •; S� <br /> �.� r f R- <br /> 4 � , <br />, : r1 � <br /> k <br />�'� . . . .� .' i��. <br /> .� . . . - ' .S �� 'S � a '. <br /> � ��.. ' . �. .. . . . .. � � , � � . ',. <br /> � .. :- � �. � : . . �' .. ... . .. ; ��� .. f }. <br /> .p 7nFet}�er v.9th ntl{he Yencmcnts,'hcrcditnmenu nnd appunenxnca ll�crrumo belanging,inr3iiding vrwched floar r.ow�nngs,s11 aindaw�..^rctna � "," ';r'� v <br />�� windowshades,blinds;stoxm:windoa�c,.nwnings,heating,uircanditioning,and�lumbingandwataequipmentandaccersa:iec.thereto;Qum�,stavcs,. , �E <br /> � refrir�rutrns,und ett�'fn.tures an3 equipmcm now aT herevf�cr ntxachnd to or used in cAmiectinn kith saitt rca]rt:nte. ,� <br /> � And w�Lercnc ihe suid moneagor hns:bqud und dors hereby agrce that xbc mortgneor shall nnd wi71 pev all aezra end nssessmarsu levittl or t � <br /> rs <br /> rsu.ssed v�n said prctrisscs and upnn thia:mort�nge nnd the bond securc3 thcre6y bciou ihe wme shnll bt:,am:tielinquant;zv•Eurnish nypravad j r � ;,' k�r, : <br />}� insucunre v�n thc bialdmpa on saidprrmises situurcd in xtrc sum nf 534 t000.0� p�5'ubk t�suid ASSOG7AT10ti unb xo dcliva to snid t <br /> ASS{)CI4rION UlC�'�OLCIGS'IOT SIIId IIISUTNI.Y;ClIL�110f 20 fOlilif171 OS�F1.91'Iflli 9I:}'A'IISIC'OG LIf LLD1A HIld'F17CITIISES; ' � '� ; �. '�{ + ..�,iJ"� <br />� �.. ; 7n;�se of,itcfntik in xhc performana af any of the terma snd conditinnc ot ihis�maRgncc nr zhn bond secured.hcrrby,zhe m�rigngee sha71, � , y, s <br /> �, nn ticmund,be enti8oil xn immedivte 7�ossszion�f zhe mnagueed prcmisea nnd thc r:w:tgncar hereby ussigns,uansfcrs and sess over to ihe i ` <br /> � mongarrs vtl the xems,:tcvrnuus s.�d incom:7o be deiivcd fram the monp�+d pTemises daring su:h xime at sha anortgnge�indebmdnessshn7l�emam, r � <br /> y vnF+aid;nnd the mart�reee shnU heve xhc�owerx�sppnint any ngem oi ngcnu�t may dcsirs f�r rhe pu�,ose•nfiTepuiring said{,mniuc nnd aecrting � �rrF <br />� � ' `'ihc samc and mllcttin�1he sattts.Trvenu:x nnd incarsia,and lt msy puy out of wid income nll-e�rncnses ot.repui;ing said prertiisrs and aecescaty � �f; <br />� � mmtnissians znd;eaT:ns:a incunet!in aentine anG.mununing thc mme.nnd oi collccting 7entnla:hercfrom:the balsna xmoin}ng.if.anp,m be '• 1{� � <br /> � , ' 'a�ppl'��7au,ard the dis,:lwrec hf t�i8 morteagt indcbtctlncss;thne righu nf the martgagec mcy bc axerais:d at sn}'time$unngihetxis�encrofstich a ' } t': <br />�� tu t,'xrc.s�+ective•ainm�7cucporun�wefvc�ofahrsame. e • �' <br /> n These Presems,.however.ure upon 2he Con�iti�n;Thut if the said Mn.•tEngat shall Tepxy s:id loun nn ar befnre rhe maturh}•uf said shattxtry ; � s:'- <br /> '�g paymenr,�ry monetdy to suid_4SSOClAT701 nf thc sum s�ecii� the Annd secured herahy us interesc und�rinciFuil on siid lossn,nn arbafore <br />:� 'fhe Twentiech dcy nf cach and evcn�mnmh;uncil snid Iwn is fully�paid;��nll taxea nnd nssessments]r��ed nguinsi sud premis..-s andoa this h1or.£xsc ' <br /> x <br /> and xht Bnnd sct.ured thercb}•,before delln��:�umsh a ra��rd insuran:x ��the bw7din thereon mxhe sum oi S 34 0��.'�D �' <br /> �,�`. 4 " PP UF � � + F+ageb7e � <br /> � io sui8 4550C1.4770\:Tepzyxo seid ASSOCIATfOti upon dcmand all mnncy 6y lt paid for svch saxrs,usussman-s ard 7nsuznu mtithinta:eat ut ; <br /> iherruiimum7egalaetetherran,frnmdnte�psymrntnllofwhi:.hMoneucocherobyacrccstopz};�rtnirnowastcansaidpremises;4:ecpanA:amph. + <br /> ° a�lth ntl z1k Lgrremcnca nnd cunditionz of ahc bond fnr 5 34,OOO.D�3�is dey given b3�the svd T+lertgnenr xo mid:ASSQCL4I7p``,und.ramp;y ' • <br /> 5 w'ith n111fie rrauvemcnu oi ttu Canstiwti�n and EyLav.'a nf sttid,4SSOC1ATT01;ihen Ihcse presents ahaH btcame naII and voi3;`och�tutiu ihey 2 <br /> shtill xmain in fa21 iorce nnd r.ury•bc'forcc)nsed nt:Lc opuan of tt�e r.�id XSSOL7AT10\ u:ter faAure iar three montha:o mul:e.aqv of said ` <br /> �eymcnu or be Yhrre.monitrs-in unearsim m�l-inc siid momti2qpaym:nts,or 10 kerp nnd cnmply�utith:hs agra�menu nnd ennditi�nsrof snid Bond; s,,; <br /> nnd.Mnr2 � <br /> z gagot agecs to havc n:rnccivec npp�inted forihK'ith n s�:h iarect:uure pro;udings. <br /> " li nc�rt is nrty clwnge in aK•ncr:hip of ihe renl cswtt snlc or o:hrrv,�icc,then the cntire.ranaining indebtedness l�crr�y <br /> cr <br /> -b ucured shall,ut th:apdnn of 7'hc Eqvicable Builclinc nnd Lnan_4s�ocimion nf G:and I�1nnd,V c6:asku,became unmediatety due nnd peyable wlthovt <br /> ` furthtr norix;.nnd xhe emouni iemnireing du:undez said bond,nnd am�OUICf 2f0➢d f07aT11'8�31LIOSiy]:UdVLOttf J:17aG CtItTtUD.�Ct,:st�Il,frnm 2he <br />,t' dnta of exarci.�af snid oPtinn.beut imetest ut the masimum''Ic�] tl�ia mortFqre mxa•then be iaracloacd to acUsfy the nmaun[due on suid <br /> ,� bond,und nm�othrr twad fur additinnal ndtianras,loeethcrv,•ith nll sums�nid b��said The:Fqu3sab7e Bo�7ding and Lonn Ass��ciatian ofy;rand Island, <br /> S9 <br /> V� � �k+brus�fai irssurnnce.tuxa nnd ass•xsments.nnd abstructing eztensian churFes,K•ith IMCitSI tI1G[COII�'fTD7I1�82L Df�78�7N'AS 0I:he Jnasimum <br /> lcgal mtt <br /> E . As Trrnvi�cd'in ttk Aand securc3}�.,.abc,wfiile this mongaec Temains in ef{cct the snort�acee•may'hereai:er a3vsna a3tiitionel wmt xo ihe <br /> � maktts nf u�id Bond,tluk assigns or sucecssors in imc.-es[,x�hich xums shall be x'r.hin Thc s rarin�M xhis mor:¢age xhe sams at the funds odginiitv <br /> secural shercby,'.ht iota]amount oT prmcipal d^.bi nm 2a[xmttl st un}•rimt Yht otirjna]mcwunl nf ihk xcwrtenge. <br /> � .r-�� nat�azn� •. 13tfi �� January/.. .4.n.,i9 77 � < ; <br /> ¢ �� ,. �� '?,�,� �� :-� l���fi�r,4':�1.�"� �.%j:F��n✓ ; <br />�:x ; a e:: . reaKe�. Margarea`C. 8reaker <br />�� � � � � <br /> { <br /> SILTE�OF\'��'BRl�RA, � Onthis 19t�1 lleyof �dT1Ua!'�' j9 �� ,Seio;eme <br />, CO1T�'3�DFAALL�. � . . <br /> s iheundeaigned.nNataryFubliciaand.for-saidCoung•,�+ers�neUyc�me y L': <br />� g <br /> Dale 1�. Sreaker and Margaret C..Breaker, each in his and,.her own ri ht and as' � ,' i,� ��u : <br /> � eath ott�er, ;, ; . Whoare. p�ru�muyl:aa«,nxo r +�` � � <br /> mcta2eihe�drati,:e7�ersan. 5 > xfinsename S'dTE nfr'b;edtothenbaveinsac�acma-sp.ngar S and t}1ey uverally a8' ,",�.i , <br /> r adaoa]cdgcd thc:eid inczmn..-nt Ya be triei r wni�,c��nct nnd dcc3. !'r l �:�T : <br /> 7 R77;.lESS my hand m�d NotarialScul Y2ie date afaresai3 � f`� ,,�:`7 � .,-� <br /> f . f/ , <br /> f � <br /> M}�Cnmm�sswn expucs ��a�r��'�"G:�c,. �? �I/ � ,/'�.- _� <br /> ba�ctt j'��"^-------•--.� (�.._ ` tioiaryi'ubli: <br /> �� �,t .. f � ;,� . . . . <br /> �� , r�,p� ��� ;' . . . . . . . <br /> « :. <br />. . �;��_.�"s 1.y is: r Z,,s.,n�:. s 1 � � . � . � � . <br /> �. . "—� •LaC� . . . � . <br /> . ,_�....� .. .... . ._ . .�� ... <br />