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<br />�� Chief Industriea, Inc., herein called the.Mortqagor, in ,'
<br /> l;. co»sideration of-Three Hundred Sixty. and No/100ths Dollars �
<br /> �;., (5360;000'r00) does hereby mortgageato First National.Bank of , ;
<br /> � . Grand;,Island, Trustee for. Hilarette J. Brown and Huqh G. Hrown;, ,
<br /> -wife and husband,�Constance J. Nenninger; and Stephen C. i
<br /> Skibinaki and.Theresa skibineki, husband.and wife, herein.called
<br /> � the Mortgagees, the following described real estate in Hall. ' '
<br /> � '. County, and State of Nebraska:' :, t' , . "
<br /> A tract. of land comprisinq parts of..the Southeast`;
<br /> Quarter:,(SEl%4) ,;'Southeast`Quarter of`:the Southwest
<br />� . Quarter _(SEl%4SW1/4) , and Southeast`Quarter of:the
<br />�` Northeast�4uarter:(SEl/4NE1/9) ,` a11 in:Section� ,
<br /> Twenty six (26}, Township Eleven (11) `North; Range..
<br /> Ten".(10) West` of the 6th P.M. in Ha11 County, ; '
<br /> Nebraska, .more particularly described as .follows:.
<br /> Beqinninq at the southeast corner of said;Section ,}
<br />� Twenty;Six (26); thence weaterl alon the south .
<br /> Y � �
<br /> 'line of said Section:Twenty Six (26) , ;a .distance t ;
<br />�. of Two Thousand Six Hundred Thirty Nine and Fiftg ,,;:
<br /> Six Hundredths (2;639.56) feet,_ to the southwest
<br />� corner of `said:Southeast Quarter (SE1/4); ;thence
<br /> ti� continuing westerly along the south .line.oE;said _ '
<br />• Section.Twenty Six (26), a distancerof One Thousand ' , _;
<br /> Three Hundred Twenty Six and Seven•Tenths: (1,326.7)
<br /> feet,<to .the southwest corner of said:SEl/4SW1/4= .
<br /> thence`northerly,alonq the west 1ine:of'said .
<br /> ''SE1/4SW1/4+ a distance.of Two Thousand Two'Hundred
<br />,� , Seventy Six:and;Three Tenths (2,276r3) feet; thence
<br /> deflectinq right 58°94' and runninq northeasterly,
<br />;� . a.distance of Seven Hundred Two and;Eleven>;Hundredths ;
<br /> (702.11) feet, to;the north line.of said SE1/4SW1/4;
<br /> thence 'easterly along the north line of said , '
<br /> ��
<br /> SE1/4SW1/9,,a distance.of.Seven ;Hundred-Twent and '
<br /> �; Y
<br />�'� Eighty Five Hundredths ;(720.85)'=feet,:to the center
<br />,,, of said Section Twenty :Six (26)p thence�northarly ' ` ' �
<br />-g alonq the west line of said SWl/4NE1%4; a distance �`-
<br /> ' of Four.Hundred.Eighty Five and Ninety:Five
<br /> � ' Hundredths '(485.95) feet;`thence'deflecting rfght`
<br /> ' 90°43'20" and running easterly, a distance of Two '
<br /> ,
<br /> ' Thousand.Six'Hundred Fifty Six and Forty:Three. ' `
<br />"� Hundredths (2,656:43) feet, to the .east:line of
<br />`� said SE1/4NE1/4; :thence southerly along,the east
<br /> � line of said.Section Twenty'Six (26); a distance.
<br />�' of Four Hundred`Sixty Seven and Thirty One � ' `
<br /> 3 ;. Hundredths:(467.31} feet,_ to;the northeast corner-
<br /> of said Southeast 4uarter (SEl/4); thence,
<br />:� continuing-:southerly along the east`:line of said
<br /> Section Twenty Sfz (26); a distance.of Two Thousand
<br /> �, . ' Six Hundred::Forty;and Six Tenths .(2,640.6) ;feet,to
<br /> � the place ofr:beqinning,,.EXCEPTING :THEREFROM the
<br />_; northerly Seven� (7.0) feet o e sou er y:Forty `
<br />,.£ (40.0) 'feet:of.the Southeast Quarter�_.(SEl/4)'and
<br /> � ' the Southeast Quarter of .the Southwest-:Quarter. "- ' -
<br /> s{ (SEl/4SW1/9), leavinq a net acreage.of 267':187 ,
<br /> ; ,
<br /> � acres:more. or less. ;
<br />� This:Mortgage is given to;secure the;payment of the principal
<br /> � sum of. $360;000:OO.and:;interest:`Lhereon,;according;to the terms.
<br />�R of a:'certain .Promissory:Note; of even'date",:executed by';the MorEgagor
<br /> � to the.Mortgaqees,: due`the 15th day:of Jannary;-.:1982. .
<br /> � ` The Mortgagor�hereof can prepay,all or.any.>portion of the •.i: r�, ,�„+�
<br /> r . unpaid. rinci al:balance an time after Janua 15' 1978,:without z n �'� ��
<br /> E ;Penalt P p Y �, .
<br /> Y= t � +
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