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<br />��ff XF�XI�i�n xx St'�31{ �i ,�.
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<br />{�,. , � NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY : �;t�,����y���������
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<br />,� ��� - �. 'Po��hace and.to}iold the ubo�•e�:descrihed�premises together`nith all�tenements� hereditnments nnd ryk�`?;������ ��'��p
<br />��� ty�purtenances lhereto Uelonging unto tlie grnntces and to tl�eir nssigns,or io the lieirs and ussigris of 4he � �'�'��"Ft`t� �}��r��
<br /> j � r : . . . , . �.�.. , ki'�� ''ly F S 5M F>'�r�.�.•
<br /> t sur�5�•or of t5em.forever. ; � ` ` �i�'i��ctX'� '�y-°��+,jP�}tt�,y. a z
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<br />{f�' ��, � 11n�1 grm�tor.for itself atid its successors.does ticreb�•,cocennnt n�ith"the grnntees and,����sith�their ���� �yM1�y.��.��r,���,,���
<br /> t�� i�ssi6ns anu n•i th tl�e:lieirs an d nssi�ns::o f t he survi�•or o f t l�em t ftia t grac�tor is ln�s f u l ly seise d of.said ,h-rr �
<br /> f a ky* .-� a���S st���',��
<br /> T� prim�ses; tl�nt they are freo from encumbrance r,.�r�t��i,,,{s �r����''
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<br />�j that gruntor Las.good right and la�aful uuthority to conveq the same; and that grantor-warranis.and .. ��y�f�.f-�n��-��,"A„�'`��
<br />� �cill defend Ute title.to said premises:ngainst ttie la�cE�il`claims'of nll.persons:whomsoe�•er. . ' �.'� �5;��������r��
<br />�>' It is the intentioa of nll pnrties hereto tl�nt iu the ecent,of the denth of citl�cr ot t}ie ;rantees, �,,;'R?i�,�"',g{��������;
<br /> 4 tlie.entire fee simple,title to.the renl estute shnll �•esC in tLe-surviving grantec. , �4x�x� ���F"�j}s=���*F,��'
<br /> ',i �r.r��t`ti t`'�Sc+.c;•
<br />�,,t In �citness zahereof, grantor has ]iereunto cuused its corporatc senl to Ue nffued and these presen[s ���r,1�r���,�����r�,;;
<br /> signed by iGs t'resident. �.Yz� 3 �a
<br /> �'if y'�u,� r'v'!. .a�a
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<br />� Januar 12 77. � � � ~��
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<br />?�'" Before me,n notury pubiic quulified for said eotmty, personnlly entno `� ;A ��� r�'`'4� �
<br /> �.x�' � ,x�.��a 1
<br /> r� Dale-Roush, ' �s� ' � � Sf
<br />�, President of � ��r� �. f��,:�����
<br /> :�' ��- �. �. . . . - . , -� 1 Y�.
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<br />�s IndianaAcres Land Development Co , Inc ` , u corporat�on, 'i; r ,��; �+ �r�
<br /> 4 I.iio�cn to me to Ue tLe Pregident nnd:idenUcnl peraon«�ho si�med`Uie foregomg inatrument,nnd uckno�c = , z ��r� fF, �
<br />" ' ' , le�ged the:;e�ecufaon>thercof to be h�a,�oluntury uct and deed tts such officer and the �•oluntxry net nnd s ; :F�`� " 'S�
<br />� ` dced oP snid corporat�on nnd•:that its.;corporate 5eu1 �i•us'thcreto nffised by its,anthonty. r` '���' � � �'#�
<br /> � g� � .�
<br /> i� 4 :� � . � '` �' . �� '� ! �� tl � .�a3t u�y
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<br />, " r : , ����/9,��'7 � t� �:f
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<br /> ;WILLIAM G.BCACKBURN, .....� ....:.. V��^�-'� !
<br /> Vt
<br /> ( �
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<br />�N�''� � GENEPnL NOT�,i2Y SUteiof Nebr.. ` `; <. ;: T
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<br />``s� , ..'`t,G.�.N-i�eXa,es i; �is,camm;ssion eapires . ...:.Nav�ember .1.....:..,19...7.7..:,
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