� ! . . � ..� . . . . . . . . I .
<br /> n;�
<br /> ' 77- ac�o�s� �
<br /> .
<br />� � `;a�rr{�i
<br /> MORT�AGIi , 7 -
<br /> .� � ,
<br />`J g : � � �� ��� I�lOItTGACiI:LOAN N0. 9. 22�G96 � ` � � '' �
<br /> r �
<br /> ` { KNOH'A4L�iGNIIYTIIGSUPitIS�NTS:TIiat GI'atlt A. ftickard and Linda K, Rickard, each in his and';har { ,j F � ";,.' , '
<br />� � }
<br /> � �� own�ri ght and as spouse of each other, , ; j , ; t�r ,� , i
<br /> s �to�tgegaq whcUicr unc ur murc,in cnuitdcratlon of the�um nf i r z'
<br /> � r + a
<br /> , Eighteen 7housand and No/10U------ --------�--------------------------_____ ......___T�o��n�ts' i f;; �. ` . r
<br />�� loanc�f�o xaid morlgagur by Thc liquilabk lluildlnd and Luau Assuclalfun uf Ctand Island,Nebtaske,�lottgagcc,upon 7$Ql�are�uf iluck of ' ' , t+ �� r ',
<br /> 4 uid A5S(KfAT10N,CcrUficafe No,L ' 22 r�g5 ,du hcrcby grant,n�uvey and modgagc unto thc tnW'AtiSOCIATION lhe folluwing � + �; ry � r Y'
<br /> { dcsctibcd real cstatc,situoted In Ilall Cumity,Nc�mskn: }r t , ' ��_
<br />, �
<br /> t� � + �' �`
<br /> � < 7 e
<br /> � � �� ` i c ' ��z� ,
<br /> LOT T1�ENTY-ON� (21) IN nLOCK FOURT�EN (14) IN ASH70N i ` � u �y�;, h� �;
<br />�� � ;�: , i � i �� �-
<br />`} n�nc�, AN ADDI7ION+70 THE CITY 0� GRIIND ISI.AND, NALL . `; t i�s' �`;
<br /><<� � � s 1
<br /> y �� � � . � . . � �.,� f {,�; s .
<br /> � � COUNTY, N�nRASKA,� � � � '� �y �� '�� ' ����
<br /> \ I 14y 1
<br /> r � r
<br /> � � � '1 �e �
<br /> .� . . . . } 3 4Y �.
<br />!! . . � j }� - �
<br /> � i i rn��'` f�'s
<br /> X, � �'t *�,,f e,'t
<br /> � � �
<br /> i �" t �; I � . F
<br /> t . _ ¢ r r �h �S
<br /> � �� �
<br /> � .
<br /> t � � s
<br /> 7 �
<br /> `� ,� iogeilicr with�aII�lIm tenementa,hercdltaments and appwtenances diereuuw�bclongiug,Including��mtacheJ Ilour co�cring�,all tvindow ecreene, ' � 4t+i` .�
<br /> wiuJmy.xhades,bllnds,stonn�vludo�vs;awnings,hcating,nir cunJltiun�ug,mid plumbing mid wa�crnyuipment nnd ae��exsodes U�ereto,puhipt,smr2f, . �: t , �� + `
<br />! � rcl'rigcratu�s,5ud uthcr R��urea and aqulpmcnt now on c�rcaficr auacl�ed Iu ur used In coimec�iun wilh sald rcal estntc.�� " ��
<br /> � � S �f r
<br /> � � Aud a�licreas�thc said�mui�gnqor hns�agrceJ and�Jues licreby agrcc ihat��thc murtgagor�sliall and ivlll pay all tn�ef aud acscasments Icv&�ar. ��� � � f�� `�
<br /> s , aucued�upun sald premiscs and upon this murlgagc and�lic bond setufcJ thcrcby betbrc Hu same�diall become�delinquenh,to�funilsh appnneJ� � < � 't�'r ��
<br /> i _ fnsurancc upun tfir buildlugron safJ pranisess(watedln ihcautnaCS,�n��0�.0� ��ayablc:tu sald ASSUCIATION and tu dclt�erlo�ald , �
<br /> ASti0CL1T10N thc pulicica for s�id insurnnce;miJ nuC to rntntnit or permit uny waste on m about saW prendses; � • tE r� °
<br /> ,`< '�� . �
<br /> F � �Jii case of dafault In the nerfonnance uCany of the fem�s and condlUnni uf this nwr�gage ur�lhe boud securcd hercby,the morlgagee:tholl�_ �� .��� � �,� � ���
<br /> uu d¢mand;be�en181cd Iu immedlatc�x�ssession of 1hc mudgaged premfses�and thc murtgagor hercby�aasign:,��tranafcn�nnd uts,o�tr lo Ihc s ,
<br /> nwdgagcc a�l tiic 1en1a,�evenucs and�fnroinc to bc ilcrH�eJ frum thc munqaged�premfses Juring such ilmc ae tlm mortgagc indebiednesi diall rem�hi � , �`
<br /> unpnW:nnd the rourtgagcc ahatl havc lhc��uwer to�ppqlnt am agenl ot ngenls Il ma��esire funhc purpusc of7epolrin�said p�cmisca and teNtng ;r: � �� �
<br />, r. . ihe c�me and culiccling Uia tenl:,rcecnucs and D�nomc,und It mag pay unt uf said nconm aI1 expaiecs ot repalring�.ii�.promises and ncceasaq ti s ^ ;
<br /> mmmissions auJ ex�enses Incurred'lu retiting and nwnaging the s:une.aud uC callect�ng�nuals UiereCrom;Ihr`balance rrmalnln� It'an�;tu be � �' ,; s � 4
<br />'h , applled'to�vnrd Uid�151'I1�I�jC U�SllIII Illq11�I88C IIIIICII�ClI11C3S:thesc tighla of thr,mort�agcc m�y bc excrciscd st any Nmc durtng Ilie ex��tenre uCsud� � �` ti ;:
<br /> k �� Jefault,irrcapccthe of any trnipurary walvcr nt the aamc. } t ;
<br /> y � �TII¢SC PICSC1119�howc�er;�nrc u�wn'thc CondlNmi;7hat ff q�c�sa(J.Alurlgagor shall itpay.aald loan un or Ue(ore�Uic matudty"of sald sharc�by �. ,. p s
<br /> paymenl;pay niunlhiy la saW ASSOCIATION uf Ihe sum s�xcllled in thc IIonJ securcd hercby aa hdcrest and pdnc(pal on sald loan,�m ar baCore . E e
<br /> Ilie Twcnllc�li da�u(cach mid c+zry month,uudl sald loan Is fully paid;�ay nll laxes anJ as:esamnntA levic�iagainst snid ptentlscs and on ptl:Alditgaga . j t�
<br /> c � llI1lI IIIC I�OtlII SCWICII(IICICIIy,beCurc JeHnyucn��;I'undsh appruved in+mancc upon thc IiailJings thcreun In the aum of S�$yOOO 00 payable , �. i
<br /> t o s a l J 7 1 5 5 0(:I A l'I O N;r c N a y t u a a l d A S S O C I e\7 1 Q N u w n d e m m i d a l l i n u n e v b y i l p:�i d f o r s u d r t a x e s;a e s e a s m c u t s a n d.i n s u r a n c e.w l t h I n temi t a t `
<br /> tlie maximmn Iegnl�alc dmremi Gom Jale o(paymcut al�uf�vhich�lurtgagor licreby agrce�to��ay;permlt no wasle nn�.�iJ pronil:es;kcep andcomply . � � 1 :
<br /> 000.00' r �
<br /> wHh alf thc�grcements and conJlUun:uf tlic 11ond for S �8� tldi Jay given by dic safd pto�lgagor tn uld'ASSOCIATION,m�d ccimpl5' ' � ti
<br /> w{Ih oll thc requirements uf�hc Canslitutlon and ByLaa's uf said,lSSUCIATION;Ihcn Ihcu prc:ents�h�ll�ecatne null and�niJ,ulhe�wise thcy
<br /> iliall.icmain in full.,fu¢c nnd inay bc furecloud nt thc uptlun ut lhc sald AS50CIATION aftcr fnilurc.for'thrcc mundiy tu makd nny uf eafd
<br /> pnymenls or bc Uirce manlhs tn arrcats(n maki�ig said monthly paymenls,or lu kcep and cumply wHh Nie agiccmenls mid�wnditinni uf ufd UuuJ; �
<br /> and A
<br /> lutigagor agiecz tu ha�t n recchTrappuinted fortl�wfth In such foreclusurc procccding�r; c '
<br /> z ��Ui li'qiere i:auy chmiµcln uwnc�ehlp u(Ihe rcnl catnte nwrlgaged liercin,by sale ur uthernise,tlien-the entiro rcmalning indebtedness hereby: f ' , >
<br /> � eJ sl�a0;al the nptlan nf The L'yuitable Uuildfng and Luau Assurlaqun of Gmnd IslanJ,Nebraska,becume InuneJlatcly due and pa}•nble wlthout i
<br />' � hulhc�nuticc;and lhc amuunt rcmalning duc unJcr sald bonJ,and any othc�bunJ for any aJJitlonni o��ances madc therewider,sfinll,Crotn Ihc.
<br /> '�ale nf czcrcisc of salJ npUmr,brar intcreet at thc maximum Icgnl ratc,anJ this murtg�gemay then be l'urcdosed lu aatbl'y Ihc amo�mt due nn aaid s
<br /> ;� bmid,aud any otlicr bwid Cor nJditional advanmi,to patl�cr w�tli n�l sum�paid by said'il�c L•qulieble 0u�ding and Loan Acr�clatlon uf C�and island,. �
<br /> Nebraska for Insurmico,Iaxee nnd assessmen��,and abstracting extension charge�,.with Inlerest �heremi,from date uC paynknt.et�he maxhuum
<br /> fi , :)egal�alc� ,
<br /> � As�mvided Bi the Uond accuted Lcrchy�whllc this tnurigago tcmains fn effecl Ihc mottgagec.may hnrcaflcradvnncc aJdit(mial auma to the
<br /> makcrr��l said libnd,lhNt aulgnx ur succcssori In Inlcresl,�vhlcli sunrc shall 6a a�ithin Ihesccutlty ul'thi�nwrlpagc Ihc samc n�thc tundi nriq�nslly
<br /> se�ureJ.Ihcrcby,dic lulal amounl nf pdncipal Jebi nnl la exireJ ut uny qme thc odg�nal amuwd of Ihls mo�tgage. . �
<br /> F � , . ��c�a�t�is 12th ; d�y�r January � , n.o.,iy 77 �✓ ;� ,,;
<br /> , � j���i��rl:,xd� �-�:--��--�r/,:�=�—' i� fL.;f.--t:-/���[:•-��. i
<br /> L It1CKdr . . _ . ."Lln�ca�c ar - . .
<br /> �
<br />� `� STATCOI'NL�UaASKA,1 s�, . p������_, " �2tih Jayuf January Iy77 6efutcmc,
<br />,' COUN7'S Or IIALL� r y :
<br /> 1 r " Ihe undenlgneJ,a Nutary I'ubOc In and lur suld Cuwity,perwnelly camc '�� �t�K� '
<br /> � Grant�;AM�,ickard and L9nda K: Rickard, each:,in his and her own right«,��nd as spou���9iyke�W��� �� ` N ��f
<br /> � othery �".�� �re � x b , -:
<br /> ,w ��c�he � �?
<br /> L tnf.�,�c�c.iikql J nS�` wl�ose.nnmc 5.`7P@ atOxcd lo Iho abovc inslrummil as murtgegur S and .�h�y cevcrally + ',�, g
<br /> J - � . �.�: .. . �
<br /> f 1 !�knuw 5p,�l�}eii'l��oia�In�l nent tn I�a thel p 4ulunlary ncl ond dceJr , � ;�i� '>:
<br /> � � t�b7At1Y�Y��CSS iy fi�nd and Nolertal Sral Ilw datc afotesa(d.. , � ; '
<br /> t ?�' .CQ J'�It Sl ,�, , �''
<br /> �
<br /> � ,A(j)C���1i sslon cxplror ' .� , � 3
<br /> \ +
<br /> � , rr�I�G�. ; � 3� ,r1aa U � .
<br /> � bc :�Cnr��' °1-1c�� t^ �' � Nulery Ihi�IfC
<br /> i ,,.,�F%y �.•'�i\�/+�� . . .. . . . . . � . � .
<br /> ���'���iG���J . . . . .
<br /> S '. �, T.���" . � t�..,..-,.,.. . � . . . .. . . - . . J� .
<br />