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<br /> ' A1012'I'CiAGIi,
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<br />� i �s � �� � � �IOIt7'CAGI3 LUAN N0, ��2�496 � �� k 7 �'� t� 'i
<br /> � , � i:t�own��nn:NUYTIIGSLPRL5LN7'S,Ti��� patrick A, Dudek and Patricia A. Dudek each in his and �,� ���� �Y ?
<br />� , ' �� i,- ,
<br />, � ,�„� Terbwn�,right�and as spouse of.�each other ��� � � ���� � � �� 3 �� f� � � ', ��
<br /> " = Aln��gagor,wlutMer one ur muro,In cuustdcrallun uf the�wu uf r' �� .�, �" '
<br /> F '�r Wenty-seven Thousand.Five Hundred and Plo/100= --------------•--------------------t���ni�y ` , '=o-{ tr,s ,�„
<br />� � r luancd to�I�mort�agur by 7'hc tiquita�lc Uullding mid Luan Aswci�tiuu uf GranJ Ieland,Ncbrasksi�to�tgagcc,�IEwn Z�5' sBnrci uf iiuck uf,' �� ? > h, r ri
<br /> 4 � salJ ASSOCIATION;CeNiflcato Nu.L Q2,Q9( MGICJn hcic6y grant,mnvcy and mungagc unW thc sald A55UC;IATION thc Wlluwing , � ` ur,��;- •;
<br /> Jescri�eJ rcal eatate,:lluatrJ in Ilall County,Ncbmsknt #� ; ,.�^ � i �,
<br /> } +
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<br /> ��� �� PLATTED�AND���RECORDED. � �� �`�� , ��`
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<br /> � togetl�cr�vi�li nll U�e tencments,IurcJllmncnt:and appurtenances th¢rcuntu 6clonging,Inclodfng aUachcd lluur cwxdngi,all winJoW urcens,::; �t r � � r
<br /> � ' winJow shades,bBnds,slomt�eludows,awnings,heating,uir cundilWning,m�d pWm6lug and.tvatcr cqulptnetit and acaswrits thcrcto,pumps,sto�r�, :' � �
<br /> t fCGI(jC(d�Ut3(8111I OlI1Ct II%lllfCS 911�I CyU{�7111CI1�II��Y Uf IICICBPICf��IOCIICII lU OI 115C1I III NIIIICCHUII\1'I�II E�III tC�I CSIDl0. �; :: . � p �`' "'':.� ��,
<br /> F ` And«�hcrcas lhc said nw�lgagur has agrced and doca hcrcby agrce U�at thc murtgagm ihall and will pay,ull taxee¢nd oeuumeni�IcvieJ ut � ;�, ` `
<br /> ' a3xcsscd upon 3aiJ ptcmises�nd uponYliis mutlgagc anJ Ihc baad securcd thercby bcCurc thc ssme shall bcrume dclinqucnl;ta f�imlah appru�td.-, � �; � q
<br /> $ Inmrance upOI1 lI1C�OIIlI111�'3 0�1 50W�)fCIIlI3C3 SIlUB�CII IIl lI1C 50fI1 O�S'Z��5�0.00 pa�able Iu safd AS50C1ATlON.and W Je►t�cr ld sa�d `. ' r . { � 1
<br /> y ASSOCIATION Ihc pulicles for said insurancc:mid uot�u cmnmlt ur penni�any w�slc un ur a�uut s�id p�emiscr,;.. � : , f, �r
<br />){ 3 . .. ,.. � ,��..� .. . .. . . .. �' .. 3 F
<br /> � ��� � �� Itl CL5C 0�tIO�tlIlICIO UIC�1CftOtI110111'C tl�00Y U�I�IC 1Ct015 i111I tY711tII1I011!0[lIl{f IpUf1�e$C O[�iI1C UOD(I ECCUtCII IICtCIIY,the muNgogec ahall�.���. ' ; s '"
<br />� � wi demm�d,bc enHtled tu immcdlate posscasian ul'thc wodgageJ p�rmius nnd Ihe:nwrtgagur liereby nufgnr, lransfen and aets.aver ro.the ,: �, :
<br /> mortgagce oll tlie renls;rovenucs anJ incumc lu be Jcd�rd from U�c�uortgagcd p�emises dwing�uch t�nc as Ihe uwrtgagc indebtedneu shatl tcmein�`.: `x f ;
<br /> wipalJ;anJ tlic murtgagre shull ha��e Uic puwec ta app��int uny agc�u ar ogent�it may desire fut thc pu�po:c of repalring said��remiscs and renUng y •
<br /> Ihe samrand cullrcthig the renls;trvenucs and incomc,and it tnay pay uul of s�fd Incumr all ex xnses.of;repairing snid prcmiva`endineceuary.:'; � t+ � '
<br />� cc�mntiuions:mid espenscs incurtcd In rcnQng and ivanaghig thesmnc nnJ of coliceting�oiilals t�mrcGom;tho balancc:rcmalning,tC eiiy�IU be; ' +
<br /> appikd tnwa�d tlic discho�ge�if sald modgagc Indeblcdncu;thcse dghls of ihc murlgagcc may bc excrciscd at auy tfine during Ihc cxtstcncc of sUch . ` +
<br /> r r def�ull.i�respecthT uf any Icm�wmry w5i�rr of Ihc samc. � t ��a.
<br /> � `, ti
<br />� t ':' Tliesc�I�rcsenta,hmeover,nre upnn thc CunJition,That.lf�hc saiJ Mvrtgagor ehall rc ay saiJ`luan on ur.befurc the moludty.uf u(d shata b)�`- y
<br /> pay�ucnt;pay monthly tosnid AS50(:IATION oCthe swn sEkcified in thc llond ucmcd Gcieby,as inlercst and pdn¢(pa1 on mid loan,un ur befuie , t �
<br /> r �.: die T�aenliethd�y of cacl�uud e�•cry monlh,wdil said luan Is fully��aid;pay all taxcs and nsseasmcnts Icvicd ngalnst safd ptcnti:cs anJ un thlt t�lurtgagc : 4
<br /> t � anJ lhc 13und secureJ thcrchy,brl'ure dclinqucncy;furnish apptu��cJ insurona apon Ilie 6uilJings thrrcon in Ihe ium af S 2��SOO.�� ..; 1'�Y���� '` � ia y = .��'
<br /> `to s�id AS5U(:IATIONt repay tu sald ASSOCIA7'ION�ipon drmnud nll moncy 6y it paid(ut such tases,asusmicnts and inmruncc witli inttrert a1 .; x
<br />� � thc maximmtticgal ralc thcrenn from Jnlc of payiurul nll ol'whid��forfgagun c�mby agrces lo paY;pcmift nu watleaii saiJ premisa:keep gnd�romply � y;t°
<br />` �, wiih all thc agrcrments and ronJilfon:of�he Dnnd for S 2T,5��.QO Ihfs Jay given�y thc�aid Alo�tg�gur lo sald AS50CIAT10N,end cumply .` �
<br /> � � wilh oll Ihc reyuiremcnt:uf thc CunstiluNan and Uy.Lmvs of aaid ASSOCL\TION:�hen thesc presents shall bccomc null and.rofd,uthernix qicy-
<br /> � shall rcmairr.in full force und.mny bc furccltiud�t qic upllon uf thc said ASSOCLI7'ION afler failure fuo-thtce tnunths tu umkc auy nf:ald 7
<br /> payntenti ur bc Ihtcc nwnlhe in nrrca�s in tnaking sald monthly paymenls,or to kcep and comply wilh llic ag�cemcnli and runditlons of rald Oond; ,.
<br /> ;� and�lorlg�gor agrces lo ha�2 a kcclvrr appuiNed futthwitfi in such fuicclusure proceedings. t
<br /> r ' If thcre is any ch�ngc in uwnc�shlp of tlic tcal cstata mmlgaqcd hetcin;by salc ur uU�etwise,llion tl�a enlirc rcroninliig indebledncu hc�eby:. � ,''-
<br /> ucu�eJ shall;a�die opllun uf The L'qailable Uufldiug uuJ Luan Assoclaliun of Grnud IslAnd,Nebmaka,becvme immcdialely duc end paya�ic ufNwul : !.
<br /> �� Cu�thcr notice;and tlic amount rrmaining duc wider satd 6und;mid mry uthcrbond Cur nny adJllional adtivnces made thercunJer,aliall,from Ihe =;
<br /> dnle oC excrcisc of said opf(un,bcar lidcicst a1 lhe maximum Icgal ralc;nnd Iliis tno�lpogc tnay then be fmceluscd to satisfy the amounl dUc an ta(d:r �`-
<br /> � bund;und u��y othcr bond for addil(nnal�dvonrcr,logedmr witl�all swns paid by saiJ'I7ie Equitoblc 1Suildinq and Luan Auucialton uf Orond I�I�nd, ,. � ,
<br /> `Ncbiaskn for it�aurance,taxes�nd assessntents,and nbslracdng rxlenslun charges,witlr 6ilerut thercun;from datu of�iayment at the.maxintum
<br /> 1 �.: IC�UI f��0., �... ; .. . . : ..
<br /> f �' As irovidcd In lhc Bund tccurcd licreby;whilc tliis lnurlgage rcmains In eRect lhc mortgagcc ntav harcaftcr aJwn�t additlunnl aums�u il�c.;
<br /> a nuken a�said pund,lheir assigns�r succrsso�s In intercsi,�vhich aum�shall 6c wilhin thc:erwity af Ihis mudgagc fhc wmc as the funJs udginally. 7
<br /> u : � xcurcd Ihereby,U�c IutaLmnount uf principal de6t nut lu excced at nuy Ume dic odglual ouwunt of thla mortgage. : .
<br /> �i� u�l� 14th a>ar January n.u.,�v77 ,
<br /> � Z
<br /> c uc e ;
<br /> � �- ' .
<br /> ,. Patricia�A �udek, .
<br /> � srnT�or•N�?uknsKn;
<br /> �. �u .. o��iias 14th de ot January 17 �
<br /> ;-GpUNTY Oh IIALL' , Y 19 ,bcCurc me, ' '
<br /> t ., the undersfqned,a Notury 1'ublicln and fur aaid Caunty,persuuallycame . � .`� �r,�a���;
<br /> t ,� Patrick A Dudek:and,Patr9cia A. Dudek:each in his;.and her own ric�ht`and as:spouse of each t �y �u
<br /> OthCP ; , ; u�ho APC ! I�enunalfyknownto , � . w rr
<br /> 3 : . .. . . . . . . � s � n
<br /> '-�>> ,�i � �:
<br /> w(i � :mo lo bc lhe idenlfcal person S .:, whusc nomr,5 dl^8 ,ef(ixed lo thc ubuvc i Minic�'a mortgegor-S and thE'y. sc��erally. � ?�,�'� �;
<br /> � 1 E ��.
<br /> 6 u know lc Jgcd t he sa(d�ndrument to bc: t h�j r•:: v�lunlory acl and dced. �' � ��k �:
<br /> �}: _ , . - � �''��J , .� 1
<br /> � , . WI7'NLSS my hand and Noierial Scal qm datc aforesafd. �,�'� � • �
<br />` � Afy�Cnmmlufancxpires �,,�''} � , j �_ f '
<br /> r ..��zr�� l �=
<br /> /` �� it`:;
<br /> � OCNERAINOtAqY+SfateotNehr � / ,r- Nolaq�I'oblic
<br /> � e..2At t ' 'JA�4E5 W,OLSp�I �� /g G/f L��
<br /> M�'c�s��Ny Cmnm,Lap.0ov.17.U/9 / � . �� � � � .
<br /> �F:� . � �. /. . �. . � � � � .. � , .
<br /> ���.� ... _ _ .. . . _. . � .
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