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<br />�-� � %'�, «�o`'`�`� REAL �STATE MORTGAGE �
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<br /> I:OGER GAUE CQNSTRUCTIQN, belny r� sc�le propr ietor-.hip by R��t�er A �,ad�_and n.:�ren A, t.;a_i� �
<br /> jt of tlie Gouni�of Nal I Nebraska i ` `
<br /> ti r y and Stale oL_— �ereinatler called thc parly oE the f(t�st pnrt,L� � �
<br /> ` I cmuidcration of T�VLN1 Y–P I VL" THOU:ANU ANU NO/I 00 ------------------------------------ �j
<br /> — — ---- �—.—_._UULLA125,
<br /> In haud pald, da Lerebq grant,bargaln,sell aud convey untn tt�e llume I�'ederul Saviu�e&Li�au Asauctation uf Grend lalnnd,
<br /> Grnnd leland,Nebraskn,and lts succeasocs and nsalgi�e,tl�e tolluwing real eslate,aftuated ln 1{a I I
<br /> Cuunty,State of Nebraska , , tu�vit:
<br /> �
<br /> LU'I� i[N (I 0) I N 1313HUP H[I GHTS 5[COND SUFiL)I V i S I ON, HALL (:OI iNll', fdl:f31?A:;i<A
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<br /> � Togetl�er with aU the appurtenan�es tLcreimto bclungiug,nnd all ruvennnls in ell Ute t1Uc decda mm�ing a�ith eaid tral eakate, �
<br /> a � and ell thc renln,lasues end pro[tte arisins tlicrn[rum after defaull in pertonnnnce ot�ny covennnt oc condltion herein con- �
<br /> tafued:end warrnnte lhe litle thereto pertect aud clenr except for this mo��Qage.
<br /> � llurin�the Utne lhls mortgagc le In [otre llie nwHgaRure aRree: Fj
<br /> FLsI. 7'u pay all tnxes and aPed�l asscesments levled w�Nnet sald prem(ace; Induding all taxes nnd asecssntents le�ieJ �j
<br /> upon th[s moNg�ge,or the debt secured by lhie morl�agc. �
<br /> �� Second. 'fu keep nll buildings thereun InsureQ aqainst lose by tlre,liRhininR and lnrnndu in gome cumpany,to l�e ap
<br /> proved by the Ral�Ilome P'ederal SnvinRs& Luan Aeaceiulimi ot C��atid lsiand in the Fmn o[$ I n�!i+'t�h I e Va I un for ��
<br /> � the benetlt o[ihe sold Aesucixt[un,:tnd its successure or aseiRus; and to depns(t sniil policiea wilh aatd As.=uelution,nnd slinl!iiot
<br /> hl commit or x�d[er uny waEte un s�dct premises, and Fhnll put and keep snfd real estate Utdld(nFs and Improeemenls In �ood �
<br /> ordcr, r�
<br /> Tlilnl. To pny or cuuse to be pntd lo tl�c llume I�ederal SavinKe & Loan Assucfetion ot Grnnd Islnnd, 1La successote or �
<br /> � 1 asai�ns,the eum uf$ i4VLNTY–F I VI- ll{nUSA\D AND P70i I 0 ------------------------------- DULLAIiS,
<br /> �
<br /> payable ns followa: -
<br /> � �
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<br /> � !�
<br /> � j }��?`.?,OQO.UU 1JUE .I,�NUARY I, I'�18 �,
<br /> � ���
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<br /> �� S�
<br /> � with Intereat thereun paynblr.,nccwdin�;to tlie tenor a��d et[ecL ot tl�e one certnin tirst mortRage uotr ot eafd woriK��ors, �j
<br /> t:� bearing even dntc with these presents. Aflcr malurity enid bund drmve ItlLCCE'E( at lhn rnle ut ninr. per cent per nmium. 7
<br /> '}.� 1[nald taxee and aeseenments nrc not vetd �clieu due, or i[Oie bulldinKe un finid premlaes nre not insurcil ns abuce yro- '
<br /> cided,or It nny ot enid itdernst le nut pefd a•hen due,tl�en eald �cliule deDt shall become due Immedtulelc,at tlie optiun u[ihe ��
<br /> ; � B;IItI A590CI�tlon,nud ehall l6eren[ter dra«�intcrc=t al the r.ite at nlur per cent per nnnunt }�
<br /> : . 'Che morleaRor-� hereby ensle�� to enlQ mo�iKat;ce nil renls and incumo nrieink nL auy mid nll ltmes trmn snid ,
<br /> �; properly nnd 6cecby uulhurizc�eld mort�agce or ils nKent,nl !(s uplluu, upnn defatil(, la takc rli.�r�;e o( =nld properiy� and i,i
<br /> � � cullect all rehts ond iucome ll�erefrntn nmt��1vIV�I1C 9HOIC�U ll�e pnptueid o: Inlerest, prBtcl��al, lnnurnnce pre�uiwns,tnae=, a
<br /> ' F �isseasmenle, repaLR or lmpracements t�ecessary la Iceep Fald prnper(y h� tenn�dnble condlltun. ar to olher d�nrgea ur pap- �
<br /> ', ' � ments provided for hercln or In lhn nute hcrebn secure�.7'ht3 rent assiKnmeut Fhnll cunU�ue ltt turcc tmUl tlie unpal�.l bal- �'
<br /> e ik� mice o[said uulc ls(ully paid. 7'he inkln�o[ P�vcceaimi hcreuuder Elinll In no mmmer Fn•ecmit or relerd snid tnortgager. in ",y
<br /> Q tho collcetton ot said eums by toreclusure or othenviee. #
<br /> �� �ihether eald debt becomca due by l�pse of Ume, ur by rc,�suu uf ll��• [ailure o[ tl�e p��tlp uE lhc [irRt part tn compty
<br /> f �cith nny cunditibu hercln,fLe gnid Itu�ue l�ederal Savings .� Lunn As=.uci�dlon �d Grmxl(slaud, the succes=vis mul asei�nn,
<br /> FIIBII IIpVC lUe rl�;hl to brKin the IUfCI`I0�11[C OI UII9 mortK7�e nt ouce ou Uie rclrole debt hrreby secured: and lu include
<br /> � lLcrntn nll tuxea, aAneasmentY, insurance prendwns and coste,pnid by� il or lhem; ur nnid Aesuciatiun, its 60C1'CF90[8 ur �
<br /> �� aeslgns, tnay toreclusc unly as lo the sunt paet due, wiU�uut InJury fo ihis murlaaee. ur the displecemenf ur Lnpnirment F�
<br /> � o(tlie Ilen LLereuf. �;
<br /> And thc eaid tlrsl party and the mnkere o[Fnl�l ttute,esVecloll,V [�k:i'ee nnd dedare lhat lhe ficpnritr.rstnle o[ eedi and �
<br /> - . Ej eYcry une of lhem, lududtu�; �uth thal no�v owned and lhut hcrentter acyulred. Is ple!i�?ed nnd 6owtQ fur Uir. payment o[ yi
<br /> � tLc dc6t hcreby sccurcd.
<br /> _ � Attet lhe cotnmencemenL a[ nny nu[L in foredusure lhe plalutttf tLete(n sliall be culilled to qic(wmedlnle poasession ot �
<br /> }� snld premisea nnd the nVt�u�ntment o[n recelver there[oc, ttotr�9lltsfnn�ln�; they mey Le tlte humcetead et tl�e occupnnt nnd
<br /> � twtwitlistondin�tlie partles llnble(or tlte debl mny Ge eolvciit, aud lt�e first purty hereby co�esente tu lhe npVututment o[ a ft
<br /> r lleceiver apon lhe productlon of Uils lndehlure,withuul oU�er evldeuce. �i �
<br /> '17te foregoing cunditlo��s nnd egteemenle, all uud eln�ulnr,lie�ug[u0y per[urmed tliis cunce,r•auce slinll Le vuld,ather• '
<br /> r ' �) �vlar, to De nnd remnln lu tull fu�tie nnd ettecl.
<br />� � � .,M .
<br /> ` �
<br /> � � � 6lgnedthta 131h duY'u� J•:inu�r� n ll 18�� �
<br /> � ` �
<br /> �: fnl�GR. �;.�C1� rntl,Tl'IIrTIUP! � r' .
<br /> y �� in prreencc ot � �� � � �
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