� y k4
<br />� 1 ?_.�
<br />� . �
<br />� �
<br /> ���000239
<br /> oannrr�rce r+o. 6oes
<br /> r���� � � � �
<br /> ..;; � � � � � An ordinwre to e.r.And ctie bcmdariea and Liclude vithin th�: cvrpurna: limlta of, ond to nnnex to, !he � � �� .
<br /> ,+� . . . � - � .. �
<br /> � Clty oP,r�nd Ialand, tlehraska� certaln contiguwa land 1n thc �outhucet Quartcr oY thc Northuest ((t�rter
<br /> � ' (5d�ttd�) cY�^ation EL?van (11) ln Tovnsbip.ELeven (11) 2lcrth, P.+,nt;e fiinn (3) Wust of the 6th P.t4., Hall .. � �
<br /> t,t
<br /> y . .� County, HrobncY.s; to pr:vide tbr eervice benefitt thereto; nnd to pr�r�ide for nn efYective dnte of thit �
<br /> ''{y ordSnsnce.
<br /> �� HE TT�HUAIIi�CT'i.'�� :/r.Y9R t�IfD CG.^.�ICIL�F THE CITY�iF,PNtD L",WID, ItEBPJ1SKA: �
<br /> �EC'CI�II 7. [C i� her.oy fcund nnd de!emined by cuch City Ccunr.il thst:
<br /> � � (a) 'Lhe Lend ?:: atreet purposee in the Scuthwect:v¢rter cf the 17orthsreat :niarter {���hJ4) . ��
<br /> cP�ectian ELeven (11}, To+m=hip Eleven (ll) Borth, P.�r4;e tline (y) Ae�t of the 6th P.M., Ne11 Couaty,
<br /> }
<br /> I7ebrn_ku, s_ hereina.°te:core particulnrl;/described, is urbm and suburbon in character and ccn:iquous � _ � �
<br /> :}
<br /> :i� and xd,�rscent tn Lhe ccrporate liaits of such City. :
<br /> ��: (b) ?olice, Pir<, and cntv reaoval Lenefits wi11 be ia�ediately avai:able to surh lsnd Por
<br /> ^; � atrnet purpoces. . �
<br /> ?�t i
<br /> ?; � (c) 'ihere is v uaity of interest !n the use of such land for street purposes xith c6= use of � �
<br /> k
<br /> �;
<br /> � such lcts, laads, st�e^ts, and roads in the City, and ^_he ccW.:,mity convepieace and welf2re and t;^._
<br /> ;1,� _
<br /> iaterest of such City�i11 be enhonced through inecrparncing such land for strnet pux�oses vith3n � �
<br /> :he corporste 1�'.� cc' such City. . �
<br /> '��` � SECTION 2. '�at the bour.3=ries of the City of Crsnd Island, IJebraska, 6e, md kerecy sre, extended to . . _ � � �
<br /> !nclu3e vithia the corpers:e 1ia:ts af_uch Ci:y the coatiguws an3 ¢3�ar_nt lead for s.reet p,L�eses in � � � .
<br /> a
<br /> tLe Southveet :,uarter oP '�e Itcrthvest Gvarter (SdkFd�) of�ection Elevan (11) in Towa<_hip Eleven (11) � .
<br /> t:
<br /> �E Aorth, RsnSe Hine (9)i:est :f the 6th P.M., 5�11 County, Nebrsska, =are psrticularl;/descrihed s, :olloxs: �. .
<br /> x
<br /> � '2ie south fcrt� (��) :'e^t, nr 12.192 ceters, o:the SoutY:west Cusrter oY the Northwest �us:ter � �
<br /> (:.��7d�) of a11d c<cticn£leven (ll) :-c�the east ?iae of Ai.^�,a::Avenue, beirtg thi::y-�h:ee � � . .. �
<br /> - �33) =eet, cr 1�.=j8 �ters, ess: oY ti.e vest line of s¢id Sec.icn Eleven �ll); tAenc^ mm�inq•
<br /> e�st on Lhe �^u�': 1:nencf che Scuthwes: '1is:ez ef the ifor�^�:e,t +lusrter (SW�tid;) of ssid ..
<br /> Sectioa Ele•�en ��) : � s di_tence o:cne U':cus¢nd one th�dred t+o (1,102) :zet, or 3?5.b.�� � ' �� � .
<br /> ;�f ceters, to �3 Lin= st r:::^.t �.�.1es :ra the sau�h linA o:t.._ SoutY.West �uarter of' t".� Icrtk:•.+est , . ��
<br /> ' �uarter (;d;?�d:) .._ ssid Sectica ELeven (11), containir.q aa area oi 1.012 acres, or 0.410 1!ect;r?e�, �
<br /> nore or less, as aacvn ca tF.e p1�t dsted 1/3/77, :ear'r.eC �hibit ",:' at.ach=d heteto ¢r.d incor- � � �� .
<br /> p:rated hereia t;;re:'erence. , � � � � .
<br /> Sa"CTIwa 3• Ihat tk:i❑ �rdin3nre, together vi� a d:aWing of sucY:::nc! of lnnd, be filed for record in � � � �
<br /> �,._;; . . . . . .
<br /> the ofSlce c' the Regi�'=r �f Ceeds cf Ni11 County, ISebrvk¢. � � .
<br /> � SPCTI^.R 4, ;uch s2c: oG 13nd is herehg�uuiaxed to the�City oY�rsnd Is1•ind, Aa11 County, 1�br�ks. ,� - � ,
<br /> �rrTlrr{ 5, '�7�1t ac�:n :F.e L=kin:, e!'feet oY thL^ ordinnnce, th� police, fire, and snosr m:a�rval cer�ices � . -
<br /> of such�ic7 chs11 be P.irni_':�:d to the trae! cf lmd here6y vnnexe3, end City vater oervi^.P vi11 be r.vsi1s61e . . . .
<br /> 49 provided hy !av. . ' . . �. � � �
<br /> . SEC'fICit 5. '[?�is oriir.:nce cha11 be in f��rae nnd tnY,e r,t'fect �ro�rmd nfter itn ps_-•ute, nppraeni, ��:d . � � . �
<br /> �uClics:i"n•.ri*.hin Pif+.^.^n csy� ?n cr.c issue nC the C,rnnd IsLvid Gtii1y T.ndependent, cL: �y 1av prvvided. � -
<br /> bz�LPd JAN 10 1977 ,
<br /> urai�� ��<�``�—'
<br /> D�Tjp��� resi ent uf th^ Council � �
<br /> ATIFST: Cl:y,�u
<br /> /) / � ,�U��CV
<br /> / /� / � ��
<br /> �L c�iy/ales+r G-_
<br /> _ �,�
<br /> ' JAN 5 t977 < <; .� '
<br /> � �
<br /> H
<br />� • � .
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<br /> 4. _
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