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<br /> An ordlaence¢zntiag St:set Smproamrst Dintrict Ho. 914, definfng the boundaries ot the diatrict;
<br /> yrovlding tor thc im�ac�at cd the atn�et vithin the diatrict by paving, gutter}ng, end sll Sncidental
<br /> . vorlc�a conaeetlan thexrvith. . � . . ' .
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<br /> � BHCTION 1, Street Sapraa+�t 1ristrSct 7Vo. 914 in the City of Crand Island, Iiebraska, Sa hereby cnated.
<br /> BECTIOft 2. 21�e bwmisrien of t6a dintrict-sLall be as follwa;
<br /> �� �+«�*+*+_�*+�at a poiat on tbe avrtL prolongatioa oP the veat llne�of Skiermen Avemie and�30'J feet, �
<br /> � or 91,4L meters,narth oP the narth line oY fl+iidley Avetrue; thence ruming south on the north � .
<br /> � prolnngatim oS t3e�est 11ne of�Lerman Avenue end oa the west line of Sher�en Avenue for a .
<br /> � dintanee of 670 feet, �2D4.216 meter�, to a point 900 Peet, or 91.44 meters, south of the � .
<br /> � eo¢t�t line oP Faidley Avenue; thence runain3 west on a line parallel to md 300 feet, or 91.44
<br /> � meters, south of the soMh 17ne of Faidley Avepue Yor a dlstance of 1,022 feet, or 311.5� -
<br /> � meters� more or less, to the easterly liae oY Kennedy Drive; thence rucming nnrtherly on th� . �
<br /> y - easter�y].ine o1'Keaaedy T.hJ.ve Sor a di^,tence oY 85 feet, or 25•9�d meters, more or les�, to �
<br /> - a polnt 214.02 feet, nr 65.233�ters, svuth vf ffie swth line of Fuidley Avenue; thence numing � . � � �
<br /> eoathvesterly on n line S�n distaace vf 4b8 Yeet, or 148.742 cieters� mnre or less, to a point � � �
<br /> e
<br /> on the xest line oP I,ot 1 :n Wo1Ye's S�bdivisiou end 3�feet, or 91.44 meters, south oi' the � -
<br /> � � ��� sonth].ii�e oP Fai�t,�Avenve;�:hence rnaairg vest on a line para11e1 to and 300 feet;�-or 91.44 �
<br /> �, � ----�" '�-" � -�---���IDetrsa� so¢th¢P the south line oP Faidley Avenue Yor n dist¢nce of 286 feet, or 8?-173 meters, �
<br /> - mox�e ar].�ss, to the east 13ne oY Sectifln 18, Tovnship 11 Iiorth, Raage 9 West of t6e 6th P.tA., �,_� � . �
<br /> , � Hnll Caeaty,Aebxasta;thenee raaaing aorth on t3e east line of said Sectlon 18 for a distance . �
<br /> . � of 670 feet, or 204.216 meters, �ore or les3, to a point 3� feet, or 91.44�ters, north of ,
<br /> �� the north line oP Faidley Aveane;thence xvr.aing east oa n 11ne paru11e1 to aad 300 feet, or
<br /> � 91.L�t meters,aarth af the n�..h 13ne of?'eidley Aveave for a distance of 1,799.3 feet, or .
<br /> 5�18,427 aeters, mre �1ess, to the poiat of beginning, a11 as showu on the plat asrked
<br /> � EshSbit "A" attadxd�eto sad incmparated herein�by reYerence.
<br /> . &ECTTOB 3. TLe to��_��sLreet 3n the district shall be Smprwed bY Pa�B, �'b�B, 6uttering, and .
<br /> ,;� e71�Lcldtstal zrork 9n cc�ectiffi t.hesevith:
<br /> � ' Faidley Avenee 2Y�Shexmmn Rvexme to the esisting paving in Faidley Aveaue at the east Llne �
<br /> . of Sertion 18, lbsmship]1 Aorth,?tange 9 Hent oY the 6th P.td., Ha11 Couaty, Nebruska. �
<br /> � Sald imgrove:rnts s�sll be�de in aecozdenre vith pinas ead specificatlons prepared by the Fhglneer for
<br /> . � the Cit9����7 the F�y�ead Cvmeil. .
<br /> � " &ECTIm9 k. 1Le iT^^+'*+�P�**s shall be x�de at puhlic cost, but the cost thereof, excludicg intersections,
<br /> � ahall be nssessed ap�the lots cm3 lwds in the diatrict specielly benefitted thernby, as pmvied by lau.
<br /> " �CTI@1 5. 1�3� �d.ineuce sha71 be in i�re aad talce effect hrom and after its passege,�agpxroval, and
<br /> �. publlcatiou,xithvnt the plat, as provided by lav.
<br /> SEC720Tt 6. 11�is mdinance,�rith the plat, ia bereby directed to be filed Sn the office of the Register
<br /> �
<br /> � of Deeds, Ha11 Conaty, Nebraska. �
<br /> SECTIOtJ 7. ATter p�ssage, approval, and publlcation oP the ordinance, aotice of the creation oP said
<br /> district aLa11 be published in the Grend Islaad Aai�y S�depemient, a legal nevapaper gu6lished end oP general
<br /> circulatian in ceid City as provided by lax.
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