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<br /> r, � 1('\ONAL1.1d1''VliYTt�ISL•hRli'StNTS Thct. LdUl�ence t,.Nolmes and Cheiyi A. tlolmes, ea�ch:in h�s and � �'7 { ' '' ' �.
<br />� `� � � - � r�'v i � � ' 1+'''.
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<br /> h e r�o w n.r�g l i t �n d a s 5 p o u 3 e o f e a c h=n t h e r, ,� �� ' ' ` c�
<br />' ' MarYgagoT,Whtther one ur mak�in conndendonn�tht tum'of T ti t ; � � <}" '
<br />� Seven.'thou'sand �igl�t.Hundrnd arrd NojtoO»---�-.���...�___�_�_...�...,.�.._�.,.,...�.,..._._ : r i,t r J
<br />, ' � bOL�R5 ik� �! ,�r T� �. � �
<br />� s 1uantd 1o'said mottgagdr�y T'hc 1:!{'iiitable liu8ding�nd Luan Asao�tieHon of Ctirand latand,��Arask�,Moitgageey a�n .1 Q sh'ves uf rtxl:of ��: x's ` �, �� 1 , f�;
<br /> G �a�d.AS�OCiAriON;CPriificatc�Yo,L $Qy�93 ,doharc�y p,rant,rum�cy and murtgage untu the satd ASS'OCIATTO�'4�b'fullewing r y �' , r�r ;'; ' ,
<br />�� , =dcsi�nbed'roet rstaic.'siivated in ll�fl�Aimty,:�eDraxka; cj r-
<br /> t'�, �1 !j} ; (� f1
<br /> 1
<br />��� .. . �. :l �1yY.
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<br /> J r �f
<br /> . , . . , t' , h F�} �
<br /> 4,� ' td Yl�E CI3'Y OF GRA�NU ISLA��1D; NE[iRAS1:A. , ,` < :
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<br /> ���e�her a,ih olt chc icnemenu;hereditamencs anQ appnrtenances(hcrcunto Ueton¢ing,�nctud;ne attachni ilaoc�n�tinngs,aii uindow xTtens r t � r� ,7*
<br />� uittdow ahadrs,blinds;sturtn Nindon5,aurings,heating,as�tonditionmg.and plumbing snd water cyuipment and ac Ysaxies theceto,pumps,std�es �(� s� },, `G '.
<br /> t . r.frigeraturx,and�otlmt(ixtnres and tquipmrni hoa�or hereaRer attachcd to or used f�mnnettion with aaid icat estate. -. , ; , t
<br />, , And whcrcai thc said nwrt¢agur has sgreed anS doesherebv agme thac the mottgxg�r shall and ati11 nay all taxes and as,essmmia levi�d or t� �' ; ,,s 1
<br /> a�scssed upun said premiscs and upon ihis mmtgagc and thc fwnd s��ure3 thereb4 betiorc the'same shatt 6t�vme delfriavent;'tu.flimSsh appro��ni �; S
<br /> inauranee.u�n the buildings on said prcmiacs iiiustcd in the aum ot S��$�O,dd payab'k N aaid;ASSUCIAT[0\ a�1�1 to 321iver i»si�d ✓- f 4s `'
<br />{ . ,\SSOC1.1t7d\the�wli�tics�'or said insuran��;and hot ro�vmmit or pemut an}•w�aste on or ahout said premisxs: �� ; ;,y y
<br /> pc ga� , ee shatl �'
<br />,#� ` tn case oi Seiauli in tht rfotmance n!'sm�oT the ttcros and mnditions'o[thia mort c ot.the lwnd secUre3 hece6r the ltturtge� y ' €
<br /> on aematid,be rniiticS to intmniiate�wsscssion oCihe inbngxcrd pmmias artd thx m.mgagor hereNy'assir,na, transfers rrtd eets o�Mr tq ihe �F 5 r
<br /> A; Mo�tgagcc aD'tha rcnts;re��enues ond incvme tu be�iMve1 fYum thc mott¢aged premises during avcfi t{�e es the mJitga�t ittdebte3ntsa shall temafA . Z 4 A f t ' t
<br />'� unpaid;and lhc mottgagee ai�atl ha�e th¢jw�vet ro xp�int am�ag.nt qr a�mis it mac de�e far tfie pntzxi�e uf rtpairing said�emisec aitd santing r $ � Ri� r'.
<br /> tht same and mllhying the mnts,rc�znues an�1 incvmt,anJ ii may pzy out of naid iu�rome ail ryxnses nf rtpaidng aaid premius and net�essaiy � .` � i
<br /> commissions an�i taT+enses incurrt+i in rntinq and managimg the same an��f'.rollectir.�rentals ihetttrom;cha BafArtce kmaining;ft Ah�:'td be = ,+
<br /> � i
<br /> �rrlicd tonard ihe di�ha��c of�aid morcgagc imicUtednxs�;them rights�f ihe mortpxgze may 6e taerdsed at any time during lhe e�istenatnCauch l ' n ' , ,, {<
<br />� detanit,itrca}rcli�rn(any tempntarv���ai�ra af the same: x ` ' �' �r ;"
<br /> 4
<br /> `ihev l'msents;ho���errr,are upun thc Condrtion;7hat�r the sa�d�tetcgagar ihail ttpa�•aaid toan onbr HeCure thz matnnlv uf taid shares b� k' '' }
<br /> payment;�ur monthiy�tu 3aid ASSOC1ATiG\��(the aim s��.ified fn ihc►3ond se vred herc6\�a3 intercst ami;xinripal on said 1eao,i1n ur L•efurc �
<br /> the l�trmicthday uCenth and c�rn•month,�intil said loan is fulL�'psid;�say all ta�es ard asvessments le�ird againat said premiaes and on this�lurtgage ;_ � :' ;
<br /> �'� � s ;' ` ie�
<br /> � an3 ihc 13ond uaired therchy,@eforc delinqnena�;f'mnish appro�ed insurance up�m ihe 6ui]dings chercvn in the snm�f S�]�dQd;OQ�. pa5'ahte s`
<br /> iu;saiJ ASSUCfAl'tON;tepao to said ASS(xIATiC)\u�n demand all Mohev by it pa'rd for auch taaes,as�exmxnts an�i msvran�!with inttteit at ; ' t ��.
<br /> � , il�c��a�imum fegal rat¢themm from date�iE pxymtnt all.�f e hich 1lottgagnt hcit6y agrtes to pay;�xmiit no��ascc on�aid preniius;kcep and q�mply t; '
<br /> ? ��71h atllhe xgmments ami n�nSitions ol'the I��nd foc 5 7�Q��.�O thu day gi�en by the ui,1\toYtgager to said ASSO('IAl7b\,arid�vmpty
<br />{t . i u�th all thx reauirenxnts of the Constitution and 13v�1.a«z oC said ASStk"141TOA;then these piesohtn shall bea�mt null an�\vid,uthetwisr iht�
<br /> � shall icmain in'1U11 fo�a and meg be totc�los�d at ihc option of thc said ASSlxIAIION aRet failur¢for ihree ntonths W mal.e any uf sa�S
<br /> �x}�mentx in De thicc munths fn atmars in making said monthty pa��ments,or to keep and�vmpl}�wiTh tlx a�recmer,ts and�v;nditiotls nf zaid Nond `
<br /> �.; and�l�ngagur agrees ta Aa�e a rttri�rr aprJinmi(oithutith in au��h fnmlomre pni.redings. i;
<br /> � � . : if'thcrc is any change in oHrcrship oi'tlic real estatc mortpagtS hercin,hv salr ur oiticrHiu;then tha entirc Mmaining indebtcdnee:hiie6y ' ��
<br /> secuml xfiall,at thc aptian of Tfic Gyuitable tluildittg and I.uan Assucfalion�if Gtattd[slend,\ebiaxka,bec�me imniediAtaly Sue ahd�+apable�t-iihaut
<br /> � , iuiihei'qotfcr,and lhc.amount.temaining due undet sail iwnd,:and any alhcr bonl fui any addi�ionat aJ�ant�et tnade thcreun8ei,sh�ll;froin ihe
<br /> aatc��r.c.cr;x.�fs�s�opt;��,hcar interest a�the ma�imum Ixgal rate,and�hi:mertga,K may then be fuieeWsrd to s�iisfy the amount due un sa�d
<br />'� band;anJ any uthrt lwnd tot addiiional ad�an e:,togcther��ith all stms paid by<aid T8e liqvitable Nuilding and tUan Ass�tiaeion uf��and lilenl J
<br /> �,� �ebnxl:afutintutanie.tasesandasseLanknts,anSabxtntlingertensiunchac�tca,a�iih interxst thercun;'from daM ot-�fx}menhai.the maximum �
<br /> } leFil rate. : ,
<br /> ;�s pnnided in thc llond tccurhi hcrc6y,��hile thfs moctgxge t+emains in efTe.t the mottga€ce may hereaitar ndtan Y additional mms tu the
<br /> �.' makr�s of wid lttmd,iheir axcigns ot a�i��ca�rs fn intercsi;��hici�mms ahail Ne kiiliin the securit��of ihts nioNnage the sam¢.aa the fundt u'riginallv
<br /> � ". uiuttd th�rch��,ihc total aacount iif principal dcbt mN tu ca�rrS at am�limc'th0 uiiginal anmuntnf thls mor�psge.
<br /> � / Daledt6is j/J; (jJ'� davoC`JLtlUdI�'. \.t).,19 ��
<br /> s . ��^"'..'�..C:i"'� f�lli`w-✓"�� � . !s% ��' /�J �/'. �,{ '
<br /> i s �.:_%i1' ��!� �}�'�af�i( } .
<br /> ' 'L�t t'ence L. 1lotmes. �iery Nb mes
<br /> �.
<br /> � Si'111Ctl1 NCBItASKA, ' � .
<br /> �DU`'i'Yilt'111tL�� Onthis �Ch dayot. �311U0!'J�' 19 ]� �Ixforeme
<br /> s� lha un3errigned,a{�utan•I'��blk(n an3 fur said(.bunty,rera�inailyenme � x:� � �s�'� -
<br /> r ' l�urenc� � .I�blmes�and Ch�ry1 A� libtnte�, �ea�h�in his.and her nwn t��,g��►,�nd BS��nallyknut�nro ; � ' €, ����� ,
<br /> `� 5pnuse uf,haeh other , . ,� �, � ,,• '
<br /> , '
<br /> s t� ; m2 tb be tht iJaatid)petai�s � Nhosc name$ dl"C atii�cd to the allo�e idst�umeoi�4 mo ot 5 , and they ���rall� � ��� .
<br />^ 'I " ack�toadedged thc s�fS tnrtr�m�nt tu bc CIl@71 �+�luntary aM an�1 dced. �,� �,�l� � f,� h+ ,L}'�
<br /> � \1TTYCSS my hand and Naianal Seal ihe dat�at�resaid. . � , ,�., � � ' t��° i
<br /> .:', , frcs ✓ :� :r ✓✓1 ;! � .�
<br />`� C[NETc1L'10T4 �, S'N.l',l�`�R p �--�� ,�' r'����f"�, f ��l`.� r:.,�-7� �`
<br /> 1An�Es�v�i��sax �;�r• �mary ruhuc
<br /> ; �ttaam,tiq.k..,l£�1�73 . .� C.dt"'T7, J�, >"y' ✓--r'..C.y �/�.'"
<br /> �
<br /> � �.
<br />