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<br />�� t •,JAMES R ,EPI�PER AND:NANCY,A.�.PIEPER,�;h'usba�d and wife, 'each41n �his.and:her oWn;;.right~ : z �1:,J1' ,;' '°� ,tl '
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<br />'i 'o(_ '�! Ha�� ��'i� �'�� rounty,.Nebraatu,w modgagor�5 aod Homo Fodeml Saving�and Loan Auodallon ol.Grand Llrmd.t t�, y {y} r�r�-.
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<br /> J .'o eoryocadon orqacl:od'and e�eQng�uader.lho law�;ol Nebrmta`Mth fU prfadpal oHlce and plats ol bwlaea�al Gru¢d Id�d.Nebmakw� r��� S i�
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<br /> � TH I RTY S I X TNOUSAND'N I NE HUNDRED AND NO/I 00 --- --- - nollan �s 36�900 00 � 7 i zr l L r fr
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<br />�. } t3 '� Togethcr wlth all_heating.�ltghting, nnd plumh(ng equipment aad�lfztu:ae,includlnq riokon aad humeu,tCTQEOl.'aW[ISptj�.�iormwladovn ��� : i�" .r�� ' �f
<br /> S� � and.doon,and wtndow shadee or.blinds.uaed on or 1n conaMiaa with said prope�ly,whother the wmo ase.awv locnted on w1d pcoperty ,i + t i
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<br /> SO�HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,logethet wlth all aad eiaqular lhn.laaemanb.batedltame¢In.aad appudo¢aaees tLeieunto belaaq . �- �s a S{t` T r ''�
<br /> t , . .. ..� .. :.. , ... ;. . . t..
<br /> 1-� �' inqror fn�.anywi�e appertalning,brovar,andCwanant tho fltle to Ihe.aame.�Sald moriqaqor-5 heceby.rnvenanL_with intd.mortgcqee �4��
<br /> q .. . .�.. . � ., . - , '� �� � - .
<br /> ".��tiat�he� 'are �.�u,�deUvery hereol.�.the law(ul owners ol tho p:emiaoi abovo conveyed aad daeaibed:aud; arB '. �4, � '
<br /> ��; . . . .. .. �
<br /> �.f,aeizod olYa good and��{ndeloaeible eatate.ot inhodlanee:the[ein.I[eo and alearot aU encvmhraattarand tbat�o�_wflb.warrml add cf `_ �� � -
<br /> �� deland'the Htle thereta!o[ever aqainal the elalme and�demanda.ot all penone�whomaocvar. .�.- ' � ' , i �. r ' '
<br /> {F _. . . . . - .. � �, . . . . �" � t pt j v.
<br /> I ! ,PAOVIDED ALWAYS, md�..lhis lnatrumanl Sa ezecuted aad.de4veced to eecuro lhe paymant o!lho�um oL � f �
<br /> THIRTY—SIX THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND NO/100 ----------------- n..11are (s ' 36�900.00 :� � � ,
<br /> �' wilh interant the�oon.�-loguthecwlth meh cha�qes.aad advanrna�as�may bo�due and-payabla lo�said maclqageo undor;�the Inrvu:and �.{ � ; > �
<br /> tt �
<br /> � �� wndiHonsi of Iho promlaaotp ao�a ot evea�.dale hesowith.and eecurod herobyr ozeculad by said moclgaqor S to aaid marlgagee payable ,�� f.
<br /> t " a�expteaaod in wid nota,and lo�aecure.tho petformaace o!all Iho�.torms and tonrLtlom.contained.lhoialn The:'letmi ol,said note aia
<br /> j : hetehy inrnrporalad heretn by�th4 celerenee. :;" . .�. . ; �., .. . .� ..�j
<br /> } i �Il le�tho intention-and agreament of Ihe�pa:llee hereto tkal thle mortgage:��haA alno�,.eeeure.aay luture advancea mado lo wld � y
<br /> �
<br /> } ' moclgcgor S by eatd mortgageo,aad any.and.ali lndebteduun�in�.addidoa to tho amomt a6ove stated:which��wld��motlgngo:r,or aaq �.�) ��
<br /> } ,' ol�Ihem:'map_owo�to wid�mottgaqee:howevet bvldeawd,-.whelhor.by nolc,book atcoual or otherwleo. T}Js mo[tgoge�hall:temain!a Ydl � ,'
<br /> 4 ''lorce'dad�.elled'betweon;the��patHee�heroro'�aad�tlielr.:6einr.pereoaal rep�eae¢lativee,-'�uaeeaonr.and-mdgm.�:�vatll all amounta-secvred . _� �� � �
<br /> � �:...hetauadvr.tncludieq.luturo advancoe.'are.patd In lull wi1L lnleretl.`.. '. . ; .r '. . � c.'
<br /> � .., ..-. . ��. �, . . . . .�� .�. ..,. .� -� .�. '�
<br /> i . .y: The�mo[tgagor��S,.hefoby��as�lg���_�.b.wid'moAgaqeo�alt�-tenb aad�fnwme;artdnqFal anp.and:aq Itmae�(rom�sald:�property�aad '.i �
<br /> 1 '�.hero6y authotixo.add mo:tqaqoo�or W�aqenf,at fls��opUoo.upon�dolaull,to take charge ol�aid pcopeilp and collect all rente'and faeoma �:.;7
<br /> :' Iherolrom�-and apply�lhe eamo�-to,lhe.paymanl ol Inlereat;prindpal.:.lneuraoca�f.pmmlucv..�lme�:aaeeeameota.�.repails or�fmprovameals naees ,}
<br /> � 1 :'aaty to._keap wid pcapnrty-In�.lenminhle�mndlUan..or��to d6oT charqe�oc paymeat�provided to[:haroln or In ths aola boreby wcvred..Yhls
<br /> � '�:� roul.aadgnmeat.sball conllaue.in Ioree�.unW-lhe unpald�balonce:ol�aald aole Is lullp.pald 17io laklaq o[pomeaaioa haraunder ahall in-ao ,,r
<br /> � ., �. maanor;pmvant or�.�otard�dd.mortqagee.in;t6e cnlloctloa o!aaid�ume by loreeloaura or.�othendeo.-,.. . ;�
<br /> � :� ..� � . .,, -�.: .. � . �_�. � ��
<br /> � >� � Yho'lailurs ol tLe motlgaqes to aueel�-aay ol ite��riqhl�heceunde[al any Wne thall�.aot be wn+ltuad a�a walver ol Ib��rlght lo�aasect ' ��
<br /> � jjS'- tLo,�ame��at anq�lalei Ume md�,lo Im3�l upoa�d ualorco slitet mmpllanea alth all �ho inrmi and�proviatons.ol sald nole aad ot Ih1� ���
<br /> � $f�.� mo�gaqe::.� ��:�. .!_ . ... �,, � -r �.' .r, .� . : ..,. .. . ,.: �..._... . ,._._ :�
<br /> } .;���� If..wfd:moitqaqor_5_�haA��cawa lo be paid to w1d mo:tqaqoe lhe eaHts amoual due It Lmaunder,md undcr Iho lerme aad Pro�felont � -i
<br /> � ol wid note ha�ehy eeeu�ed�tndudinq futura�adrancea.and any e:temion�n.,ronewaie ILereol�Ia aeeotdearo.wilh,the�.la�a�aad rorLtoni
<br />� � ��._` lhorwf,�cad il�wtd�mmtgagor��hall wmplp M.h all Iha provltlona o!wld`nole and ol�lhf�mortqaqe ihen t6e�e�pceeeab.ehall be�otd �t 4
<br /> r�'� Sf,h othet�eise to temala•la�ull lotes�d eltocl:�:md uddimadqaqw-.thall be enGtled lo.Use.poueulon�.ol:dl of.�aid.propertp:�.�d may�ot�lb } .+
<br /> oplion,:.dxlasa Ihe�.whols ol sdd eots and'all fndehledne�s r�pre�snted thetebp to be Immedtatdy due�d papable,and may:loreclws tLta � ,., -
<br /> i �#�� mortgage�-oc fake any otLer legal uc4oa lo.protoct il�Hqht and�irom tLe dals o[iueh delault ali Ilew ol�lndebtedneu�acuced'hereby � �:; e :. �� .;
<br /> i{' . �hall draw lnlenrt dDc9C6�Pqer panum. Appmiaomoat.waived. �: ','; '� ��. ' .�� . �? N 'W�x5�3
<br />� ] ' �2 TFils��mortqega�ahall�bd'bindlaq upoa:.cnd dwllr.eaure lo tLs�b�netlt o!Ihe Ldn e:seuton admleLtral�� �uc�eiwn�and ae+iqaa..�d �f §�..,, i
<br /> Lj - Iho roepoctiva partle�Le[elav :;r •�� �:-; ;r..�.� . � . - . ........ . .�.'.� .-, �.a3r�� "
<br /> � " IHjWITNES9 Wf�AEOF,,�a 'blodgagor 5 � �Vebereunfo_ut �� the����� � �S ths�dapaadyearltnlabore ���t r � ��
<br /> � � " wrltlen. ` . , � �
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<br /> t ..x:r� �f Ot l /C. ae �.
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