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i �—__.._��.. .� ._s___...�.�.._._ �:._.. ��: �:_�__. .��� � � <br /> F� • . ---L.,-.,...�...„ T ` ! <br /> ;; REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE Foari v�o zos (eev, r�e ` I � ' �t'',�' }t �� <br />, � ,` i � ;; s � t�, � , , ' <br />� <br /> � (� (�(� '� , �,� <br />� ` � � + '��� V�Q�a7 t! ���� OuCp _Tannanr 7� 1Q77 � � � � �� � ���:i °�'} s. <br /> � <br /> + , � ' � � �� �+ i< <br /> S y > , r 1 ��i :>x� �1 <br /> � ':i e ��' y°�� '- . '` � " ' �' ' -.' - .;: r< ; a ct i, 1 l� , <br />� r '` Dennie�L Hwctuble nud Sarbhra J �Hwctnble�;(also�known:as•:�Barhara•Hwctable), huehand � �� , � �k�; ' <br /> n ` °; � , ' � k� ��< <�rr <br /> t r � � t ,r r � c az <br /> , s- j : . t ; ,:; ,' � G`.i r i � ° y 3 i�z �. <br /> ' aad�wife �i� ` <br /> riortgngors, r;7� `� {�, , �` '� ,ay <br /> � � r , x <br /> : f ,,� . � i .� �.,; �� ; ' :- ' �. , : ' : '� f. t Y� r l. <br /> ' t or Hall �' � County,^ Nebiaeka.' ,.:ln conaideration ot ; � 'a � � �, , <br />� . � , <br /> S l � ; the advanae ot the principal.sum recited !n thn note hcroltinfter doscrfhed,receipt of v.hlch�ls acknowledged hareby i et ,3 � '�� ; <br />� ' ; mortHeBo.and convey to �_ � ' . ' {{t,�'i� r ` � r f �����i�.a`�. <br /> � d !,: . _ - ..� .� K'' � . �yt.. <br /> z THE FEDERAL^LAMD'BANK OF:01•1AHA, a Corvoratlon; �,:-� f � r� <br />� � � �_of Omaha, Douglas County,:Nobraska, whose address � �' � � �. st'i r��r'�;� <br /> z � , ,A._ i is Farm Credit Building� Omaha, Nebraska 68100, i r�h,. 'ra'+' ,si <br /> �, <br />� ,,." �"... ,; •'�. :_ •:. '': ;,, . ' '.. >.. ' .,- '. ' .:' .. �= ;� .� : � { rv r j' r -rr a E: <br /> J Nortgag8e (¢uOJeet t0 o1T,:"gas, flnd minernl rlghts nwned bS�Partles otiicr chun Nortgaqors; exlsting easements at' � �r ,+ , , ; <br />� q <br /> ; cecord;,reservatlons in United Stntes nnd Stnte pnCents;nnd the rtEhts of.thc.publlc Sm all,hlghnays�,CheSolloning-' �ryf r� �'. a zw ,1{z <br />,� descrlbed real estnte im 8��� County, NehrAAkA � } ' {r <br /> SEC." TWP �;g0 � � �+ a ,, �4r �. <br /> d` �: � sEF�F�,; <br /> t�±y �° r � F, <br /> r � SF�NF,�, and NFltSE��- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26, - lON� 11 W 6th P M -, f� { <br /> i �, . �j� ,� ti <br /> f r 5 � '� r r �S� � �. <br /> � �.. { �e; � f �s � __r � 37 <br />� tz �'.�� , � <br /> > ( .'r _ £,c r ty � rY� t cF. t�. <br /> '. v . 1 { +' ��.� t �f�r t� zJrr�<�. <br /> � " i �n� t A S � <br /> 3 � 1 i y Jy�.� <br /> i <br /> t L� ,- 'S/1 � \. . .�.. r;:. L#1, eS{ � ti:. <br /> J } <br /> ! � �Jl d _ n� �'c 3r�� � tt; �� <br /> � � <br /> 4 " � p Y'" m,, ,�3 � � �' N'+ �.r , � <br /> S ��p 'N� C���w .` ��+ . <br /> � �' ��+ 'U Q'�7 s l.�L. -�# .�Jf4 1' s�3 i .. �.F(�'�.. <br /> ; O 0�i: � 'f»'�'�I L'��� : �'��G , rr ° P�4 � � � <br /> ' �r �p� L`�KI �:'.: }�' �y� z f 5{ J. <br /> �.E � t�. ' } $ �y t¢ S �� r <br /> ji` �; L°� .,,.;�. o.�; �t a : '�z ? �4 s? <br /> �' � 1 W.:O �h� � G�,a � �t �: � � :�Y <br /> O. , � j <br /> F ' ��h Q,��= �7. �: - _ 't '�^j}.}���t i! C�` d -. <br /> 1� � t <br /> � �r � �� �. <br /> s �, �.tA:U �.��.., K i b h� � > � �.� <br /> �-;: . . , .. . : � . , ,..... � � ". ��. t�.a p y . <br />� 90' "' ncres, morc or less, 6ogether wlth all of„Lhe��1�t, titip�;and Snterest 4 °L t' k`" *�,r <br /> contalnlnP @ <br /> (no�v ownadorhereattcr acy�lred)ot the Hartgapprs in saitl propertyy includlnP.all bul2dln6s;lmproveraencs;tixtures,': }•'. � ,s'� � �i r f �t`�. <br /> � „�,nr�appurtenance�:.l.thereon�:or��.Lerenfter placed�.�thoreon:..all.titiater;'-Irrlgatipa,-and�:..drnlnage��rlghGs:��the-:tenements,:'� � ��` ..� � , , a� - <br />° : heretlitnaents,:.snd.ap�rurtenances-thereto nnd�rthe-.ent;,-,�1s,ue..;�crop ;�and��iroflts��n:.lainB frcm�seid�lands; and�(if.� �, � �: . <br /> I the`Mortp�qors+-rlghcs:ln.the publir.'�omnln nre requlred Uy HorGp�Kee ,o[•sr.curlty purpases) ell leases; perr�itn; s r� �r � '�t: <br /> j f;orprivlleges,:appm•tenant ar nunnppurtenant to's¢Id noct�ged pre;�l�es;r.ow or hercatter 15 ued;'extended;; j± � ° <br /> or renevied to`Che:Hort�gors Dy the.United Stn[es or Lhe state Sn whir,h Che abovc-descrihed properLy�ls'loca .d oc �; <br /> : cu�y deparU^ent .burenu, or,�agenoy Chcreot -: �. - .� . . � ti. r '.r . <br /> � ��, :. . . . �� ,..- i� . 'fs � .r r 1a�- <br /> ; 'Ihis r�ort�uQe 15 �plven to�.secute a`��e of even date herenith, eaer.u[ed by�8artgap,nrs to tlort�:tQeo 7n��, �� rr� ` i ' � �:x � <br /> Y ' the prlticlPal sum,�bt S7X7'4=S7X THOIIRANTI'AT7I1 N��100 - - �- - - -��- _ -�- - - - �- - - -���-ppLL1R5.. f r' �.-: <br /> g , ' pay�Dle`w1Ut interest according.[o the terms.of,^atd nate, the flnal p�yr,ent heing��e and pqvable op the flr t C�y � j. s� }; <br /> E or FPhrnnro. 9(106' ` ,,, 11i1s conveyanee sha11 be,ti�o1Q upon tt�e pnyaent of sald praml3sory nute:'. 4 ¢`. , � <br /> 4 � This mortgoge ls subJect to Lhe.provlslons.of�.71tE FARH Cfi50IT ACT:and �11 acts tvaendator,/"Lhereo[ or suDPlec�entnl. r <br /> l ' .6hereta:�,The proceeds of:the:loan:secured hereb wlll be used for.the i �- �' <br /> y p u�oses specltled Sn.the Martgagors appli-. t �� 4 �+ <br /> ! - catlon.tor sald 1oan.and authorized by sald Act. , ' i i <br /> �. .. � ,; + `, <br /> ihe Hortgagors, aqd each ot them, hereby warrant rhat they sre fee;o:ners af.th_.nortgnged real property;;that they <br /> ( will,deten� the'.tltle tgalnst,all claimunts n1�omsoever,;ar,d thnt sald property is tree fren all enca�nbrmces; that 1 k': � <br />� ` they.,rvill�keep all the improvements; flxtures;-and appurtenances.oacupled and in good repalr:nnd pernit no acts of 1 + <br /> I ' waste and they will relinquish all clghts;of honectead Sn�a1d premice3,andcovenunt nnd agree arlth Lhe.Hor[gagee, (S <br /> � as fnllows . :. , , � • <br />� , �: �� � � � <br /> (1� That they will pay v�hen due all,taxes, Llens, �udqconts, or nssessments`++tilch nxy be ln�5tully assessed agalnst �; <br />� I ` the property hereln mort�ged. . � 4. <br /> �Ej That they w111 In urerand keep insured building9.or other lmprwec,•rr on or ti:hich rany.hereafter be placed. �� ; <br /> 1 ! on'safd'premises,to the satSsfactlon.of the Mortgagee,suchlnsurnnce polley sh311 De endorsed�++1th.a mortgage clause �( �; <br />� ` -..,with the.lass:thereunderzto'be:payable to the:Nortgegeez, AnY sums received.�sy be.used to pQy for reconstructlon: �1 p_ <br /> � `.' bf the:destroyed;lmprovements;,or,'if, may; at thc option ai the ;tortgagee,�be applled,r,ent of <br /> I 'r ( <br /> 4 ;. -: a�y`]ndebtedness;'unrlatuced,'secured�by.chls�.rorceaqo.i�. �-� .:;: � t •;�, '� r <br /> 1 <br />� ' �31 t7'o'Daf all'rents feea'; or..charges'now due or to•hocono due under the ot ench lea;e;?perr�lt; llcense, orr 1 S�. <br />; _ : prlyllege an:the;pu611c.domain.�vhieh is appurtenant oc nenaDDurtenunt'to the�nortgaged premises;whlch has been ' .,� <br /> t lcsued;sextCnded;ior,renemed Dy�the'United Statos or the`.state.ln.:ti�hlch �he:aGove-Aesccibed praperty,i�.lncated;.and S <br /> ` ;, Lo'pertorm endioAserve every act,'covenant, conditlan, and sttpula4lon necessary to`kcep each;of.the.saine in Eaod. `� <br /> t { : stending and to:take every:necessary-step [a:securo the.reiscue,,:renew2l,.or.'exLension of eactitof,the.same; <br /> assign -�a1ve pledge or.endorse tn'the Mort�ce,ench=lessa permlc,.licen e, or,prlvilege If Mortgagors� rlghts j � <br /> Sr in publlc domaln pre requlred by Ttor.tgagee,for,securlty pUrposes..: ' � �` � ; <br /> (4)t Ttiat Sn the event the'Mortgagee,ls•n pnrty to nny:,11t1gatlon:'nffecCing.the.securlty or,the lien ot,lta nort-. � ' - <br /> -. r �� : <br /> gage,,including-an7r.3ult`by'the tlortgagee totor close thls mort�age ar nhlch the Mortgagee,R,ay De nsned t' �� N X�` :, <br /> ' ,a parCy:detendant itl;.which5lt-is.oGllgateG;,torprotect:Yts rishts=or-lien,'��:including cnnderenation and.�.bankruptcy:� i '.�� <br />� praceedings, Lhe rortgagee'mny incur•:expenses;and ndva�tce payr�ent�-for ubstrec� fees,.attorney 7ees { the �; f' � �?�Xd <br /> ?; eXtent;' law� costs expenses,.and other ch�rges : � �; ; j' �^J <br /> : t � .� <br /> °5 � �(5) �7hat ln,the?event therMortgagors Tail tp:pay vrhen due any tases ilen-j �uGgments or.assessrents, �r fall to f � •� : <br /> melntaln ln�urance,as hereinbefore;;prayltled,:or fall,to2pay rentsi„or cherges,nnder the'term� of,aqy lease, � w t � <br /> I pormit;r:llcenso7:or:Drlvllege <nr,.,Hortgagee�ls repulredsto_incur exp_nses tar`abstrnct,fees, nttorney:fees,.costs, �f � � i ; <br />! � � exp_nsos,:andnther.chargosi:ln connectlon with 1it16nt1oni'HortP,�Boe ruY;`rnKe such paynentnrpravftle sucti lnsurance; J� ;F� <br /> � � or incur such obligatlon and the-amounts paid':ther�tor'shnll becor,e s partio the.lndebtedness secured hereby due I� +,- <br /> � �� nnd payable Smnediately und shell bear fnterest fro�,the date of�:paynenC at.the.rnte.:o[ ten��Percent�per��ennur�. .� <br /> ,. ., .: .. . . <br /> . . �.- . .. :_, . ,.- . . . , .:�: � �. . . . _ <br />, �,.' ,: ; �:.'. '.;:, , �.;. . . : . �� " ;.: " .. � .. . ' � , .,: _.:. <br /> �� <br />�, 'i� <br /> .4.. �� „ ... _. .. . _. .. . . .. . �. <br />