<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> tj . .�. . . � . ' � � . . . � � YY ;
<br /> ' t ff .
<br /> � � 6: lf he faits to p�,� any� sum or keep any coti�ennnt pro�7ded for in this mortgage, the Mortgagee, at ' '`
<br /> , . ,
<br />' its option, may pay nr perfonn the same, and nA expenditures sa made shall Ue added to the principal sam
<br /> o��ing on the abo��e note, slial] be secured :hereby, and shall bear interest until paid at the rate provided , � ; s �
<br /> , i , " �
<br /> � � � , �� ` ' t � " �
<br />< t for ln.the prmcipal3ndebtedness. �
<br /> � U � :. � � � � � � � � � � � � � , .�` , , � r, , �:
<br /> r ' ,7; Upon request of;'the,lliortgagee, Mortgagor shall execute and deliver a supplemental note or notes � y j , t �t ;
<br /> � � for tl�e sum or sums advanced by Mortgagee for the alteration, modernizatio»; or improvement made at � � �' ' ` ' , ; ' j , �;
<br /> the :Mortgagoi's• request ; or for. maintenance of said preinises, or for taxes or assessments against. the � r3 , ` � �' �` � ;
<br />' � same;' and:for:nny. other. purpose elsewhere authorized he1•eunder. 5aid note'oi• notes shall be aecured s , ; x ' : � , ,
<br />' i,• . - hereb'y.on a parity i��th and as fully as if.the advance evidenced thereby ��ere included in the note first . y ' ' ' r ` .'
<br />� ,�'� desciibed abo��e:� Said supplemental note er notes shall bear interestat the rate provided for in the prin- � , �. ' r' � {' „�{, +;� '��` `
<br /> �i cipal iridebiedness and' shall be payable in approximately equnl monthiy pa��nents for such period as ma3� � � n � . , ;
<br /> s� be tigrecd upon` by the Mortgagee and Mortgabor. Failing to agree on Lhe maturit�*, the u�hole flf ti�e sum . . � � ,_ ' > ; ' `, '' 4 � ,
<br />" ' oi•- sums so advanced `shall be elue and pa5�able thirty: (30) days aftcr demand by the Mortgagee. : tn no . � " `` � ` ' . � " , , �;
<br />� �
<br />' '' event shall thematurit3• extend beyond the ultimatematurits oP the note first described abo�•e. ; A � ' ' t3' <F y r ,
<br />' � , 8. He herebs assib*ns, trnnsfers and sets o�•er to tha Mortqagee, to be applied toti�ard the payment of ` ' ' ` ` � ` `
<br /> � ` the note and-all sums secured hereUy in case of a default in the performance of un3• of the terms and condi- ` „ ' , � �� 'r ',
<br />' � tions of. this mortgage or the said note, all the rents, revenues and income to .be derived from the mort- t ' � , ;11 ' ;`' ;
<br />��� gaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedne§s shall remain unpuid; and the Mortqagee . ` t ` ,' } '
<br /> , �t �
<br /> �; shall ha��e pon•er to appoint an3�agent or agents it may� desire for the purpose of renting`the same snd col- . ` " `; tr � Y
<br /> �,� lecting the rents, re�enves and income;: and it map pay out of said incomes all necessar� commissions and . , �i , ' `_' � r
<br /> � r �,
<br /> Y exper.ses .incurred in renting and mannging the same and of collecting rentals therefrom ; Lhe Ualance . � , A ,� < '
<br /> ti - remaining, if any, to be 'applied toirard the discharge of said mortgage indeUtedness. �, z ` �
<br /> _ , � , r r,
<br /> �? 9. He a�i1 contmuousl�� mamtain hazard insurance, of such type or tS��es and amounts ns Tiortgagec , ' f , , ,
<br /> may� from time to time require, on the impro�ements now or heresiter on saidpremises snd except'�vhen (h' , '� � .� `, ;
<br /> '� payziient far ali such premiums has theretofore Ueen made under ' (a) of paragraph 2 hereof, "��ill pay � t �;�y'� ' �.
<br />� . ' promptly* when due an3� premiums therefor. , Upon default thereof, Niortgagee may pay the same. All � ' ' , . YF , y ;
<br />,� , insurance shall.be carried in companies appro�ed by the Mortgagee and the policies and renewxls thernof - � t `� � �
<br /> , �� . , � . . . . '� Y ; :. A ' i y.
<br /> sha116e held bs the 11iorLgagee and have attached thereto loss payaUle dauses in furor ` of and in form , , s� ; . x
<br /> acceptable io the :�'fortgagee. In ecent of loss .3'fort�agor «zll gi��e immediate notice b5• mail ta the ?�iort- �� �• , x � •
<br /> gagee, �ho map make proof of loss if not made promptiy by Mortgagor, and each iusurance companr con- !' ,� � ` ' f" ;-
<br /> � : , ,< :
<br />, ' ccrned is hereU,r authorized and directed to make papment for such loss direcily� to thc A'fortgagee instead , : , A�,r, °
<br /> of to the Dlortgagor; and the D'[ortgagee, jointly, and ' the insnrance :proceeds; or any part thernof, . � ' �� • ` , �
<br />�� � ma�.be appiied b�� tlie Moi�tgagee atits option either to the reduction of tlie indeUtedness hereby� secured � N � �� t;,
<br /> or to the restoration or1•epair:of the propert� damaged: In event of fornclosum of this moi�tgaqe; or other ; ` € ' ' ' � 7' ' .
<br />, a . transfer of. title to the :mortgaged propertt in e�tinguishinent of the indebtedness . secured herebs; ail -. � •; � £' ':
<br /> � rigltt, title snd interest of the D'Iortgagor in aad to any insurxnce policies then in force shaii pass to the : , , {:r t `
<br /> �L }, � t J y '
<br /> J . �ul�l:ll8$Er �r. �$nlee. .. � , �� � :. . � .;. : .. . 1 1 . ': :. 4'� -�'
<br /> , . ., . � ; � . �.. . : . �. ��� . �. . .� � ., f �-. rs ..
<br /> 10. :�s additional and collaterai security for the payment of the note described, and ali sums ta become � , j = +
<br /> � due under this mortgRge, the hiortgagror hereb3 assigns to the I1'Iortgagee ali lease boi�uses, profits, re�e- K , ` �. ,
<br />_� ; nues,'ro�-alties, ri�hts, :�nd other Uenefits accruittg to the :�iortgagor under an�� and all oil and gas leases � � ; � _� " � a;'
<br /> � �� - no�i•, .or during tnc life of this mortgage, esecuted on said premises; �rith the right to recei�•e xnd irceipt , ' ` � .
<br /> � ,� for the same and app1�-; them to said indebtedness as �cell before as after default in the conditions of this � < ' � ,
<br /> � � mortgage, and the Moitgagee ma�• demand, sue for and reco�er anp such pa��ments �rhen due and pa��- ' ;
<br /> � ' sble, Uut shall not be required so to do. This assignment is to terminate and become null and �oid upon . � �Y�
<br /> release of this mortgage. '
<br />{� ; _ �
<br /> il. Ae shall not commit or permit «aste ; and shall maintain the propertp in as good condition as at , ; '
<br /> present, xeasonaUle 1�•ear: and tear escepted. IIpon any� failure to so mainCain, :�iortgagee, at its option; ` '
<br /> may cause rcasonabie maintenance �ti•ork tobe performed at the cost of hioi�tgagor: 11��• amount�s paid , ;
<br />,. ; tlierefor by� Mortgagee si�all ,Ucar` interest at the rate pro�rided for in the principal indebtedness, shxil '
<br /> ; > Lhereupon Uecome a j�art of the indebtedness secured by this instrument, ratnUly and on a parity' R ILA AII `
<br /> other indebtedness �ecured lie►rby, and shall .be papable thirf�� (30) days after demand:: s
<br />, � ' 1 2. I f .t h e p r e m i s e s, o r a n y p a r t t h e r c o f, b e c o n d e m n e d u n d e r t h e p o�r e r o f e m i n e n t d o m a i n, o r '_ � � �
<br />� � acquir e d for; a p u b lic u se, t h e d a m a g e s a t v a r d e d, t h e p r o c e e d s f o r t h e t a k i n g o f, o r t h e c o n s i de r a t i o n f or : '
<br />�� . suclr acquisition, to the estent of the f.ull amount of. the remaining:unpaid indeUtedness secured Uv this ' ,
<br />' � : mortgage, or.: hereby assigned ; to tlie Mortgagec, and shail be paid fortha•ith to said 3iortgngce, to be r
<br /> � , ' applied on account of the iast maturing instatlments of such indebtedness. ,. ;
<br /> '� ' 13. If. the Dto�tgagor fails tn make any pa�nnents when due, or to conform to and compiq ��-ith a�. ' �
<br /> of ' the condiLions or agirements contained in this : mortgage, or the notes «•hich it secures; then the . : .
<br /> . � . entire principai sum and accrued intemst shall at. once . become, due and payabie, . at the election of the
<br /> :�4ortgagee ; and this mortgage m�t thereupon be foreclosed immeciiateU• fof tiie. ��•hole of the, indebted-
<br /> ness hemby:secured," induding the cost of.: extending the ' abstract of title from the date of this mort-` ,
<br /> �+ _ ,
<br /> guge to the tirae of commencing such suit, a rensonable attorney's fee, and ai�,v sums paid b�• the Vetemns '
<br /> $ Administration on accountbf the gvaranty or insurance of the indebtedness secured iiereby, all of tirhich '
<br /> y. � , shall be included in the decree of foreclosum. � '
<br /> , `14 If the indebtedness'secured herebp be guarantecd or insured under Titie 33, United States Codc, `t"' �� ` ��
<br /> '-' *f ,
<br /> '� auch Titie and Regulations isaveil thereunder and in effect on Uic date hercof shal] go�•ern the rigli�s, duties �� r . �v �n � � �;
<br />; and .l�abilities'of the part�es hereto, and a� prov�sions of this or viher instraments esecuted in cot�nection . � �, }
<br /> r � with �:ud �indebtedness which are �ncons�stent ��•ith said .Title or Regvlations arn . herebp nmeaded to x* '' � `
<br />` conform thereto._ , . �+ ��``� : ;.
<br /> � ' The co�enants herem con�med shall Uind, � and the" Uenefits and ad�•antages shall inurc to; the � � � � :
<br /> >
<br /> ; °�: . .
<br /> � , . . . . .
<br /> i : ' '`, _ �
<br /> . : :
<br /> , ,
<br /> . �
<br />, ' I
<br /> . _ ... . . . _. .. ... ._ . . ....r . .. , . .. ._ _, _ . .
<br /> , . ,: . � .,, . , , . _ :. . �!
<br />