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<br /> : 7'}�i. ?�lnrtgngee ma� cull��cl a '9ak� char�v., nut lu i�xci�ed 1�f��r Cruts ( ��c) fur rnch dullnr l `'� L00) i,f �•:ich t<rtul monthly � . . . .
<br /> � puymrnt tnore ihnn 15 dnys in arn•nrs tn euv�•r th�� r�tr:� �•aprn<a invnl��rd in handling dnlinyuent �ecrunls. � . � . � . �
<br /> . � All �pnyrnents made under tlir pr��visim�s of ifiis morlkage cr the noie herel�p secured. whicia may i+e crnv,irurd iu interesl, � �. � .
<br /> n � .hali uot, in the nti�:regnte oser ihe trnn � 6env�t, esceed Q�e nrt�� th:�t mtty n��a� bi l:r.vfiilly rnnlrncted for in ���riling. � .. : . .
<br /> IL is furihr-r :utreed thiii in casn nny �uit ie begun to I��r.•close lhis rnnrt. �ge. the ?�lori�;agee, ifs rc�preaentatives or assigns.
<br /> � . sfiel! n� nnce be enlitle<I to ihe pox�;es:iun of ��:jid premises, nnd upan applicatiun therefoq the• court in whir.h such oction shall .
<br /> . . be brrn�ght or �any judgc of sncli court, oithcr in term fime nr vacafion. in hemhy aWhorite�i tn �appnint a recciver t<r fake prasrs- � . . � �
<br /> �� sion of snid premises, or io � collcci ihe ren�s fherefrom. mrd tu do and padorm sucti uilier nrts us mny be re+�uired hy ihc urder ._ � . .
<br /> � of the court � making the �uppointment : iind suid Aiortgngon c�rebv wnives unv notice of such �ipplication. nnd ��muenis to the ap' .. � . � . - .
<br /> " �;ninhnent of ti rrcei�•er uP^n ihe produc[ion o[ this mortgage. +vithotd nther evidenm. � . � . � � � . . � � �
<br /> '1'he ,llurt�;agre nball be �uVirugalod ta iill uf thr rights. privile�es. priurilies. and vyuitics r,i any lienhulder FchcUe lien muy . . .
<br /> Lnvr bcret diecharged frclm the pr�uiKrd� iif . lhis loun. or by any [und; hereby t���id or fnrnished by the hiurigegir. � � " � � �
<br /> � . � IT IS EXPRI:SSLY AGREI;D thnt it ihe Ainrt�xgor shsll selt, com�ey or nlienate snid pruperh�, oc nny part thrreof. �. . � � .
<br /> or nny intercst therein, or shnll ix> divest�rl o( his title or nny interrst therein in nny rounuer or �r�}•, whrther vcilunL�rily or � . � � � � � . �
<br /> involuninrily, �ceffiout written eu�uent uf the �iort�;agcr Lx�ing firat had �i�d ob�iinckl, \tortgx,ee slixll ha�•�� the rig}d, t�t iL; optiun, . . � � � � �
<br /> fo declare nny indebtcY3ness or oLiiar�Gons �ecured hen�l�y, irrt:,prctiee o( the� maturily dnte specified in tmy note c•videncing t1�e ' . � . � � � � .
<br /> � ' sume, immediately� due mid p:�vablr witt�ou� nntire, :md s+id dch[ shtill tl�eruu��,n Fk�ct>me aM-nl�dr. If ihe uwnership o[ die mort- . - � . �
<br /> � qegcd pmperq• bernme�s vestcKl in u ��non nther Ovan the 1{��rt��;nr. the :�Sortga4E�{' may, v:ithout notire tr� the �tnrtgagor, denl � . . � . . .
<br /> ' . . with Such successor or succes�ors in inlen-?t with refrrence to this ntort�;a�;e nnd the drbt here•h>• se�'ured ;is «�ith the I�fottgagor, � � � � . � . . � �
<br /> � nnd may (orbear io sue or may e�tend time tur the pn��ment of the debt he�mby sinvrod without disch.ir�ing or in nm� wny aHecting � ' . � . � �
<br /> � ,c� the linbili 'ty o[ U�e origin.il Mr,rtFagor hereunder or upnn the drht s��cun�1. . . . � .
<br /> �f - � lii this instrument tLc• :ingulnr includ.•� fhe phirnl and the masculine includas the (emininr �nd tl�e �u•utrr snd this in- � � .� �
<br /> a ` ,trument sL:dl tu� bindin�; upon thc• widrrsiened, hi� hrirs, pi•r.�n•ii rrprr;Fntntive.c. succreson and nssi�. �� � . .
<br /> F.'- . . . � . . .
<br /> � . fN \t'ITNLSS \i'HF:F2F.OP, �ce ha��e l�ereunfn set our iiands and seal, the �?ay and yenr fint at��•e �+�riitea ; . � � �
<br /> ,;��� � . In the pr��senm of: � - �
<br /> 7
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<br /> � Na cy L . eeler
<br /> ± S'PATE OF NF.BRASKA i
<br /> ^ � S4
<br /> z _ _ _ Ha11.. ._. _ ._ .. _Counq�. �
<br /> ,
<br /> �' ? On this . . _ .�... _. . _ day of . . .� Lh�u-�-�y. . _. . _ _ _ 19_....7�thfore mr. ihe undenigned. a Notnry Public. in nnd for said .� � .
<br /> ,J
<br /> � c�ou���, E��r�onaliy- �am� . _... . .. .._ _ Robert J . �aheeler ard Nancy L tlheeler , husUand and wife ,
<br /> __..... . _. ._ _. _ . . . . .. .... .... . .. . ... . . . . ..._... . _ ... . ... .. _ ... .
<br /> { �� . � peraonally known �o me to Ixx the idcnt¢mt persoa5 µ�hnse n.unes nre utHxed to the nbove and tureguing instrument, ��s moriKagore,
<br /> � and each acknowledged �.�id inctrurtient lo be his or Ler voluntan• nM and deed.
<br /> ` \'.'itness my hand and notarial scal at... ._...._ _ . _ G!'� nd Island . IJebraska ,
<br /> .: _._.... _. _ .. .. . .._.. _ _ .. _ _ ..._... . . . .....
<br /> . the datc last aiw�•e v,•ritten. �
<br /> � � a ROBER7 D. PLACZEK �
<br /> . L} GENERAL NOTARY - S[ete ot NeW. %
<br /> � 1� Mv Comm(scion EXPRas . . ./�. _.. . . '
<br /> __ . . ��� f . �'� .. �c`' _ . . . _. .
<br /> ' �`��� NOVEMBER 25 . 5978 hiot�ry Yublic.
<br /> : _ � r� p
<br /> ��� ?�fv commi=sion expirr.s.. _..�/ __�Q.. . __ . .. . ... __ . _. _ . _.. ..
<br /> e -
<br /> i.
<br /> ?
<br /> 's> STATE OF...... . .. . . . .. . ..._..... . _. .. .... ... . ... ... . . .. . . . _
<br /> : � FS.
<br /> i:�- � . COUIIt�' . . . . . . . ... .. . . .. .. . ... . . .. .. _ . . .. . . . . _ . . .. . . . .... . -. .. .
<br /> � Entered on numericul index and filed for record in t.he Register ot Deeds Otfice of said County the
<br /> ', .... . . . . .. .....day of...... .._....... . ... ._.... .. _.. _... . .. 19.. . .... ... , at.. ... .. ._. .. . _. . . .o'clock nnd. . . ...... .. _ _ . . . . minutes ... .. . . _. . .M,.
<br /> ' and recorded in Book.......................... ..of 1lortgnges at page... ....._.. . . .... . .. .... as Instrument A'o.._ _ .----. . .. ... .. ._.
<br /> . . . ... . .... ... ....... ._ . .. . . . ... . . . . . .... ..... . . _ ._ _ __..... . ... ......... ._..... ....
<br /> Reg. of Deeds
<br /> �'' B��. . _. . . . . _. . . _ .. .. . _ _ . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ . . _ . . .. . ... .. . . _ . Deputy
<br /> ' ' I
<br /> «'hen zecorded to he returned to tf;e . �` : r ''»� " ,`
<br />� � � � LINGOLN LtFFICES� Pnonr �75•0521 �'
<br /> . � 1235 ••N•• Su�et � 135 ��o. Cofver ph0. � 7JIn ene .•6•' St L �5< 1 no. llln SUteI gr
<br /> � � 2zco wimn�ov na L� �o�r. e�a r�� s�. � :
<br /> t,C? '
<br /> � Oh1AHA OF:� ICES: Pnon< 55a.A�00 � � .
<br />� � U B70G Pauti: St. � 21C1 So. <2r.a St j j 3205 �lo, 90t� 51. :��I 3 �i:C Kbst Ccai e Pd. '
<br /> i�M" . F [G;ONFL OFFICES: � 2I20lLSIbe., Kee.nek � 513 ..E'. Sber!. lpnturr ! 3 � 33 'Y1" StrreLOra
<br />�;: �. Pnone 23LZiJ3 Phcne J .'?Q.J2 ^ :' �•�••rr ]:@-?: 1F
<br />'4`.� � 13U1 Idam Are., Gete � 223 �w Bulie be.. Alpanca � Idl l Yint .n0 St. G: : n0lstan0 I �i `. = 1 ue. LeweY S'...
<br /> t Vnone 9Z6�43a9 Pnon� JG:-21EU f�on. JP� .dAJ ] 'r! n ViN. ir
<br />_L:� � LoerrltAf 1965 E� flnl ftlernl Savier.f an7 Laan Gasecbllon ol Unca!n. Lincole. Me6raeka
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