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<br /> � The North Hali of the w'est Quarter of the Soutliwest
<br /> ,:
<br /> Quarter of the Southeast Quarter ( N��P�SW;SE'� ) and
<br /> the North Three Huttdred Seventy-eiqht (N378 ) Feet of
<br /> the South lialf of the CPest Quarter of the Southwest
<br /> ; ' - Quar �er of the Southeast Quarter ( S �W�tS[d'�SB� ) of
<br /> ',` ` . Section 18 , Townsl� ip 12 North , l.ange 11 , West of the
<br /> .. ; Gth P . M , in E4a11 County , Nebraska . AL50 , ihe L' ast
<br /> Seventy ( 70 ) Acres of the South Iiaii oi the Sautheast
<br /> Quarter , in Section 13 , in Township 12 Nortli , l:anve
<br /> ° 11 , h'est of the 6th P . M . , in liall County , Nebraska ,
<br /> � eIND a tract of land com��risinq a part of the Southwest
<br /> ;
<br /> ° Quarter ( 5tJ�x ) of 5ectiun 18 , Township 12 North , Ranae
<br /> 11 K�'est ef the 6th P . M . in Hall County , NeUraska , more
<br /> �' particularly described a � folloto� : 13eginnina at the
<br /> Southeast corner of said Southwest Quarter thence
<br /> Northerly along the Lasterlp l. ine of said SWn a distance
<br /> � ' of ? G7 ' to a point , thence Nesterly , para11e1 to ttie
<br /> ' ` southerly boundar}� line of said South�,*est Quarter , a
<br /> distance of 75A . 7 ' ; thence soutlierly , parallel to the
<br /> F.asterly boundary of said 5outhwest Quarter , a distance
<br /> of 7G7 ' ; thence Easterly , alonq the South line of said
<br /> SSV'a a distance of 754 , 7 ' to the point of beainninq .
<br /> and
<br /> ' 7'I13t }J3Yt ef the Northwest Quarter ( Nh'� ) of Section 19 ,
<br /> � in Township 12 Nortti , t.aricre 11 Svest of the G P . M . , which
<br /> lies North of the I2iqht -of -ATay and Depot Grounds e ,`. the
<br /> `� Ctiicago , Burlinqton s Quincy 1.ailroad Compatiy , and �ast
<br /> of the West line of Nubia 5treet , if said Nubia Street
<br /> �cere extended North to the Section line bet�veen Sections
<br /> ;; ' lfl and 19 , in said Township and Range , 13a11 �ount�• ,
<br /> NebLaska .
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