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<br /> I��me Federa�Sav�ngs& Loan Assflciatian af Home F�dera�Savxngs&Loan Asso��at��n�f
<br /> �rand Island �rand Is�and
<br /> 2�1 South LacuS�Street 221 South Locust S�reet
<br /> �RAND I�LAND,NE f88�1 GRAND ISLAND,NE 6S8q1
<br /> (Spa�e Abo�e This L�ne For Re�ording Data)
<br /> L�AN�RIG�NAT�R NAME: L�sa Ma�er �
<br /> NMLS CaMPANY ZDENT�F�ER: 44G443
<br /> NMLS�R�G�NATflR.IDENT�F�ER: 494��9
<br /> I�EED ��` TR�[JST
<br /> BY THIS DE�1] �F TRIJST)
<br /> TH�S DEED �F TRUST �"SeGurity Ins�rument"� is made on S�ptemb�r 5,�U14. The grantors are JEFFREY D
<br /> PAI�ZJ and SUZANNE J PALU, HUSBAND AND WI.�`E, �vhose address is 51Z FLE�T�VU�D �IR,
<br /> GRAND ISLAND,Nebras�a 58SU3 �"Borro�ver"}. Sorrower�s not ne�essar�ly�he same as the Person or Pers�ns
<br /> who sign the Ham� Equ�t� L�ne of�redit Agreement, dated SeptembQr 5�2a14 �"Can�rac�"}. The ob��gat�ons
<br /> af Barra�vers wha d.�d na� s�gn the �flntract are exp�axned fur�her in �h� section t��led Successars and ASs�gns
<br /> Bound;Jv�nt and Se�eral L�ab�i�ty; Accommodat�an Sign�rs.The trustee�s Arend R. Saac�,Attarney whase
<br /> address �s P.�. Bvx 79U, Grand Island, Nebraska 5S8QZ �"Trus�ee"�. The benefc�ary �s Hame Fed�ra�
<br /> �avings & I1aan Ass�c�a��an of Grand �s�and, vvh�ch �s organ�zed and ex�st�ng �nder �he laws �f the Un��ed
<br /> S�a�es �f America and whase address zs 221 South Locust Stre��, Grand I��and, Nebraska f8��1 �"Lender"}.
<br /> JEF�'REY D PALU and SU�ANN�J PAL�[]�ha�e en�ered in�o a Contract�vi�h Lender as af September 5,��14,
<br /> under �he �erms of whxch Borro�er may, fir�m time to ��me, ob�ain advances no� �o exceed, at any t�me, a
<br /> Thausand and DUI1�U Do��ars �II.S. $SO,OU4.04} �"�rediti Limit"}. Any par�y �n�erested in �he de�a�ls rela�ed�a
<br /> Lender's con�znu�ng ob�igation �o make ad�ances ta Borrawer �s ad��sed �o cflnsui� direc�l� vvi�h Lender. If n��
<br /> pa�d earl�er, �he sums �v�irzg under Borrovv�r's Con�ract vv��h Lender w��l be due an Sep�ember 15, ZD19. This
<br /> Securx�y �n�trum.en� s�cures to Lender: �a� �he repaymen� o�'�he deb� under the �ontrac�, wi�h �nter�st, �nc�u��.ng
<br /> future ad�ances, and ali renewals,ext�nsi��s and modif ca�i�ns�f#he Cantrac�; �b}the paymen�of a��a�her sums,
<br /> wi�h �n��rest, ad�anced to pratect�he security�f this Se�urity Instrument under�he pro�zs�ons�f�he se�t�on���led
<br /> Protec�i�n vf L�nder's Rights�n the Pr�perty;and�c�the perforrxYance n�'Borrower's cavena��s and agreemen�s
<br /> under�his Security �nstrumen� and�h� Contrac�. For this purpase, Borr��er, �n ctinsideration of�he debt and the
<br /> trus�herein created,irre�o�ab�y grants and canveys�o Trus��e, �n�rus�,w��h pov�er of sale,the follovving described
<br /> praper�y�a�ated�n�h�C[]UNTY of HALL, Sta�e af Nebras�a:
<br /> Address: 51 Z FLEETW��D CIR,GR.AND ISLAN.D,Nebraska 688�3
<br /> Lega� Description: L�T EIGHTEEN �18� W�ST'L�'��D PARK F�]URTH SUBDI�ISI�N, �ITY �F
<br /> T�GETHER ��T� a�� the i.mpra�ements now ar h�reafter erec�ed t�n the property, and a�� �asements,
<br /> appur�enances, and f x�ures now ar hereafter a part of the pr�p�r�y. Ali replacemen�s and add���ons sh.all alsa be
<br /> c��er�d by th�s Secur�ty �ns�rument. All of �he forego�ng is ref.erred �� in �h�s Security �ns�rument as the
<br /> '►Praperty.►,
<br /> B�RR�WER��VEN.ANTS �ha� Borrower �s Xawfully s�ised of�he �s�a�� here�y �o�veyed and has the right�o
<br /> grant and convey tl�e Pr�per�y and �hat �he Property is unencumher�d, except for encumbrances of record.
<br /> Borrovver v�arran�s and v��X� defend generaily �he t��le t� �he Property against ai� claims and demands, subjec��o
<br /> any encurnbrances of rec�rd.
<br /> B�rrawer and Len��r c��enant and agree as fo��aws:
<br /> Payment of Principal and In�erest; �ther Charges. �orr�wer sha��promptly pay vvl�en due the pr�nc�pai af.and
<br /> �nteres�an the de�t ov�ed under the Contra�t and�a�e charges or an�o�her fees and charges due under the Contract.
<br /> Q 2��4-2D I3 Gampliance Systems,Ir�c.9�9d-17G8-2013L2.Q.72�
<br /> Consumer ReaI Estate-Security Ins#zument DL2D3& Fage 1 of 5 www.c�mpliancesystems.cvrn
<br />