<br /> full of a�l sums secured by �h�s Secur�ty �nstrurn�erit. H�vvever, �his �p��on sha�� m�� be exercised by Lender if
<br /> ���rcise is prohibi�ed by federal lav�as�f the da�e vf�his Secu.rity Instrumen�. ,
<br /> �f Le�der �x�rcises �his op��vn, Lender sha�1 gi�e Barrov��r nfltice of acce�eration. The no���e shal� provide a
<br /> per��d af not less �han the minimum number of days established b� App��cable Law fram the da�e �he no�ice xs
<br /> de�ivered or mailed v�ithin whi�h �orrovs�er �nus� pay alI sums secured by th�s Se�urity �nstrument. �f B�r�ov�er
<br /> fa�1s t� pay �hese sums prior�a the expira��on �f�h�s period, Lender may xnv��e any rem�dies permit�e�by�his
<br /> Secur��y Instrum�nt withau�fur�her no�ice or d�mand on Borrower.
<br /> Burr�wer's Right to RQinstate. �f Borr�wer meets �er�a�n cond��ions, Borrov�er sha�1 have the righ� to ha�re
<br /> enf�r�ement af this Se�urity�nstrur�.ent dis�ont�nued a�any time priar�o the ear�ier of: �a} S days �or su�h o�her
<br /> period as Applicab�e Law may specify for reir�stat�men�}before sale flf�h�Properry pursuant to any po�er�f sale
<br /> contained in th�s Se�urity �nstrumen�; �r �b} en�ry of a �udg�.ent enforc�ng th�s�Securit� Instrument. Those
<br /> c�nd��ions are that Borr��ver: �a� pays Lender al� sums vsrhich then would be due under this Securi�y �nstrumen�
<br /> and�he Contrac�as if no accelera���n had fl�curred;�b}cures any default�f any o�her covenan�s flr agreemen�s;�c�
<br /> pays aIl expenses incurred�n enfflrcing this Security Ynstrument,inc�uding,but n�t 1�i�ed��,reas�nable at��rneys'
<br /> f��s to the e��ent permit�ed by�avv; and[d�takes such actifln as Lender may reasanab�y require to assure that th�
<br /> lien�f this Securit�Instrumen�,Lender's rights in the Prvperty and Borrov��r's obligatiori�v pay�he sums secured
<br /> by th�s Se�urzt� �nstrumen� sha11 continue unchanged. Upon reinsta�ement by Borrower, this Security �nstrumen�
<br /> and the obl�gations se�ured hereby sha11 rema�n fu1�y effective as if no a�celerati�n had accurr�d. Howe�er, �his
<br /> r�gh���reinstate shal�not apply in�he case of acceleration under�he s�ction t���ed Transfer�f th�Prapert�or a
<br /> B�nefcial Interest in Barra�er.
<br /> Hazardous Substance�.Barrawer shall no�cause ar perm���he presen�e,use,d�spasal, s�arage, or release af any
<br /> H�.zardous Subs�ances�n or�n the Proper�y.F o�-ro�ver shall not do,nor al��v�any�ne e�se�a do,anythin�affecting
<br /> the �roperty tha� i� �n �ia�a�ion of any En�ir�nmental Law. The preced�ng two s�n�en�es sha�l nat apply �ti the
<br /> pres�n�e,use,ar s�Qrage on�he Proper�y of sma��quantit�es of Ha2ardous Subs�an�es tha�are genera�ly rec�gni�ed
<br /> tv be appropria�e ta normal residen�ial uses and tfl ma�n�enance of�he ProperCy.
<br /> B�rr�v�rer sha11 pr�m.p��y gi�e Lender wr�t�en na�ice�f any investigat�on,c�a�m,demand,lawsui�ar o�he�ac�ifln by
<br /> any go�ernmen�al or regulatory agen�y or pri�ate party involving the Property and any Ha�ard�us Subs�ance or
<br /> En�ironmenta.� Law of wh�ch B�rrovver h�.s actual kn�w�edge. �f Borr�wer learns, �r is n��if�ed by any
<br /> governmenta�vr regu�at�ry authority,tha�an�remo�al or o�her remediation�f any Ha�ardous Substance affec��ng
<br /> the Proper�t� is necessary, Borrawer shal� pr�xnp��y ta�e a�� necessary remedia� ac�ions in accordan�e wi�h
<br /> E�:�vx�-unmenta�Law.
<br /> As used in�his paragraph, "Hazardous Subst�nces" are those substances def�ned as�o�ic or hazardous substances
<br /> b� Environmenta� Lav� and the f�llow�ng subs�ances: gasol�ne, kerosene, �ther flam�nab�e or �oxic p�tro�eum
<br /> p�-od�cts, �oxic pes��c�des and her��cides, �o�at��e sol�ents, ma�erials contazn��g asbestos �r formald�hyde, and
<br /> radioac�ive mater�a�s.As used in�his paragraph, "�n�ironmental Lavv"means federa�.�aws and laws of the s�ate of
<br /> Nebraska that�ela�e�o heal�h,safet�or envir�nrnenta�prv�e�tion.
<br /> A�ce�erat�on; Remed�es. Lender shall gi�e n�tice to Borrower prior to acc���rat�on f�liow�ng �orrower's
<br /> b�-each of any cavenant�r agreemen�in th�s Security Instrument or th��ontra�t under whi�h acce��ration
<br /> is permi�ted (but nat prior to acce�eration und�r the section t�t�ed Transfer❑f the Property�r a Bene�cia�
<br /> Interes� in Borrower, un�e5s Applicab�e Law pro�ides o�herwise}. Th� notice shal� specify: �a) the default;
<br /> �b) �he act�on required to �ur� the �ef�ult; �c} a date, no� ��ss than th� minimum numher �f days
<br /> e�tah��shed by AppY�cah�e Law fram the date the notice is g��en to Borrower,by which the defau�t must be
<br /> cured; and �d) that fai�ure to cure the de�auit an or before the date specif�ed in the notice ma� result �n
<br /> a�celeration of the �ums secured by this Secur�ty Instrumemt and sale �f the Property. To �he �xtea�t
<br /> p�rr�i�ted �y �aw, the notice sha�i further inform Borro�ver of the right tv reinstat�after acce��rat�on and
<br /> the right t�bring a cc�urt act��n ta assert the nan-�existence�f a default or any vther defens��f Barro�ver to
<br /> a�celeratian and sa�e. If the d�fault �s not�ured an or b�fore th�date specifi�d in the notic�,Le�der at i�s
<br /> v��t�on may r�qu�rQ immediate payment in ful� of all sums secured by this Security Ins�rument vWith�ut
<br /> further demand ar�d may inv�oke the paw�r af sale and any other remed��s perYnitted by ��plicabie Law.
<br /> T� the extent perr�itted by law, Len�er sha�l be entitied to collect aI� expense5 incurred i� pursu�ng the
<br /> r�m�d�e� pr�vided in this Sect�on, includ�ng, b�t not limited to, r�asonalb�e attorneys' fees and casts of tit�e
<br /> e�id�nce.
<br /> If the p�vver of sa�e is invoked,Trustee shal� record a nvti�e vf default in ea�h county in which any part of
<br /> the Proper�y is�acated and sha�l ma��cflpi�s of su�h noti�e in th�mann�r pre��r.�bed by Appl�cab�e Law tv
<br /> l��r�-o�er and to the other persons prescribed by Applicable Law. After th� time required. by Applicab�e
<br /> I�aw, Trust�e sha�l gi�e publ�c no�ice of�ale tn th� persons and in the manner presc�-ibed by App�icable
<br /> I�aw. Trustee,��thout demand an Borrower, sha115e1�the Pr�p�rty at public auct�on to th�highest bidd�r
<br /> at t�e t�me and pla�e and under the terms��signated in the notice of 5a��in one ar more par�els and�n any
<br /> arder Tru�tee determines..Trustee may p��tpone sale �f all ar any parcel of the Prap�rty by public
<br /> ann�uncement at the time and pla�e of any pre��ausl�scheduled sa�e.L�nder or its designee may purchase
<br /> th��rop�rty at an�sale.
<br /> Upnn receipt of payment ❑f the �rice bid, Trustee sha��deliver tv the purcha�er Trustee'S de�d c�nveying
<br /> the�'roperty. The rec�tals �n the Trustee's deed sha�i be pr�ma facie evidence of th�truth �f�he s�at�ments
<br /> rnade therein. Truste� shall app�y the proceeds of the s�le in the foliowing nrder: (a} to a�l cas�s and
<br /> expenses af exerci��ng the power of saxe, and the sale, including the payment�f the Truste�'s fe�5 actua�ly
<br /> C�2�Q4-2Qi3 Cornpliance Systez�-xs,Inc.9F96-CD60-2Q13L2.fl.721
<br /> Cansunner Real Estate-Se�urity Tnstrument DL203d Page 4 of S www.complian�esysterns.corn
<br />