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��14�5794 <br /> Applicable Lav�. As used in �his Secur�ty Instrument, �he term "Applica�le Lav�'�' shall mear� a�l cantro�l�ng <br /> app�i�a�1e federa�, sta�e and �oca� s�atu�es, reguXatians, ordina��es and adminzstra�t�ve rules and orders �tha�ha�e <br /> th�effect of law�as we�1 as al�appl�cable f�nal,n�n-appea�able j ud�cia�opini�ns. <br /> Charg�s; Li�ns. Bflrr�vver shali pay all taxes, assessmen�s, charges, fines and �mpositi�ns at�r�butable �v the <br /> Property�vh�ch may a�tain pr�ority o�er this Se�urit��nstrurnen�, and 1�aseho�d pay�nents or ground ren�s, �f any. <br /> At th�request af Lender,Borrovsrer shal�pr�m�tly furnish�o Lender receipts e�idenc�ng the pay�en�s. <br /> Borrawer sha�l promp�ly discharge any li�n wh�ch has pr�ority aver this Security Instrument unless Barrower: �a� <br /> a�rees in v�riting tu the payment of the obl�ga�zo� secured by �he l�en in a rna�ner accep�able t� L�nder; �b} <br /> can��sts in gfl�d fai�h th.e lien b}�, �r defends agai.nst �nf�rcemen� of�he �ien in, legal proceedings tivhich in the <br /> Lend�r's apinion aperate �o prever�t the enforcement af the Iien; �r �c} se�ures from �he ho�der of�he li�n an <br /> agreement sat�sfac�ory��Lender subordina��ng the I�en�o this Se�urity�nstrument. �f Lender determ�nes that any <br /> part�f the Praperty is subjec��a a �i�n�nrhich may attain pr�ori�r over th�s Security �ns�umen�, Lender ma�r giv� <br /> BorravWer a no�ice iden�ifying the l�en. Barr�wer shall sa�isfy�he �ien or tak� one flr more of the a�t�ons set forth <br /> abov�wi�hin I�days of�he giving of notic�. <br /> H�z�rd ❑r Pr�perty Insurance.B�rra�ver sha1X lceep the �mpr��emen�s novv ex�s�in�or hereafter erected fln�he <br /> Property�nsured against�oss by fire,hazards inc�uded wi�hin the�erm"extended c�vera�e" and any o�her hazards, <br /> xn��lud�ng f�vQds or flood�ng, f�r �vhi�h Lender requires insurance. This �nsuran�e sha1� b� nza�n�ained 1n �he <br /> ax�o�nts and far t�e per�ods tha�Le�der requires. The�nsuranC�carrier pro��ding the insurance sha1�be chosen by <br /> Barrower subjec� t� Lender's appr�v�.� which sha�1 nat be unreas�nably �ithheld. If Bnrrower fails �o maintai.n <br /> Gr�verage d�sc�ibed abo�e, Lender may, at �Lender's aptian, obtain co�erage to pro�ec� Lender's rights in the <br /> Property�n a�cordance v�ri�h sec��on t���ed Prot�ctiQn of Lender'�Rights in the Property. <br /> A�� insurance pal�c�es and renewals shall be a.c�eptab�e t� Lender and sha�l include a s�andard mor�gage clause. <br /> Lender shall ha�e the r�ght�Q ha�d�he po�icies and ren�wals. �f Lender requires, B�rrower sha1�prflmptly g�ve�o <br /> Lender all receipts of paid pr�miums and renewal n��ices. �n�he e�en�af�oss, Barrawer sha1�gi�re pramp�not�ce <br /> to the insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make proof of�oss if no�n�.ade promptly by Borrov�er. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrower o�her�wise agree in vvriting, �nsurance pr�ceeds shal� be app�ied t� res�orat�on or <br /> repa�r �f the Pr�perry damaged, if, in Lender's s�1e discre��on, the restora�ion or repair is ecflnomically feasib�e <br /> and�ender's securit� is n�� lessened. �f, �n Lender's sole discre�ion, the res�nration ar r�pair is not econom�ca�ly <br /> f�asi�le or Lender's security�rould b�lessened,�he insurance prflceeds sha��be applied t��he sums secured by this <br /> S�cur��y �nstrum�nt, whe�h�r �r n�� �hen due, with an� excess paid �� Borro�ve�. �f B�rrov�er ab�ndons the <br /> Praper�y,or d�es n��ansv�er w�thin�he�u�nber of days pres�ribed by App�icable Law as se�for�h in a n����e fronz <br /> L�nder�Q Borrawer�hat�he �nsura.n�e carrier has �ffered to s�t�le a c�a�m,��en Lender ma�co�lec��h� insurance <br /> prnc�eds. Lender may use �he proceeds�o repair ar res�ore�he Praper� ar#a pay sums se�ured by�his Security <br /> In�str�men�,whe�her ur not then due.The period of time far Borr�wer�fl ansvver as se��for�h in�h�notiGe wi�l beg�n <br /> �vhen the nati�e is gi�en. <br /> Un�ess Lender and�orrower other�vise agree ��a wri�ing, any application of proceeds to principal sha�l not�xtend <br /> �r p�stpone the due date of�he payments due under the C�ntract o�change the amount vf�he paymen�s. �f under <br /> the sectifln���led Acce�eration; l�emedies,t�e Fr�perry �s acqu�red by Lender, B�rrov�er's right�o any insurance <br /> policies and proGeeds resulting fr�n�. damage �o the Praper�y prior to the acquisitian sha�l pass to Lend�r�fl the <br /> e���en�of the sun�.s secured by�h�s Securi�y Ins�rument�mmedia�ely pri�r��the acquisit�on. <br /> Preser�ation, �Vlaintenance and Prvtecti�� af the Prope�ty; Borrflwer's Loan App�i�ati�r�; Lea�eho�ds. <br /> Barr�wer shal�n�t destroy, damag�flr impair�he Pr�per�y, allovv the Prnperty�� de�er�vrate, or�ammit�vaste an <br /> t�e Praper�y.Borrvwer shai�be�n�efaul��f a�y f�rfeiture action�r prflceedixag,whether civi�or cr�minal,is begun <br /> ��a� in Lender's gaad faith j�dgment �auXd result in forfe��ure of the Property or �therwise material�y impair the <br /> Ii�n �reated �by this Security Ins�rument �r Lender's secur�ty �nteres�. B�rrower n�r.ay cure su�h a defaul� and <br /> r�ins�a�e, as pro��ded �n sec�ion ti��ed�nrrnwer's Right to Reins�ate, �y caus�ng�he action or pro�eeding ta be <br /> dasmissed with a ruling�hat,in Lender's good fai�h determination,prec�udes forfeiture of the�3orrovver's in�erest in <br /> t�e Pr�perty �r a�her mater�al impair�ment af�he 1�en created by this Se�U�i� �nstrument ar .Lender's secur�ty <br /> irnter�st.B�rrower sha��alsa be in default if Borrower,during the Ioan appli�at�an prvicess,ga�e ma�er�ally fa1s�or <br /> irnaccura�e �nfarma�ion ar sta�emen�s ta Lender �or failed to pr�v�de Lender wi�h any mate�ia� �nformat��n) in <br /> connec�i�n wi�h�he l�an e��clenced by the �antrac�. �f�h�s Se�uri�y Ins�rument zs on a leasehald, Borrov�er sha11 <br /> comply v�ith a1i�he pr���s�ons�f t�e lease. Tf Barrower acquzres fee�i�Ie to the Pr�perty,�he leasehold and�he fee , <br /> ti��l�shal�not merge unless Lender agrees to the�nerger in v�-riting. . <br /> Protectian of Lender'S Rights in the Pro�ert�. If Barrawer fai�s to perform the �o�enants and agreements <br /> contained in�h�s Secur��y�nstrun�e�t, or�here is a 1ega�proceeding tha�may s�gn�f�can��y affect Lender's rights in <br /> ��e Property �such as a proceeding in banl�ru.ptcy, probate, for �ondemnation or forfeiture or to enf�rce lav�rs ar <br /> regulatiflns}, then Lender may d� and pay for wha�ever is ne�essary to �ra�ect the �alu� af�he Property and <br /> Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's ac��ons may include pay�ng any sums se�ured by a��en v�h�ch has priority <br /> ❑�ver�his Secur��y�nstrument;appearing�n cour�,paying reasonabl�attarneys'fees and entering on�he Praperry to <br /> n;� repairs.Al�hough Lender may take ac�ian under this section,Lender dves nat ha�e to do sa. <br /> An� amaunts disbursed by Lender under th�s sec�ion sha1� becorne addit�onal deb� of Barro,t7ve� secu�ed by this <br /> S��u.ri�}r Instrumen�. Unless Borr�wer and Lender agree �o o�h�r ternas of pa�men�, �hese am�unts sha�l bear <br /> iriterest fram �he da�e of disburse�nen� at �h� same rat� assessed on advances und�r the �ontrac� and shal� be <br /> p�.yab�e,w�th�nterest,upon n�tic��rom Lend�r to Barr�vv�r�eques�ing payment. <br /> �20��-2�13�ampliance SysEems,Inc.9F96-CD6�-2413L2.�.721 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security�nstru�ment DL2�3d Page 2�£5 <br />