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��14�5757 <br /> CASE #: NE32133355037Q3 D�C ID #: ********352��8a14 <br /> Bar�ower sha11 comp���vith the pr�visions vf the lease. �f B�rrower acquires fee title to the P��perty, the <br /> leasehald and fee t�tle shall not be merged unless Lend�r agr�es to�he mergQr in wri��ng. <br /> 6. �ondemnation. The praceeds of an� award or�laim for damages, direct or cvnsequentiai, in cannection <br /> with any condemnation or ❑ther taking of any part of the Property, or far con�eyance in p1a�e af <br /> cvndemnativn, are h�reby assigned and shali be paid t� Lender to the extent of the full amvunt of the <br /> indebtedness that remains unpaid under the Not� and this Security Instrument. Lender shall apply such <br /> prfleeeds ta the reducti�n ❑f the indehtedness under th� Note and this S�curity Instrument, first #o any <br /> de�inquent arnounts applied in thQ order pra�ided in paragraph 3,and then to prepaymQnt of principal.Any <br /> applicat�an af the praceeds to the principal shall not extend vr postpone the due date of the monthly <br /> payments, which are referred to in paragraph Z, vr change the amount vf such payment�. Any excess <br /> prflceeds a�er an amount required to pay al� outstanding indebtedness under the N�te and this Security <br /> Instrum�nt shall be to the entity legally enti#�ed thereta. <br /> 7. Charges to Borrower and Prote�tion of Lend�r's Rights in the Property. Borrower sha�I pay a�i <br /> g��ernmental or municipal charges, fines and impasitxons that are not�ncluded in paragraph 2. Borrawer <br /> shall pay fhQse abtigativns❑n time direct�y to the entity whi�h is uwed the payment.If failure to pay v�vuid <br /> adversely affect Lender's interes�in the Property,upon Lender's request�orrower sha11 promptly furnish tv <br /> Lender rece�pts evidencing these payments. <br /> If Borrnwer fails to rnake these payments or the payments required b�paragraph�, or fails to p�rform any <br /> other covenanfs and agreQments contained in this Security Ins�rument, or there is a legal pra�eeding that <br /> may signif cantly affect Lender's rights in the Praperty �su�h as a pr��eeding in l�ankruptcy, for <br /> cvndemna�ion or t� �nfarce laws ❑r �egulations}, then L�nder may d❑ and pay whatever is necQssary ta <br /> pr�tect the�alue of the Property and Lender's rights in th� Property, �nc�uding payment of taxes, hazard <br /> insurance and tither items mentivned in paragraph 2, <br /> Any arnaunts dYsbursed by LQnder under this paragraph shall bQcome an additional d�bt of Barrower and <br /> be s�cured by�his 5ecurity InstrumQnt.These amounts 5haI1 bear interest fram the date of disl�ursement,at <br /> the Note rate,and at the optian of Lender,sha��be immediately due and payahle. <br /> Borrov�er sha�i prumpt�y discharge any lien �vh�ch has prior�ty a�er this Security Instrument unless <br /> Barrower: �a� agr�es in writing t�the paym�nt vf the vbligation secured by the lien in a manner a��eptable <br /> �o Lender; �b� cflntests in good faith the lien by, or defends against enforcem�nt of the lien in, legal <br /> proceed�ngs vvhich in the Lender's opini�n ❑peratQ tfl prevent fhe enf�rcement af th� l�en; �r �c} secures <br /> fram the hn�der of the Iien an agreement satisfactary t❑ Lender subordinating the lien to this Se�urity <br /> Instrument.If Lender det�rmines that any part vf the Property is suhject to a lien which may a�tain priarit� <br /> �ver this Security Instrument, LQnder may give Barravver a notice identifying the lien. Borrov�er shall <br /> satYsfy�he lien ar take one�r more❑f th�actions set farth abo�e vvithin 1 D days of the giving of n�tice. <br /> S. Fees.Lender may c�llect fees and charges authorized by the Secre�ary. <br /> 9. Grounds f�r Ae�eleratian flf Debt. <br /> (a� Default.Lender may,except as lim�ted by regulatians issued by the Secretary,in the case vf payment <br /> defaults,require immediate payment in full of aII sums secured by this 5ecurity Instrument if: <br /> �i) Borrov�er defaults by failing t� pay in full any monthly payment r�quired b� this 5ecurity <br /> Instrument prior to oc�n the due date of�he next monthl�payment,or <br /> (ii} Borrovver defaul�s h� fa�ling, f�r a period ❑f thirty days, to perfarm any oth�r obligatians <br /> contained in this Securit�Ins#rument. <br /> MERS FHA Deed of Trus#-NE <br /> 10�4M-NE 408113� Page 5 af�� <br />