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��14�5757 <br /> CASE #: NE32133355�3703 DaC ID #: ********3522�8014 <br /> TDGETHER WITH a11 the impro�ements na�v or hereafter er�cted on the property, and aIi easements, <br /> appurtenances and fixtures now ar hereafter a part af the praperty. All replacemen�s and additions shall also b� <br /> ���ered by this Se�urity Instrument. Al� of the foregving is referred #o in this Security Instrument as the <br /> "Property." Barrvwer understands and agrees that MERS holds vnly legal title tv the interests granted �y <br /> Bvrrower in this Se�urity Instrum�n#; but, if necessary to cornply with law❑r cust�m, MERS, �as nominee far <br /> Lender and Lender's successors and assigns},has the right:to exer�ise any or all of thase interests,inCluding,�ut <br /> nat limited to,the r�ght to fnre�lose and se�l the Property; and t�take any action required of Lender�n�luding, <br /> hut not limited to,re�easing�r caneeling this Security Instrument. <br /> B�RR�VL�ER��VENANTS that Barrower is�awful�y seized of the estate her�by�onveyed and ha5�he right to <br /> grant and con�e� the Prvperty and that the Prvperty is unencumbered, except fvr en�umbran�es vf record. <br /> Barrawer warrants and vv�ill defend generally the titl�to the Property against all claim5 and demands, subject to <br /> any encumbrances of r�cord. <br /> THIS SE�URITY INSTRUMENT c�mbines uniform co�enants fvr natinnal use and nvn-uniform c�venants <br /> vvith lYmi�ed variat�ans by jur�sdiction to canstitute a uniform security instrument Covering real pr�perty. <br /> UNIF�RM C�VENANTS.B�rrower and Lender���enant and agree as follovvs: <br /> 1. Paymen# af Principal, Interest and Lat� Charge. Borrower shall p�y when due the principal of, and <br /> interest on,the debt evidencQd by the Nvte and Iate�harges du�under th�Note. <br /> Z. Monthly Payment of Taxes, Insuran�e and Uther Charges. B�rrower sha�l include in �ach month�y <br /> payment,together with the principal and interest as set forth in the Note and any late charges,a sum fnr �a} <br /> tax�s and special assessm�nts IQv�ied or to be 1��ied against th�Property, �b} leasehold payments ar ground <br /> rents on�he Property,and (c} premiums f�r insurance required under paragraph 4.In any year in which the <br /> Lender must pay a mor#gage insurance premium to the 5e�r�tar� of Housing and Urban De�elopmen� <br /> �"Secretary"�, or in an�year in vWhich su�h pr�mium vr�ouid ha�e been required if Lender st�ll held the <br /> 5ecurity Instrument, each monthly payment sha11 also in�lude either: �i} a sum for the annual mortgage <br /> insuran�e prernium�❑he paid by Lend�r to the Secretary, �r {ii) a monthly charge instead vf a mortgage <br /> insurance premium if this S�curity Instrument is held by the Secretary, in a r�asonable amount tv he <br /> determinEd by the Secretary. Except fvr the mvnthly charg� by the 5ecretary, these items are �a11ed <br /> "Es�row Items"and the sums paid to Lender are called"Escrow Funds." <br /> Lender may,at any time,collect and hvld amounts for Escrovv Items in an aggregate amount not ta exceed <br /> the maximum amaunt that may b�requYred for Borrower's escr�w account under the Real Estate Settlement <br /> ProcQdures Act of 1974, 12 U.S.C.5ec�ion 2fiUZ et seq.and implementing regulativns, 12 C.F.R.Part 1�24, <br /> as they may he amended from tirne to time �"RESPA"), exc�pt that the cushi�n �r resert�e permitted by <br /> RESPA for unanticipated disbursements or disbursements before the Borrower's payments are available in <br /> th�ac��unt may not be based on amvunts due for the mortgage insurance premium. <br /> If the amaunts held hy Lender for Escrvw Iterns �xceed the amuunts pernutted to �Q held by RESPA, <br /> Lender shall accaunt to Barrflwer for the excess funds as required by RESPA.If the amvunts of funds he�d <br /> by Lender at any time ar� nat sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due, Lender may notify the <br /> Borrawer and require Bvrrower t�make up the shortage as permitted h�RESPA. <br /> The Escrow Funds are pledged as additional secur�ty for all sums secured by this Securit��nstrument. If <br /> Borr�wer tenders to Lender the full paym�nt�f a11 such sums,Borrawer's a�count sha11 be�r�dited with the <br /> �alance remaining for all installment items �a}, �b}, and t�} and any m�rtgage insurance premium <br /> installment that L�nder has not become obligat�d to pa�to the Secretary,and L�nd�r shall promptly refund <br /> any excess funds to Borrower. Imrned�ate�y prior to a foreclosure sale vf the Property vr its acquisitian by <br /> MERS FHA Deed af Trust-NE <br /> '10�4M-N E��8113} Page 3 of 1� <br />