<br /> The Funds sha11 he held in an ins#itutinn whose depasits are insured by a federal agency, instrurn�ntaii�y, �r
<br /> entity (includ�ng Lender, if Lender is an institutivn whose depasits are sa �nsured} ar�n any Federal Home
<br /> Loan Bank. Lend�r shal� appl� the Funds ta pay the Escraw I�ems n❑ later �han the time specified under
<br /> RESPA. Lender shall not charge Borrower for ho�ding and applying the Funds, annua�ly anaiyzing the
<br /> escrow accoun�, or �erifying the Escrnv� Items, unless Lender pays Borrawer interest ❑n the Funds and
<br /> Applicable Law permi#s L�nder tv make such a charg�. Unless an agreement is made in writing or
<br /> Applicable Law requires interest to be paid ❑n the Funds, Len�er sha11 not b�requxred to pay Borrower any
<br /> interest or earnings on the Funds. Borr�wer and LQnder can agree in wr�ting, howe�er, �hat interest sha�i be
<br /> paid vn the Funds. Lender shali gi�e to Borrvwer, vvithaut charge, an annual accounting af the Funds as
<br /> required by RESPA.
<br /> If�here is a surplus of FundS held in escrovv, as defined under RESPA, L�nder shal�accvunt tfl Barrawer for
<br /> the ex��ss funds in accordance with RESPA. if there is a shortage vf Funds he�d in escr�w, as defined under
<br /> RESPA, Lender shall natify Borrov�er as required by RESPA, and Bvrrovver shai�pa�to Lender th�amount
<br /> necessary tv make up the shortage in accordance with RESPA, but in nv morQ than 1� monthly payment5. If
<br /> there �s a de�iciency ❑f Funds he�d in �scrovv, as defined under RESPA, Lender sha11 notify Bvrrovver as
<br /> required by RESPA, and Borrawer sha11 pay ta Lender the amount necessar�r ta make up the defic�ency �n
<br /> accordance with RESPA, but in no more than 1� monthly payments.
<br /> Upnn payment in fu11 nf al1 sums securQd by this 5ecurity Instrument, Lender sha�� promptly refund to
<br /> Borrovver any Funds held by Lender.
<br /> 4, Charg�s; Lie�s. Borrvwer shall pay all taxes, assessments, chargQs, fines, and impositians attributable #a
<br /> the Property vvhich can attain pr�ority a�er this Security Instrument, I�asehvld payments vr grvund rents on
<br /> the Proper#y, if any, and Communi�y Associa�ion Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if any. To the extent that
<br /> th�se items are Escrow Items, Borrawer sha.li pay them in the manner prv��ded in Sectivn 3.
<br /> Borrav�er shall promptly discharge any lien which has pr�ority vver this 5ecurity Instrum�nt unless
<br /> Borrnwer: �a} agre�s�n vvr��ing to th� payment of�he obligation secured by th� l�en in a manner acceptahle
<br /> to Lender,but❑nly sa �vng as Borrower is perfarming such agreement; �b} cvntests the��en in gaod faith by,
<br /> ar defends against enforcement of the lien�n, 1ega1 proceedings which in Lender's opin�on operate to pre�ent
<br /> �he enfor�ement vf the �ien while thvse praceedings are pending, but only until such proceedings are
<br /> concluded; vr (c} secures from �he holder ❑f the lien an agreement satisfactory tv Lender subnrd�nating the
<br /> lien to this 5ecuri#y InstrumQnt. If Lender determines that any par�vf the Prop�r�y�s su�ject ta a lien which
<br /> can attain prior�t� a��r this SQcuri� Instrument, Lend�r may gi�e Borrower a natice iden�ifying the lien.
<br /> Within 1�days of the date❑n which that natice is gi�en, BorrowQr sha�i satisfy th�lien or take ane❑r more
<br /> of the actions set forth abv�e in this Section 4.
<br /> Lender may require Borrawer to pay a one-time charge far a reai estate tax verificativn andlor report�ng
<br /> ser�ice used by Lender in connection wi#h this Laan.
<br /> a. Property Insurance. Barro�ver shall keep the improWements no� existing nr hereafter erec#ed �n the
<br /> Fr�pert� insured aga�nst loss by �ire, hazards�ncluded within ihe term "ext�nd�d coverage," and any a#her
<br /> hazards including, but nnt limited to, earthquakes and flaods, for which Lender r�quir�s insurance. Th�s
<br /> insurance shal� he maintained in the amounts (inc�uding deductib�e ievels} and far the periods that Lender
<br /> requirQs. VLlhat L�nder requires pursuant ta the preceding sentences can change during the term of the Loan.
<br /> The insurance carrier prov�ding the insurance sha�l be chosen by Borrawer subject to Lender's right ta
<br /> disappro�e Barrovrrer's choice, which right sha�1 not bQ exercised unreasonably. Lend�r may require
<br /> Borrower to pay, in cannectian with this Loan, either: �a} a one-tirne charge for flood zone det�rmination,
<br /> certification and tracking services; or ��} a one-time charge fvr flaad zane determ�natian and certification
<br /> �0'172394�715 Gitibank 3 2 83 19 V2
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Fam�ly-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFQRM IN5TRl1M�NT WITH M�RS Form 3�28 11�1
<br /> VMP Q VMPfiA{N�)(�3D�)0�
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial 5ervices Page fi o��7
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