<br /> 21. Hazardous 5ubstances. As used in this 5ectivn Z 1: �a} "Haz�rdor�s Sugstances" are thos� substances
<br /> defined as toxic or hazardous substances, pol�utants, vr wastes by En�ironmental Law and the follavving
<br /> substances: gasolinQ, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum praducts, taxic pes#icides and herbicid�s,
<br /> �v1at�le sol�ents, materials cantaining asbestas or formaldehyde, and radiaacti�e materiais; (b}
<br /> "Era�rnnr�e�t�al �.a w" means federal �a�nrs and la�vs af the jurisdict�on where the Praperty is located that
<br /> re�ate to h�a��h, safety or en�ironmental pra�ectian; �c} "E�vrra�rr�e�atal Cleanup" includes any response
<br /> action, remedial action, or removai action, as de�ined in En�rironmental Law; and (d} an "Env��-anmental
<br /> Co�dltlon"m�ans a c�nd�tion that can cause, con#ribute to, or otherwise trigger an En�ironmenta��leanup.
<br /> Borrower sha�l nvt cause or permit the presence, use, d15P05�, starage, or release vf any Hazardous
<br /> 5ubstances, ❑r threaten to release any Hazardous 5ubstances, on or in the Praperfiy. Borrower shall not da,
<br /> nvr ailow anyone e1sQ tv do, anything affecting the Proper�y �a} that is in �iv�at�on of any En�ironmenta�
<br /> Law, �b} which creates an En�iranmental Conditian, ❑r �c} which, due t❑ the presence, use, or re�ease vf a
<br /> Hazardous Substance, creates a conditian that adversely aff�cts the�alue of the Praperty. The preced�ng twa
<br /> sentences shall not app��r to the presence, use, ar starage �n the Proper�y of sma11 quanti��es af Hazardous
<br /> Substances that are�enerally reco�nized #o be appr�priatQ to normal residential uses and to ma�ntenance of
<br /> the Property �including, but not Iimi#ed ta, hazardous substances in Cvnsumer products}.
<br /> Borrovver sha11 prompt�y gi�e L�nder wri�ten nvtic�of�a} any in�estigation, claim, demand, �awsuit or❑ther
<br /> actian by any go�ernmental ar regulatary agency❑r private party in�nl�ing the Property and any Hazardous
<br /> Su�stance or En�ironmental Law of vvh�ch Borrower has actual knowiedge, �b} any En�ironmental
<br /> Condit�vn, inc�uding but not limit�d #n, any spilling, leaking, discharge, release or threat ❑f re��as��f any
<br /> Hazardvus 5ubstanc�, and �c} any condit�on �aused by the presence, use or rel�ase of a Hazardous Substance
<br /> which ad�ersely affects the�alue of the Property. If Borro�ver learns, or is no#ified by any ga�ernm�ntal or
<br /> regu�atory authori�y, or any pri�ate party, that any rema�al or vther remediation af any Hazardous 5ubstance
<br /> affec�ing the Property is necessary, Borrower sha11 prompt�y take a11 necessary remedia� actians in
<br /> accordance with En�ironmental Law. Nothing herein shall create any obligat�on on Len�er far an
<br /> En�ironmental C�eanup.
<br /> N��-Unifarm Cvvenants. Borrvwer and Lender co�enant and agree as f����ws:
<br /> �2. A ccel erat i o n; Rem ed i es. L ender sha11 gi�e notice to Bor r awer pr ior to acceler ation fallowing
<br /> Barrower's breach of any cav�nant or agreement in this S�curity Instrument �hut not pri�r to
<br /> acceler ation under 5e�ction 1 S unless Applicable L aw pr avides otherwise}. The notice shall specify: �a}
<br /> the default; �b}the action required to cure the default; (c} a date, not less than 3� days from the date
<br /> the notice is given to Borrower, by which the default must be cured; and td}that fai�ure to cure the
<br /> default on or before the date specified in th�natice may result in acce�erat�nn of th�sums secured by
<br /> this Security Instrument and sale af the Prap�rty. The notice shall further inform Borrower of the
<br /> right to reinstate af�er accel�ration and the right tn bring a court actinn to ass�rt the nan-existence of a
<br /> default or any oth er defen se �f Bur r ow�rr to acceler ation an d sale. I f the default is n�t cur ed on or
<br /> before the date specifi�d in the natice, Le°nder at its optian may requir�immediate paym�nt in full af
<br /> all sums secured Uy this Security Instrument without furtber demand and may invoke the power of sale
<br /> and any other rem�ies permitted by Applicable Law. Lender s,hall be entitled to oolleGt all expenses
<br /> incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in th�s Sect�on 22, including, but nvt lim�ted to, reasonable
<br /> attor n eys' fees an d cos�s of tit�e eviden ce.
<br /> 0�1'1239407'15 Citrbank 3 2 83 79 V�
<br /> N�gRASKA-Smgle�amily-Fannie MaelFredd�e Mac UNIFQRM INSTR�MENT WITH MERS Form 3�28 7107
<br /> VMP� VMP6A[N�]�130��.(]U
<br /> Wvlters Kluwer�inancial Services Page 14 of 17
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