<br /> The prope�ty is Iocated in ...Ha 11.................................................. a� .....................................
<br /> �C a unty}
<br /> 816 Gedde s S t ,? ,,G rand,I s 1 and................... Nebraska ..5,8 S�1..........
<br /> .. .. ,. .............................
<br /> �Address} �City} �ZIP Cade}
<br /> Tagether wxth a.I1 r�ghts, easements, appurtenances, royal.tzes, min�ra.l rzghts, oiI and gas righ�s, all wat�r and
<br /> r�parian rights, ditches, and water stock and a1I exis�ing and future improvements, struc�ures, fixtures, and
<br /> repla�ements that may naw, or at any time�n the futur�, be part of th.e real estate d�scrib�d abo�e (al.l referred
<br /> to as "Property"�.
<br /> 3. IVIA�IMUM �BLI�ATI�N LIMIT. The total prznczpal amount secured by �hzs Security Instrument at any
<br /> one tzme shall na� excee� $ �5�.o 0 0..o.o................................... . This limitatzon of amount d�es not
<br /> inclu�e �nteres� and oth�r fees and charg�s �ai.zdly made pursuant �o thzs Security �nstrument. A�s�, th�s
<br /> Izmztatian d�es na� apply to advances made under th� terms of this S��urx�y �nstrument to protect
<br /> lB�neficiary's securi�y and to perfarm any �f�h��o�renants con�a.�n�d in this Security Instru.m.�n�.
<br /> 4. SECiJRED I3EBT AND FIJTIJRE ADVAN�ES. The term "Secured D�bt" is defined as fo��ows:
<br /> A.I]eb� in�urred under the terms flf al.� promissory not��s}, con�ra�t�s}, guarazaty�zes� ar ���ier evzdence of
<br /> de�t descri�ed below and al.l �heir e�tensions, renewa�s, madif�cat�ons or subst�tutions. �You r�nust
<br /> specificaZr�iden�ify the deb�(s} ,recured and you shou�d include the final maturcty date af such de���s}.}
<br /> Note Dated August ,19 2�l4 Iri The Amoui7.t of $�5, 4 4 4.Q�
<br /> Accruin� At A variab�e Rate �i�'ith A Maturity Dat� �f August 25� 2�19
<br /> Said Loan In The Name�s} �f Scott L Ea�tman
<br /> B. A�� future advances from B�neficiary to Trustor or flther future o�ligations of Trust�r ta Beneficiary
<br /> und�r any pramissory nate, can�ra�t, guaranty, or oth�r e�xdence �f debt executed by Trustor in favar
<br /> of Beneficiary aft�r this Secur�ty �nstrument wh�th�r or not th�s Security 7nstrum�nt is spe��f�ca�Iy
<br /> referenced. Zf more �han one persan szgns th�s Security Instrument, �a�h Trustar agrees that this
<br /> Security Instrum�nt w�I� secure all future advances and future ob��gations that are gi�en �o ar incurred
<br /> by any one or mar� Trustor, or any one or more Trustar and others. AII future advan�es and ather
<br /> future abligatians ar� se�ured by this Security Ins�rument even thou�h aII or part may not yet b�
<br /> advan�ed. AII future ad�anCes and other futur� obligatzons are secured as if made on the da�e of thzs
<br /> Security Izastrument. Nothing in th�s Security �nstrument shall �onst�tute a commz�ment t� ma�e
<br /> addztional or future Ioans or adva.nces xn any amount. Any such c�mmitment must �e agr�ed to in a
<br /> s ep arate wrxting.
<br /> C.A�l ather ob�igations Trustor owes to �3enefic�ary, which may Xater arise, to the extent not prohibited by
<br /> law, including, but not ��mited to, x�abilities for overdrafts relating to any deposit account agreement
<br /> b�twe�n Tru�tor and Ben�ficiary.
<br /> D.All add�t�onal sums advanced and expenses incurr�d by B�nef�czary f�r insuring, pr���rvzng or
<br /> othervv�se pra�e�t�ng the Praper�y and �ts �alue and any other sums advanced and e�penses incurred by
<br /> Benefi��ary under the terms of thzs Security�nstrument.
<br /> I�the e�ent that Benefxciary faxls to prfl�zde any requ�red no�ice of the right of rescissiQn, B�n�ficiary waz�es
<br /> any su�sequent�ecurity interest zn th�Trustar's princzpal. dwelling that is Crea�ed by this Secur�ty Instrument.
<br /> S. DEED �F TRUST ��VENANTS. Trustor agr�es that �h� cov�nants zn this sect�on are mater�al. obligations
<br /> �.d�r the Secured Debt and th�s Se�urity Instrument. Zf Trustor breaches any c�v�nant xn thzs sectian,
<br /> Beneficiary may r�fus� to make addi�ianal ex��nsions of credit and reduce th� cr�di� Iimit. By not exercis�ng
<br /> either remedy on Trus�ar's brea�h, Beneficiary dfles not wazve Benef�ciary's rxght to Iater consider th��vent a
<br /> br�ach if it happens aga�n.
<br /> Payments. Trustar agr��s that all payments un.der the Secur�d Debt wzll��paid when du� and in accordance
<br /> wxth th�terms of the Secured Deht and thxs Security Ins�rument.
<br /> Prior S�cux-�ity Interests. W�t�. regard t� any ��her mortgage, deed �f�rust, security agreem�nt ar other Iien
<br /> dacumen� that �reated a privr s�curity in�erest or en�um�ran�e on the Property, Trus�or agr�es to make aI1
<br /> payments when due and to p�rfarm or comp�y with a�l ca��nants. Trustvr alsfl agrees not to allow any
<br /> �nodxfxcation ar �xtens��n of, nor ta request any futur� ad�anc�s un.der any note or agreemen� ��cured by the
<br /> lzen docum�nt withflut Beneficzary's pri�r wrztten approval.
<br /> �Xa�ms Aga�nst Txtxe. Trustor will pay al.� taxes �xncluding any tax ass�ssed to this Deed of Trust},
<br /> assessments, �iens, encumbra.nces, leas� payments, ground rents, utili�i�s, and ather charges rela�xng ta the
<br /> Pr�perty when due. B�neficiary may require Trus�or to prfl��de to Beneficiary �ap��s of aII notices tha� such
<br /> amounts are due and the rec�ipts evid�ncing Trustor's payment. Trustar will def�nd t�t�e to th� Properry
<br /> aga�nst any cla.ims �ha� would impai.r the lxen af this Security Instrument. Trustor agr�es to asszgn to
<br /> ]�en�ficiazy, as r�quested by Beneficiary, any righ�s, �Ia.ims or defenses Trustor may have agai.nst parti.es wh�
<br /> suppiy Iabflr or materzals to maintain or xampro�e t�ie Properry.
<br /> Security lnstrr�ment-�p�n-End-Consumer-N� �CP-R��T-N� 7121�Q1 1
<br /> VMPD 6ankers Systems� VMP-C465tN�y {1 T p7y,QQ
<br /> Wvlters K3uwer Finan�ial Ser�ices Q 1994,20 T� p�g�����
<br />