<br /> for�he�epa�rs ax�d res�ora�ion in a single payment��-in a series af pro�ress p�.y�ner�ts as��e war��is
<br /> comple�ec�. If�lze i��s�rar�ce o�ca��detx�.�a�ian proceeds are not sufficien�;��repa�r or restore�he Prop���y,
<br /> Borrovver is nn�rel�evec�of Borrower's ob��ga��o�.far��a.e co�np�e��on of�uch repai�o�i es�ora�ian,
<br /> Le�.�.er o�r i�s agun�may�na1�e reasonable en�ries upoiz�nd i�spections of t��e Proper�y, rl it 11as reasonaUle
<br /> cause, Ler�der f�nay inspect the�n�e�io�a���e impraveinents or�the�'roperty. Lenc�er s�al�give�arrower
<br /> x�.otzce a��he t��ne of or p�i�r�o s�.c1�.ar�interi�r ir�spec�ion specifyi�.g such reasor�a�le cau�se,
<br /> 8. B�rrow er's �,oan A p��i�a�ian. Bar�rower shall be�n defau���f, �tXr�ng�h.e Loan applic�.tio�z process,
<br /> Borrawe�r or a.�y per.sat�s or en��ties ac��f�g a���ze direc�ion o�'Borrowe�°or w���i Borrower'�I{x�.owle�ge ai
<br /> co�.sen�gave inaterially false, �nisleadizzg, o�r inaccura�e�nfor�.na��on or s�a�emen���o L,ender�or failed�o
<br /> �ro�ide Lender wit�llna�erial i�farination}i�l coruzec�ion v�i�h�he Loan, Ma�eriai�epresetz�a�ior�s inc�ude, bu�
<br /> are n�t lilnit�d�o, re�r�se��a�ior�s concerning B�rrower's occupa�cy af�he Proper�y as Borravver's p�i�cipa�
<br /> res�de�zce,.
<br /> 9. Pro�ection of Lender�� �n�eres� in �he Prop�r�y and R�ght� Und�r this Secur��y Ins�rum�n�. �r(a�
<br /> Bor�rower fa�1s�o pe��orm�he cover�ants an�.ag�•ee��n.e�.�s can��.zned i�1 th�s Secu�•z�y Ins��,u�nent, �b}�here�s a
<br /> �ega�p�rocee�.ing�ha��nigh�sigr�i�can��y�affec�Lenc�er's�n�eres���1�he Praper�y a.r�dlor rig�l�s under��z�s
<br /> SectXri�y Ir�st�«1nef���such as a procee�t�g in��nk��p�cy, pra�a�e, �'o�ca�ade�n�atior�or forfei�ure, far
<br /> ezzf��rce�n�tz�of a�ien vv���ch xnay a�tain p�iority�v�r�1�i� Securi�y Zns�ru�nent or to enfflr�e 1a�ws or
<br /> regu�a�:�o�.as�, or �c��3o�rawe�11a� aband�ne�.t�ze Pr��erty, the�z Le�.c�er�nay c�o ar�c�pay fa��r�za�ev'er ts
<br /> �easonal�le o�a�p�rapria�e�o�ro�ect Lender'� �n�ere��i�z�he Praper�y anc�rig�l�s under t1�is Securi�y
<br /> I�st�umen�, �nclud�rig pro�ec��rig a�dlar assessing��ze value of���e Prope��y, and secu.ri�lg aridlor�e��ti�i�g
<br /> the Proper�y. Le��.der's actian� can ir��Iude, bu�are no��iini�ed to: �a}paying ar�y sum��ecured by a l�en
<br /> whic�z�.as prior��y ove����is SecL�rity Tns��u�ne�zt; �b} ap�e��.�ing in�au�'�; ar�c��c��aying�e�so�ab�e�.ti�or�eys'
<br /> fees�a�ro�ec�its ini:eresf;ir����e Pt•a�erty andlo���ig���s under�lli� Security Ins�ruiner�t, inc�uc���1g i�s secured
<br /> posi�ron in a banl�t uptcy�racee�.ing, Secu�ing��ie�'ropel�ty inclu�.es, bu�is n��liini�ec���, ef��e�i�g�1�e
<br /> Pro�erty�o inal�e i�epairs, cha�age�oc1�s, rep�ace or l�oar�.up doors and windows, drain water lra�n pipes,
<br /> eli�nin�.��build�llg ar o�her coc�e vio�a��ons or d�ngerous canditions, a.rid 1�ave u�;ilities turi�ec��11 or off,
<br /> 1�lt�aug��L�nc�er�n�.y take ac��an u�a.der�hi� Sec�ion�, Le�zder c�aes nat have�o do s� anc�is no�ur�der a�zy
<br /> duty ar o��igat��n to do so, T�is �.greec��ha�Le�ader i�zcu�s r�a��a�il��y far r�ot tal�iiz�any or a11 actrans
<br /> au�l�arize�.under�his S�c�io��9.
<br /> A7t�y a�aaour��s c�is�ursed�y Lende�unde�i:1�is Sec�;�Qz19 sha11�aecoxne ac��.i�ia��a1 c�eb�af B�r�av�er�ecu�e�.by
<br /> ���.s Security I�struf-ne�zt. These aialoun��shall bear ��.�eres�a�tlie No�e ra��fi a�n��ze c�a�e oF dislaut•set�en�
<br /> a�z�.s�ia�1�ae paya�ale, wi�h st�c�z in�eres�, upon na��ce fro�n Le��.�.er�a Bo�rovver requesti�g�aay�ner��.
<br /> If�hr� Secu�i�y Ins�ruzne�z��s an a Ieaselzald, Lor1�wer s�ia11 comply�vif;�1 al1�11e provis�o�zs of�he�ease. �r
<br /> 13of���owe�acquires fee����e�a t�1e Prapei��y, �he lease�old a�ld t11e fee�i�1e sha1��aa�merge L�.�Ie�s Le�.�.et�
<br /> �.grees�:��he��1ex:ger �n vt��i��ng,.
<br /> '1�. Nlor�ga�e lnsurance. If Le�det rec�ui��ed Mortg�ge Insura�lce�s�.co�ditiio�of�n��i��.g�he Y.,aa�., Borrov�er
<br /> sf�a.��pay t��e preia�iu�ns req�.�.�r��.�o max�z�a�n t�.�Mo��gag�In�urance i�l effect. If, for a�y reaso�, ��Ze
<br /> M�r�ga.�e I�surance c�verage rec�u�r��.b�r Le���.er ceases�o l�e availa�le fro�n�he ix�o�•�g�ge z�surer��aat
<br /> ��revio�sly���o�ided sL�c�z���sur�nce a��d I3o�r�vver was re�u�re�.t�i�n�.lce�epat��.tiely c�esigr�a�ed pay�lz�xzts
<br /> �aw�t�c��he��•��r�utns for Mo��g�.ge I�st�razz�e, I3o�rovver shalr�ay the�t•e�niu�ns r�qt�ii ec�ta obtax�.cov�t•a.ge
<br /> su�stantially equ�vale�z��o�he Ma��gage���s�rance�t•eviously i��efrec�, at a cos�su�s�a�t�a�1y equ�valer��:�o
<br /> t�le cas1:i.o I3arr�wer of�he 1VIa��gage T��st�rance�re�iously i��effec�:; f�atn�n a1�er��.a�e��zo��gage�ns�.�i er
<br /> se�ec�e�.Uy Le��de�r, If sui�s����tia.�Iy equivalen�Mar�:�age���sL�t��nce coverage is t�o��.�aila�le, Bori ower s�.a11
<br /> z�oo�sr2
<br /> N�BRASKA-S�ngle Fam31y-Fannie M aelFred�ie M ac UNIF�RM INSTRUM�NT F�rm 3a�$114�
<br /> VM P Q ' VM P6�N�}�9 3�2�,
<br /> Wolfers K1iaw er Financiaf Services Page 8 af 17
<br />