<br /> �. ��cup�r��y, Borr��v�r sha�l oc�upy, �s�abl�sh, and use th� Property as �vrrower's pr�ncipal
<br /> resfd�n�� w�th�n �� days after the �x�cut�an vf th�s 5s�ur�ty Instrumen�and shall continue to occupy #��
<br /> F��oper�y as �orr�vv�r's prin��p�l ��sidence for a� I�ast ane y�ar a�t�r the dat� of �ccupancy, uni�ss
<br /> �end�r vtherwi�� agre�s �n wr�t�ng, which co�sent �hall nat be unre�sonab)y wi�hh�ld, �r unless
<br /> ex�enuati�g circums�an�es exist which are beyond �orrawer's cont�ol.
<br /> 7. F�r�s�rrr��ian, �ain�enanc� and Pra�ection �f�h� Pr�per�y; �n�p���i�n�. Bo�r�we� shall not
<br /> d�str�y, damag� or impair th� Prop�rty, aliow the Property tv d��eriora�e ar �orr�rnit was�� vn �he
<br /> Pr�p�rty, V11he�her or not �orr�wer �s residing in �h� F'ro��rty, E3arr�ttv�r shail ma�nt�in �he Prop�rty �n
<br /> a�der t� �rev�nt �he i'rop�r�y from deteriora�in� or decreasing in value due �a ��s condi�ion. lJnless it is
<br /> d���rmined pursuant �o Se�tiion 5 th�� repair vr resto�afion is nat �conomica��y feas�hle, �3�rrawer sh�l! �
<br /> �romp�ly repa�r fhe Proper�y if dama��d to avojd furth�r d�ter(oration or damage, I� �nsur�nce vr
<br /> c�ndemn��ion praceeds are paid in �annec�i�n with dama�e ta; or the�aking of, the P�op�rty, Borr�wer
<br /> sha�l b� r�spons��le far�epai�ing v� �estor�ng �he Pr�p�rty vnly�f Lender has rel�ased pr�ce�ds f�� such
<br /> pu�pos�s, Lender may disburse pracee�s �or �he re�airs an� resta�a�ion in a s�ng�e paym�n� ar in a
<br /> s�ries of pr�gress payments �s �he work is c�m�Ie�ed, �f�he insu�anc� ar �and�mna��vn ��oceeds ���
<br /> no� suTf�c�ent t� repa�r ar restore �h� Froperty, ��r�ov�rer �s nat r��ieve� of Bor�vwer's �bligation f�r ths
<br /> ��mpl��ion�f su�h r�pair or restarat��n.
<br /> �end�r �r ifs agent may make �easonabl� �ntries upon and insp�cti�ns of th� F'roperfy, if it has
<br /> reasonable �ause, �ender m�y in�pect �he in��r�o� af th� improvernents on the P�o��rty. �.��de� sha�f!
<br /> g�v� Borr�we� natic� at the #�me af ar p�iar t� such an �nt�rinr inspect��n specifying such reas�nabie
<br /> �aus�.
<br /> 8. Borrovv�r's Loan Ap�lica�ion. �arrv�rer shai� �� �n defau�� if, durin� �h� Lo�n app)icatinn
<br /> process, B�rrowe� ar any persons or enti��es a�ting a� �he direction of E3arraw�r ar with Borrower's
<br /> �nawledge �r c�ns�n� gave materially fais�, misleading, ar ina��u�at� �nformation ar statements ��
<br /> Lender �or fa�l�d to pr�vid� Lender with mat���al �nform�t�on} in connec���n with tne L�an. Mater�al
<br /> r�pres�ntations include� but are n�f I�mited �o, representa�ivns c�ncerr�ing Bo�ro�ver's occupan�y of the
<br /> Proper�y as Bor��wer's �r�n��pal residence.
<br /> 9. Prot�ction of Lender'� fnter�s� in the �r�per#y and �iigh�� Under this Security lnstru�ment,
<br /> � If€a} B��rower fa�ls to �er�orm �he cc�v�nan�s and a�re�mer�ts con�ain�d in this �ecu���y Instrument, �b}
<br /> there �s a le�al procee��ng that m�gh� slgn�f�c�n�ly affe�t L�nder"� interest in �h� Praperty andlor rights
<br /> under �h�s S�curit� lnstrument �su�h as a ��oc��ding in bank�up�cy, proba��, for candemn�tion o�
<br /> fvrfeit�re, for en�orcem�nt of a li�n wniGh ma� attain priority over this Security lnstrum�nt o� �� er�farce
<br /> �a�s flr regulations}, ar �c} B�rrower has a�andone� �he Property, then Lender may �Q and pay �o�
<br /> whatever �s r�asanable ❑r a�pr�pr�ate ta pr�tect L�nd�r's int�rest �n th� �'rop�rty and �i�h�s under th�s
<br /> S�cu��ty Instrum�n�, includ�ng p�atec�ing an�lar assess�ng th�value of th� Prop�r�y, and�ecuring andl�r
<br /> r�pa��ing �he Prapertyo Len�er's act��ns can inc�ude, buf ar� �ot limi�ed to: �a} pay�ng any sums s�cur�d
<br /> �y a iien whi�h has privr�ty ov�� tnis �ecu�i�y Inst�ument; ��} app�aring In caurt; and �c� pay�ng
<br /> r�asonabfe �r���C]�'E1E�:�15� f�es �� pr�t��t its inte�est �n th� P�aper�� andlor r�ghts under #his Secur��y
<br /> lns�rum�nt, �ncfud�rtg ��s sec���d p�sit�on �n a bank�upt�� prac��d�ng, Securing �he F'rope�ty �ncludes,
<br /> bu� �s no� I�mi#�� ta, �nt�r�n� th� Proper�y to make repairs, chang� locks, rep�ace or board up door� �nd
<br /> wirt�vws, dr�in w�ter frvm pipes, ef im�nate bui�din� or vthe�cvd�v�ala�iar�s or dangerous c�nditior�s, and ;
<br /> have utiii�ies turned on or ofF, �Ithough Lender may tak� action under �his S�c�ivn 9, L�nd�r d�es na�
<br /> have �a d� �o and �s n�t under any duty or oh��gatian ta d� so, !� �s �greed �hat L�nder inc�rs no lia�lfity
<br /> fvr not tak�ng any�r ali ac��ans au�har��ed under�his Sect�on 9,
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by L�nd�� under this Sect��n 9 sha�i become add�t�onal de�t �f Borr�wer
<br /> secured �y this Security Instrument. These amoun�s shall b�ar inter�s� at�he Note ra���ram ths da�� of
<br /> disbursemen� and shall �e paya�Ie, �rith s�ch interest, upon n�tic�from Lender to Barrow�r requesting
<br /> payme�t.
<br /> �f �hi� S�curi�y �nstrument �s on a Ieasehald, Barrow�r shall cornply wi�h ail the provisians c�f the
<br /> ��ase. If B�rraw�r acquir�s fee ti�1�fo the P�ope�t�, �he��asehoid and the fee title shail n�t m�rge un��ss
<br /> Lender agrees tv the m��ger in writin�.
<br /> '1�. Morf�age �nsuranc�. If Lend�r r�quired Mor��age Insuran�e as a�co�d�tion of ma�t�ng the Loan, �
<br /> B�r�ower sh�ll pay the prem�ums r�quire� to ma�ntafn the M�rtga�� Insurance �n �ff�c�. !f, far an� �
<br /> r�ason, the Mortgage �nsurance c�v���ge requ��ed by l�ender c�as�s �Q be avai)abie fram �he mo�tgag� �
<br /> �nsur�r that prevEous�y p�ov�d�d such fnsurance ar�d Bvrrower was r�quired #o make sepa�ately
<br /> desrgnat�d payments toward the pr�m�ums for Niartgag� �nsu�ance, B�rrow�r sha�l pay the p�em�ums
<br /> r�quir�d ta obtain cov�rage substantia�ly equivalent to the i�ar#gage lnsur�nc� previausly ln �ff���, at a
<br /> cost subs#ant�ally equ�val�nt ta the cost �� �vrraw�r af the Mar�gage �n�urance pr�vi��s�y i� e�fect, fram
<br /> an alte�nate mort�ag� insurer s��ected by L�nder, !f su�stantially equival�n� Martgag� Insur�nc�
<br /> c�verage is not ava�lab�e, Bvrrower shal� con#inu� to pay �o ��nd�r �h� amvun� of fhe separ�te! �
<br /> d�signated paym�nts tnat were due when�he�nsuran�e�avera e�eased�o be in efifec�, y
<br /> 9
<br /> �����o�a z� :
<br /> �
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