<br /> 3. �unds for �s�rasrv ��ems. C�o��a�rver sha�l pay t� L.�nder on t�e day �eriodic Paym�nts ar�
<br /> due und�r the Na�e, unt�l �he Not� !s paid in fu�i= �r sum �the "Funds"} �❑ p�ovi�e far paymen�o�amoun#s
<br /> due for. �a} �axes �n� assessmen#s and oth�r �tems which can attain pri�ri�y av�r this Secur��
<br /> fns�rum�nt as a iien or �r�cumbrance on the Pr�perty; �b} Ieasehofd paym�nts or rvund �ents o y
<br /> P�a er� i if c�tl ; c � , n the
<br /> p y y � } premiums for any and all insu�ance required �y Lend�r und�r Section 5; and d}
<br /> M���gage Insura�ce p�em�ums, �f any, ar any sums �ayabi� by Borrawer t� �.ender in 1�eu �f t e
<br /> payment af N�artga�� insuranc� ��emiums �n a�cord�nce with the p�ovisions of �e�tian ��. Thes�
<br /> �tems are �al��d "EsGrow ��ems�" At origina�ion or at any tfine during the t�rm �f�he �.oan, L�nd�r ma
<br /> r�qui�e #hat �vmmunity Association �7u��, Fe�s, and Assessmen�s, if an � b� esc�ov�ed b Bo y
<br /> and such due�, f��s and ass�ssmen�s sha�l b� an �s�row It�m, �3ar o� y ������'
<br /> r vtier sha�l promptfy �u�n�sh t�
<br /> Lender a!� no��ces vf ar�nvun�s tv b� paid unde� �his Secfion. Barrawe� shai� pay Lender the Funds far
<br /> �s�row I�ems unless L�nd�r waives ga�rower's obligati�n ta pay th� Funds for any or a(I Es�raw l�ems,
<br /> Lender may wai�e Borrvw�r s obi�ga��on �a �ay to Lender Funds far any or all ��crow �tsms at any tim�,
<br /> Any such waiue� may onfy b� in wrifin�. !n the ever�t of such waive�, Bor�Qwer sha�! pay directl�, �rvhen
<br /> and where �ayable, the am�unts due for any �scr��r �tems f�r which �aym�n� of Funds n�s b�en
<br /> w��v�d �y �,end�� and, if L�nd�r requlres, shal� fu�nisl� to L�nder ��ce�pts �videncing such payment
<br /> w�fh�n such �ime peri�d as L�nder rnay reauire, gvrrovver's v�liga�ion �o m�ke such payr�er�ts and to
<br /> p��v�de r����pts sha�! for all purp�ses be d�em�d to �e a c�v�nant and ag�e�m�nt ��ntained in �his
<br /> Secu��#y Ins#rum�nt, as �he pnrase "cov�nant and agre�menf" is used in Sec�ion 9. If Sor��ovver �s
<br /> �b�igate� to pa� Esc��w I��ms d�r�ctly� pu�suant �o a wa�ver, and B�rrower fai�s to pay the amount du�
<br /> for an �s�raw �f��n, L�nder ma�r exerc�se i�s ��ghts under Sect�on 9 and pay such amount ar�d Borrv�v�r
<br /> shall �hen be vbl�ga#ed urtder Sect�on 9 �o r�pay to L,ender an� such amoun�. Len��r m�y r�voks tne
<br /> waiver as ta any or a�il �sGrow I�ems at any time by a no���� g�v�n �n �ccardance wi�h Section �� and,
<br /> upon such re�ac�tion, �3orravtrer sha�! pay fo L�nd�r� �i� Funds, �nd in sucn amvun�s, tha� ar� �hen
<br /> req u ired u nder this Sec#lvn 3.
<br /> Lend�r may, at any �ime, collect an� ho�d Fund� in an amoun� �a} suf��cient �❑ p�rm�t Len��r to
<br /> app�y �I�� Funds, at �h� time specified und8r RESPA, ��d �} n�t to exc�ed th� max�mum amQunt a
<br /> lender �an �equ�re under RESF�A, Len��r shai� est�mate f e am�unt of �unds d�re on �he �asis of
<br /> cur�en� �a�a and rea�anabl� estimates of �xpenditures of future �scrvw ltems �r �thervvise �r�
<br /> accordance wi�h Appl icab�e I�aw.
<br /> The Funds shal! be held in an ���titu�ian �rhos� dep�sits a�� �nsur�d by a federal agency,
<br /> insfrumentalffy, or en��ty �includ�ng L�n�e�� �f Lender �s an �ns���ut�an v�hos� depvsits are sv insured} or
<br /> in any Fed�ra! Home Laan E�ank. ��nde� snall a�ply the Funds ta �ay fhe �s�raw Iterns no �a�er than
<br /> the���e spec�f�ed under RESPA, Ler�der shail nvt c��r�� ��rr��ver�or h�lding and ap��ying t�e Funds,
<br /> �nnua��y ar�a{yzi�g the esc�o�r acGat�nt, or ver�fying tl�� Escrow I#e�s, unless Lend�r pays Bvr�o�re� �
<br /> �r��erest on �h� Funds and Applica�le Law��rm�ts Lender#o make such a charge. �nl�ss ar�agr��ment
<br /> is mad� in writing or Applicable Law requires in�er�s� �o be paid on th� Funds, l�end�r s�al! nat �e
<br /> required to pay Borrawer any lnter�st a� earnin�s �n tne �unds, Bo�rowe� and L�nder can ag��e in
<br /> wr���n�, how���r, that �nte�est shal� b� �aid on th� Funds, Lend�r shall give t� Borro�rve�, �v�th�ut
<br /> char�e, an annuaf ac�vunting�f�h� �unds as r�qulr�d b� RESPA,
<br /> If th�r� is a surpius of Funds held ir� escr�w, as defined under R�SPA, L�r�d�r shall account to
<br /> B�r��w�r for �he exc�ss funds �n a��ordanc� wfth R�SpA, lf �h�re is a s�orta�e of Funds held in
<br /> �scrow, as defined �nder R�SPA� L�nder shalf nofify �3orrawer as requ��ed by �ESPA, �nd ��rr�vver
<br /> sha�l pay tQ Lender the amount necess�ry to make up tne shorta�e in ac�ordance with R�SPA, but �n
<br /> r�o mare �han �� mon�hl� paymen�s, ��th�r� is a d�f�ciency af�'unds he�d in �scrow, as de��ned under
<br /> RESPA, Lender shall not��y Ba��ower as requir�d by RESPA, and ��rro�er shall pay to Lender #h�
<br /> amvunt nec�ssary tn make up the �eficien�y in acco�dance with RESPA, ��t in na mo�� than ��
<br /> montnly paym�nts.
<br /> Upon payment in �u�l af afi sums secured �y �his S�cur�ty lns�r�um�nt, L�nde� snai� pr�r�ptly refund to
<br /> Borrvwer any Funds h��d by L�nder,
<br /> ,4. C�arg�s; Li�n�. Borro��r snal� pay a�l fiaxes, assessrnents, �harges, fin�s an� im ositians
<br /> a�tr�bufa�le to the P�op��ty �vh�cn c�n a#ta�n priarify ov�r th�� Secu�i� lns�rumen# iease �
<br /> �r groun� �en�s on �he Pr� er� if ar� and �a y f h�id payments
<br /> p ,Y� �� mmunity Assaciatian Dues, Fees, and Assessm�n�s, if
<br /> �n�. To the e�stent�ha��hese ���ms ar� Escr�w Items, Bflr��v�er sha�� pay��em �r� #ne manner provided
<br /> in Sectian 3,
<br /> Borr�wer sha�� pramp�ly dis�harg� any I�en wnich has p�iority over this Security insfrum�nt unl�ss
<br /> Rorr�wer. �a} �grees �n w�i��ng t� the payment vf tne vbli���ivn secured by �he iien �n a manns�
<br /> accepta��� t� L�nder, but only s� I�ng as Borrvw�r is perfarm�ng sucn ��r�emenf; �b� �an�ests �h� lien
<br /> in goo� �aith by, or defends aga�nst enfarc�ment of �he lien in, legal proc�edings which in Lend�r's
<br /> opinfan a��rate to prevent �h� enfarcemen� of fhe I��n while �h�s� proc�ed�ngs �re pending, but on�y
<br /> �ntil such proGeedings �r� concluded; or ��} secur�s �rom �h� ha�d�r of tn� iien an agr�emertt
<br /> satisf�ctory �� Lender sub�rd�na�ing the li�n to th�s S�cur�ity �nstrurn�n�, !f Lender �eterm�nes that an
<br /> Y
<br /> (����4����3
<br /> i
<br />