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��14�5�34 <br /> s ecif cal�� pr�vide� �.erein, words used �n this Deed �f Trust may be used interchangeably in <br /> � <br /> singular �r plura� form and the �vord "�rantor" sha1X mear� "�ach �rantor and any su�se�uent <br /> owner ar �wn�rs af the Property or any paxt thereof or any int�rest �here�n," the vvord <br /> "B�rrower" �hal� mear� "each Borro�v�rer and �r�.y subse�uent mak�r or naak�rs flf th� Note," th� <br /> v�ord "Lender" shal� mean "Lend�r ar�d any suhsequent holder of the N�te," the word "��te" <br /> sha�I mean s`the Note and any ather ev�den�e af�ndebt�dn�ss secur�d by this Deed af Trust," the <br /> word "Pr� er " shal� �r�clude any p�rtion �f the Praperty and an� �nt�rest ther�in, ar�d the <br /> p �Y <br /> hrases "attorn�ys' fees", "�egal f�es" and "counsel �ees" shal� �nc�ude any ar�d all attorneys', <br /> � . . . . . <br /> arale aI and law c�erk fees and d�sbursernents, �nc�ud�ng, but not l�m�ted to, fee� and <br /> p � . . . <br /> d�sburse��ents at the pre-tria�, tria� and app�llate �eve�s �ncurred ar paid by Lender ��. pr�tect�n� <br /> its int�rest�r�the Pr� ert , the Lease� and th�Rer�ts and enforcing �ts r�ght� hereund�r. <br /> � Y <br /> AR.T`I��� XV �- MISCELLANE�US PR��VISI�NS <br /> �ect��n 15.1 �o �ral�han �. �This I]eed �f Trust, and an�pro�isions hereof, may not <br /> l�e modi�ed, amended, wai�r�d, ext�nded, changed, discharged or terminated �rally �r by ar�y act <br /> or failure to a�t ❑n the part of�rantor ar Lender, but an�y by an agreement in vvr�ting signed by <br /> the party aga�nst whom enfor�ement of any mod�f�cat�on, amendment, wa�ver, ��t�'.z151�I7y <br /> change, d�scharge or t�rm�nation�s sought. <br /> Section 15.� Successors a�_d Ass� ..n�. This Deed of Trust sha�� be b�nding upon and <br /> ir�ur�ta the benef� of Grantor and Lend�r and their re�pe�ti�e successors and assigns forever. <br /> Se�t�an �5.3 Yna �x�ab�e �r��Ys��ns. If any term, cov�r�ant ar condit�o� of the Laan <br /> Agreement, the Note �r th�s Deed of Trust is hel�i to �e invalid, ��Iegal or u�enforceahle �n an� <br /> res e�t, the L�an Agreem�nt, the l�ate and th�s Deed of Trust sha�� be eonstrued withaut su�h <br /> p <br /> pr�vision. � <br /> �ecti�n 15.4 Headin s �tc. The headings and captions �f var�ous Se�ti�ns of th�s <br /> Deed of Trust ar� far conven�ence of refer�nce anl� and are nat to be �onstrued as def�n�ng or <br /> ��mitxng, xn an�r way, the scope �r intent of the pro�is�ons h�re�f. <br /> Se�tion 15.5 Number and �end�r. Vl�hen�ver the context ma� require, any pranou�s <br /> used her��n shal� in�lude th� Corr�spor�ding ma��uline, femix��ne �r neuter forms, and the <br /> singu�ar form of nouns and pr�n�uns sha11 include the plura� and v�ce versa. <br /> S�ction 15.� Subro ation. If any �r all �f the praceeds of the Nat� ha�re been us�d to <br /> e�tin uish, extend �r r�nev� any �r�debtedness heretofore ex�sting against the Pro�erty, then, ta <br /> g <br /> the extent �f the f�nds so used, Lender sha�� be su�rogated ta a11 of the rights, cla�ms, 1�er�s, <br /> tit�es and interests e�xsting against the Pr�pert}� h�retof�re held by, or �r� favar of, the ho�der o� <br /> � <br /> such indebtedness and suc� former rights, cla�rns, ��ens, tit�es, and int�rests, if any, are not <br /> wa�ved but rather are cant�nu�d �n fu�l force and effe�t �n fa�or of Lender and are merged w�th <br /> �he lien and secur�ty �nterest creat�d herein as cumulative security for the r�payment of the D�bt, <br /> the �erf�rmance and di�charge of�rar�tor's �b��gat�ons hereunder, under the Loan Agreem�nt, <br /> th� Note and the ather ��an I]o�uments and the�e and d���harg� �f the �ther <br /> �bligations. � <br /> 2� <br /> �oo�4s3�s►�3 <br />