<br /> con�reyances, deeds af t�-us�, m�r�gages, ass�gn�ents, notx�es of ass�gnments, transfers a�d
<br /> assuran�es as Lender shal�, fronn tirne to tim�, reasonab�y require, for �he better assur�ng,
<br /> c�n�eying, ass�gn�r�g, transf�rrir�g, and �anf�rm�ng unto Lender the pr�per�y and r�ghts h�reb�
<br /> m.ortgag�d, deeded, granted, barga�r�ed, s��d, �or�veyed, confirrned, p�edged, ass�gned, warranted
<br /> and transfen ed or intended now or her�after so ta be, ar whiGh Grar�tor ma�be or rnay her�after
<br /> b�come bound t� canvey or ass�gn ta Lend�r, �r for earrying �ut the intent�on ar fa�i�itat�ng the
<br /> performa.nce of the terms af th�s D�ed of Trust or far f��ing, reg�ste��ng ar recording this Deed of
<br /> Trust, or f�r complying �v��h al� L�ga� Requ�r�m�nts. �rantor, on demand, vvill exe�ut� and
<br /> del�ver, a.n� xn th� e��nt it sha�� �ai� to so execut� a�zd deliv�r, her�by auth�riz�s Lender to
<br /> ��ecut� �n the r�ame of �rant�� or �ithout �he signature of �rantor to the extent Lender may
<br /> lawfu�i�r da so, one or mor� f nanc�ng statem.ents to e���.ence mare ef�'ecti�e�� th� security
<br /> xr�t�rest �f Lender in t�� Pr�pert�. �rantor �grants to Lender an irre�ocab�e p�wer �f attorney
<br /> ��up�ed wit� an �nterest for th� purpose �f e�ercising and perfe�ting any and a�� r�ghts and
<br /> ren��d�es ava��ab�e t� Lender at �aw and in equ�ty, inc�ud�ng without �imitat�o�, su�h rights and
<br /> r�nzedies availab�e t� Len�er pua�•suant ta th�s S��t�on 5.2.
<br /> Section 5.3 �han�es. �n Tax Debt Credit and Documentary St�mp La�ws. �a� If
<br /> - - .,�_,���.���������,�, � . ��, ..,..� ,.....�_ ,_.�..,..��.�. ,_,�.,�„_�_....,,�,�._
<br /> any �aw is ena�ted or adopted or amended after the date �f this �eed of Trust �hic� d�ducts the
<br /> D�bt from the va�ue of the Pr�perty for th� pur�ose of taxatian �r whi�h �mp�ses a tax, �xther
<br /> direct�y �� indirectly, on the Debt or Lex�d�r's �nterest �n th� Pr�per�y, Grant�r wi�� pay the tax,
<br /> with �nterest and pena�t�es �herean, if any. If Lender �s ad��sed by counsel �h�sen b� �t that the
<br /> paym�nt o#'tax b� �rant�r would be unlawful or taxa��e to Lender �r unenf�rcea�le or prov�d�
<br /> the bas�s f�r a def�nse af usury, then Lender sha�� have the opt�o� b� written nnt�ce of not �ess
<br /> th�.n�ne hundred t�venty (���� da�s to dec�are the Debt imm.edia�e��r due and payab�e.
<br /> (b� Grar�tor �v�11 n�t ��a�m or demand or be entitl�d to any cr�dit or�redits on
<br /> ac�ount �f the I3�bt for any part of the Taxes �r �th�r �harges a�s�ssed against the Praperty, ar
<br /> any par�the�eof, and r�o deduct�on sha�l otherw�se be made ar c�a�med frvm the assessed value �f
<br /> the P��p�rty, or any part thereof, for rea� estate tax purposes by reason of this Deed of Trust or
<br /> the Debt. If such c�aim, c�edit or d�ductian sha�� be r�quired b�r �avv, Lend�r shal� have the
<br /> option, by written nat��e of not l�ss than ane hundred tvven�y(12�� da�s, t� d�c�are the Debt
<br /> immed�ateiy du�e and pa�able.
<br /> �c} If at any txme the Un�te� States �f Am�r�ca, any State thereof or any
<br /> subdivis�on of any such State shal� r�quire revenue or�ther stamps t� be affi�ed to �he Nate, t��s
<br /> I�eed of Trust, or any of the o�her Loan Documents or impose any ather tax or charge on th�
<br /> sam�, Grant�r����pay far the same, �r�th�nterest and penalti�s therean, i�any.
<br /> Sect��r� S.4 Se�er�� af�3e�t� af Trust. The prov�si�ns af Se�ti�r� 8.� b of the �.,�oan
<br /> Agr�ement are hereby inc�rparated by ref�r�nce herein.
<br /> �ect�Qn 5.5 Re �acement I�ncunaents. Upon rece�pt �f an aff�davit of an officer o#'
<br /> Lender as to the I�ss, theft, des�ruct��n or mut�lat�on of the Nate �r any other �,aan Do�urn�nt
<br /> wh�ch is n�t of pub��c r�card, and, ir� th� case �f ar�y such rn.ut��ati�n, up�n surrender and
<br /> cancellat�on af such �ate or �the� Loan Document, Grantor �r��i xssue, in ���u thereof, a
<br /> �4
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