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��14�5�34 <br /> S��tion 3.1 Pa ment of Debt. Borrflw�r w��� pay the Debt at the t�rn� and �n the <br /> manner pr�v�ded in the Loa.�l Agre�ment, the Note ar�d th�s De�d of Trust. <br /> Sect�an 3,2 In�ar oration b Ref�rence. AlI the covenants, c�r�d�t�ons and <br /> agreernents conta�ned in ta}the Laan Agre�ment, �b} th� Note and �c) a�� and any of the ather <br /> Laan I3ocuments, are hereby mad� a par� of this D�ed of Trust to �he same extent and W�th the <br /> same foree as if fu��y set f�r�h her��n, except for t�e Exc�uded �b���ati�ns (as def ned in Sect�on <br /> �7.�� �ere�f]. <br /> Se�tion 3.3 �nsurance. Crrantar s�a�� �bta�n and mainta�n, ar cause to �� ma�nta�n�d, <br /> �n fu�� force and effect at ali t�mes �nsuranGe with respect to �ranto�•and the Pra ert as re uired <br /> p Y q <br /> pu�suant to the Loar�Agreement, <br /> Section 3.4 Ma�ntenance of Pro er . �rant�r �ha�� cause the Pr��erty to �e <br /> ma�nta�ned in a go�d and safe c�ndit�on and repair. The Impr�vem�nts, the Frxtures, the <br /> Equipment and the Per��nal Pr�perty sha�� not �he removed, demol�sh�d ar rnateria��y a�tered <br /> [except for n�rmal rep�acement �f�he F�xtures, the Equi�ment or the P�r�onal Pr�per�y, ter�a�.t <br /> �n��h and refur��s�m�nt of the Improvements� �r�th�ut th� c�nsent �f Lender. �rantor sha�1 <br /> pram.ptly repa�r, rep�ace ar rebu��d any part of �he Proper�y whi�h rnay be destroycd by any <br /> �asua�ty �r l��c�me damag�d, w�rn or dilapidated �r which nraay be affected by any <br /> Con�emnation, and shal� complete and pay fo�- any structure at any t�me �� the prac�ss of <br /> construct�on ar r�pa�r on the Lan�. <br /> S�c�ion 3.5 �Vas�e. �rant�r shal� r�ot c�mmit or suffer any v�rast� a�the Prapert� or <br /> make any cha.r�.ge in th� use af the Property �vhich w�l� in any way rnater�a��y incr�as� th� r��k o� <br /> f�r� �r other hazard aris�ng out of the aperation of the Proper��, ar take �.ny act�or� that rnight <br /> . inva�idate or al�ov�r th� canc�lratzQn �f any P��icy, or do �r permit ta be �one therean anything <br /> that may in any �ay mater�ally irnpa�r the value �f the Proper�y or the security af this �e�d af <br /> Trust. �rantor wi�� n€�t, v�r�thout the prior written cans�nt af Lender, perm.�t ar�� drilling ar <br /> explora���n for or extra�ti�n, rem�va�, or praduct�on of any minera�s from the surface or the <br /> subsurface of the Land, regardless af the depth t�.er��f or the rnethod of mi�xng or extrac��on <br /> th�rea f. <br /> Sectxon 3.� Pa rne�t for Labor and �Viaterials. �a) Grant�r w�ll promptly pa� v�rhen <br /> due a�� b���s and co�t� for labor, materia�s, and spec�f��a�ly fabricated mat�ria�s ("Labor a�nd <br /> N.[ater�a� Costs"} ir�eurr�d �n conne�t�on �ith th� Pr�per�y and never perm�t ta ex�st bey�nd th� <br /> due date ther�af in respect �f the Prop�rty or any par� thereof aa�y lier� or securit� int�rest, even <br /> though inferior t� the l�en� and the s�curxty interests here�f, and in any event n�ver p�rm�t ta �� <br /> �reated or exist �n r�spect �f the Proper�y or any part th�reaf any �t�er or add�t��nal ��en or <br /> securxty �nterest �ther than the �xens ar securxty �nterests her��f except far th� Permitted <br /> �n�umbrances. <br /> �b} �rantor, at �ts a� �xpense, may cantest by ap�ropriate 1ega� pr�c��ding, <br /> prampt�y initiated and canducted ir� go�d faxth and vvith due diligence, the am�unt or va��dity or <br /> app��cat�an xn who�e or in par� of a.ny of the Lab�r and MateriaX ��sts, pravided that �i} no E�ent <br /> of Default has ��curred ar�d is con�inuix�g under the Loan Agreernent, the Note, this D�ed �f <br /> 1� <br /> aaog4s3�s�3 <br />