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��14�5449 <br /> fr�11 flf al1 sums secured by this Security Instrumen�. ��v�e��r, th�s opt�on sha�� not b� exer��sed by Lender if <br /> exerc�s�is prohibi��d by federal law as of the��ate of this Security Ins�rument. <br /> �f Lend�r exercises �hxs aptx�n, Lender sha�� g��e Borrow�r notice of acce�eratian. Th� no��ce sha1l pravide a <br /> peri�d of not less than �he m�nimum number of days estab�ished by Applicable Law fram the da�e th� no�ice is <br /> del�vered or mailed withrn which Borrower must pay aI1 sums seCured by �his Security �nstrumen�. �f Borrower <br /> fails �o pay th.ese sums prior to �he exp�ra�i�n of�his period, Lender may znvoke any remedies pennit�ed by this <br /> Se�urrty Instrument without fur�her notice or d�mand on Borravwer. <br /> Borrower's R�ght t❑ Reinstate. �f Borrov�e�r mee�s certa�n c�nd�t�ons, B��rov�er shall ha�e the right �o have <br /> enfor��m�nt of�h�s S��urity �nstrument discant�nued at any��m�pr�or�a�he ear��er�f: �a� 5 days �or such fl�h�r <br /> period as App�icable Lawv may specify for re�ns�a�ement)before sa�e of the Property pursuant to any pa�er of sale <br /> cflnta�ned �n thxs Secur�ty �nstrument; or �b� entry of a judgment enforcing �h�s S�curi�y �nstrumen�. Those <br /> c�ndi�i�ns are �hat Borrower: �a� pays Lender aIl sums which then would be due under this Se�urity Instrument <br /> and the�ontrac�as if no accelera�ian had oc�urred;�b�cures any default of any Q�her cavenants or agreemen�s;�c� <br /> pays aIl expenses�ncurred ix�.enforc�ng thzs Se�urity�nstrument, including,but not Iimit�d to,reasonab�e attorneys' <br /> f�es to�he ex�ent permi�t�d b}� 1av�; and�d�ta��es such act�on as Lender may reasanab�y require t� assur�tha��h� <br /> �ien af this Secur�ty Instr�umen�, Lender's right� zn�he Property and Borrower's ob��gat�on to pay�h� sums secured <br /> by�his Se�urity �nstrumen� shall �on��ix�.ue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrov�er, th�s S��urit� Instrument <br /> and �he abliga�iQns se�ured hereby shall remai� fu1Xy effect�ve as if na aG�e�erat�an had occurr�d. Hov�ever, th�s <br /> right�a reinstat�sha�l nflt apply in the�ase of�.c�elera�ian under the seG��on txtled Transfer of the Property or a <br /> F�enefciai Intere5t in Borr�wer. <br /> H�zardous Su�stanc�s.Borrflvv�r sha�X not cause or permit the presen�e,use, disposal, storage, or release of any <br /> Ha�ard�us Subs�ances�n or��he Praperty.B�orrower shall nat do,nor al�ow anyone else�o d�,anything affecting <br /> the Proper�y �ha� is in �iolation of any En��.ranmenta� i�aw. The preceding two sent�n�es shal� not appiy �o �he <br /> presence,use, or s�arage on the Prflp�rCy of sma�I quan�i�ies af Hazardous Substances�ha�are gemeral�y recogn�zed <br /> ta�e appropria���o normal r�s�dent�a�uses and to maintenanc�of the Properry. <br /> �orrawer sha��promptly give Lender writ��n no�xce of any�n�estigat�on,c�aim,demand, �avvsu�t or other a��ion by <br /> any governmen�al or r�gula�ory agency or pr��vate party �nvolving the Property a.nd any �a�ardous Substance or <br /> Env�r�nmen�al Law of vvhich Bflrr�wer has actual know�edge. �f Borr�wer �earns, or is nfl�if ed by any <br /> ga�rernmen�al or regula�ary au�hori�y,that any remo�a�or ather remediat�on of any Hazardous Subs�an�e aff�c�ing <br /> the Praper�y �s necessary, Borrower shall pramptly take all necessary remedial actions in accordance with <br /> Environmen�al Law. <br /> ,A.s used in this paragraph, "Hazardous Subs�ances" are�hose subs�anc�s def�ned as toxic or hazardous su�stances <br /> b}� En�iranmen�al Lavv and the following su�bstances: gasoline, kerosene, o�her flammable �r �oxic petraleum <br /> produc�s, tox�c pest�c�des and her�icxdes, vo�a���� solvents, mat�rials cantaining asbestos �r farma�dehyde, and <br /> radioactive ma��rials.As used�n�his paragrapl�, "Environmental Law"means fed�ral laws and�aws of�he s�a�e of <br /> Ne�braska that re�a�e to heal�h,safety❑r enviror.unenta�pro�ection. <br /> �.c�eleration; F�erned�es. Lender 5ha�i gi�� notice to Borrower pr�or to ac�elera��on following B�rrawer'S <br /> br�ach of any CovQnant or agreement in th��F Security Instrument or the Con�ract under whi�h ac�e�eration <br /> �� permitted �but no� pr�or to acce�erat�on u�nder the sec�ion titled Transfer of the Prop�r�y or a Benef�c�al <br /> Interest in Borr�wer, unXess App�icabie Lar�v prov�des otherw�se). The nfltice Shall specyfy: �a} th� default; <br /> �b} the aGt�vn requir�d to cure the defa��it; �c} a date, not �e�s than the minimum number of days <br /> est�b�ished by Applicable Law from the date the notice x�gi�en �o Borra�er, by which the defau�$mu5t be <br /> cured; and �d� that failure to cure th� d�f��ult on or hefnre the date specif�ed in the n�tice may result in <br /> acce�era��on af the sums secured by thi� �e�urity Instrument and sa�e of. the Property. To the ex�ent <br /> perrnitted by law, th� not�ce shall further inform Bflrrflwer of�he right to reins�a�e after acceleration and <br /> th�r�ght�o bring a c�urt action to as5er�thr nfln-existence af a defau�t or any other defense af Borrower t� <br /> ac�e�erat�on and sale, If�he defau�� zs not c�ured on or before th� da�e specffied in �he notice, Lender at it� <br /> op��on may require imm�diate payment an full of a�l sum� secured by thi5 Security Ins�rumen� w�thout <br /> further demand and may �n�oke the power of sale and any other remedie5 perm��ted by Appl�cabie Law. <br /> To the extent perm�tted b� Iavv, Lender shall be enti�l�d to collect alI expenses incurred �n pur�uing the <br /> r�zx�,edie5 prov�ded in �h�s Se�tion, �nclud�ng, but not Iimited to, reasonab�e at�orneys' fees and costs of�itle <br /> e�i�ence. <br /> If the power of sale �s invoked, Trustee shal� r�cord a noti��of d�fau�t in �ach c�unty in v�hich any par�of <br /> the Prop�rty �s located and shal�mail �opie�of�u�h not�ce in the manner prescribed by App��cable Law ta <br /> �o�-rower and �o the ather per5ons prescribQd by Applicab�e Law. Afte� the time required by Appif�abie <br /> I�a�v, Trustee shall gi�e publ�c notice of�a�e to the pers�ns and in �he �nanner prescribed by Appl�cab�� <br /> La�vv. Trus�ee,�i�hou�demand on �orrvwel�,�hall sel�th�Property a�pub��c auctian ta the high��t bidder <br /> at�he time and piace and under the terms d��signated in the not�ce of sale in ane o�-more par�e�s and in any <br /> tirder Trustee de�ermines. Trustee may p+�stpone sa�e of a�I or any parcel of the Property by pu�lic <br /> ax�noun�ement�t the�ime and place of any�previou�ly s�heduled sa1e.Lender or i�5 designee may�urchase <br /> the Property at any sale. <br /> Up�n r�ceip� of payment of the price bid, T'ru5tee sha�l deliver to the pur�haser Trustee's deed ��nveying <br /> the Property. The recitals in the Trustee's deed sha�l be pr�ma fa�ie ev�dence of�he truth of the statements <br /> n�ade therein. Trustee shal� apply the pro�ceeds of the sa�e in the foilow�ng order: [a� t� alI �osts and <br /> ��penses of exercising the power of sale, an�d the �a�e, includ�ng the payr�ent of�he Trustee'� fee� a�tually <br /> �2Q04-2413 C�mpliance Systems,Inc.9�95-7330-ZQ13L2.4.721 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instr�ment I]L2�36 Page 4 of 5 <br />