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��14�5449 <br /> .A�ppli�able Lavv. As used in this Securi�y Instrumen�, the term "Applicable Law" shall mean a�I contr�lling <br /> app�icable federal, state and loca� sta�utes, re�;u�a�ians, �rd�nances and adm�nistratx�e ru�es and orders ��ha�ha�e <br /> th�effe��of 1av��as�ell as al�appixca�le fina�,n�n-appealab�e�ud�c�a�op�n�ons. <br /> C�arges; Liens. Barro�ver sha�� pay al� �ax�s, assessments, charges, fnes an� impasitians att�-�butable to the <br /> �roperty which may at�ain priarity over th�s Security �nstrum�nt, and �easeho�d paymen�s or ground re�.ts, �f any. <br /> �►.�the reques�o�'Lender,Borrawer shall prom����y furnish to�►ender receipts ev�den��ng�he paymen�s. <br /> Borrower shall prompt�y d�s�harge any Iien which has prior�ty o�er�his Security rnstrument unless B�rrow�r: �a� <br /> agrees in wrxting �o the paymen� of�he obli�;ation secured by the �ien in a manner acceptab�� to L�nder; �b� <br /> c�ntests in gaod fa��h �he l�en by, or defends agains� enfarcement �f�he �z�n �.n, �ega� pro�eedings which in �he <br /> Le�der's opinion op�ra�� to preven� the enfa�-�ement of�he lien; or �c3 secures from th� hn�der of th� ��en an <br /> agreem�n� sa��sfactary to Lender subordin.a�rn�;�he �ien�o th�s Se�urity Instrument. �f Lend�r de��rmin�s tha�any <br /> par� af the Pr�per�y is sub�e���a a lien which may at�ain priority a�er th�s Se�ur�ty �ns�rumen�, Lender may gi�e <br /> Borrower a nn�i�e ident�fy�ng�he lien. Barrov��er sha�� satisfy the lien or take one ar more of the actions set forth <br /> above w�thin ��days of�he giving of no��ce. <br /> H�zard ar Pro�erty Insurance. Borrower sh.a�l keep the �mpro��men�s now exxsting�r hereafter erec�ed on�he <br /> Property insurec�against loss by fire,hazards inc�uded wi�hin�he�erm"extended co�erage" and any ather ha�ards, <br /> including flo�ds or flood�ng, for v�hich L�nd�r requires insurance. This insurance sha�� be mazn�air�ed �n the <br /> amounts and for�h�perzods�ha�Lender requ�res. The insurance carri�r pro�idix�g the�zasurance sha�l be�h�sen by <br /> �3orrower sub�ect to Lender's appro�al which sha�I not b� unreasonab�y withheld. If Borr�wer fax�s �� maintaim <br /> coverage des�ri�ed a�ove, Lender may, at Ifender's op��on, obtain cov�rag� to protect Lender's righ�s in �he <br /> Proper�y in accordance wi�h sec�ion t���ed Pr�te��ion of Lender's Righ�s in the Praper�y, <br /> AlI insurance policies and renewals sha�I be a.ccepta��� ta Lender and shall �nclude a s�andard mortga�e c�ause. <br /> Le�der shall haUe the right to hold the policie�° and r�n�wals, zf Lender requires, Borrovver sha�I promptly give�o <br /> I�ender alI re�eipts of pa�d prem�ums and rene�wal notices. In the event of loss, BorroWer shall give promp�notice <br /> to the i.nsurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make proof of loss if no�made promptly by Borrovt�er. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrov�er othervvise agree in wr�t�ng, insurance proceeds shall be applied t� restora���n or <br /> repair of the Pr�perty damaged, �f, ix� Lender's sole d�s�re�ion, the restora�ian or repair is economical�y feasi��e <br /> and Lender's security �s not lessened. Zf, in L�nder's so�e discr��ion, the restora�ion or repair is n�� economically <br /> f�as�ble or Lender's secur�ty wauld be I�ssened,�he in�uranc�proce�ds sha1�be app�ied�a the sums secured by this <br /> S�curi�ty Instrumen�, whether or not �hen du�, �vith any �xc�ss pa�d to Borrovv�r. �f Borrower abandons the <br /> Property,flr do�s n��answer wz�h�n the numbe:r of days prescribed by App�xcahle LaW as set far�h in a notice fron� <br /> Lender ta Borrower tha�the insurance�arrier�.as offered to set��e a claim, �hen L�nder may co��ec�the insurance <br /> � pr�ce�ds. Lend�r may use the pro�eeds t� repa�r or res�ore �he Property or�o pay sums se�ured by�his Security <br /> �nstrument,whether or not�hen du�. The period of time for Borr�wer�to answ�r as se�forth in�he no�ice�vi��begin <br /> wh�n the not�ce is gi�en. <br /> Unl�ss Lender and Borrower otherwise agree i:n v�rrit�ng, any application of proceeds to principa� sha��r�ot extend <br /> or postpone the due date af the payments due�under�he Contrac�or change the amoun�of�he payments. �f under <br /> the sect�on ti�led Accel�rativn; Remed�e5, the Praper�y is acquired by Lender, Borrower's r�ght�� any �nsurance <br /> p��ic��s and pro�eeds resulting fram damage 1 a the Praperty pr�or�� �he acqu�s�t�an shall pass �o Lend�r to the <br /> ex��nt of the sums secured by th�s Se�urity Irist�rument�mmediate�y prior tfl�he acqu�s�t�an. <br /> Pr�Servation, 1Vla�ntenance and Protec�ion of the Prflperty; Borrower's Loan Application; LeaSeha�d�. <br /> Bo�rov�er shall not destroy, damage ar impair�he Properry, a�lovv the ProperCy to deteriorate, or comm�t�raste an <br /> �he Property.Borrower sha�l b��n default if am�farfeitur�ac��an or proceeding,v�hether civil or crimznal, is begun <br /> tha� in Lender's gaad faith judgment cou�d resul� in farfe�tur� of�he Praper�y or otherwis� ma�eria�ly impa�r�h� <br /> �ien cr�a�ed by �his Security Instrument or L,ender's securi�y �n�eres�. �3�rr�wer may cure such a d�fault and <br /> reins�ate, as prouide��n section titl�d Borrow�er's Rzght to R�instate, �y causing�h� a���on ar pro�e�ding�o be <br /> dism�ssed vv�th a ruiing�hat, in Lender1s good f�.xth de�ermina��on,prec�udes forfei�ure�f th�Borrower's�nterest in <br /> �he Proper�y or a�her mat�rial impa�rmen� of the Iien created by �his Securi�y �nstrumen� or Lender's secur��y <br /> ��.terest.Borrow�r sha��also be in defau��if Bo:rrov�er,dur�ng the Ioan app�ica�ron pracess,gave mater�ally fa�se or <br /> i�a�cura�e informa�ion �r s�a�em�nt� to Lender �or fail�d to pravide Lender with any material informatian} in <br /> cfl�n�c��an w��h the Ioan e�idenced by the �on�ract. �f this Se�uri�y Instrument xs on a�eas�h�id, Borrower sha�� <br /> �nmply�ith a�i the pro�xsions of th� �ease. �f L�orrower acquires fee�i�le�o th�Property,the�easehald and�he fee <br /> ���Ie sha�l not merge unless Lender agrees to�he merger in v�r��ing. <br /> Protec��on of I.�ender's Rights in the Prope;rty. �f Borr�wer fails to perform the co�enan�s and agreemen�s <br /> contaYned�n this Se�ur�ty Instru.�men�, or there i.s a�ega��ro�eed�ng that may s�gn�f cantly affec�Lender's rrghts zn <br /> �h� Properry �su�h as a proceeding in bankruptcy, prflba�e, f�r c�nd�mna�ion or forfeiture or�o enf�rce Iaws or <br /> r�gulations�, the� Lender may do and pay for wha�ever is necessary �a protect the �alu� af the Properfiy and <br /> L�nder's r�ghts �n�he Property. Lender's ac�ion�may�nclude paying any sums secured by a lien vvhich has priori�y <br /> awer�hxs Securi�y Instrument, appear�ng in�ow:�,pay�ng reasonabl�attorneys'fe�s and enter�ng an the Proper��o <br /> make repairs.Although Lender may�ake ac�i�n under th�s sect�an,L�nder does no�have�o da so. <br /> Any amounts d�sbursed by Lender under �his ��ection shall b�come add�t�onal deb� of Borr�wer secured by this <br /> Security�. Unless Barrovver and Lender agree �o ��her terms of paymen�, �h�se amaunts shail bear <br /> xnterest from th� da�e �f disbursement at �h� same rate assess�d on adv�ances under the Contract and shall be <br /> payable,w��h in�erest,upon noti�e firam Lend�r to Borrower request�ng payment. <br /> Q 2404-2�13 CaFnplian��Systems,Inc.9F9d-733�-24�3 L2.�.721 <br /> Car�suin�r ReaI Estate-Sec�rity Ins#rument DL�435 Pa�;e 2 of 5 www.�ampIiancesystems.cvm <br />