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��14�54�5 <br /> full of a�� sums secured by �his Secur��y Ins�rum�n�. However, �hi� opt�on sha�I not be exercised by Lend�r if <br /> exer�ise is prah�bited by federallaw as of the date of this Securx�y�nstru�rient. <br /> �f Lender exerc�ses thxs ap�ion, Lender sha�� gi�e B�rro�er no�xce of ac�e�erat�an. The not�ce shall pr�vide a <br /> period of not less than the m.xnimum num�ber af da�s establrshed �by Appl�cable Lavv from the dat� the natice �s <br /> de�r�er�d or ma�led v�ithin which Sorrovver must pay all sums s�cured by th�s Secur��y Instrum�n�. �f Borrower <br /> fai�s �o pay these sums pr��r to the expirat�on of th�s peri�d, Lender may �nvoke any rem.ed�es permit�ed by �his <br /> Secur��y�nstrumen�wi�hou�fur�her notice or demand on Bflrrovver. <br /> Borr�wer's Right �a Re�nstate, �f Bflrrower mee�s cer�ain cond�tions, Barr�wer sha�� have the right �o have <br /> enforcemen� af th�s Security �nstrument d�scontinued at any�ime prior�o the �arl�er of: �a� 5 da�s �or such other <br /> period as Appl�cable Law may spec�fy for re�nstatement3 before sa�e af�he Pr�per�y pursuan�t ta any povver of sa�e <br /> contained in this Se�urity �nstrumen�; ar �b} entry flf a �udgment enforc�ng thzs Security Znstr�ument. Thos� <br /> cond�tions are �hat Borr�wer: �a} pays Lender a�� sums which then vtr�uld be due under�h�s Securx�y �nstrumen� <br /> and the Contract as if no ac�eleration had occurred;�b)cures any defaul�of any o�her covenants or agreements; �c} <br /> pays a�l expenses incurred in enforc�ng th�s Security Znstrumen�, inc�uding,but not l�mited�a,reasonable at�orneys' <br /> fees�o the extent perm�tted��Iaw; and�d��akes su�h a���an as Lender may reasonably requ�re ta assure tha�the <br /> �ien af th�s S�curity�nstrumen�, Lend�r's rights in�he Proper�y and Borrovver's obligat�on�o pay�h� sums secured <br /> �y th�s Securi�y �ns�rumen� shall cantinu� unchanged. Up�n reins�atement by Borraw�r, th�s Se�ur��y �ns�rumen� <br /> and the ab�igat�ons se�ur�d hereby sha�l remain fu��y eff�c�i�e as �f no acceieration had a�curre�.. However, this <br /> right�o reinstate shal�not app�y in the case of acce�era��o�.under the sec�ion tit�ed Transfer of the Praperty or a <br /> Benef�c�al Interest�n Borrower. <br /> Hazardaus Subs�an�es. Borrovv�r shall not cause or perm���he presenc�,use, dzsposal, s�orage, �r r��ease of any <br /> Hazar�ious Subs�ances on or�n the Property.Borrfl�v�r shall r�ot da,nor al�ow ar�y�ne e�se to do,any�hin�affec��ng <br /> th� Property �hat is in �iolat�fln of any En�ironmen�al Law. The preceding tvvo sen�ences sha�I n�t apply t� the <br /> presence,use,or s�orage on�he Froperry of sma11 quant�ties of Hazardflus Subs�ances�ha�are general�y rec�gnized <br /> ��be appropriate ta norma�residentia�uses and to maintenance of the Proper�y. <br /> Borro�rer shall pr�mp��y g�v�Lend�r writ�en n�tice of any znves��gatzon,claim,demand, �awsuit or ather acti�n by <br /> any go�ernmental or regula�ory ag�n�y or pr��ate party �nvolving �he �rop�rty and any Hazardous Subs�ance or <br /> En��r�nmen�a� Law of which Borraw�r has ac�ual kn�w�edg�. If Borrower Iearns, or is not�f��d by any <br /> governmen�a�ar regu�a�ory au�h�rity,�ha�any remo�al�r o�her remed�atifln�f any Ha2ardous Subs�ance affect�ng <br /> the Properry is necessary, Borrov�er shall promptly �ake a�� n�cessary rem�d�al ac�ions in accordanc� vvi�h <br /> En��ronmen�al Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph, "Hazard�us Subs�ances" are thase substances defi.ned as tnx�c or hazard�us substan�es <br /> by En�iaranmental Law and the fo�Io�v�ng subs�ances: gasolin�, keros�ne, other flammab�� ar tox�c petr��eum <br /> products, tox�� pes�icides and herb�cides, �o�atile so�vents, materials �on�aining as�estos or forma�d�hyde, and <br /> radioacti�e ma�erials.As used�n�his paragraph, "Environmenta�Lav�"r.�eans federallavvs and la�vs of the s�a�e of <br /> Nebraska�ha�rela�e to heal�h,safety or env�ranmen�a�pro�ection, <br /> Acce�era�ion; Remedie�. Lender sha�� gi�� notice to Borr�wer pr�vr �o accelerat�an fo��ow-�ing �3orrow�r�5 <br /> breach of any covenant or agreement in th�s Secur��y Instrument or°the�ontract un�ler which acc�l�ration <br /> is permi�ted �but not pr�nr to acce��ration under the section tit�ed Transfer of the Property or a Benef��ial <br /> Interest in Borrawer, unless App�ica�l� Law pravides otherw�se). 'The n��i�e shall specify: �a� the defau��; <br /> �b� the action r�qu�red to cure th� defau�t; ��� a dat�, not �ess than the minimum �umber of days <br /> es�abl�shed by Applicab�e Law fram th�date the natice is gxven to Bnrrower, by whi�h�h�defau�t must�e <br /> cured; and �d� that faiture ta cure the defauZt on ar befnre �he da�� specif�ed in the n4��ce may resul� �n <br /> accelera��on of the sums �ecured by this Security Ins�rument and �a1Q of �he Property. To the extent <br /> perrni�ted �y �aw, the no�ice shal� fur�her inform Borrower of the r�ght�o re�nstate after acceleratian and <br /> the right to br�ng a eourt action to assert the nan-�xistenc�of a�efau�t vr any other defense of Borrower to <br /> aceelera��on and sale. If the defaul�is not cured on or bef�re the da�e spe�ified �n the nati�e,Lender at �ts <br /> option may require �mmediate payrnen� in fu�l nf a�l sums secure�l by this Secur�ty Ins�rument v►��thout <br /> further demand and may �nvoke �he power vf sale and any other remedies p�rm�tted by App�i�able Law. <br /> To the extent permit�ed by �aw, Lender shal� be entit�ed to colle�t a�I expenses �ncurred in pursu�ng �he <br /> remedies provided in this�ectian, inc�uding, but no��imited to, rea�onabl�at�orneys' fees and costs of�zt�e <br /> evidence. <br /> If th� power of sale is invoked,Trustee shall re�ord a not�ce of defau�t in ea�h county�n wh�ch any part af <br /> the Proper�y�s Iocated and�ha��rna�l�op�es of such not�c� in the manner prescribed by Appl�cable Law to <br /> Borrower and �o the other persons pres�ribed by Appl�cable Law. After the time required by App��cab�e <br /> Law, Trustee sha�� give pub�ic natice �f sale to the pers�ns and �n the manner pre5crxbed by Applicable <br /> Law. Trustee,w�thout demand on Borrower, shal��el�the Proper�y at pub�i�auction to the h�ghest h�dder <br /> at the trme and pla�e and under the terms d�s�gnated in the not�ce�f saie in one or more par�ce�5 and in any <br /> order Truste� det�rmines. Trustee may postpon� sale of aII vr any parcQl af the Property by puh�ic <br /> announcement at the timQ and place of any pre�v�ous�y�cheduled�al�. Lend�r or its designe�may pur�hase <br /> �hQ Property at any sa��. <br /> Upfln rece�pt�f paymen� af the pr�ce bid, TruSt�� sha�� d��i�er t� the pure�aser Trustee's deed con�eying <br /> the Proper�y. The recitais �n the Trustee's deed shal� �e prima fac�e�vidence af the truth �f the statements <br /> made therein. Trus�ee sha�l apply the proce�ds of the sa�e in the fo�Iowing order: (a) �o ali cos�s and <br /> expenses of exer�ising �he po�ver of sal�, and �he sa�e, �nc�uding the paymen� of the Trustee's fees actually <br /> �2044-2413 CampIiance Systems,Inc.9F9b-DC51-2013L2,D,721 <br /> Consumer ReaI Estate-S�c�rity Instrument DL2D36 Page 4�f 5 wv;rav.comp�iancesystems.�vm <br />