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��14�54�5 <br /> Ap�Z�cab�e Law. As used in th�s S�curity �ns�rumen�, th� �erm "App�icab�e La�v" shall �nea�� alI controlling <br /> app�icable federal, s�a�e and �ocal statutes, regulat�ons, ordinances and adm�n�s�ratx�e ru�es and orders �tha� ha�e <br /> the effect of law}as�ve��as a��applicable fina�,non-appea�ab�e judicial opiniflns. <br /> Charges; Liens. Borr�vver sha�1 pay a�I �axes, assessmen�s, charges, fines and �mpos��ions at��ributable �o the <br /> Proper�y whi�h may attain pri�rity ov�r�hxs Security Tnstrument, and �easeho�d paymen�s or grou.nd rents, if any. <br /> At�he request of Lender,Borrovc��r shall prnmp��y furnish�o L�nd�r rece�p�s evid�ncing the paym�nts. <br /> Borrovver shall prompt�y d�scharge any Iien wh�ch has przori�y�ver this Securit�7nstrument un�ess Borrovv�r: �a� <br /> agrees in writing ta �he paymen� of�h� ob��ga�ion secured by �he lien in a manner acceptal�I� �o Lender; �b3 <br /> con�es�s �n good faith the �ien by, ar defends aga�nst enfor�emen� of t�.e lien in, lega� proceedings which zn the <br /> L�nd�r's opinian opera�e to pre�ent �he enfarcement of�he ��en; or tc} se�ures from the ho�d�r Qf th� ��en an <br /> agreemen�sat�sfac�ory to L�r�der�ng the Iien�a �h�s Securi�y Instrumen�. If Lender dettvrm�nes that any <br /> part of the Proper�y �s subject tfl a Iien which may at�a�n pri�ri�y over��.�s Se�ur�ty �nstrument, �aender may give <br /> Barrower a no�ice iden�ifying the I�en. Sorr�v�er shall sa�isfy the ixen or take on� or m�re af�he act�ons se�f�r�h <br /> abov�with�n ��days�f�he g�ving of noti�e. <br /> IIazard or Property Insurance. Bflrrawer sha���eep the �mprovements nav�exis�ing or hereafter erected on�he <br /> Praper�insured agains�ioss�y f re,hazards�ncluded u�ithin the term"extended coverage" and any oth�r ha�ards, <br /> inc�ud�g flaods �r floodrng, for which L�nder re�u�res insurance. This �nsurance shal� be rnain�ained zn �he <br /> amounts and for the periods that Lender requires, The insuranc�carrier providing�h�insurance shal�be chosen by <br /> Borrawer subje�t �o Lender's approval which sha�I no� be unreasonabl� vv��hhe�d. If Barrower �'ai�s �o ma�ntain <br /> coverage described ab��e, Lend�r may, a� Lender's opt�fln, ob�ain ��verage to pr��ec� Lender's rights in the <br /> Property in accordance tivith section ti�led Pra�eeti�n of Lender�s Rxght�in the Prop�rty. <br /> A11 insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptab�e ta Lender and shall inc�ud� a standard rr�flr�gage clause. <br /> Lender shall hav�the r�ght to hold�h�polic�es and ren��va�s. �f Lender requ�r�s, Borro�ver shal�promp��y gxve�a <br /> Lender a��receipts flf pa�d premiums and ren�wal natices. �n�h� �ven�of Ioss, B orro�er sha�l gi�e prompt notice <br /> �o the insuran�e carrzer and L�nder.Lend�r may make prnof�f loss�f not made promp�Ty by Borrov�er. <br /> Unless Lender and Barrower ��herwise agr�e in writing, insurance proc�eds s�aX� b� appl�ed to res�aration or <br /> repair of the Proper�y damaged, �f, i.n Lender's so�e discre�ion, �h� restarat�on or r�pair is ecanomica��y feasible <br /> and Lender's secur�ty �s not Iessened. �f, in Lender's s�le drs�retxon, the restora�xon or r�pair is not econamically <br /> feasible�r Lender's security would be�essened,�he insurance proce�ds s�a��be applied�o the sum:��secured by this <br /> Securit� Instrument, wh�ther or not �hen due, �vsrith any excess pazd �� Borr�w�r. �f Borra,wer abandons �he <br /> Property, �r d�es not answer within the number of days prescri�ed by Applicab�e Lavv as se�forth�n a no�ice fr�m <br /> Lender�o Borrower�hat the insurance carrier has offered�o set�Ie a c�a�m, then Lender may co���c�the insura�ce <br /> proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds �o repair �r restor� �he Prflper�y �r to pay sums secured by th�s Secur��y <br /> �nstrume�.t,Whether ar no�then due.The per�od of�im�for Barrower to a�.swer as se�for�h in the r.ta�ice�rill�eg�n <br /> when the noti�e is g�ven. <br /> Un��ss Lender and Borrflvtrer otherw�se agree in vv�-it�ng, any applicatiori of pr�ceeds to pr�ncipal sha�l nflt extend <br /> flr pos�pane the du� date of the paymen�s due under the Contract or change the amoun�of the payments. �f under <br /> the sec�ion�itl�d A�c�lera�fon; Remed�e�, the Froperty rs acqu�re�i b�Lender, Borrower`s right�o any insurance <br /> pfllz���s and proceeds resu�ting firom damage �o the Praper�y prior ta the acquis��ion sha�1 pass to Lender ta �he <br /> ex�en�of the sums secured by this Se�urity Ins�rument immed�ately priar to the acquisit��n. <br /> Preser�at�an, Maintenance and Pro�ection of the Property; Borrower's Lvan Ap�tica�ion; LeaSeho�ds. <br /> Borr�wer sha��no�destroy, damage or�mpair the Pr�per�yy a�lov�the Property to de�eriora�e, or cammi��raste on <br /> �he Praperty.Borr�w�r sha�I be �n default�f any forfeiture ac�ion flr prflc�eding,whe�her civi�or criminal, is begun <br /> that in Lender's g�od fai�h j udgrnen� �ou�� resul� i.n forfer�ur� �f the Praper�y or ��herv�ise ma�eria�ly �mpair the <br /> lien �reated by �his Secur��y zns�rument or Lender's security interes�. Barrower may cure suc�� a d�faul� and <br /> reinstate, as prov�ded zn sect�an ti��ed Borrawer's Right to Reinstate, by caus�ng the acti�n�r praceeding�o b� <br /> dismissed with a rul�ng�ha�, in Lender's g�od fa��h�.��ermina�ron,prec�ud�es forf�i�ure af the Borrower's in�eres�in <br /> the Propert� or a�her material impairment of�he Iien cr�ated by �his S�curz�y �nstru�ment or LEund�rTs securz�y <br /> �n�eres�.�orrower sha�l also be in defau���f Borrov�er,during the Ioan application process,gave ma�erially false or <br /> inaccura�e inf�rma�ion or statements to Lender �or failed to prov�de L�nder wi�h any ma�eria� infarma�ion� �n <br /> connection w�th�he Ioan evidenced by the Contract. �f this Secur��y �nstrumen� is on a�easehold, Borrower sha�l <br /> comp�y v��th aIl�he provisions of th�leas�. zf Borro�ver ac�u�res fee t�tle to the Property,�he��asehold and the fee <br /> t��le sha��not merge un�ess Lender agre�s to the mer�er in vvri�ing. <br /> Protection of Lender's l�ights in the Property. �f Barr��r�r fa�ls �� perforn� the co�enants ��nd agreements <br /> contained zn�h�s Security�ns�rument, or ther� zs a Iega�pro�e�ding�ha�may sign�fcantly affect L�nder's rights in <br /> �he Proper�y �su�h as a prfl�eeding in banlcruptc�, probate, for condemnation �r forfeiture or to c�nforce �aws or <br /> regula�rons}, th�n Lender may dfl and pay far wha�ewer is necessary �a pro�ec� the va�ue of�h.e Prop�rty and <br /> Lender's r�ghts�n the Property. Lend�r's a���ons ma�include paying any sums secured by a��en�vh�ch has pr�ority <br /> ov�r this Security Yns�rumen�, appearzng in cour�,paying reasonab�e attorr�e�s'fees and entering on�he Proper�y to <br /> ma.�e repairs.Althaugh Lender may�a�e actxon under this se�t�an,Lender does no�have�fl do so. <br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by Lender under �his sec�r�n shal� hecome add��xonal debt af B�rrower secured by this <br /> Security �nstrument. Ilnless Borrawer and Lender agree �a o�her tern�s �f payment, �hese amoun�s shal� bear <br /> in�erest from the da�e of d�sbursemen� a� �he same rate assessed �n advances under the �ontract and sha�l be <br /> paya�b�e,with in�erest,upan n�tr�e from Lender ta Barrower requ�s��ng paymen�. <br /> C�2a04-2fl 13 Compliance Systems,Inc.9F9d-DCS t-2413L2.4.'72] <br /> Cansumer Real Es#ate-Securi#y Instrument DL2�35 Pa�;e 2 af 5 wwiv,c� <br />