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��14�539� <br /> ia3�i�ola4 <br /> �a} to the reductzon of the indebtedness under the Note and this Securi�y Instrument, first to any <br /> de��nquent amoun�s app�ied�n the order xn Para�raph 3, and then�o prepaymen�of princ�pa�, or <br /> �b� to the restoration or repazr of�he dama�ed Properfiy.Any app�xcatzan of the proceeds to the pnncipal <br /> sha�I not extend �r postpone the due date of the mon�hly paymen�s which are referred to xn <br /> Paragraph 2, flr �hange the amount of su�h payments. Any excess �nsurance proce�ds over an <br /> amaun�required�o pay a��ou�standing indeb�edness under the Note and�h�s Security 7nstrument <br /> sha�I b e p aid to the en�ity�ega��y en�i�led thereto. <br /> �n the even�of forec�osure of this Securxty Instrument or o�her�ransfer of�it�e to the Prop�rty that <br /> e�tingurshes the zndeb�edness,aII ri�h�,�xt�e and in�erest of Borrower in and to�nsurance polrcYes i.n force <br /> shall pass to the purchaser. <br /> S. �c�upancy, Pres�rvatYan, Nda�nt�n�.nce an�l Protectian of the Property; Barr�wer's Loan <br /> Ap�licat�.on; L�ase�xold.s <br /> Borr�wer sha��occupy, establish, and us�the Property as Sorrower's princxpa�residence�vithxn s�xty <br /> days after th.e execution of this Security Znstrument�or withrn sxxty days of a Iater sa�e ar�ransfer af the <br /> Property� and sha�I cflntYnue to occupy the Proper�y as Borrower's pr�nc�pa�res�dence for at Ieast one <br /> year after the date af occupancy,unless Lender determines tha�r�quirement wi�I�ause undue hardship <br /> for Borrower,or unless e��enuating circumstances exist u�hrch axe beyond Borrower's control.Borrower <br /> sha��notify Lender of any extenua��ng circurnstances. B orrower shall na� comm�t was�e or destroy, <br /> dama�e or subs�an�ial�y change the Property or a1�ow�he Praperty�o de�eriarate,reasonable wear and <br /> �ear excepted. Lender may�nspect the Property if the Property is vacant or abandaned or the loan is in <br /> defau�t. Lender may take reasonab�e act�on to protect and preserve such vacan�or abandoned propexty. <br /> Borro�ver shall a�so be xn default�f borrower, during the�oan applicatian process,gave ma�erial�y fa�se <br /> or xnaccurate xnforma�xon or sta�ements �o Lender �or failed �� pravxde JLender with any mater�al <br /> informatron� xn connec�i.on wi�h the Ioan evidenced by the Note, including, 1�u� na� Iimited ta, <br /> represen�atxons concerning Borrower's accupancy of the Property as a prxncipal residence. If thxs <br /> Secur�ty Ynstrument is on a �easeho�d, Borrower sha�� comp�y with the prov�sians of the lease. �f <br /> Borrower acqu�res fee ti�1e to the Properiy,th.e Ieasehold and fee tit�e shall nat be merged unless Lender <br /> a�rees to�he merger zn writ�ng. <br /> 6. �andemnat��n <br /> The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, d�rect or consequen��a�, �n connec�ion with any <br /> condemnat�on or o�her tak�ng af any part of the Property, or for conveyance in place of condemnat�an, <br /> hereby assigned and shal�be paid to Lender ta the ex�ent af the fu�l amount of the indebtedriess that <br /> rema�n�unpaid under the Note and this Secur�ty Ins�rument. L�nder shall apply such proceeds to�he <br /> reduct�on �f the Indebtedness under the No�e and this Security Instrument, �irs� �o any delinquent <br /> amoun�s applied zn �he order provided in Paragraph 3, and then �o prepayment of pr�nc�pal. A.ny <br /> appl�ca�ion of�he proceeds �o �he prin�ipal shall not ex�end or postpone the due da�e of the month�y <br /> payments,�vvhich are referred to in Paragraph 2, or change the amount of such payments. Any ex�ess <br /> proceeds over an amount requir�d�o pay aI1 outstandin��ndebtedness under�he N��e and this Secunty <br /> �nstrumen�sha�l be pa�d to the en�ity legall�en�itled thereta. <br /> 7. �harbes to Borrower and Protect�on of Lender's Ribhts in the Prop�rty <br /> Borrower shal�pay a��governmental or m.unicipal charges,f�nes and impositrons tha�are not included in <br /> Paragraph 2. Borro�ver shall pay these obli�a��on� on�zme direc��y to �he ent�ty which�s owed the <br /> paymen�.�f failure ta pay wou�d adversely af�ect Lender's Ynterest�n the Proper�y,upon Lender's request <br /> Borrower shall promp�Iy furnish�o Lender receip�s evidencing these payments. <br /> �f�orrower fa��s to make these payments or�he paymen�s required by Paxagraph 2, or fai�s to perform <br /> FHA Nebraska Deed of Trust-I21I3 <br /> � 39I.3I Pa�e � �f IO <br />