<br /> � lo3�l4vi24
<br /> evidenced by Borrower's note dated the same date as�his S�curity Ins�rument("Note"�,which prnvxdes for
<br /> monthly payments,wi�h the full debt,if no�paid ea.r�xer,due and payab�e an SEPTEMBER 1■ 2�4 4.This
<br /> Securi�y Znstrument secures to Lend�r: �a��the repayment of the debt evidenced by the Note,w�th interest,
<br /> and a�I reneWa�s, extensions and modi�cat�ons of the No�e; �b}the payment af a�I other sums,w�th�n�erest,
<br /> advanced under Para�aph 7�o pro�ect the security of this Se�urity Inst-rument; and�c��he performance of
<br /> Barrotiver's covenants and agreements under�h�s Security Ins�ru.men� and �he No�te. For �his purpose,
<br /> Borrower,�n cons�derat�an of the deb�and the�rust herein crea�ed,irrevocab�y grants and conveys�o Trustee,
<br /> in trus�,w��h pawer of sale,�he following described praperty�oca�ed ir�HALL C�UNTY County,Nebraska:
<br /> which has the address of 2 611 ST. PATRI CK AVENITE, GRAN� I S LAN�, NE 6 8 8 0 3 �"Property
<br /> �.ddress"};
<br /> TQ�ETHER W�TH aIl the improvernen�s now or her�after erected on�he proper�y, and a�I easements,
<br /> rights, appur�enances,rents,royalties, m�nera�, Q�l, and gas righ�s and profits,wa�er rights and s�fl�k and
<br /> fzxtures nou�or hereafter a part of the proper�y.AIl replacemen�s and addi.txons sha�I a�so be covered by this
<br /> Security Instrument. A�� of the farego�ng is referred ta in thzs Securi�y 7ns�rument as the "Praper�y."
<br /> Borrower un.ders�ands and agrees that MERS holds only le�a1 title to the interes�s gran�ed b�Borra�rer�n�his
<br /> Securi�r Ins�rument;but, �f necessary�o comp�y Wi�h Iaw or�us�om, MERS �as nominee for Lender and
<br /> Lender`s successars and assi�ns�has the right: to exerci.se any or a��of�hose in�erests, inciuding,but not
<br /> �xmzted to,the right�o foreclose and se1��he Proper�; and to�ake any action required of Lender�nc�udYn�,
<br /> bu�no�I�m�ted to,releasin�or canceling this Secuni�y Znstxument.
<br /> B�RR��VER C�VENA.NTS that Barrawer is�awfully sexzed of the es�ta.te hereby conveyed and has the
<br /> r�gh� to xnortgage, grant and �onvey the Property and that the Proper�y �s unencumbered, except for
<br /> encum�ran�es of record. Borrower wa.rrants and w�1I defend genera�ly the tit�e to�he Properry aga�nst alI
<br /> claims and demands, subject to any encumbrances af record.
<br /> THZS SECURZTY �NSTRUMENT cambxnes uniform covenants for nat�ona� use and non-unxform
<br /> covenants wYth�imi�ed vari.ations by jurisdzct�on to const�tute a uniform security instrument covering rea�
<br /> prop er�y.
<br /> UNIFflRM��VENANTS.Borrawer and Lende�ftu�her cavenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 1. Payme�t of Pr��c��pa�,Interest and Late�harg�
<br /> Borra�ver shal�prompt�y pay when due the pn.ncYpal of,and interest on,the debt evidenced by�he Note
<br /> and late charbes due under the Note.
<br /> 2. Monthxy Payn�ent of Tages,Ir�surance and Qther�harges
<br /> B�rrower sha�X in�Iude in each mon�hly payment,ta�e�her with the prin��pa�and intere�t as set forth xn
<br /> th�Note and any la�e charges,a sum for
<br /> �a� taxes and specxa�assessments lev�ed or�o be�ev�ed agains�the Froperty,
<br /> �b} Ieaseha�d paymen�s or grou.nd ren�s on the Pr�perty,and
<br /> �c� premi.ums for insurance required under Paragraph 4. 7n any year in tivhich�he Lender mus�pay a
<br /> mortgage insurance premium to�he Secretary of Housi.ng and Urban Deve�opment�"Secre�ary"},�r
<br /> in any year�n which such premium would have been requ�red if Lender stil� held�he Securrty
<br /> Instrumen�, each m.anth�y payment shall also include ezther
<br /> �i� a sum�or the annual mortgage insurance premium to be paid by Lender to the Secretary,or
<br /> FHA Nebraska Deed of Trust-121�3
<br /> � 39I.3I Page 2 af 10
<br />