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��14�5355 <br /> fu�1 of a�1 sums secured by this Security �nstrum�n�. Ho�ve�rer, �h�s opti�n shall not be exercised by Lender if <br /> ex�rc�se is prohib��ed by federal law as of the da�e of this Secur�ty Instrumen�. <br /> �f��e�der exerczses �his option, Lender shal� give Borrowe� nn�ice of acceleration. The n��ice sha1� �r���de a <br /> p�riad of n�t less than�he n�inimum number r�f days es�ablished by Applicable Law fr�m�he date �he n�tice is <br /> delivered or mailed within v�hich Barrov�er� pay ail sums secured by th�s Secur�ty Ins�rument. If Borr�wer <br /> fai�s �o a these sums prior�o �he expira��an of�his p�ri�d, L�nder may �n�r�ke any remed�es pe�-mit��d by this <br /> p �' <br /> Security Ins�rument with�u�fur�her n�tice or d�mand�n�3orrower. <br /> �3orrawer'S Right to Reinstate. �f Borr�v�er m�ets certain conditians, Bo�-rower sha�I ha�e �h� righ� to ha�e <br /> enf�r�emen�of�his Secur��y�ns�rumen� discaritinued at any time prior�a the earl�er of: �a� 5 days �ar such o�cher <br /> period as Appl�cable Law may specify f�r reinsta�e�nen��before sai�of�he Proper�y pursuant��any p��er�f sale <br /> cnn�a�ned �n th�s Security �nstrumen�; or �b;� entr� of a �udgment enforc�ng �hzs �Security �nstrumen�. Those <br /> conditions are �hat Borr�vver: �a} pa�s Lendex� a�l sums wh�ch then w�u�d be due under this Sec�r�ty Instrumen� <br /> and�he�ontra��as if no acce��eration had occurred;��}cures any�efault Qf any��her cfl��nan�ts or agreements;�c} <br /> pa�s al�expenses�ncurred ir�enfarcing�his Seruri�y Instrumen�, �ncluding,l�u�not limited�a,reasonabie att�rneys' <br /> fe�s�o�he ex�ent perm�ited by�aw; and(d}�a�:�es such ac��on as Lender may reasona��y require to assure�hat th� <br /> ��e��f.this Securi�y�nstrumen�,Lender's r�ght�in�he Praper�y and Borrower's ob�iga�ion to pa��he surns secured <br /> by th�s S ecurity In strumen� sh a11 can�inu e unchanged. Upon re�nstatem ent by B orrov�er, th i s S e curity �ns�rum en� <br /> and the obXigati�ns secured hereby shal� remain fu11y effe���ve as if no acceleratian had �ccurred. H��ever, th�s <br /> right��reins�a�e shall nat app�y in the case of acceleratian under�he section t��1ed Transfer�f th�Praperty❑r a <br /> B�ne�c�a�Interest in Barrow�r. <br /> Hazard�us Substances.Borrower sha�l nat cause �r permit the presen�e,use, disposal, s�orage, or release of any <br /> Ha�ardaus Substances an or in the Pr�pert�.Borravwer s�al�n�t do,nflr a�la�v anyone else t❑do,anythxng affecting <br /> the Property�hat is in �io�ati�n of any Envir�nm�n�al Law. The preceding �w� sen�enCes sha�� n�t a�ply �o �he <br /> pr�sence,use,or storag�on�he Pr�perty�f sm�all quanti�ies of Ha�ardous Substances�ha�are genera.11y rec�gniz�d <br /> �o be appr�pria�e to n�rma�residen�xal us�s and to ma�ntenance�f the Pr�perty. <br /> Borrower sha11 pr��nptly give Lender v�ritten r�o�ice�f a�y investiga�ion,clazrn,dexnand,lawsu�t ar��her ac�ion by <br /> any governme��al nr regu�ator� agency or private part� in�olving the Pr�per�y and an� Hazardaus Substance or <br /> Env�ronmental Law of v�hi�h B�rrower has ac�ua� know�edge. �:f Bnrrawer I�arns, or is n���f�ed by any <br /> gmvernmen�al ar re�u�atory au�h�rity,tha�any remova�or other rena.�dia��on of any Ha�ardous Subs�ance affec�ing <br /> �h� F'roperty is necessary, B�rrower shall promptly �ake a�� necessary re�nedial actions in accordance with <br /> Environmen�a�Law. <br /> As used in�this paragraph, "�azardous Substances" are thos� sul�stances defined as�ax�c or ha�ard�us subs�ances <br /> �y En�ironmer�ta� Law and �he follov��ng si:�bs�ances: gaso��n�, kerosene, ��her f�ammabl� or �axi� petroXeum <br /> products, toxic pestxcides and he�rb�c�des, �rola��le soxven�s, materials c�n�a�ning asbes�os �r fQrmald�hyde, and <br /> ra���acti�e ma�eria�s.As used in�his paragra�h, "En�ironmental Law"means federa��aws and Ia�s of�he state of <br /> N�braska�hat r�la�e t�hea�th,safe�y or environmen�ai pr��ec�ion. . <br /> A�cce�eration; l�emed�es. Lender shail gi�e natxce to Bo�•r�wer �rior t� acce�eratian follo�ving �orrvwerTs <br /> �area�h of any co�enant or agreement in thns Security Instrument or the�ontract under which acceleration <br /> �s permi�ted �but not�r�or to ac�eleration under the sectYon fiitled 'I'ransfer of the Property nr a Seneficia� <br /> Irnterest in B�rrower, unles� Applicable Y1aEw pro�ides otherwise�. 'I'he not�ce sh:a�l�pecify: [a} the defau�t; <br /> ��} the action r�quired �� cure the default; (c} a date, n�t �es5 th�n the mir�imum num�er of days <br /> �s�abl�shed by Applicab�e La�vv fro�x�.the date th�notice is g��en to Borrower, �y which the default must be <br /> �ured; and �d} that failure�to cure the de�`au�t on or before t�e date specifi�d in th� notice may result in <br /> acce�eration af the surns s�cured by this Secur�ty Ins�rurr�e�t and 5ale �f the Praperty. To �he �x�ent <br /> pPrmit�ed by �aw, the no��ce sha�l further iinform B�rrower �f�he righ�to reinstate after accele�-atian and <br /> tme right to�ar�ng a court act�on to assert�he non-existence af a defaul�vr any flther defense�f Borro�ver to <br /> a�ce�era��on a�d �a�e. If the default is na�+�ured on or before tl�� da�e specif�ed xn �he �aotice, Lender at �ts <br /> �ptian may require immediate paymen� i�r� fu�t �f a�l sums s�cured by thi� Securit� Instrument with�ut <br /> fwr�h�r demand and may in�ok� the pov�er of�ale and any �t�er reme�ies permitte� by Appli�a�le La�. <br /> T� the extent permitt�d �y Iaw, Lender sh��l b� entit�ed to colle�t ail expenses incurred i� pursui�g the <br /> r�medies pro��ded in this S�ct�an, �nc�uding,but not l��n�t�d to, ��asor��.�le at�arneys' fees and co�ts of ti�ie <br /> e'[rid�nce. <br /> If thQ p�w�r of sale is in�oked,Trustee sh�ll r�cord a n�t�c�af defaul�in each caunty in wlhi�h any part vf <br /> t�e Property is located and sha�l�mail�opins of suc�n �an��c�in the manner prescribed by App�icahle Law ta <br /> BorrovWer and t� the �ther pQrsflns prescribed �y App�i�ab�e I.�a►w. Aft�r the time requir�d by App��cab�e <br /> Law, Trus�ee shall g��e publi� notice �f s�ie to the �ersons and �n the manner prescribed by Ap�l�cable <br /> Lavtr. Truste�,vvithout demand on Borrow�er,sha��sell th�Prvperty at pub�ic auction to th�hYgheSt hidder <br /> a��he time and place and under the terms�designa�ed in the m�ti��nf sa��i�one or more parc�Is and in any <br /> o�-der Trust�e determ�nes. Trus�e� may pos�pnne sa�� of a�� �r any par�el of the Prap�rty by pub��c <br /> amnauncement at the txme and place of an�r pr��ioi�sly 5�heduled sale.]Lender or it5 des�gnee ma�purchase <br /> the Property�t an�sa�e. <br /> YJpon receipt �f payment vf the price hid, Trustee sh�ll deliver tfl the purchas�r T�-�stee's deed con�veyi�g <br /> �he 1'roperty. 'The rec��ai�in the Trustee's deed sha�l b� prima facie eviden�e of the truth ��the statements <br /> �ade ther�in. Trustee shall apply �he pr�oceeds of �he sale �n the fa�lowing �rder: (a) ta a�l c.fl5ts a�nd <br /> �xp�nses �f exercising the �ovver of sa�e, and the sale, inc�uding the payment of the Trust�e's fees a�tual�y <br /> C�20�4-2413 Compliance Systerr�s,Ync.9F9d-434E-Z413L2.Q.721 <br /> Consumer R�ai Estate-Secur�ty�nstnzme�t DL203d Page 4 Qf5 www.�� <br />