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��14�5355 <br /> .Ap�p�icab�e Law. As used �n th�s Se�ur�ty �:�strumen�, the ��rm "A��licable Lavv" shall mean a11 contrfllling <br /> ap�licab�e fed�ral, s�a�e and loca� statutes, regu�at�ons, �rdir�ances and administrati�e ru�es and ord�rs �tha�have <br /> �h�effect af Iav��as vve11 as a�1 applicable fina��non-appea�abl�judicial op�ni�ns. <br /> Cfiar�es; Liens. B�rrov�er shall pay al1 ta�es, assessments, �harges, fnes and impasitians attribu�able �o the <br /> Pr�per�y vvhich may at�ain priority a�er this S�ecurity�n�trumen�, and �ea�ehold payrn.en�s or ground rer��s, �f any. <br /> At the request of Lender,B�rrov�er sha�1 pr�mp�Xy furnish��Lender recei��s ev�denc�ng�he payments. <br /> Barrovver shal�pr�rn�ptly dis�harge any l�en vv:hich has priority aver this Securi�y�nstrument unless Borrov�er: �a� <br /> ag�ees �n vv�-i���.g ta the paymeri� af�he ��1��a��on se�ured by �he 1�en in a manner acceptable t� L�nder; (b) <br /> ca�a�ests in good fa��h �he l�en by, or defends against enf�r�ement �f. the l�en in, l�ga1 proc�edin�s w�ich in the <br /> Lender's opinion operate to pre�ent the enfo��cemen-� �f the �ien; �r �c� s��ures frvnl the ho�der of�he I�en an <br /> ag�eement sat�sfac��ry to Lender subord�natin�the �ien t�th�s Security�nstrumer�t. �f Lender determ�nes tha�any <br /> pa�t af the Praperty �s subjec�to a �ien�h�ch may at�ain pr�or�ty�ver th�s Security�nstrument, Lender rnay gi�e <br /> Barrov�er a na�i�e �dentif�ing�he 1�en. B�rr�v�rer shal� satisf�the 1�en or tak� one �r more of th� ac�i�ns se�for�h <br /> ab{flve wi�hin 1 fl days of the gi�ing�f n���ce. <br /> Hazard or Propert�Insurance. Borrovver sriall keep�he improv�ments nov�exis�irig�r hereafter erected�n�he <br /> Pr�perty insured agains�i�ss by fire,hazards i�c�ud�d v�rith�n the�erm"extended e�verage" and any other hazards, <br /> incXuding f��ods or flaod�ng, for wh�ch Len�der requires �nsurance. This �nsurance shal� be main�a�ned in �he <br /> amounts and for�he per��ds that Lender requ�r�es. The ir�surance carrier pro�iding th�insurance sha�1 be chosen by <br /> Borrow�r sub�ect �o Lender's appr�val �vh�ch sha�l nat be unreasonab�y Wi�hheld. �f Borr�vver fa��s to main�ain <br /> caverage described abo�re, Lender may, at ��ender's �p�ivm, ab�ain co�erage to protect Lender's ri�hts in �he <br /> Pr�per�y in ac�ordance v�ri�h sec�ion�i�led Pr��ection vf Lender's Rights in the Property. <br /> All insurance p�licies and renewa�s sha1� be �cceptable �o Lender and shali �nclude a s�andard mortgage clause. <br /> Lend�r shal�have the righ�t�hold the palicie�arid rene�vals. If Lender requ�res,Barrower sha�l promp��y g��e t� <br /> LEnder alI recei�ts of paid premiurns and ren�wa�n�tices. �n the event of Ioss, Borrower sha��g�ve prompt notice <br /> to the insurance carr�er and Lender.Lender ma�mak�pr��f of loss if no�made prampt�y by Bnrrower. <br /> Unle�s Lender and Borrov�e� ��her�is� agre� in vvr��ing, insurance praceeds sha�1 be applied ta restoratinn or <br /> re�a�r af th� Proper�y damaged, if, �n Lender's s�le discr�txvn, the restora�ion or r�pair is economica�ly feasib�e <br /> and I�ender's security is no� lessened. �f, in L{�nder's sale d��cretian, the res��ra��on ar repair is ��� economically <br /> feasible Qr Lender's security would be l�ssened,the znsurance proceeds shali t�e applied�o the sums secured by�his <br /> Secur�ty �nstrument, whether or nat �hen d�e, with any excess paid t� Borrower. �f BorrQwer al�andons �he <br /> Pr�perty,or does�ot answer v�ithin�he numb�r of.da��prescribed by 1�pplicable Lav�as set f�r�h in a not��e from <br /> L�nder to Barro�ver that the insurance carrier has�ffered�o set�le a c�a�m,then Lender may col�ect the �nsurance <br /> pro�eeds. Lender may use�he praceeds t� re��a�r or res�are the Propert�r �r�o pay sums secured by th�s Security <br /> �nstrumen�,whether or n�t then due.The peric�d of time for Bflrrawer�a a�sv�rer as se��for�h in the n�t��e wil�begin <br /> wl�en�he no�ice�s given. <br /> IJmless Lender and B�rrower atherw�se agree in v�ri��ng, an�appX�ca�i�n of pr�ceeds to principa� shali not�xtend <br /> �r postpane�he due date of�he paymen�s due under the ��ntrac�or change�he amount flf fhe payments. �f under <br /> �h� sec�i�n�i��ed Acce�eration; Remed�e�, the Propert��s acquired by Lender, B�rravc�er's r�ght�o any znsurance <br /> p�lic�es and pr��ee�s resulting from damage t� the Prope�.y pri�r to �he acquisz�xfln shal� pass �o Lender �o the <br /> ��tent af the sum.s secured by.this Secur�ty�nstrumen�immedia�eXy pr�or t�the acquisiti�n. <br /> P��eservat�on, IVlaintenance and Prate�tio� of the Property; �3orrower�s Loan Applicatian� L�aseholds. <br /> Barro�er sha11 no�destroy, �ama�e�r impair the pr�per�y, allow�he Proper�y t� de�eriflrate, flr com�.��waste on <br /> �he Proper�y. Borro,wer sha��be in d�faul�if any f�rfeiture action or proceeding,whether c�w�l ar cr�m�na�,is begun <br /> �hat �n Lender's gaod fai�h judgnzent could resu�� in fnrfeiture of�he Pr�per�y or�therwise nla�erially impair the <br /> l��n �rea�ed by th�s Security �nstrument or Lender's s�currty �n�erest. Barrnv�er rrray cure such a �efault and <br /> reinstate, as provided �n sec�ion�itled Borro��ver's R�ght to Re�nstate, by causing�he acti�n�r proceeding t�be <br /> dismissed with a rul�ng that, �n Lender's goad faith de�e�nina�ion,prec�udes fflrfe��ure�f the�3orrovver's�nter�st�n <br /> the Praper�y or o�her mater�a� im�a�rmen� �f�he l�en cre�ted by this Se�urity �nst�rument ar Lender's security <br /> interest.Borr�v�er sha�l a�so be in defaul�if B+��-rovver,during the�oan application pracess,gave ma�erially false�r <br /> inaccura�e infarmation or sta�ements to Lender �or fai�ed �o pro��de Lend�r v�it� any materiai informa��on� �n <br /> �c�nri�G�ion v�ith the l�an ev�d�nc�d by�he ��ntra��. �f�his Secur��y �nstrument is an,a leasehold, Borrower sha�I <br /> �Qmply v�i�h all the pra�isions af the lease.�f Borrovver a�quires fee ti�x��o the Properfiy,�he leaseha�d and�he fee <br /> �i��e shal�n��merge unless Lend�r agrees�o tl�e merger�n vv�i�ing. <br /> P�ot�ct�on of Lend�r's R.�ghts �n the Property. If B�rr��ver fa�ls to perform �he covenan�s and agreemen�s <br /> �ontained�n th�s Securi�t}r Instrument, �r there is a 1ega�pro�eeding�hat may significant���.ffec�Lender's rights in <br /> the Praper�y �such as a proG�ed�ng in�ankru:p��y, proba�e, for candernnation ar f�rfe�ture ar to e�farce laws or <br /> regula���ns}, �hen Lender may da and pay for v�hatever is necessary �a p��teC� �he �ra�ue of�he Pr�perty and <br /> L�nder's r�ghts in�he Prop�rty.Lender's ac��o�s may include�aying any surns s��ured by a��en which has pri�rity <br /> o�er th�s Securi�y Instrumen�, appear�ng in�aurt,paying reasana�le at�orneys'fees and entering on t�.e.�'roperry�o <br /> rnake repairs.l��though Lender may�ake actia�n und�r�h�s se�tian,L�nder do�s na�have to do so. � <br /> A�.y amoun�s disbursed by Lender und�r thi� sec���n shal� became addi�ional deb� of B�rrower secured by �his <br /> Se�urity Ins�rumen�. Unless Barrov�er and Lender agree �o o�her terms of payment, these amaunts sha�l bear <br /> inter�s� from �he da�e of disbursement a� th� same r��e assessed on advances under �he �antra�� and shall be <br /> payable,with in��rest,upan no�ice fr�m Lend�r t�Borrov�rer reyues�ing payment. � <br /> C 2fl�4-20I3 Campliance Systerns,Tnc.9F9�-9228-2fl13L2.�.721 <br /> Cansum�r Real Estate-Se���-ity Inscrument DL2435 Page 2 flf 5 www.campliar� <br />