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��14�531� <br /> s�ntenc�s sha�� n�t app�y ta the pr�s�nc�, usey or storage on the Prop�r�y af smal� quantities of Hazard�us <br /> Substan��s tha�ar�generai�� recogn�zed to�e appropr�ate to norma� res�dentia� uses and to �maintenance of <br /> �he Prop�rty ��nc�ud�ng, bu�na����.a��ed to, hazardous subs�ances �n consumer produc�s}. <br /> Barra�ver shall prarnptly gi�e Lend�r written no�ice of�a} an� inv�s�igatian, ciaim, demand, Iawsuit or other <br /> action by any governmenta� or regula�ary agency or private par�y involving�he Propert�and any Hazardous <br /> Substan�e or�nvironmental Law af w�ich Borrawer has ac�ual knowl�dge, �b} any Envir�nmental <br /> C�ndition, �ncluding but not Iimi�ed��, any spilling, I�aking, discharge, release or�hreat af release�f any <br /> �3azard�us Subs�ance, �� �C} any C�nd���on CauSed b��h�preSenC�, us��r r��eas�of a Hazardaus Su�stance <br /> v�rh�ch ad�erse�y affects�he�aiue of�he Proper��r. �f Borrower�earns, ar�s notz�ed by any go�ernmenta� or <br /> regulatory au�hority, ar any pr��a�e par��, that any r��rzo�ai ar o�h�r remediation of any Hazardous Subs�ance <br /> aff�cting th�Proper�y is necessary, Bar��wer shaii promptly�ake a�l n�cessary r�media� ac��ons in <br /> accordan�e w�th En��rnnmen�al Law. No�h�ng herein sha�� crea�e any�bizgatinn on Lender f�r an <br /> �n�ir�nmenta� ��eanup. <br /> Non-Uniform �o�enants. Borrawer and Lender co�enant and agre�as f�ll�ws: <br /> ��, Acce[eration; F�emedies. Lender shall g��ve notice to Borrower prior�o ac�eleratinn fo��owing <br /> Borrower'�breach of any co�enan�nr agreemen�in�h�s Secur��y Ins�rument �but nat pr�or�o <br /> acce�era��on under Sec��on 18 un�ess App��ca��e Law prov�des otherwise}. The not��e shall specify: �a} <br /> �he deFaul�; ��} �he act�an requ�red�o cure�he defau�t; �c} a date, no�less�han 3� days from the da�e <br /> �he no�xce is given�o Borr��ver, by which the defaul� must be�ur�d; and �d} �hat fa��ure�n cure�he <br /> d�fault on or before�he date specif�ed�n�he n�t�ce may resui��n acc��era��on of the sun�s secured by <br /> �his Secur��y Ins�rument and sa��of�he Praperty. ThQ not�ce sha�� fur�her�nfar�n Barrower of�he <br /> r�ght ta reins�ate after acc���rat�on and the r�gh� ��br�ng a caurt ac��on to assert the nan-exis�ence af a <br /> default or any other defense af Borra�ver to acce�eration and sa�e. If�he defau��is not cured�n or <br /> befare the date�peci�ed�n�he na�ice, Lender at its op�ion may require immedia��pa�ment in fu�� af <br /> a�l sums secured by this Secur��y Ins�rum�n�withou�further demand and may�nvo�e�he power of sale <br /> and�ny o�her remedies permftted by Appi�cable Law. Lender shal� be en����ed�o co��ec� a��expenses <br /> �ncurred�n pursu�ng�he renled�es prov�ded�n th�s Sect�an�Z, �nc�ud�ng, �ut no��inr��ted�a, reas�nable <br /> at�orneys' fees and costs vf t�t�e e��dence. <br /> If the power af sale is invoked, Trus�ee shall recvrd a natice of defau��in each coun�y in which any <br /> part of�he Property is�oca�ed and shal�mai� copies of such not�c�in�he manner prescr�bed�y <br /> Ap���cab�e Law�o Borro�vver and�o�he a�her persons prescr�bed by App��cab�e Law. Af�er�he�ime <br /> requ�red by Appxzcab�e Lavv, 'Trus�ee sha�� g��e pu���c notice of�a�e to the persons and in�he manner <br /> prescri�ed by App��cab�e Lavv. Trus�ee, vvi�hout demand vn Borro�er, sha�l se��the Fr€�per�y a�pu�lic <br /> auc�xon�o�he highest bidder at�he ti�me and place and under�he xerms des�gna�ed�n the no��ce af sa�e <br /> xn one or mor�par�els and�n any ord�r Trustee de�erm�nes. Trus�ee may pos�pon�sa�e af a��or any <br /> parce�af�he Prap�rty hy pub��c announcemen�a���he t�me and p�acQ of any pr���ous�y scheduled sale. <br /> Lender or its de��gne�may purchase the Property at any sale. <br /> Up�n receip�af paymen�vf th�pr�ce bid, Trus�ee shali deliver tv the pur�haser Trus�e�'s deed <br /> �anveying�he Praper�y. The r��i�a�s�n th�Trus�ee's de�d sha��b�pr�ma fac�e ev�d�nce af the�ruth of <br /> the sta�ements made�her�xn. Trustee sha�l app�y the proceeds of�.h�sa�Q�n thQ fo��a��ing arder: �a} �o <br /> all co�t�and e�pense�af exer�i��ng the pvw�r of sa�e, and the sale, �nc�ud�ng th�paymen�of�he <br /> Trustee's fees ac�ua�Iy incurred and reasonable at�orneys' fees as perm�tted by Appl�cab�e La�v; �b) �o <br /> all sums securec�by this Security Instrumen�; and�c} any excess to the person or persons Iega��y <br /> en�i�led�a it. <br /> N�6RASKA-Single Famity-Fanni�MaeJFreddi�M��UNIFqRM INSTRUMENT � Farm 3��8�ID1 <br /> VMP Q VMPfitN�){13Q2� <br /> Walters Kluwer Financiat Ser�ic�s Par�e 14 of i 7 <br />